How does Security affect search engine spiders?

2008-10-12 Thread Doug Boude (rhymes with 'loud')
Hi all. I am curious if anybody knows how securing a site affects a search engine spider's ability to crawl it. For instance, if I have my entire site secured by means of authentication so that any page request is redirected to the login page if the appropriate security creds are not present in

Singletons and me

2008-07-10 Thread Doug Boude (rhymes with 'loud')
I have a question on the subject of Singletons, opinions solicited. Allow me to illustrate my question by comparing what I consider to be two nearly equivalent means of executing the Singleton pattern: scenario A (the object written exactly right): !-- create the singleton -- cfset

cfgrid retrieved via ajax issue

2008-07-05 Thread Doug Boude (rhymes with 'loud')
Hi all. I am retrieving a template via an ajax call. That template contains a cfgrid. I have already overcome the issue of having to import the 'grid' tags via cfajaxproxy in the parent page, but am not getting a JS error when the grid loads after the call. Here is the error (from Firebug):

deploying and using jar files

2008-06-25 Thread Doug Boude (rhymes with 'loud')
Okay, from what I've read thus far, deploying a jar file is so easy that even a monkey could do it. As I understand it, if I drop the jar file into the /lib directory and then restart CF 8, it will magically be available to me. Only, I must be missing something because this hasn't been the

Re: deploying and using jar files

2008-06-25 Thread Doug Boude (rhymes with 'loud')
. Those pesky clients. They're just rascals, aren't they? :) Doug Have you tried putting the jar in this path C:\ColdFusion8\wwwroot\WEB-INF\lib Thanks On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 5:56 PM, Doug Boude (rhymes with 'loud') [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

Re: - Isaac Dealey, the site is down!

2007-07-01 Thread rhymes with 'loud'
I sent Isaac an email pointing to him this post. I'm wanting to see Fusiontap framework but website looks offline. Anyone have that framework in zip file? I'll want to test. Cheers ~| Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion

Re: how can I dynamically build field names string in a sql update statement?

2007-07-01 Thread rhymes with 'loud'
Hi there. I played around with the concept of what you're doing, and it is sound. I built this simple template to prove it: cfquery name=getbits datasource=mydatasource select * from bittest /cfquery cfdump var=#getbits# cfset column_string = bool1=1,bool2=0,bool3=1 cfquery

SecretAgents recommendation?

2006-09-13 Thread rhymes with 'loud'
I was wondering if anybody has firsthand (secondhand will also be accepted) knowledge of whether or not it would be a recommended path to entrust with a large project? Their concept sounds great, just wondered if anyone had any actual real world experience executing that

Re: CF5 Structure Question

2006-09-08 Thread rhymes with 'loud'
Hi there. Since we're still using CF 5 at work, I went ahead and tried to run your code, and got the following error: Error Occurred While Processing Request Error Diagnostic Information An error occurred while evaluating the expression: if (not

Re: CF5 to CFMX (Was: Hosting companies)

2006-09-08 Thread rhymes with 'loud'
Ok, looks like a couple of good ones. I have always used CF5 and I guess I am just an old goat that does not want to change. What issues has people had running there CF5 apps on CFMX machines? It does not look like very many hosting companies out there are still using version 5 We're in the midst

Re: CF5 Structure Question

2006-09-08 Thread rhymes with 'loud'
Thanks Doug. Taking what Charlie sent in as well, it would appear that I would not be able to reference variables.headerImages as a struct (even though variables would be the struct). Could you replace the structkeyexists(variables, headerImages) line with isdefined(variables.headerImages) and

Adding encryption algorithm to MX

2006-08-31 Thread rhymes with 'loud'
Hi all. I need to make the RSA encryption algorithm available within CF in order to connect with a client using Single Sign On. The two options I see at this point are: 1. extend the encryption algorithms available to the Encrypt function; 2. purchase a custom tag and put it in place for use I

Re: Database design question

2006-08-21 Thread rhymes with 'loud'
Wow, look at all the Doug B's here! Awhile back I posted some code samples on my blog regarding this very topic, though in my example I was working with a hierarchical navigation system where nav items could have children who could have children, etc. The concept has been quite adequately

Re: Nested output...three levels

2006-07-20 Thread rhymes with 'loud'
This seems SOOO easy, and I'm about to kill myself. The answer Kris gave is exactly right. Your first cfoutput told cf to output unique values of the first field. The second cfoutput told cf to output unique values of the second field. But a third cfoutput is required without a group

Re: Getting Mime Type before CFFILE

2006-07-10 Thread rhymes with 'loud'
I know I can get all kinds of information about a file being uploaded after its run through CFFILE action=upload, but I'm trying to figure out how to identify the file type BEFORE CFFILE has run. Hi Howard. I recently created a simple document management system in which I needed to know the

Re: I feel like fighting...

2006-07-04 Thread rhymes with 'loud'
In all cases, however, the only way to approach the problem is to give each candidate framework at least a few days of trials (preferably a bit longer) and see how you like the nuts and bolts. In fact, when I was in the framework evaluation phase, I designed a very small pilot project with

Re: I feel like fighting...

2006-07-04 Thread rhymes with 'loud'
ROTFL Frameworks are a crutch don't use a framework :) Adam On 7/4/06, rhymes with 'loud' Doug Boude [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ~| Message: Archives: http

Calculating Business Time: Get the Function Here

2006-06-16 Thread rhymes with 'loud'
Link to function: Hi Tom. I tackled this exact item last year, creating a tag that derives the result based on the number of business minutes between two given datetimes. The result is returned in either weeks, days,

Re: host does not offer cf mappings

2006-06-16 Thread rhymes with 'loud'
I had the same issue with my host, so i wrote a little single page self calling app to manage my mappings. If you want a copy, it's at I am tied to a host who does not offer CF Mappings. They say

Re: Query Sorting

2006-06-16 Thread rhymes with 'loud'
I don't know where you're query is coming from or what it looks like, BUT generically speaking, one approach I can think of to get around the issue would be to add another field to the query result that you CAN use to sort on. For instance, within the sql select statement, if the field you want

Re: SQL errors in CF by not in MySQL

2006-05-16 Thread rhymes with 'loud'
Joelle, If you subsitute in a known good ID instead of the variable values for project ID, does your cfquery work then? I'm suspecting that perhaps the getProjectID() method in the cfc may not have its output attribute set to false, thus possibly returning some extra space with your actual

Re: Anyone done this before?

2006-05-11 Thread rhymes with 'loud'
We want to start auditing the database changes made in our home grown CMS app. Anyone on here done this or have suggestions on where to start with some thing like this? -- Phil Hi Phil. I work with a homegrown audit system that does the job pretty well. There exists a single table (Audit_Log)

cfqueryparam issue

2006-04-25 Thread rhymes with 'loud'
Hi all. I have an RSS processor that works like a champ, at least it did until it ran into a string value that's causing it to barf. The heart of the challenge is an insert query, where I'm inserting a few fields into a headlines table. All field values are using cfqueryparam tags, but I have

Re: CF5 + Oracle + Stored Procedure

2006-04-25 Thread rhymes with 'loud'
Hi Aaron. Eegad! If an SP chokes an oracle server for 15 minutes, then it is HIGH time to go back to the drawing board and rewrite that SP. And not rewrite it slightly different than it currently exists, but to totally find a new approach to solving the problem that this particular SP

Re: Okay, here's an easy one...Getting the directory I'm sitting in...

2006-04-25 Thread rhymes with 'loud'
cfset currentdir = expandpath(.) Like, say you were bar.cfm and you were in the foo directory. I want to get foo. Likewise, if you were in the bar directory, and you were foo.cfm I'd want to see bar. -- Jeff Small LHWH Advertising Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 843-448-1123 Ext 254

model glue/reactor question

2006-04-13 Thread rhymes with 'loud'
Hi all. I'm building an app using model glue and reactor. I'm having an issue with a function I wrote that returns my navigation to me, appropriately nested. The function is a recursive one, and works as designed, no problem there. BUT, it's painfully slow, even with debugging and reactor

ONe more possibly important piece of info...

2006-04-13 Thread rhymes with 'loud'
here's the portion of the reactor.xml file pertinent to the nav: object name=Navigation/object object name=Navigation alias=NavParent hasMany name=navChild relate from=navigationID to=ParentID/relate /hasMany /object

Re: model glue/reactor question

2006-04-13 Thread rhymes with 'loud'
Good idea Jamie. I just happened to have done that very thing a short while after making my post. HOWEVER, in my own mind I'm not satisfied...that feels more like masking the symptoms than addressing the issue, so I'm STILL in need of being scrutinized. :D As Buckminster Fuller once said, and

Re: SQL 2005 and getiing data out

2006-04-07 Thread rhymes with 'loud'
Yeah both BCP and sqlcmd are reall fast and work well EXCEPT they both have a limit on the length of the arguments you can use at the command prompt. If not for that I would be done. I guess I am going to have to look at SSIS. All I need to do is pass a query and export the data from that query to

Re: CFDocument and multi-column layouts.

2006-04-04 Thread rhymes with 'loud'
CFReport and the Report Builder may be able to do it. I currently use Crystal Reports for mulit column stuff, but am hoping to migrate to CF Report. On 4/3/06, Jerry Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Jerry is correct...the CFReport builder can do multi column reports. An excerpt from its help

Re: CFDocument and multi-column layouts.

2006-04-04 Thread rhymes with 'loud'
Is there anything I am missing that can help generate nice multi-column flowed layouts in cfdocument? Or is there another solution available from CFMX (other than generating the content in Quark?) Thanks, Jerry Johnson I have used the report builder for a few projects. if you're at all familiar

Re: Anything inherently wrong with this query?

2006-04-01 Thread rhymes with 'loud'
Hi Rick. Just read through the entire thread, I see that you've reworked your query to utilize the suggested joins, and still you are getting query results that never change. If it were me in that situation, my very next step would be to grab the actual query out of debugging and start working

Re: cfm vs. php?

2006-03-28 Thread rhymes with 'loud'
Amanda, I don't recall seeing anywhere in this thread whether or not your company will be doing its own hosting or not...but if you outsource your hosting, then it doesn't have to cost very much at all to develop using CF, depending on what tools your developers opt to use. The developer

Re: CF Hosting w/access above root folder

2006-03-27 Thread rhymes with 'loud'
I'm a big fan of I know for a fact you have access above your web root. as for the space and bandwidth, they have different packages, most of them below the $27 you're spending now. I've been using them for projects for about 6 years...stable, responsive, nicely priced. And as

Re: CF Hosting w/access above root folder

2006-03-27 Thread rhymes with 'loud'
Oh, and they've always proven themselves to be very good about keeping up with version updates. They are using MX7 and sql 2005. I'm a big fan of I know for a fact you have access above your web root. as for the space and bandwidth, they have different packages, most of them

Re: CFFTP Connection Error

2006-03-27 Thread rhymes with 'loud'
Doug, maybe you've already done this little check, but can you use the same ftp settings outside of cfftp (like in Leech or some other ftp utility) and successfully make the connection? Sorry. I had actually changed the name to see if it didn't like my connection name fileName with the error

Re: Two functions in OnSubmit

2006-03-19 Thread rhymes with 'loud'
Robert, the way I have approached this in the past is to leverage the fact that the confirm function will return a true or false. Since that is the case, simply use it as the test in an IF function. If the confirm returns true, then exectute your second function...else return false. Something

Asynchronous vs linear file processing

2006-03-15 Thread rhymes with 'loud'
Just an FYI... I was so inspired by Michael Dinowitz's talk at CFObjective (and an internal office debate) that I took the time yesterday to do some time comparison's between file processing the old fashioned way (one line at a time) vs performing file processing utilizing an asynchronous

Re: Asynchronous vs linear file processing

2006-03-15 Thread rhymes with 'loud'
Jacob, in his CFObjective talk, Michael did address the situation of performing asynchronous processing when Enterprise isn't available (or even MX for that matter)...there are ways to do it, at least in a pseudo sort of way. Basically it involves creating a gateway template and scheduling it

Re: Null Pointer Exception Creating a CFC Object

2006-03-08 Thread rhymes with 'loud'
Don't want to over-simplify this, but I have received similar errors before for no apparent reason and the cause turned out to be the fact that I had an EXTENDS attribute in my CFCOMPONENT tag with an empty value (CFCOMPONENT EXTENDS= ...) Could that have anything to do with it? Doug :0)

Re: Null Pointer Exception Creating a CFC Object

2006-03-08 Thread rhymes with 'loud'
Oh, and the reason this happens for no apparent reason (at least in my case) is when I use Dreamweaver and right click a tag to edit the attributes. If I leave an attribute blank (most notably on cfcomponent), it adds the attribute with a null value, giving me the error. It took me a LNG

Re: Calculate the time elapsed between two dates based on business hrs

2006-03-06 Thread rhymes with 'loud'
Hi Tom. I tackled this exact item last year, creating a tag that derives the result based on the number of business minutes between two given datetimes. The result is returned in either weeks, days, hours, or minutes depending on what return parameter you give it. The work hours are optional

Re: Query of Queries and GROUP - problem

2006-03-06 Thread rhymes with 'loud'
My guess is that Region is a reserved word *somewhere* between CF, the OS, the web server...something. That's probably why aliasing the field names fixed the problem. In fact, I would bet that if you just aliased the region field and grouped by it, it would STILL work on both your dev box and

Re: Issues with single quotes and queryparam

2006-01-04 Thread rhymes with 'loud'
What if you first grab the value being returned by the method to a variable, and then feed that variable to your cfqueryparam? cfset variables.thisHereVar = arguments.iBean.getHistory() / cfquery ... ... ...cfqueryparam value=#preservesinglequotes(variables.thisHereVar)# / /cfquery

Re: Odd data saving/crashing issue

2005-11-10 Thread rhymes with 'loud'
Just out of curiosity, when you're doing your catch, are you catching all errors, or just application? I would think that if it was a database issue you'd get some kind of database error as part of the catch. ~| Logware