Re: SQL query sorting problem

2009-01-26 Thread Chris Blackwell
DBMS is MySQL 5. I have a report that is generated for cities within several states. The states are designated by their two letter postal abbreviations and are in a certain order. For example: 1. NY 2. CA 3. FL I would like the records of the report sorted by the original state order, then

Re: cfthread running condition?

2008-08-29 Thread Chris Blackwell
This should be pretty simple to achieve. One of the restrictions with threads is that a cfthread can not spawn another cfthread. So your going to need one scheduled task that runs at a suitable interval. It will need to see if theres a thread running and if not, kick off the first thread.

Re: Here's an interesting little problem...

2008-08-26 Thread Chris Blackwell
i know i'm a little late to this party but... SELECT `class`, concat(left(`class`, 1),100-length(`class`)) AS `sort` FROM myTable ORDER BY `sort` ASC will give you AAA AA A B CC C D etc ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8

Re: Centering text written on an image

2008-08-22 Thread Chris Blackwell
Hi, I want to add some text to an image but have it centered rather than left justified. Does anyone know how to do that? Kevin Roche - getCenteredTextPosition() ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8

Re: Details on CF9's free for academic licensing?

2008-08-19 Thread Chris Blackwell
If you're after a free CF engine, why not use Open Blue Dragon. It has everything you need to teach your students web programming. They have a Ready2Run download which is preconfigured and only 20Mb. Advantage of this is your students can also use

Re: Developing cross-RDBMS CF apps, second in an irregular series of Eureka! moments

2008-08-19 Thread Chris Blackwell
There's also Reactor Which would certainly clean up those functions. All those case statement will make for some really big unweildy functions. If you didn't want to use an ORM, you could break your queries out into seperate includes for each dbms. This makes

Re: Free BlueDragon?

2008-08-14 Thread Chris Blackwell
Thank you, Gerald, allow me to be lazy for a minute, cf8 comes with its own web server albeit it is for development only, and it can be installed siliently (without user interaction would probably be more accurate), and this capability (of silent installation + a default web server) is

Re: cfexecute batch file not working

2008-08-12 Thread Chris Blackwell
have you tried setting a timeout for the cfexecute ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial;203748912;27390454;j Archive:

Re: expandPath() and mod_rewrite

2008-01-23 Thread Chris Blackwell
Add NS (No Sub requests) to the last rewrite rule should solve it RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.cfm?course=%{REQUEST_URI} [NS,QSA,L] I've found an issue with mod_rewrite and expandPath() recently and I'm wondering if anyone has a solution. It seems that Coldfusion uses Apache to pull the

cfimport bug?

2006-11-11 Thread Chris Blackwell
I've been messing around with cfimport today and i've come accross a strange behaviour. I created a custom tag /mytagdir/test.cfm - cfoutput#getbasetaglist()#/cfoutput And then called it in two slightly different ways cfimport taglib=/mytagdir/ prefix=mytag mytag:test br / cfimport