Re: [cgiapp] RFC: first-class support for PSGI in CGI::Application (comments open Feb 19th)

2010-02-13 Thread George Hartzell
Mark Stosberg writes: To keep this process moving along, I would like add the comment period will last for one week, until February 19th. [...] I don't have time to test this out right now, but as long as it maintains backwards compat. (which I think it does) it sounds like a good step

Re: [cgiapp] CGI::App-based code and web servers

2009-08-21 Thread George Hartzell
Ron Savage writes: Hi Folks I've had an email asking if I could somehow let one of my modules use HTTP::Server::Simple where the user didn't want to, or couldn't, set up a stand-alone web server such as Apache. Then I got to thinking: What are the alternatives to

Re: [cgiapp] CGI::App-based code and web servers

2009-08-21 Thread George Hartzell
Michael Peters writes: Ron Savage wrote: And, what do people feel about these modules? Smolder uses H::S::S (via CGI::Application::Server) and it worked great for development but when it was deployed it would just hang several times during the day. So I needed to restart it

Re: [cgiapp] CGIApp + FastCGI

2009-06-15 Thread George Hartzell
Jeff MacDonald writes: Hi, I'm cross posting this to CGIApp and FastCGI mailing lists, please don't hit me :) I've taken over the development of a Perl/CGI::App in house project. It has never lived its live in any sort of environment like FastCGI or mod_perl and now perl

Re: [cgiapp] Re: Testing Methods

2009-05-22 Thread George Hartzell
Michael Peters writes: Mark Stosberg wrote: In addition to using CGI_APP_RETURN_ONLY, you can also create a tiny sub-class of CGI::App-based module, so that html_tmpl_class returns 'HTML::Template::Dumper'. Then you'll get back a data structure of template instead of an HTML

Re: [cgiapp] Re: CGI::Application::Server and CGI::Application::Plugin::Stream

2009-01-03 Thread George Hartzell
Mark Stosberg writes: On Sun, 28 Dec 2008 21:59:02 -0700 Bradley C Bailey wrote: Hello, I run my application under CGI::Application::Server during testing, and recently began sending files with CGI::Application::Plugin::Stream. However, they

Re: [cgiapp] CAP::Authentication not working properly with CAP::Session

2008-11-20 Thread George Hartzell
Bradley C Bailey writes: Richard, Hope someone can help with this. I'm having a major headache with authentication and sessions. With authentication configured to use STORE = Cookie I can login out OK, but each request generates a new CGISESSID, even when logged in.

Re: [cgiapp] Planning to retire CGI::Application::Dispatch::Server

2008-11-09 Thread George Hartzell
Mark Stosberg writes: On Wed, 17 Sep 2008 13:26:20 -0700 George Hartzell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I think that it'd be great to retire CGI::Application::Dispatch::Server once CGI::Application::Server covers all of the bases. Now that our patches in CGI::Application::Server, I

Re: [cgiapp] CAP::Authentication, CA::Dispatch and CA::Server

2008-11-06 Thread George Hartzell
Richard Jones writes: George Hartzell wrote: Richard Jones writes: Anyone managing to get CAP::Authentication, CA::Dispatch and CA::Server working together? [..] What happens if you get rid of your check on the username, define a LOGIN_RUNMODE, and protect stuff using

Re: [cgiapp] CAP::Authentication, CA::Dispatch and CA::Server

2008-11-05 Thread George Hartzell
Richard Jones writes: Anyone managing to get CAP::Authentication, CA::Dispatch and CA::Server working together? In cgiapp_init: $self-authen_config( LOGIN_URL = '/app/login', # CA::Server sends /app/* to Dispatch ); Then in cgiapp_prerun:

Re: [cgiapp] Re: Unexpected variable persistence with CAD / CADS

2008-10-22 Thread George Hartzell
Richard Jones writes: Mark Stosberg wrote: It doesn't seem to happen in an identical setup running under mod_perl, so I presume it's a 'feature' of the CAD::Server / HTTP::Server. Is this a known issue, and one of the caveats alluded to in the CAD::Server docs? Never been a

Re: [cgiapp] Re: Unexpected variable persistence with CAD / CADS

2008-10-22 Thread George Hartzell
Mark Stosberg writes: On Tue, 21 Oct 2008 14:02:37 +0100 Richard Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Richard Jones wrote: That value of 'id' (2 in this case) persisted from the previous action, and will continue to live indefinitely across multiple requests until it is

Re: [cgiapp] New Plugin: RunmodeDeclare

2008-10-02 Thread George Hartzell
Mark Stosberg writes: As Rhesa proposed, he has followed through and released a plugin to add the Devel::Declare / Method::Signatures magic to CGI::Application: Used in combination with Method::Signatures,

Re: [cgiapp] ($self vs $c) was: Re: New Plugin: RunmodeDeclare

2008-09-28 Thread George Hartzell
Mark Stosberg writes: On Mon, 29 Sep 2008 00:18:02 +0100 Richard Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Mark Stosberg wrote: As Rhesa proposed, he has followed through and released a plugin to add the Devel::Declare / Method::Signatures magic to CGI::Application:

Re: [cgiapp] Question | Poll - Preferred ORM.

2008-09-25 Thread George Hartzell
Porta writes: For all: Any preferred ORM? Class::DBI ? DBIx::Class? Rose ? Tangram? Something custom made? I'm missing anyone? Just curious. Started with Class::DBI and tried to migrate to DBIx::Class. Been doing a bunch of stuff w/ Rose::DB::Object and love it. g. #

Re: [cgiapp] Question | Poll - Preferred ORM.

2008-09-25 Thread George Hartzell
Benjamin Hitz writes: We have begun a conversion from an old, hand rolled ORM to DBIx::Class. There are lots of nice properties, but our DB has 120- odd tables, and the start up time is killing us (ca. 2sec.). Hopefully, we can resolve the speed issue with PersistantPerl and/or

Re: [cgiapp] Possible patches for ::Server (was: Re: ::Server vs ::Dispatch::Server: Worth having both?)

2008-09-20 Thread George Hartzell
Mark Stosberg writes: Patches welcome. I'd like to provide feedback on various proposed changes to CGI::Application::Server Need a way to specify parameters to dispatch() I disagree. The recommended way to do this to define a 'dispatch_args' routine in your

Re: [cgiapp] ::Server vs ::Dispatch::Server: Worth having both?

2008-09-20 Thread George Hartzell
Ricardo SIGNES writes: * Michael Peters [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-09-17T12:37:04] Bradley C Bailey wrote: In CAD::Server it tries to serve files staticly first before sending to dispatch. I think the best solution would be to specify a way to mark an entry point in the CA::Server

Re: [cgiapp] ::Server vs ::Dispatch::Server: Worth having both?

2008-09-20 Thread George Hartzell
Ricardo SIGNES writes: * Michael Peters [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-09-17T12:37:04] Bradley C Bailey wrote: In CAD::Server it tries to serve files staticly first before sending to dispatch. I think the best solution would be to specify a way to mark an entry point in the CA::Server

Re: [cgiapp] ::Server vs ::Dispatch::Server: Worth having both?

2008-09-20 Thread George Hartzell
George Hartzell writes: [...] static-content.patch extends the entry-points table so that you can point specific entry-points at directories, which are then used as the docroot in a call to serve-static. Some self-feedback. Around line 83 of the patched I checked

Re: [cgiapp] Re: Possible patches for ::Server (calling George)

2008-09-18 Thread George Hartzell
Mark Stosberg writes: On Wed, 17 Sep 2008 22:24:05 -0400 Ricardo SIGNES [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: * Mark Stosberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-09-17T20:57:37] ::Dispatch::Server prefers static files first, ::Server prefers dispatching first I think it is a bug in ::Server

Re: [cgiapp] ::Server vs ::Dispatch::Server: Worth having both?

2008-09-17 Thread George Hartzell
Bradley C Bailey writes: Mark, CGI::Application::Dispatch::Server was released in Summer of '07, in part because CGI::Application::Server didn't have dispatching support. But soon after, in the fall, CGI::Application::Server was released, which supports both dispatched and

Re: [cgiapp] CAD::Server strangeness

2008-09-13 Thread George Hartzell
Richard Jones writes: George Hartzell wrote: Richard Jones writes: Using CGI::Application::Dispatch::Server, I'm getting a weird phenomenon occurring: Can you provide a simplified test case that shows this behaviour, or share a copy of the app with me to walk

Re: [cgiapp] Re: Titanium first impressions

2008-09-13 Thread George Hartzell
Mark Stosberg writes: [...] Titanium 'depends' on the equivalent, CGI::Application::Server, which in turn works with dispatching. This is mentioned in passing in the Titanium docs, but perhaps could be highlighted and detailed more. use CGI::Application::Server; my $server =

Re: [cgiapp] CAD::Server strangeness

2008-09-11 Thread George Hartzell
Richard Jones writes: Using CGI::Application::Dispatch::Server, I'm getting a weird phenomenon occurring: my $server = CGI::Application::Dispatch::Server-new( class= 'MyWebApp::Dispatch', root_dir = '/path/to/htdocs', ); $server-run; Server starts OK. But

[cgiapp] cgiapp, cap::Dispatch, fastcgi, and lighttpd -- a dummies guide.

2008-09-07 Thread George Hartzell
Last week I spent a little more time than I care to disclose getting something that I wrote for CGI::Application::Dispatch::Server running under lighttpd using fastcgi. All of the necessary bits and hints are scattered around and really anyone but a Dummy should be all set. Since I managed to

Re: [cgiapp] the plugin CGI::Application::Plugin::Session issue

2008-06-10 Thread George Hartzell
Cees Hek writes: On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 5:31 PM, Mike. G [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, list I got one issue when I use the plugin CGI::Application::Plugin::Session **SNIP** COOKIE_PARAMS = { -domain = $this-cfg('site_domain'), -expires='+40m',

Re: [cgiapp] CGI::Application Testing Methodologies

2008-02-20 Thread George Hartzell
Mark Knoop writes: [...] I read this. But being both new to CGI::Application and a bit green on implementing proper test plans I wondered whether anyone knows of an article or tutorial that covers this area? Failing that any one sentence pointers on which approaches work for others

Re: Re:Re: [cgiapp] How to send pdf file?

2008-02-03 Thread George Hartzell
There's also Jason Purdy's CGI::Application::Plugin::Stream, which reads and write the file in chunks to avoid slurping it all into memory at once. g. # CGI::Application community mailing

Re: [cgiapp] Problem with CGI::Application::Dispatch::Server V 0.52

2007-09-19 Thread George Hartzell
Ron Savage writes: [...] Local::Application is a sub-class of CGI::Application but I was using CGI::Application::Dispatch::Server as stated. The docs need a patch on that one. Are you using CGI::Application::Dispatch at all? If not, then you should use CGI::Application::Server with

Re: [cgiapp] Emailing Results?

2007-09-10 Thread George Hartzell
Jason Purdy writes: This is probably going to start a firestorm, but it's important to have an opposing view voiced so no one thinks MIME::Lite is fit to be tarred feathered. [...] Thanks for speaking up. I felt kind of silly using something who's maintainer things is problematic, but

Re: [cgiapp] Progress while loading db records - again

2007-09-07 Thread George Hartzell
ademmler writes: Hi C::A users! I want to show a progress indicator while my cgi script gets information from my database. I have read and tested all suggestions, which had been made here allready, but I can get it work. I need help please. What I wanna do is; I have a

[cgiapp] patch for recursive use of CAP::ValidateRM

2007-08-31 Thread George Hartzell
I'd like to have a page that has some form fields at the top and displays content based on the current values of that form elsewhere on the page. I've tried to implement this by having a run mode that displays the page and is also the target of the form's submission. When things go well, the

Re: [cgiapp] patch for recursive use of CAP::ValidateRM

2007-08-31 Thread George Hartzell
Graham TerMarsch writes: [...] Note that I haven't -tried- the following code, but it'd look something like: package MyApp; use base 'CGI::Application'; use CGI::Application::Plugin::ValidateRM; use Data::FormValidator::Constraints qw(:regexp_common); sub setup { my

[cgiapp] runmode_authz in CAP::Authorization?

2007-07-22 Thread George Hartzell
Hi Cees, Thanks for putting together CAP::{Authentication,Authorization}. They look like they'll be very useful. The documentation suggests that CAP::Authorization has a method called 'runmode_authz', which applies restrictions to groups of runmodes, in much the way that CAP::Authentication's

[cgiapp] Test::WWW::Mechanize::CGIApp on cpan

2007-07-12 Thread George Hartzell
Hi all, I've uploaded Test::WWW::Mechanize::CGIApp v 0.05 to CPAN. The url is: Please give it a try and let me know how it works for you. g. - Web Archive:

Re: [cgiapp] Tests and CGI::Application

2007-04-07 Thread George Hartzell
Dan Horne writes: [...] I guess Test::WWW::Mechanize is one module to look at, but I should also be looking at calling my controller code directly as well as going through the front end. [...] I don't have a lot of experience to share, but I have wrapped up a CGIApp specific extension

Re: [cgiapp] Re: more testing failures...

2007-03-13 Thread George Hartzell
Barry Moore writes: George- Sorry for the trivial error report. I'd have sworn on my mothers grave I had Dispatch installed - but that would be unwise since she's still alive and kicking and in fact I didn't have Dispatch installed. That's what I get for working with a foggy

[cgiapp] Request for comments: Test::WWW::Mechanize::CGIApp

2007-03-12 Thread George Hartzell
I was looking for a make-myself-useful-and-learn-something project on the cgiapp wiki and came across a call for a Mechanize'd tester for cgiapp. I put this together after looking at how the catalyst equivalent works. I'd appreciate any feedback folks care to throw at it. It has the following

[cgiapp] Re: Fix for using the perl debugger with HTTP::Server::Simple servers

2007-02-27 Thread George Hartzell
Jesse Vincent writes: On Sat, Feb 24, 2007 at 06:23:52PM -0800, George Hartzell wrote: I'd like to be able to run my CGI::Application::Dispatch::Server based apps under the perl debugger. It wasn't working, in order to get anything to happen at all I had to submit a request

[cgiapp] Re: Fix for using the perl debugger with HTTP::Server::Simple servers

2007-02-27 Thread George Hartzell
Hi Jesse, The patch below passes your test suite, and seems to me to follow a pattern established by other tools that swap around stdio handles. It passes HTTP::Server::Simple's tests on my FreeBSD system, and also allows me to run my CGI::Application::Server based stuff in the debugger.

[cgiapp] Can anyone explain how CA::Dispatch and CAP::AutoRunmode interact?

2007-02-25 Thread George Hartzell
I've been playing around with CA::Dispatch and CAP::AutoRunmode, as cgi's served from under apache22 and using CA::Dispatch::Server. I discovered that things only behave as expected if I use CAP::AutoRunmode (or something that uses it) in my instance script. Once I understood that, I found this

[cgiapp] Fix for using the perl debugger with HTTP::Server::Simple servers

2007-02-24 Thread George Hartzell
I'd like to be able to run my CGI::Application::Dispatch::Server based apps under the perl debugger. It wasn't working, in order to get anything to happen at all I had to submit a request to the socket it was listening on (in retrospect to make it past an accept call) then hit a couple of

[cgiapp] ...::Server's handle_request, ...Pluging::Stream and binary files.

2007-02-20 Thread George Hartzell
Hi Stevan and Rob (and the cgiapp community), I spent a while last night learning to use cgiapp::Plugin::Stream to return an excel spreadsheet (built w/ Spreadsheet::WriteExcel) in response to a request. I had it almost working very quickly, but the file I sent wasn't something gnumeric could

[cgiapp] problem with logdispatch, possibly 'cuz of dispatch, inheritance?

2007-02-19 Thread George Hartzell
Hi, I'm seeing something odd, and thought I'd ask a quick and dirty question before I tried to boil down a test case that I can share. I'm playing with an application that uses my (check out the archives) CGI::Application::Dispatch::Server to catch requests and farm them out to fairly simple

Re: [cgiapp] Re: review/comments on CGI::Application::Dispatch::Server module.

2007-02-02 Thread George Hartzell
Mark Stosberg writes: George Hartzell wrote: I've mutated the CGI::Application::Server package so that I can run a little development/debug server for my CGI::Application::Dispatch based app. I'd like some feedback on it, is it useful to anyone else and/or are there things

[cgiapp] review/comments on CGI::Application::Dispatch::Server module.

2006-10-30 Thread George Hartzell
I've mutated the CGI::Application::Server package so that I can run a little development/debug server for my CGI::Application::Dispatch based app. I'd like some feedback on it, is it useful to anyone else and/or are there things that I should do differently with/to it? Did I mention that it's

[cgiapp] TT version of mason metaphor (tabs along top of page)?

2006-10-15 Thread George Hartzell
I'm redoing an existing app as a CGI::Application using Template Toolkit. In my mason version I did a set of tabs across the top of the page be defining an ul/ul and using css to style them into tabs. The current tab was made to stand out by styling it with a different css class (called

Re: [cgiapp] Don't understand ValidateRM behaviour

2006-10-04 Thread George Hartzell
out his suggestion. I've attached his message in case it's an interesting alternative for you. g. ---BeginMessage--- On 9/26/06, George Hartzell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: George Hartzell writes: I have a page that has several forms, each form has a hidden input named rm which specifies

Re: [cgiapp] Don't understand ValidateRM behaviour

2006-10-04 Thread George Hartzell
RA Jones writes: George Hartzell wrote: RA Jones writes: OK, thanks. So the behaviour is caused by FillInForm, and nothing to do with CAP::Forward. I did see something about ignore_fields but missed its significance. Makes me wonder if FiF is optimally suited for use

[cgiapp] cgiapp, template toolkit, class::dbi::pager, oh dear.

2006-09-25 Thread George Hartzell
Hi all, it's me again, I'm having a problem using class::dbi pagers and the Template Toolkit. I have a data model built with Class::DBI and am using the TemplateToolkit via cap::Plugin::TT for my views. My baseclass for my models uses Class::DBI::Pager. In my run mode, I do something like

RE: [cgiapp] CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate vs. CAP::TT

2006-09-20 Thread George Hartzell
Dan Horne writes: I'm not sure if this is useful, but here are my two cents: I use CAP::AnyTemplate with both HTML::Template::Expr and TT in an existing app so that I can transition existing templates from the former to the latter. I have found it to be an excellent tool (thanks

[cgiapp] CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate vs. CAP::TT

2006-09-15 Thread George Hartzell
I'm just getting started w/ CGI::Application, and am pretty excited. I'm using the Template Toolkit. It seems to me that it's a good idea to use CAP::AnyTemplate since that gives me the flexibility to change templating systems. I've noticed that several of the plugins (HTMLPrototype, DevPopup,

[cgiapp] problem w/ CGI::Application::Server and ...::Dispatch and a fix

-- Thread George Hartzell
gle_color_url = "006792"; google_color_text = "00"; //--> [cgiapp] problem w/ CGI::Application::Server and ...::Dispatch and a fix George Hartzell Retraction - Re: [cgiapp] problem w/ CGI::Application::Server George Hartzell