Re: Railo 3.1 Open Source beta released

2009-03-31 Thread Claude Schneegans
In simple terms: can I install Railo on a server and use it to run CF apps for customers who will pay for it? ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

Re: coldfusion datefield mac problem

2009-03-30 Thread Claude Schneegans
any ideas? You meant that the error occurs on client Mac users of the same application, not of installations of your application on Mac CF servers, right ? Then, since the CF language doesn't know nor it cares for the type of browser, the error may only be in the javascript used by CFINPUT. I

Re: Concatenate Multiple Lines of Code

2009-03-23 Thread Claude Schneegans
May be I don't catch it, but this will work perfectly in CF: cfset variables.blah = queryname.columname1 queryname.columname2 queryname.columname3 You need no delimiter to tell CF it s only one statement.

Re: How is this done without evaluate()?

2009-03-20 Thread Claude Schneegans
value=#Caller.getItem[attributes.type 'EasyFrame']# Yes,... except that getItem is a query in the calling template, So maybe value=#Caller.getItem[attributes.type 'EasyFrame'][Caller.getItem.currentRow]# Not sure if it is more efficient, but certainly not as easy to read.

Re: How is this done without evaluate()?

2009-03-20 Thread Claude Schneegans
Personally I think that the anti-evaluate slant is a bit of orthodoxy that was picked up on years ago (when it was much more computationally expensive) and enforced as such by members of the CF community. Right, and it is not proper to the CF community, I remember having the same discussion

Re: How is this done without evaluate()?

2009-03-19 Thread Claude Schneegans
I read that in CF8 evaluate() should no longer be necessary. This is wrong. What is true is Should not be used if not necessary Which by the way is your case here. But there are more complex issues where it can't be avoided. Dave gave you the answer.

Re: How is this done without evaluate()?

2009-03-19 Thread Claude Schneegans
Why Should not be used if not necessary? Because, if it is not necessary, hen there is an alternative using [] and it is more effiecient, although the difference may be a couple of miliseconds. What would be an example where it's necessary? For instance, I have this in a custom tag:

Re: Javascript question

2009-03-18 Thread Claude Schneegans
document.registerForm.submit is not a function Apparently, getElementById() has returned an object which is not a form, thus which has no submit function.. Make sure no other object has an id=registerForm. ~| Adobe®

Re: Sort database records as a human not a computer.

2009-03-16 Thread Claude Schneegans
but you can use string manipulation functions in the ORDER BY clause to sort your data. That would prevent the query from using an index, and it may have some impact on performance. An alternative would be to apply these functions once for all on the titles, store the result in an extra

Re: What the heck is happening during CFQUERY?

2009-03-09 Thread Claude Schneegans
It gets a connection from the pool, queries the DB, retrieves all the data and finally returns the connection to the pool. Well, I'm stunned. I was sure CF was better designed than that. I thought that data was retrieved as loops were going. Obviously course, with 300k records, CF is reading

Re: What the heck is happening during CFQUERY?

2009-03-09 Thread Claude Schneegans
I don't think this is unexpected behaviour It is not only unexpected, it is completely retarded. All ODBC/JDBC functions are designed so the database can be connected, then the SQL statement be compiled, then data retrieved row by row, as needed. Even dBase, Clipper, Foxpro worked this way.

Re: What the heck is happening during CFQUERY?

2009-03-09 Thread Claude Schneegans
There are a number of reasons why running the select directly in Access may appear much faster. 1) You are probably running it locally so there is no costly transfer of data between servers. I'm running the CF app locally also, so the difference does not come from connexion time. Anywa, the

Re: What the heck is happening during CFQUERY?

2009-03-09 Thread Claude Schneegans
Change it to this and the time should go down by a factor of about 100,000 Thanks, you bet this is what I would have done if I only needed the number of records ;-) The output of recordCount was there only for illustration purpose.

Re: What the heck is happening during CFQUERY?

2009-03-09 Thread Claude Schneegans
More specifically, what are you going to do with 300,000 ntext fields I am creating a cross table index on word found in memo fields. Each memo field needs some special treatment and only some specific words are retrieved. So I need to simply read all records and loop on them. I found another

Re: What the heck is happening during CFQUERY?

2009-03-09 Thread Claude Schneegans
- if the resultset were never used the query would never be run on the server; Well, if the result set is not used, what is the advantage of having the query run anyway? - if the resultset were used multiple times the query would be run multiple times on the server; If the result set is

Re: What the heck is happening during CFQUERY?

2009-03-09 Thread Claude Schneegans
because that is the only way to get a recordcount. A big price in efficiency to pay for something we use only sometimes. Most of the time, we only need to know if there are records or not. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8

Re: What the heck is happening during CFQUERY?

2009-03-09 Thread Claude Schneegans
Indeed, while the initial query may take longer, it is perhaps better performing than hitting the db on each iteration within the request. Thoughts? Perfectly right for small result sets. But as soon as the virtual memory must be used, each record will generate some read-write-reread action,

Re: What the heck is happening during CFQUERY?

2009-03-09 Thread Claude Schneegans
did you try experimenting with BLOCKFACTOR attribute of cfquery? i am just curious, since you already are retrieving such a large dataset, if using blockfactor makes any difference at all on processing time... The blockfactor is supposed to be one by default, but I tried it anyway, and no, it

Re: What the heck is happening during CFQUERY?

2009-03-09 Thread Claude Schneegans
blockFactor is only relevant on the Oracle drivers CF 5 doc says This parameter applies to ORACLE native database drivers and to ODBC drivers This is ambiguous, If it applies only to Oracle, it should be stated: This parameter applies to ORACLE native database drivers and to ORACLE ODBC

Re: What the heck is happening during CFQUERY?

2009-03-09 Thread Claude Schneegans
(if CF were able to determine it was a select in the first place) Well, it must be able somehow to determine the query returns data, otherwise, how would it create a structure from any result set? ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8

Re: What the heck is happening during CFQUERY?

2009-03-09 Thread Claude Schneegans
Regardless, CF wouldn't know if the cfquery was going to return a result set until after it had sent the commands to the database for execution and waited for the results to come back, and that would sort of defeat the purpose, wouldn't it? No, because the driver does not return the result set,

What the heck is happening during CFQUERY?

2009-03-08 Thread Claude Schneegans
Hi, I've always thought that all what CFQUERY was doing was to create some connection to the database, and then the actual content of all records would be read as needed during some loop on the result set. I have this statement on some Access database : CFQUERY NAME=getArmes

Re: Chrome now higher traffic than IE on some of my sites

2009-03-03 Thread Claude Schneegans
Google Chrome now amounts to over half the traffic on these sites. IMO, your stats system is getting confused with Google Chrome and Google Bot. It probably just look for Google in the agent string. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8

Re: Convert Image to Binary

2009-02-27 Thread Claude Schneegans
it adds extra load on the webserver and database and fills the database. Another point is that, with a standard image stored on the server and requested by the browser, the server can reply No the image has not changed and the browser can get it from its cache. If the image is produced from

Re: Convert Image to Binary

2009-02-26 Thread Claude Schneegans
Any sugestions Yes, store only the image characteristics like file name, size, title, etc in the database, and use the system file management to handle the image storage. It is generally more efficient than increasing the size of the database for nothing.

Re: Mailing Label Solutions

2009-02-24 Thread Claude Schneegans
Any clever suggestions? Look for CF_Avery. Pretty good piece of soft, and it is free. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

Spam Assassin is assassinating my server!

2009-02-23 Thread Claude Schneegans
Hi, I have a couple of sites which send some news letters to subscribers. A couple of them are blocked by Spam Assassin. I'm looking for some service I could send messages to and that will return the Spam Assassin report and scoring, so I can make sure my news letters are correct. Any hint ?

Re: Spam Assassin is assassinating my server!

2009-02-23 Thread Claude Schneegans
The easiest is to install spamassassin on your local machine and run your messages through them. I was hoping this service was provided by ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic

Re: Spam Assassin is assassinating my server!

2009-02-23 Thread Claude Schneegans
Setup a local Spam Assassin server? I don't use Apache... ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial;207172674;29440083;f Archive:

Re: Spam Assassin is assassinating my server!

2009-02-23 Thread Claude Schneegans
In my case, I think the problem is related to 8bits bytes subject and addresses. So spam Assassin is forcing applications to use middle age technologies. I know it is the standard, but it's about time to change it. And SpamAss is about the only soft that refuses 8 bit subjects.

Re: Spam Assassin is assassinating my server!

2009-02-23 Thread Claude Schneegans
Are you sure that it is spamassassin? Yes, this was confirmed by the administrator of the server. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

Re: HTTP_USER_AGENT question

2009-02-20 Thread Claude Schneegans
I came across an idea of using HTTP_USER_AGENT to identify a bot ... assuming it gets in despite the robots.txt file. Not a very good idea. HTTP_USER_AGENT will help you identify ONLY good bots that actually comply with the robots.txt file anyway. Any bad bot with some ill intent will be

Re: HTTP_USER_AGENT question

2009-02-20 Thread Claude Schneegans
the session will exist if you've enabled session management, regardless of whether you create any session variables yourself. Exact: would it be for the session ID. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and

Re: HTTP_USER_AGENT question

2009-02-20 Thread Claude Schneegans
I'm under the impression that bots (or just the Google bot?) don't do sessions at all, no? No bot nor browser do session. Your application makes them. The problem with bots is that they do not keep session ids in cookies, the your application is creating a new session for every page, which can

Re: JavaScript Validation in ColdFusion

2009-02-20 Thread Claude Schneegans
should be: if (document.form1.text_id.disabled == true) Or more simply: if (document.form1.text_id.disabled) ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

Re: FireFox getElementById issue?

2009-02-16 Thread Claude Schneegans
I have javascript that works with IE but not FireFox. Note that there is a bug in IE which returns with getElementById(string) both elements that have the ID set to the string searched, but also those having the NAME attribute set. So may be it is normal your code des not work with FF and it

Re: Javascript question

2009-02-13 Thread Claude Schneegans
Hi, IMHO, the simplest on most efficient way to bypass the problem would be to make sure no element has a name which could be identical to the ID of another one. For instance, always use something like ID=id_ NAME=name_

Re: Html to XML

2009-02-09 Thread Claude Schneegans
Does anyone know of a udf or another application that can be used to parse html into xml? Check CF_REextract, especially desined to parse about any text:

Re: PayPal French accents mishandled from CF pages

2009-02-04 Thread Claude Schneegans
The meta tags on the pages all say meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 If your whole application is designed in ISO-8859-1, you must inform CF, at least CFMX, because CFMX automatically generates headers that you don't see and that declare the content to be

Re: javascript debugger for ie

2009-02-04 Thread Claude Schneegans
What about installing a user agent switcher add on for firefox? this way you can sort of be testing in IE, Excuse a may be silly question, but how just switching the agent can help debugging? Firefox will make Javascript believe it is IE, but will it act as IE?

Re: PayPal French accents mishandled from CF pages

2009-02-04 Thread Claude Schneegans
cfprocessingdirective pageEncoding = iso-8859-1 / Unfortunately it had no effect. I think this will have only effet on content generated in pages. For forms you also need this: cfset setEncoding(form,ISO-8859-1) ~| Adobe®

Re: javascript debugger for ie

2009-02-04 Thread Claude Schneegans
Ah, gotcha. I was under the impression it would render as if it were the specified browser. If it was so, why would Mozilla not ALWAYS support IE functions? What would be the advantage of switching the user agent otherwise? Very poor indeed.

Antigen Notification

2009-02-04 Thread Claude Schneegans
Hi, Wondering if other people are receiving this message for every message they post here: Microsoft Antigen for Exchange found a message matching a filter. The message is currently Purged. Message: Re: PayPal French accents mishandled from CF pages Filter name: IllegalMimeHeader Looks

Re: Why is debugging info showing up in my ajax response?

2009-01-30 Thread Claude Schneegans
I have cfsetting showdebugoutput=false at the top of the calling page. At the top of the calling page, or of the called page? ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free

Re: Flat File as a Database?

2009-01-26 Thread Claude Schneegans
the flat file will be effectively a database. May be the problem is your interpretation of the term flat file. A database is a structured set of data. A flat file is an unstructured file, then by definition cannot be a database. May be you (your non idiot client) means independent file or stand

Re: Flat File as a Database?

2009-01-26 Thread Claude Schneegans
flat file databases were the most common types of databases. I may be wrong, but I think that by definition, a flat file contains unstructured data and a database contains structured data. Even a GIF or a JPEG image is not a flat file. Filemaker, Access, dBase, Clipper, Foxpro use stand alone

Re: Flat File as a Database?

2009-01-26 Thread Claude Schneegans
Please correct me if I am wrong on this. You're perfectly correct. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial;207172674;29440083;f

Re: Flat File as a Database?

2009-01-25 Thread Claude Schneegans
Honestly, I don't even know where to start. If the client is that stupid, use an Access database, and tell him it's a flat file. And don't tell him it's a database... And here is a better advice: find yourself another client!

Re: Flat File as a Database?

2009-01-25 Thread Claude Schneegans
I have never thought it a good business practice to call a client stupid. Calling him stupid, no, but get rid of him yes! ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

Re: Character encoding problem

2009-01-22 Thread Claude Schneegans
First, always use UTF-8, With CF 5 forget it. We think we have found the problem. They are using jQuery which apparently change the charset to UTF-8. There must be some settings to change this default behaviour and they are looking for it. Thanks.

Re: Character encoding problem

2009-01-22 Thread Claude Schneegans
it won't matter on cf5 The problem is when using Javascript files with text encoded in iso-8859 in it. If they are included in UTF-8 HTML, they become uncompatible. If one need to keep an application compatible for both CF 5 and CFMX, better stick with ISO.

Re: Character encoding problem

2009-01-22 Thread Claude Schneegans
The document must be written in UTF-8: In ColdFusion, you must include cfprocessingdirective pageencoding=utf-8 Under CFMX, no problem. Their problem is with CF 5. cfprocessingdirective pageencoding is not available in CF 5. For XML: ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8 ? must be the very first

Re: Replacing Word special characters on output?

2009-01-22 Thread Claude Schneegans
Personally I use this function which also replace HTML codes by true iso characters (HTML codes cause search requests to fail): function toIso(text) { var html = ##201;,aacute;,agrave;,acirc;,aelig;,aring;,atilde;,auml;, eacute;,egrave;,euml;,ecirc;,iacute;,igrave;,iuml;,icirc;,

Character encoding problem

2009-01-21 Thread Claude Schneegans
Hi, I'm posting this question for a friend of mine who has two problems: 1 the one described below, 2 although he is registered in CF-Talk, his posts do not get trhrough. Hello, Sometimes accented characters entered in a textarea field are replaced with strange characters when recorded in my

Generating graphs

2009-01-15 Thread Claude Schneegans
Hi, I'm working on an application that will generate result pages containing graphs like bars or pie charts. Once the pages are generated, I must install a static html version on customers servers with no CF. So Java or CFGRAPH is not an option, I need some tag that will create plain GIF, JPEG

Re: Generating graphs

2009-01-15 Thread Claude Schneegans
CFCHART can emit PNG and JPG. The problem with CFCHART is the same I've always had with CFGRAPH: after about 13 years of experience with CF and since CFGRAPH was released, I've never been able to get this tag to work. Even with CFMX and CFCHART requesting for a jpeg file, I still get some CF

Re: Generating graphs

2009-01-15 Thread Claude Schneegans
A co-worker of mine made a CFC called Sparkline that is all about graphing. Thanks, but this require CF 8, and the application must run under CF 5 and CF 7. Nice product anyway. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most

Re: Generating graphs

2009-01-15 Thread Claude Schneegans
Indeed, if you really want flash charts you could try using ... Thanks, another nice product, but individual licences would be too cumbersome, and the bulk licence is far too expansive. I must develop this application for a customer who will use it to produce results for his customers to be

Re: Generating graphs

2009-01-15 Thread Claude Schneegans
Do a cfhttp call to the Google chart API: Hey, looks like the solution I was looking for! Thanks. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get

Re: Generating graphs

2009-01-15 Thread Claude Schneegans
Or just use CFCHART's 'name' attribute. It puts the raw bits of the generated chart into the named variable for you to write to disk with CFFILE or whatever. Ah ok, like this it works, thanks. But I think I still like the Google solution better. This way, I don't even have to supply an image

Re: Recognizing spyders

2009-01-15 Thread Claude Schneegans
We keep our own page view stats in a database and want to avoid counting page views by visiting spyders. What's a good method for recognizing spyders without throwing away valid visitor page views? First, you should take in account that there are good bots, like Google, Yahoo, etc. The best

Re: need some database advice

2009-01-13 Thread Claude Schneegans
Unless all the users listen All songs, the cross table will not be that large. The only trouble with a cross table is when you have to replace joins by others. In your case you don't even have that problem since all what can happen is adding new records.

Re: Javascript compatibility question

2009-01-13 Thread Claude Schneegans
getElementById() is a javascript function that finds a specified element on a page it can be a form or page element. At least in IE, this methods applies only to the document object. see: I'm surprised it works

Recognizing the page target

2009-01-13 Thread Claude Schneegans
HI, Suppose I have a page like myPage.cfm Is it possible in this page to detect if it was called from a link having a TARGET=... attribute? ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date

Re: Recognizing the page target

2009-01-13 Thread Claude Schneegans
Actually if it was called from a target then JavaScript can get the parent page. Here's a quick example I threw together: Thanks Andy. I'd rather have the redirection made on the server, but I think JS is the only solution indeed.

Re: Recognizing the page target

2009-01-13 Thread Claude Schneegans
I suppose I could probably get at it with the event object. I'm not sure where Claude wanted to go with it so I just did a broad overview. Actually, no. I just need to know if the page was called out of target, and put it back on the right track.

Re: Recognizing the page target

2009-01-13 Thread Claude Schneegans
You can definitely do it client side. Clent side, I have no problem, I was trying to do it server side. Thanks anyway. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

Who encodes characters in mails sent by CF

2009-01-06 Thread Claude Schneegans
Hi, In CFMX, in mail settings, there is an option to get messages sent encoded in UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc... IN CF5, there is no such option. However, from my development desktop, I have a template that sends me a test message, and it seems to be automatically encoded in iso-8859-1. ie: Subject:

Re: Who encodes characters in mails sent by CF

2009-01-06 Thread Claude Schneegans
cfmail charset=ISO-8859-1.../cfmail Yes, but this is just to specify the charset of the body of the message, it will not force any encoding of the headers. The body can be in in iso-8859, but not the headers, they should be in plain ASCII. I'm not sure if that attribute existed on CF5

CFMAIL assassinated

2009-01-05 Thread Claude Schneegans
Hi, I have a newsletter sent to suscribers, and I got one rejected this mornig by SpamAssassin. Among the things it is complaining about, there are a couple of things I can manage to improve, but there is also this one: Subject: has too many raw illegal characters This is because the subject

Re: banning a User from the site

2008-12-26 Thread Claude Schneegans
But they can just change IPs and make a new account. I just added where the password (randomally generated) is emailed to them, but with all the free email addresses that can be used these days, I suspect that won't help much. If the change their IP and create new addresses, how do you know they

Re: banning a User from the site

2008-12-26 Thread Claude Schneegans
Hence my issue. I mean do you know they really are the same user or do you just suppose? Because if you know they are the same, it implies you have some way to detect them, the just implement it in your code. If you actually don't know they are the same person, then I'm afraid you must treat

Re: banning a User from the site

2008-12-26 Thread Claude Schneegans
Ok, then they are using the same scheme, but they are not even human, they just are robots. No way you can stop them based on IP addresses: robots can use any PC in the world infected by some worm. You have to put in the form anything only a human can fill in.

Re: banning a User from the site

2008-12-26 Thread Claude Schneegans
The site they were advertising and spamming is low budget enough not to use bots. Ok, then there must not be hundreds of them. May be look for the occurence of their site address and automatically erase them. Or better, redirect them to a page where you explain that these guys are just nuts,

Re: Rich Text Editor - what really handles cut'n paste from Word?

2008-12-22 Thread Claude Schneegans
Bunch of lawyers! Tell'm you'll sue them if they import garbage in your system! ;-) ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

Re: Rich Text Editor - what really handles cut'n paste from Word?

2008-12-22 Thread Claude Schneegans
What do you folks have experience with that might be worth looking at? It was quite a while ago, but I found there was too many flaws the way FCK was designed. 1. FCK only had Word cleanup as an option. If the user doen't use it, you will get all the garbage anyway. 2. all other ways to import

Re: Rich Text Editor - what really handles cut'n paste from Word?

2008-12-22 Thread Claude Schneegans
And here is the second part: //clean up H tags html = html.replace( /H1([^]*)/gi, 'H1' ) ; html = html.replace( /H2([^]*)/gi, 'H2' ) ; html = html.replace( /H3([^]*)/gi, 'H3' ) ; html = html.replace( /H4([^]*)/gi, 'H4' ) ; html = html.replace( /H5([^]*)/gi, 'H5' ) ;

Re: Rich Text Editor - what really handles cut'n paste from Word?

2008-12-22 Thread Claude Schneegans
one just has to use the Paste from Word button That's the trouble: nobody uses this button ;-) Users use cut'n paste, drag'n drop, whatever they can, except this strange button they don't know about. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8

Re: Recheck: File Upload Progress Bar

2008-12-19 Thread Claude Schneegans
I asked this some time ago and got no solutions, Because there is no solution. but maybe now. I also researched this again and still found no solutions. because there is still no solution. Well, there are solutions, but using Flash tools. Searc for multiple upload AND Flash I'd be

Re: IT IS TOTALLY possible to skip js with cfif

2008-12-19 Thread Claude Schneegans
The benefit is that you could have linked JavaScript files dynamically built with CFML. The downside is that it interferes with normal browser caching of linked script and|or style files, Exact. This is why it is not advisable to pass systematically ALL js files to CF. As you said earlier, it

Re: sum of cfquery with group by

2008-12-15 Thread Claude Schneegans
you can also do: #arraysum(queryname.columnname)# Any CF function will be executed before the query by CF. What is needed here is an SQL function executed inside the query. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most

Re: sum of cfquery with group by

2008-12-15 Thread Claude Schneegans
Sorry : my mistake, I was mistaking this thread for Is there a non-aggregate Max() function in MySQL? ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

Re: CF-Scheduler - multiple tasks starting at the same time

2008-12-10 Thread Claude Schneegans
Does this confuse CF? Confuse, probably not, but cause a bottle neck on the sever, possible. We have also some scheduled tasks, and we programmed them to be scheduled at least 1 min appart. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8

Re: single quote issue

2008-11-26 Thread Claude Schneegans
I see only 10 single quotes in the db. what is the workaround If you have only half of the single quotes in the db, it means that they have not been escaped when transmitted to the query. One out of two is then interpreted as the escape code. DO NOT use preserveSingleQuotes, the purpose

Re: Easy Credit Card Processing Service?

2008-11-22 Thread Claude Schneegans
if any of your customers takes it into their head to dispute the transaction, Paypal will reverse it Probably, but isn't the same with any credit card? And in our case, we sell registrations for congresses, if any one cancels his paiement, we cancel his registration, no problem. It actually

Re: Official ColdFusion IDE announced

2008-11-21 Thread Claude Schneegans
How long did you try it for ? Long enough to make sure that the problem was not with me, but with the product. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

Re: Easy Credit Card Processing Service?

2008-11-21 Thread Claude Schneegans
See Paypal. You don't even have to bother with the credit card type, they handle it. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

Re: Easy Credit Card Processing Service?

2008-11-21 Thread Claude Schneegans
50% of potential customers don't have Paypal account. and the other 50% can pay with any credit card ;-) Paypal offers paiements by credit card if you don't have an account. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most

Re: Easy Credit Card Processing Service?

2008-11-21 Thread Claude Schneegans
Paypal only support people who send physical goods. If you take paypal payments for services, or online goods, such as hosting or domain names, or anything like that, they assume you are a thief. All I can say is that I have customers with online registration and payment system for congresses,

Re: Official ColdFusion IDE announced

2008-11-20 Thread Claude Schneegans
It's not a very comfortable environment for a lot of people, myself included. I'd love to see statistics, but I'm betting less than a third of the community is on it. Free is nice, but comfort is better. Right. I tried Eclipse once, and found it about 10 times more complicated than CF Studio,

Re: Is it possible to override that CF starts weeks on sundays?

2008-11-14 Thread Claude Schneegans
But according to my calendar, sunday the 19th of october is in week 42. This might be a so called Business calendar, in which weeks start on Monday, but in civil calendars, a week always start on sunday. What you want really is having the standard weeknumber, except when the date is a Sunday,

Re: Removing an Access database lock

2008-11-12 Thread Claude Schneegans
Delete the file/DSN ? This assumes you have access to the CF Administrator. Then simply check Disable database connections for this Datasource. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to

Re: Adding Updating empty values

2008-10-29 Thread Claude Schneegans
I agree, but I still have to enter all the form field names in the cfparam anyways so I'm not really gaining anything. I have solved this problem once for all this way : 1. in your form page, add this JS function call onsubmit, ie: var defaultList = ; function checkInput(formul) {

Re: Adding Updating empty values

2008-10-29 Thread Claude Schneegans
here is a good method Well, actually not so good: if a checkbox is not checked, its name will not appear in form.fieldnames, so the loop on fieldnames will work only on defined fileds and the cfparam will be applied only on fields that already have a value.

Re: ImageNew, cfImage, IsBinary, CharsetEncode etc.

2008-10-19 Thread Claude Schneegans
Javascripting... May be some example will help to understand. I've never heard of Javascript handling pixels... ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

Re: getting the color palette from an image

2008-10-17 Thread Claude Schneegans
How can I do this. Have a look at CFX_MapClick: It won't give you the palette, but it will allow your users to click anywhere on an image, including GIF and JPEG images, and get the color of the pixel they clicked on. This

Mapping files by extension to CFMX

2008-10-17 Thread Claude Schneegans
Hi. I have an application for which .txt files are send to CF 5 simply by mapping the extension txt to the correct dll in CF 5 in IIS, and it works fine. Now I'm trying to do the same with CF7, but the page cannot be loaded, and the IIS log reports a 503 error (system out of resources). There

Mapping files by extension to CFMX

2008-10-17 Thread Claude Schneegans
Hi. I have an application for which .txt files are send to CF 5 simply by mapping the extension txt to the correct dll in CF 5 in IIS, and it works fine. Now I'm trying to do the same with CF7, but the page cannot be loaded, and the IIS log reports a 503 error (system out of resources). There

Re: Mapping files by extension to CFMX

2008-10-17 Thread Claude Schneegans
/WEB-INF/web.xml Thanks a lot. Another thing undocumented and unavailable in the administrator. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

Re: ImageNew, cfImage, IsBinary, CharsetEncode etc.

2008-10-17 Thread Claude Schneegans
The {textarea} definitely has pixels Just curious, but how do you store pixels in a textarea ? ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

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