Recommended Server Spec for new CF9 Windows Server

2009-11-02 Thread Jeremy Keith
Greeting, seen how adobe's help group is about as helpful on this subject as a box of rocks... We're looking to replace our dedicated CF server and it's partner dedicated SQL server. The servers run two websites, that are both very query heavy, looking at some dual proc dell R710s to replace

Re: Recommended Server Spec for new CF9 Windows Server

2009-11-02 Thread Jeremy Keith
is floating around 600mb There are a few queries taking over 20 seconds at the moment, with some bigger queries (cfscheduled jobs) taking over a minute. Let me know any other information you're looking for to help size this out. Thanks, Jeremy

Re: Recommended Server Spec for new CF9 Windows Server

2009-11-02 Thread Jeremy Keith
Thanks for the reply, We're far from a start-up (so that's out), and cost is less as important as having the system just work with good/great response time. ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they

Re: Generating Documentation CF9

2009-10-29 Thread Jeremy Rottman
I was testing the tool with a second application structure I have. Hence the /org ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know on the House of Fusion mailing lists Archive:

Re: Generating Documentation CF9

2009-10-28 Thread Jeremy Rottman
I have to have something setup wrong then. When I use the run.cfm below, it generates the documents, but they do not contain any of the information about the cfc's I have written. Here is my run.cfm cfscript colddoc = createObject(component, ColdDoc).init(); base =

Generating Documentation CF9

2009-10-27 Thread Jeremy Rottman
I have quite a few new cfc's that I have written in cf9's new script style. Prior to publishing code, I used to generate documentation with cfdocs revamped. Since this application is no longer supported I am on the hunt for a new Javadocs style generator that will create my api documentation

Re: Generating Documentation CF9

2009-10-27 Thread Jeremy Rottman
Wicked awesome, thanks Mark. ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know on the House of Fusion mailing lists Archive:

Re: Generating Documentation CF9

2009-10-27 Thread Jeremy Rottman
Looks like I may have spoken a bit too soon Mark. I am not sure if this issue is related to my directorystructure or if I set something wrong in the run.cfm. Does your tool recursively look at the directories underneath the base directory? Right now my directorystructure looks like this:

AjaxCFC + cf Value Objects

2009-08-14 Thread Jeremy Rottman
I have written a few vo's that I would like to connect to with using ajaxcfc. So far everything seems to have worked until I started to attempt to access data. This is a simple version of my VO: MemberVO.cfc - resides at com.model.vo.MemberVO cfcomponent extends=ajax output=false

WebService Axis Issues

2009-08-07 Thread Jeremy Rottman
I am working with a webservice and the issues I am having with it are not what you would call typical. When I make the call to the webservice I get the following error. AxisFault faultCode: {}Server.userException faultSubcode: faultString:

Variable character size

2009-04-23 Thread Jeremy Rottman
I am working on an application that retrieves base 64 encoded images from a data and returns them to a flex application as variables. The issue that I am having is that the data stored in the variable is being truncated at around the 64001 character mark. I know in previous versions of

Re: Html to XML

2009-03-03 Thread Jeremy Rottman
On Monday 09 Feb 2009, Jeremy Rottman wrote: However, every attempt that I have made to parse such html has come up null. Does anyone know of a udf or another application that can be used to parse html into xml? :-) -- Tom Chiverton Helping

Re: Html to XML

2009-03-03 Thread Jeremy Rottman
Oddly enough, I ended up using perl to get this worked out. On Monday 09 Feb 2009, Jeremy Rottman wrote: However, every attempt that I have made to parse such html has come up null. Does anyone know of a udf or another application that can be used to parse html into xml? http

Html to XML

2009-02-09 Thread Jeremy Rottman
I am working with a particular shoddy webservice that really isn't a webservice at all. Now, I really really want the data they provide to me in their pseudo webservice. So one option I am looking at is just consuming the resulting html data I get back from their webservice and parsing it out

Re: Passing zipcode as string as struct ... still converts to numeric and trims leading 0

2008-11-20 Thread Jeremy Keith
Now I've run into a situation where I don't know the exact field length because it varies, but I still need to maintain the leading 0. Any other suggestions? ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and

Re: Passing zipcode as string as struct ... still converts to numeric and trims leading 0

2008-11-20 Thread Jeremy Keith
I should I I've tried setting the returntype to plain without success, and I'd rather not put have to do a string replace with the result after the return. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic

Re: Passing zipcode as string as struct ... still converts to numeric and trims leading 0

2008-11-20 Thread Jeremy Keith
I should I I've tried setting the returntype to plain without success, and I'd rather not put have to do a string replace with the result after the return. Wow, sorry for the absolute grammar failure above. That's horrible, even for me. Let's try this again. I should add, I've

Re: Passing zipcode as string as struct ... still converts to numeric and trims leading 0

2008-11-14 Thread Jeremy Keith
Yes, that's exactly what's happening, but not on a bind. I'm using cfajaxproxy and calling the CFC from my page (loading a single result into a form). It is stored in the database as a varchar. The Struct that I'm building in the CFC is based on query results, but I'm building the structure

Passing zipcode as string as struct ... still converts to numeric and trims leading 0

2008-11-11 Thread Jeremy Keith
I'm loading a form from a cfc, one of those fields is zipcode which up here mostly contain a leading 0. The db object is varchar, and short of checking the string length upon return and padding the 0 if it's only has a lenth of 4, is there any way to force the struct data type to a string

Seeing Socket Event Gateway break on line breaks with CF8?

2008-07-21 Thread Jeremy Bower
Having upgraded to CF8 with no code changes I am seeing a socket event gateway accept an xml message line by line and not the entire xml packet in one shot (each line is shown in the log separately). Passing a simple sentence with a return in it also becomes 2 events. This obviously causes

cfwindow inside iframe issue

2008-07-16 Thread Bower Jeremy-AJB075
I'm using some nicely formated cfwindows as tool tip type popups inside an iframe that is expandable/collapsable (tr.innerHTML=iframe or ). When the user tries to collapse the iframe IE blows up. The expand, rollover, and mouseout events all act as they should. Is there a way to more gracefully

Re: cfwindow inside iframe issue

2008-07-16 Thread Jeremy Bower
Correction: I just use insertRow() and deleteRow(), not innerHTML. I have now tried this: eval(if (!document.all. + table_name + .rows[1]) { my_new_row = document.all. + table_name + .insertRow(1); } else { my_new_row = document.all. + table_name + .rows[1]; }); eval(document.all. +

Re: cfwindow inside iframe issue

2008-07-16 Thread Jeremy Bower
. use William's suggested .style.display='none' / '' instead. Azadi Saryev Jeremy Bower wrote: ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get

Re: JRun using 50% CPU ... minimum

2008-05-23 Thread Jeremy Keith
, May 23, 2008 at 3:08 AM, Jeremy Keith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Yup, it's a dual core, I'm not sure if it's a loop or if it's something timing out and leaving the thread open, hopefully the console will answer that question. Using the built in server monitor we do have some extremely long pages

JRun using 50% CPU ... minimum

2008-05-22 Thread Jeremy Keith
So over the last few days JRun has been taking control and running wild on our server. The only process we've really changed was updating of some thumb nailing processes from jpg to png formats. But that conversion is over and it's still using quite a bit of CPU. I applied the latest hotfix

Complex RegEx help request

2008-05-19 Thread Jeremy Prevost
#Firstname# #Lastname#/a Any thoughts would be much appreciated! Thanks, Jeremy ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial;192386516;25150098;k

Re: Complex RegEx help request

2008-05-19 Thread Jeremy Prevost
Thanks Bobby, I'll give that a shot. On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 6:20 PM, Bobby Hartsfield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi Jeremy, Here is how I do it in CF4em to replace things like [code]some code[/code] Loop the string, replacing the blocks with a marker and storing the name in an array

Re: Windows 2003 + CF8 = 401.3 Error

2008-04-24 Thread Jeremy Denegar
), from the original CD or from a folder on the server that does not have any spaces in its name (e.g. C:\CFMX7CD) -- not from a folder with spaces in the name, and not from a UNC path. I hope this helps. -- Jeremy ~| Adobe

Code 128 Variant C barcodes

2008-04-04 Thread Jeremy Keith
So I have a free font, but I'm having issues finding the encoding for the variant C of Code 128. Code B I seem to have down, but this one is elluding me, anyone have any pointers? ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the

Re: cfdocument and load balancing.

2008-02-27 Thread Jeremy Rottman
I am currently using the full url path to the image. IE I have tried using file://app_data/images/this.jpg. It does not cause cfdocument to time out, but it doesn't show the image as well. So I guess this is progress. Jeremy Rottman wrote: How

cfdocument and load balancing.

2008-02-26 Thread Jeremy Rottman
We recently updated our infrastructure to include HW loadbalacing and a linux based firewall. With this new change, came a basket full of issues. One issue that is most pressing, is when attempting to create a pdf via cfdocument that has images with in the pdf, cfdocument times out every time.

Re: cftextarea and carriage returns

2008-02-13 Thread Jeremy Keith
Need to get a cftextarea (CF 7) area to accept a carriage return when the user is typing, and then when the form is submitted, save that so when the data is viewed, the carriage returns are still intact. If I set: wrap=hard It will accept carriage returns when I'm typing, but after the form

Re: New FedEx Webservice

2008-02-05 Thread Jeremy Keith
a number of 'issues' that were not covered in the docs. On Feb 4, 2008 3:07 PM, Jeremy Keith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: They went live with their WebService over the weekend, anyone gotten this to work with CF(8) yet? I'm trying to convert the PHP5 example they have up there without much luck

Re: New FedEx Webservice

2008-02-05 Thread Jeremy Keith Do you have a link to the service announcement? -- William E. Seiter Have you ever read a book that changed your life? Go to: Enter passkey: goldengrove Web Developer /

Re: How do I export numerical data into Excel and keep the leading zeroes from disappearing

2008-02-04 Thread Jeremy Keith
Not sure if this will do what you want, but you can preface your data with an apostrophe, that will tell excel it's a text field. ie 0001 would be '0001 ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic

New FedEx Webservice

2008-02-04 Thread Jeremy Keith
They went live with their WebService over the weekend, anyone gotten this to work with CF(8) yet? I'm trying to convert the PHP5 example they have up there without much luck. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most

Re: Mutli-Word search and searching each word

2008-02-02 Thread Jeremy Keith
I think this should work... cfquery name=search datasource=search Select CompanyTypes.CompanyTypeID, CompanyTypes.CompanyTypeName, CompanyTypes.CompanyTypeDesc, CompanyTypes.CompanyTypeImage, Companies.CompanyID,

Force a Re-Bind ?

2008-02-01 Thread Jeremy Keith
Is there a way to Force a rebind of a CFSelect? I have a form that pops up a window to add a new list value, and catching the ColdFusion.window.hide, but I can't figure out a way to trigger a bind for the first of 3 related cfselects.

Re: Mutli-Word search and searching each word

2008-02-01 Thread Jeremy Keith
On Feb 1, 2008 9:57 PM, Gerald Guido [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Thanks Benign I usually set a var before my loop for a counter then in the loop around the OR I do a CFIF to check that counter against the listlen cfset listpos = 1 cfloop list=#mylist# index=searchme (field LIKE

CF8 CFGrid and https

2007-12-14 Thread Jeremy Keith
Working on implementing some CFGrid examples with CF8 I have them working in our public space, however, when I bring the 2 files into our protected webspace (which has it's own application.cfm) it doesn't seem to work. The page will display the grid, but won't populate it. Any ideas as to what

Re: CF8 CFGrid and https

2007-12-14 Thread Jeremy Keith
Working on implementing some CFGrid examples with CF8 I have them working in our public space, however, when I bring the 2 files into our protected webspace (which has it's own application.cfm) it doesn't seem to work. The page will display the grid, but won't populate it. Any ideas

SequeLink driver.

2007-12-09 Thread jeremy m
Hello all. I have a slight database connection problem. First, if someone has a work-around for MX7 and 16+ character passwords for db connections, that would be best. A client who uses this database for multiple applications, one of which requires 18-character passwords. I spent a day

Remote Admin of CF server

2007-12-03 Thread Jeremy Rottman
We are in the process of writing an administrator tool for a flex application. The over all idea behind this application is a one stop shop to manage the data for each instance. At this point, we have everything planned out save a few minor details. One issue that I am researching right now is

RE: Finding ColdFusion servers

2007-11-09 Thread Keith, Jeremy
timeout = 15 /cfexecute /cfsavecontent If you can span your subnets and I think snmp needs to be running, but then dump this data into a db and query it for coldfusion Jeremy Keith Network Administrator Rand-Whitney Group LLC One Agrand Street Worcester, MA 01607 Office: (508

RE: Weird CF8 issue, Customer gets asked for RDS login after redirect from app login

2007-11-08 Thread Keith, Jeremy
So because their PUBLIC IP block is a 192 block (there are public 192 addresses) Cold Fusion is mis interpreting this as a direct request? Jeremy Keith Network Administrator Rand-Whitney Group LLC One Agrand Street Worcester, MA 01607 Office: (508) 890-7032 -Original Message- From

RE: Weird CF8 issue, Customer gets asked for RDS login after redirect from app login

2007-11-08 Thread Keith, Jeremy
I should also add that I can login as the user from my location, and from my home with his credentials without an issue. Jeremy Keith Network Administrator Rand-Whitney Group LLC One Agrand Street Worcester, MA 01607 Office: (508) 890-7032 -Original Message- From: Kris Jones [mailto

RE: Weird CF8 issue, Customer gets asked for RDS login after redirect from app login

2007-11-08 Thread Keith, Jeremy
Ya, unfortunately there are no options for the customer, but I'll keep digging. Jeremy Keith Network Administrator Rand-Whitney Group LLC One Agrand Street Worcester, MA 01607 Office: (508) 890-7032 -Original Message- From: Kris Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday

RE: Weird CF8 issue, Customer gets asked for RDS login after redirect from app login

2007-11-08 Thread Keith, Jeremy
asked for RDS login after redirect from app login Keith, Jeremy wrote: Ya, unfortunately there are no options for the customer, but I'll keep digging. But what is in your webserver log? Jochem ~| ColdFusion is delivering

RE: Weird CF8 issue, Customer gets asked for RDS login after redirect from app login

2007-11-07 Thread Keith, Jeremy
I should define that this is only happening with ONE specific customer, for the others it works as designed Jeremy Keith Network Administrator Rand-Whitney Group LLC One Agrand Street Worcester, MA 01607 Office: (508) 890-7032 -Original Message- From: Keith, Jeremy [mailto:[EMAIL

RE: Weird CF8 issue, Customer gets asked for RDS login after redirect from app login

2007-11-07 Thread Keith, Jeremy
Also the page that it's redirecting to is the CFC explorer CFIDE/componentutils/cfcexplorer.cfc?method=getcfcinhtmlname=WebService s.ajaxCFC.core.RWGJKAjaxpath=/Webservices/ajaxCFC/core/RWGJKAjax.cfc Jeremy Keith Network Administrator Rand-Whitney Group LLC One Agrand Street Worcester, MA

Weird CF8 issue, Customer gets asked for RDS login after redirect from app login

2007-11-07 Thread Keith, Jeremy
in CF8 that might be causing this? Anyone else seen anything like this? Jeremy Keith Network Administrator Rand-Whitney Group LLC One Agrand Street Worcester, MA 01607 Office: (508) 890-7032 CAUTION:The preceding email message and any

Re: RETS Real Estate amp;amp;amp; Coldfusion

2007-09-17 Thread Jeremy Rottman
Hah, ok apparently you can't just reply to ancient threads... I'm trying to do a search with RETS. I am able to login and pull metadata, just unable to search. Anyone have ANY experience with this feed, coldfusion or otherwise? I posted a working proof of concept about 4 months ago on

cfselect am I missing something.

2007-08-11 Thread Jeremy Rottman
I am playing around with my new coldfusion 8 install. I am trying to use Ben Forta's example to bind data from two of my cfc's. But for some reason, my tests don't work at all. It does not populate any of the inputs and gives no errors Here is the code I am using test.cfm cfform table tr

Re: cfselect am I missing something.

2007-08-11 Thread Jeremy Rottman
What do you see in Firebug? I cannot stress enough (and this it to _everyone_ who is playing with Ajax for the first time) the CRITICAL important of Firebug. it lets you see the Ajax requests and what they are returning. Now if I had to guess - I'd bet that this.dsn doesn't equal anything as I

Merge Data and Coldfusion

2007-08-09 Thread Jeremy Rottman
Ok so I am sitting here beating my head against the desk trying to wrap my mind around the complexities of what I am trying to accomplish here. Ok to the point. I have been tasked with creating a merge letter application. The whole point of this application is to allow users to create dynamic

Seeking Coldfusion Application Developer (Orlando, FL)

2007-06-26 Thread Jeremy Castonguay
Job Title: Coldfusion Web Application Developer Hours: 9:00-5:30pm M-F Job Duties The incumbent will be responsible for the development of both internally and externally facing web applications and web sites based on current and future business requirements. Project management inclusive of

Working RETS Auth Script

2007-05-31 Thread Jeremy Rottman
Well since this project got canned due to server errors with my local IDX provider I really don't have time to write up a formal tutorial on how I did this. But I am going to post my code (pretty easy to understand). cfhttp url=; method=get / h3Initial

Re: Digest Authentication woes

2007-05-19 Thread Jeremy Rottman
Hey paul did you ever get this to work. I am stuck in the same position as you are. I spent a few days dissecting Viele/Retriever and this is what I ended up with. Obviously it doesnt work else I would be posting a working example. If you did get yours to work, can you post some code and show

RE: cfchart issues

2007-05-09 Thread Jeremy
I had the same problems with a line graph as well. I noticed that no matter how big I made the graph, it still had the same problem, just larger on screen. -Original Message- From: Robert Rawlins - Think Blue [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2007 4:23 AM To: CF-Talk

RE: Cleaning stored text to get valid XML

2007-05-04 Thread Jeremy
If the data is being pasted from word, you will probably need to clean (Replace) the special Microsoft characters that word generates for most of its invisible characters. I know I had problems posting data being pasted from word to my db, and it was those special characters causing the problem.

RE: multi page (wizard like) forms

2006-08-28 Thread Jeremy Bunton
Hello, There is a form to session custom tag out there somewhere that I have used, it pretty much turns every form var to a session var with the same name at post time. You could use that and then run some large queries at the end to do all the inserts from those session vars. JLB

RE: HTML Emails

2006-08-24 Thread Jeremy Bunton
We supply bulk email services. -Original Message- From: Che Vilnonis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2006 9:23 AM To: CF-Talk Subject: RE: HTML Emails Would anyone care to recommend any of these email services? Just wondering who is out there

RE: List of states, cities, zips

2006-08-11 Thread Jeremy Bunton
We have that here, I can't remember where we bought it, but we get new files every 3 months. Zip codes are added and changed a lot more often than most people think. I don't think the subscription was all that much, I'll see what I can find out. -Original Message- From: Charlie Griefer

Possible in SQL?

2006-05-22 Thread Jeremy Bunton
criteria. Any idea's? Jeremy ~| Message: Archives: Subscription:

RE: Possible in SQL?

2006-05-22 Thread Jeremy Bunton
I tried that. That will give you records with com1 showing up more than once since the names ect are not distinct sql returns all the combinations. If it would only give me one per change in com1 I would be done. Jeremy -Original Message- From: Snake [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent's version of the evaluate() in cf and eval() in javascript

2006-04-18 Thread Jeremy Bunton
Any help would be great. I am having a hard time finding it. I need to set the value of a var to the name of a new var. Dim temp as string = sr a Dim eval(temp) as stringreader or something like that. Jeremy


2006-04-12 Thread Jeremy Bunton
. cfhttp method=Post url=index.cfm cfhttpparam type=Formfield value=777 name=project /cfhttp cfoutput#form.project#/cfoutput Jeremy ~| Message: Archives: http

RE: cfhttp?

2006-04-12 Thread Jeremy Bunton
You know I didn't think about that until after I posted this, and I tried that and it almost worked. It just came down to how the include files I am using (which I can't change) need that var. I ended up doing a cflocation back the same page if that form.project is not defined then seting the

RE: SQL 2005 and getiing data out

2006-04-07 Thread Jeremy Bunton
to a csv file in my user specific directory. Seems easy, hopefully it is in SSIS. Jeremy -Original Message- From: Jim Wright [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, April 07, 2006 7:36 AM To: CF-Talk Subject: Re: SQL 2005 and getiing data out On 4/6/06, Jeremy Bunton [EMAIL PROTECTED

SQL 2005 and getiing data out

2006-04-06 Thread Jeremy Bunton
?? Thanks Jeremy ~| Message: Archives: Subscription: Unsubscribe: http

RE: SQL 2005 and getiing data out

2006-04-06 Thread Jeremy Bunton
I need something I can run in a .bat file as it loads in a batch server. These databases have about 20 million records and the files can be quite large. CFFILE might time out, trying to write out a file with 80 fields and 50,000 records. Jeremy -Original Message- From: Munson, Jacob

RE: Save sessions to repopulate at a later date

2006-04-03 Thread Jeremy Bunton
=#mysavedsessions# output=session2 cfset session = session2 cfdump var=#session# Jeremy -Original Message- From: Jim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2006 12:05 PM To: CF-Talk Subject: RE: Save sessions to repopulate at a later date WDDX would make this easy, no need

RE: Save sessions to repopulate at a later date

2006-04-03 Thread Jeremy Bunton
Yep that seems to do the trick. Thanks Jeremy -Original Message- From: Adrian Lynch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, April 03, 2006 11:28 AM To: CF-Talk Subject: RE: Save sessions to repopulate at a later date I haven't been reading this thread, but to repopulate the session

Save sessions to repopulate at a later date

2006-03-30 Thread Jeremy Bunton
that done. Jeremy ~| Message: Archives: Subscription: Unsubscribe: http

result.columnList order

2006-03-23 Thread Jeremy Bunton
Hello, I am using the result. columnList attribute of cfquery to print out the columns of my table. I then want to insert them in a file. Problem is the columns are in alpha order, I want them in the same order as they appear in my table. Is there a way to do that? Jeremy

RE: result.columnList order

2006-03-23 Thread Jeremy Bunton
Great, that works just like I need it to. jeremy -Original Message- From: Michael T. Tangorre [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2006 3:18 PM To: CF-Talk Subject: RE: result.columnList order From: Jeremy Bunton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] I am using the result


2006-03-20 Thread Jeremy Bunton
happens when that is executed, like when I run it from the command line? Jeremy ~| Message: Archives: Subscription: http

How do you all handle saving checkboxes that have been checked?

2006-03-20 Thread Jeremy Bunton
I have several forms that have check boxes. I set the vales of the checkboxes to sessions after the form is submitted so that a user can surf around the site and come back and change their selections. The code I use is below and it sort of works - but not really. Its checks to see if the value is

RE: How do you all handle saving checkboxes that have been checked?

2006-03-20 Thread Jeremy Bunton
that have been checked? You would need to validate the form items against the session variables. Thus if the form variable does not exists or set to false, kill the Session variable. All should be done on the Save (submit) event. -Original Message- From: Jeremy Bunton [mailto:[EMAIL

Large count query caching

2006-03-17 Thread Jeremy Bunton
, and should just output the count. Jeremy ~| Message: Archives: Subscription:

RE: Large count query caching

2006-03-17 Thread Jeremy Bunton
know I can't fit the whole record set in ram. Jeremy -Original Message- From: Aaron Rouse [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 9:44 AM To: CF-Talk Subject: Re: Large count query caching The only problem with this is the query can change due to the dynamic building

RE: Large count query caching

2006-03-17 Thread Jeremy Bunton
index seems to go. I need oracle's bitmap indexes I think to do it right. I'm pretty sure my indexes are ok. Jeremy -Original Message- From: mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 10:43 AM To: CF-Talk Subject: RE: Large count query caching Is there a finite number

RE: Large count query caching

2006-03-17 Thread Jeremy Bunton
I'll check that out, I am not using them now. Jeremy -Original Message- From: Mark A Kruger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 11:09 AM To: CF-Talk Subject: RE: Large count query caching If you cannot cache on the web server - make sure and bind the data using

save cfquery select statement to var

2006-03-15 Thread Jeremy Bunton
the cfquery - inside I get an error, outside I get an empty var. Any ideas on how I can do this, I know someone else has to of needed to do this before. Thanks a lot Jeremy ~| Message:

RE: save cfquery select statement to var

2006-03-15 Thread Jeremy Bunton
Great, yes I am using cf 7. I'll take a look at that. Thanks Jeremy -Original Message- From: Ryan Guill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2006 9:27 AM To: CF-Talk Subject: Re: save cfquery select statement to var What version of cf are you using? If it is cf 7

RE: save cfquery select statement to var

2006-03-15 Thread Jeremy Bunton
That's a good idea also. I think the result attribute will be the ticket though. Thanks Jeremy -Original Message- From: Ryan Guill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2006 9:28 AM To: CF-Talk Subject: Re: save cfquery select statement to var Also, a follow up, what

RE: maintaining state in multipage form

2006-03-13 Thread Jeremy Bunton
You could call a javascript function to submit the form, then boot off to the page in the href -Original Message- From: Christophe Maso [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 8:33 AM To: CF-Talk Subject: Re: maintaining state in multipage form It sounds like a session

can one Submit button submit multiple forms in a specific order?

2006-03-07 Thread Jeremy Bunton
solution. I tried js, but it submits both more or less at the same time. Jeremy ~| Message: Archives: Subscription

javascript submit form and then location in same function

2006-02-20 Thread Jeremy Bunton
. An suggestions? Is there a way in cf to submit a form and then do a cflocation. Perhaps I need some more js code in there. Jeremy -Original Message- From: Joe Ferraro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 12:39 PM To: CF-Talk Subject: onSessionEnd locking When accessing

RE: javascript submit form and then location in same function

2006-02-20 Thread Jeremy Bunton
having to hit a submit button then going to the nav. They have the option to hit the submit button, but a lot of users just want to select what they want on that page and go off to the next with just one click. Jeremy -Original Message- From: Dave Watts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday

RE: javascript submit form and then location in same function

2006-02-20 Thread Jeremy Bunton
just more code to add to each page. Jeremy -Original Message- From: Josh Nathanson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 2:03 PM To: CF-Talk Subject: Re: javascript submit form and then location in same function Hi Jeremy, When you do window.document.theform.submit

tag to allow access to foxpro .dbf

2006-02-16 Thread Jeremy Bunton
for an access file. Jeremy ~| Message: Archives: Subscription:

ArrayAppend oddity

2006-02-16 Thread Jeremy Bunton
ideas? ArrayAppend(myArrayList2,01011+7); Jeremy ~| Message: Archives: Subscription:

RE: tag to allow access to foxpro .dbf

2006-02-16 Thread Jeremy Bunton
I ended up just restarting the odbc server service, it was the only way I could free it up. Jeremy -Original Message- From: Claude Schneegans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2006 12:22 PM To: CF-Talk Subject: Re: tag to allow access to foxpro .dbf this function

RE: ArrayAppend oddity

2006-02-16 Thread Jeremy Bunton
Yeah I like that one best, I did the length check, but that seems alittle much. Jeremy -Original Message- From: Barney Boisvert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2006 2:50 PM To: CF-Talk Subject: Re: ArrayAppend oddity Or just use numberFormat(01011+7, 0

Saving form vars from page to page

2006-02-13 Thread Jeremy Bunton
7 has something I can use. Jeremy ~| Message: Archives: Subscription:

RE: Saving form vars from page to page

2006-02-13 Thread Jeremy Bunton
will for sure want to change the criteria around and that may have been 3 pages back and therefore must still be checked when they go back. Jeremy -Original Message- From: Andy Matthews [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, February 13, 2006 11:12 AM To: CF-Talk Subject: RE: Saving form

Re: Dynamic Tree view in ColdFusion

2005-08-12 Thread Jeremy Adams
This is one allows items to be dragged and dropped - both in the same tree and among other trees. Has some other cool functions also. On 8/12/05, James Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: It should be - use a hierarchical SQL statement if necessary:

Fwd: Coldfusion Fusebox V4.1.0 Vulnerability

2005-08-09 Thread Jeremy Adams
Anyone else seen this? Just a reference to a cross-site scripting attack, but I thought it interesting that it was posted as a vulnerability with the fusebox framework as opposed to poor code implementation by the application programmer. - Original Message - From: N.N.P [EMAIL PROTECTED] equivalent of coldfusion's Evaluate

2005-08-08 Thread Jeremy Bunton
Any idea's. I can't seem to find anything in the MSDE. I know there has to be something similar, but I just can't find it. I'm trying to dim an array value as a stringreader object. Ex. Dim ARprmfile(T, 0) As StreamReader = New StreamReader(Args(0)) Thanks Jeremy

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