[cia_tradecraft] Re: FBI memo, photo link Bush Sr. to JFK Dallas murder scene

2006-03-24 Thread stu8340
Thanks Tom.It looks as if it could be (?)...H, interesting http://www.tomflocco.com/fs/FbiMemoPhotoLinkBushJfk.htm --"Fascism will come to this country and it will come disguised as Americanism"..Governor Huey Long "It is also in the interests of a tyrant to keep

[cia_tradecraft] Re: Fw: AOL is politically censoring the e-mails addressed to its customers.

2006-03-23 Thread stu8340
For the record, I'm not beating up anyone with an aol address, though it would be nice to boycott them, this is just an update to the ever increasing info wars censorship, a "heads up" for the day that it happens to you, that way you knew it was coming... --WARNING: Due to Presidential

[cia_tradecraft] Re: The guys I'm in love with win award...

2006-03-22 Thread stu8340
Right on sister..click on the "read more" and listen to the truth.. --WARNING: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the National Security Agency (NSA) may have read this email without warning, warrant, or notice. They may do this without any judicial or legislative oversight. You

[cia_tradecraft] Re:HACKERS ON APFN-1.... STANDBY....

2006-03-21 Thread stu8340
--WARNING: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the National Security Agency (NSA) may have read this email without warning, warrant, or notice. They may do this without any judicial or legislative oversight. You have no recourse, nor protection.. "US Constitution, The Bill of Rights

[cia_tradecraft] Re: Tell Sens. Levin and Stabenow: Stand with Feingold

2006-03-15 Thread stu8340
I picked up the phone and called both Levin Stabenow, both offices said that they have yet to make a comment, yet ?? I asked what in the hell we're they waiting for? And said that if they don't support this that not only will I vote against them this fall, I will actively work against

[cia_tradecraft] Re: E-Mail for Feingold

2006-03-14 Thread stu8340
Not only Russ, but all other's as well, for he can't do this by himself. -- Original message -- From: Patch [EMAIL PROTECTED] e-mail for Feingold, lets let him know we support him!! *** DO NOT POST ILLEGAL INFORMATION. Identifying agents is a criminal

[cia_tradecraft] Re: Impeachment Forum / Hear ye', Hear ye' ...............

2006-03-13 Thread stu8340
Let it be known, I am very disappointed and bad mouth the DNC when appropriate to do so.But I've always said and still do, that there are a handful of "True Democrats" that are true patriotsthat have this county's best interest at heartRep. John Conyers is at the fore front of that

[cia_tradecraft] Re: Fwd: Associated Press Poll

2006-03-12 Thread stu8340
--"Fascism will come to this country and it will come disguised as Americanism"..Governor Huey Long "It is also in the interests of a tyrant to keep his people poor, so that they may not be able to afford the cost of protecting themselves by arms and be so occupied with their daily

[cia_tradecraft] Re: Fw: Extremely Interesting!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-03-10 Thread stu8340
This is so good...I've sent this out before but it's worth the repeat, I just love that tune.Thanks Larry, you put a smile on my face today. [:-) http://www.filmstripinternational.com/ --"Fascism will come to this country and it will come disguised as

[cia_tradecraft] Re:MonkeyMan is an Urban Legend

2006-03-04 Thread stu8340
Spoofed again..(???) -- Original message -- From: "SiouxB" http://urbanlegends.about.com/library/blslavemaster5.htm This is not a joke -- it's an urban legend - Original Message - From: Joe Gillaspie To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent:

[cia_tradecraft] Re: WARNING FROM THE STATE POLICE . . . USA (Not a joke.)

2006-03-04 Thread stu8340
Thanks for clearing the air on this... Stung by half truths again, erroring on the side of being safe than sorry... -- Original message -- From: "Larry " Take a look here, "http://www.truthorfiction.com/rumors/s/slavemaster.htm"[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: You

[cia_tradecraft] Re: Stu vs. Comcast ISP

2006-02-17 Thread stu8340
month, just like you.. stu8340 wrote: February 17, 2006 State Of Michigan Department Of Attorney General Attention: Attorney General Mr. Mike Cox ; This is in follow up to the formal complaint form that was filed with your office. Further documentation will be provided upon req

[cia_tradecraft] Re: Homeland security and the internet

2006-02-16 Thread stu8340
Title: Message Finally a bill that will protect us...take a look Subject: Homeland Security From: "Russ " Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2006 11:34:00 -0800

[cia_tradecraft] Re: [catapult] Homeland NAZIs Blocking Emails!

2006-02-16 Thread stu8340
Thanks Larry, It's nice to know, again according to comcast, "they've not had any other complaints", that I'm not the only lone duck who has been getting whacked.I've asked for legal advise on this matter a couple of different times by the legal eagles who troll these groups looking for

[cia_tradecraft] A sheep-like nation is allowing Bush to erode our liberties and well-being

2006-02-12 Thread stu8340
A sheep-like nation is allowing Bush to erode our liberties and well-being by Bruce Mulkey published February 11, 2006 6:00 am http://www.citizen-times.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060211/OPINION03/60209012/1006/OPINION If this were a dictatorship, itd be a heck of a lot easier,

[cia_tradecraft] Re: How to Identify Misinformation - US Department of State

2006-02-10 Thread stu8340
Ah yes, Our USA propaganda spin machine...I guess this what will determine, if we engage in such information, to whether we're sent to the FEMA camps for relocation. APFN wrote: IMG SRC="" class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E"

[cia_tradecraft] Re: [catapult] CPTMAY HPD-CID Chat: Nuclear 911, Texas City Presstitute TJ Aulds

2006-02-10 Thread stu8340
This is straight up, right from the horse's mouth.if there is any question's or doubt's, take them up with the Captain.[EMAIL PROTECTED] Eric May wrote: From: Captain May, Ghost Troop Commander To: Sergeant Karshner, HPD Criminal Intelligence Division Yo John! It's

[cia_tradecraft] Re: [catapult] AOL Wants to Charge for Not-Profit Email

2006-02-08 Thread stu8340
Deon wrote: - Original Message - From: Kathleen To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2006 11:17 PM Subject: [Avian2005] AOL Wants to Charge for Not-Profit Email AOL to block nonprofit email Please forward...This is serious

[cia_tradecraft] CYA, to make it look like they're covering the bases

2006-02-07 Thread stu8340
Bingo...Dog Pony, you betcha'..CYA, to make it look like they're covering the bases.What are they going to do when they collect all the facts? Allow gonzales and his minions to explain it away Then the next question is, are we going to buy into it on the premise

[cia_tradecraft] DOD Announces Readiness to Deploy Troops on US Soil

2006-02-06 Thread stu8340
DOD Announces Readiness to Deploy Troops on US Soil http://www.newswithviews.com/BreakingNews/breaking41.htm Posted 1:00 AM Eastern by David Bresnahan February 4, 2006 NewsWithViews.com WASHINGTON -- Paul McHale, the Defense Department's first assistant secretary for homeland

[cia_tradecraft] Re: even if Congress votes no

2006-02-05 Thread stu8340
Welcome to Amerikkka in the 21st century. http://www.boston.com/news/nation/washington/articles/2006/01/25/ags_memo_raises_questions_on_patriot_act/ Attorney General says Bush can keep using PATRIOT Act powers even if Congress votes "no". Boston Globe Posted 2006

[cia_tradecraft] Leader Bill Frist/must be prepared to take military action against Iran

2006-02-05 Thread stu8340
Date: Sat, 4 Feb 2006 21:35:36 -0800 (PST) From: Steven blue_meanie Subject: Frist says military action a possibility against Iran KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said Saturday night that the United States must be prepared to take military action

[cia_tradecraft] Re: EFF Sues ATT to Stop Illegal Surveillance

2006-02-05 Thread stu8340
Stu wrote: Well hallelujah..I asked this question a couple a weeks ago with no reply, Thanks for finding this, I'm glad to see that someone has some insite on this. Shanti wrote:

[cia_tradecraft] Wage Slavery

2006-02-02 Thread stu8340
http://www.new-enlightenment.com/new_slavery.htm Wage Slavery 1.2 billion people (24 percent of the total world population) live in "severe poverty." Forty-six million citizens--30 percent more than in 1996--are without health insurance. While the sales of the Top 200 are the

[cia_tradecraft] Re: [catapult] They're Here: White Russian Hang-Overs

2006-02-02 Thread stu8340
Here it isI have felt the sting know others who have also...I requested from attorney Paul of how we could approach this, apparently he doesn't have any ideas for he never answered.I guess the "Big Take Over" will happen with the next terror occurrence..Then it will be

[cia_tradecraft] Re: [catapult] They're Here: White Russian Hang-Overs

2006-02-02 Thread stu8340
to have those in office vote, it means we the people vote to end this form of government!!! We need to start today. Sincerely, Nick. -Original Message- From: stu8340 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2006 9:34 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED];

[cia_tradecraft] Re: Fwd: Unable to deliver your message/farewell

2006-02-02 Thread stu8340
Shanti, there's this virus that seems to be going around that must be contagiousBeing a moderator of a group must be intoxicating for someI'm the only moderator of a group and it sure hasn't gone to my head yetOle' king mikey here is the self proclaimed leader of the Dean

[cia_tradecraft] Re: Fwd: Re: Fwd: Unable to deliver your message

2006-02-01 Thread stu8340
Effective today I am announcing that I am cutting ties to yaho' and their practices of monitoring and censoring as well as making it difficult to communicate in an effective way to educate the peopleAgain, things were fine for a short time, then suddenly another set of games began with

[cia_tradecraft] Re: PLEASE FORWARD TO ALL(URGENT)

2006-01-31 Thread stu8340
Sallie wrote: They are discussing Bush's abuses against citizens on C-Span-2 now.  Iraq, Impeachment, and the Bush administration.  http://play.rbn.com/?url=""> - Original Message - From: biker To: sallie Sent: Tuesday, January 31,

[cia_tradecraft] Re: [apfn-1] Ariel Sharon dies

2006-01-06 Thread stu8340
Alex Jones is also saying thisI find it real interesting that CNN has yet to make this their "Breaking News".. --"Fascism will come to this country and it will come disguised as Americanism"..Governor Huey Long "It is also in the interests of a tyrant to keep his people

[cia_tradecraft] Re: [apfn-1] [Fwd: NATIONAL LAWYERS GUILD VS BUSH]

2005-12-22 Thread stu8340
Finally something that might have some teeth in it, that may (?) grab the attention of those on the hillThe little donkey stood up this week and has figured out thatit can kick back with a sting.. The bush dick team's arrogance is sooo in your face now, with their blatant disregard for

[cia_tradecraft] Re: [AggressiveProgressives] This is TOTAL Bullshet!

2005-12-07 Thread stu8340
In a message dated 12/7/2005 5:44:29 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, bj0114 writes: TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS Democrats Fear Backlash I'm tellin' all up frontThis isn't going to

[cia_tradecraft] Re: ImpeachGeorgeWBush] Poll Shock

2005-12-04 Thread stu8340
To: "Robert Fitrakis" [EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.freepress.org/departments/display/19/2005/1592Poll shockby Robert C. Koehler, Tribune Media ServicesNovember 24, 2005One of the most wildly inaccurate pre-election polls in memory, which wasoff by over 40 points on some predictions, may

[cia_tradecraft] Re: P.H.A.S.R.

2005-12-02 Thread stu8340
the ultimate in the "Stun Gun Technology" without the fish hook probes wire artman-graphics US Air Force unveils hand-held laser gun Source URL: http://www.janes.com/security/law_enforcement/news/jdw/jdw051125_2_n.shtml By Michael Sirak JDW Staff Reporter Washington, DC The

[cia_tradecraft] Re: Senate Moves Towards Forced Vaccinations

2005-12-02 Thread stu8340
jayhawk writes: Senate Moves Towards Forced Vaccinations, Vaccine Damage Immunity for Drug Companies Associated Press | December 2, 2005 By ANDREW BRIDGES

[cia_tradecraft] Re: 'secret law' an abomination

2005-12-02 Thread stu8340
http://www.papersplease.org/gilmore/Meet John Gilmore. He's a 49 year-old philanthropist who lives in SanFrancisco, California. Through a lot of hard work (and a littleluck), John made his fortune as a programmer and entrepreneur in thesoftware industry. Whereas most people in

[cia_tradecraft] Re: TWO FACES OF BUSH

2005-12-02 Thread stu8340

[cia_tradecraft] Re: IT HAS BEGUN

2005-12-02 Thread stu8340
HEIL HITLER! IT HAS BEGUN By: Devvy December 1, 2005 NewsWithViews.com "If we wish to be free, if we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we have been so long contending, if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which

[cia_tradecraft] Re: NAUGHTY SANTA!

2005-12-02 Thread stu8340
*** DO NOT POST ILLEGAL INFORMATION. Identifying agents is a criminal offense. Please also respect the rights of other individuals. *** FAIR USE NOTICE. This message contains copyrighted material whose use has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. CIA

[cia_tradecraft] Re: [AggressiveProgressives] Re: Be alert! by Carol Wolman

2005-11-30 Thread stu8340
A period of big chaos came once before and the Nazi Party stepped in to fill the vacuum.--Dale You are so right, Dale..and the State keeps thumping their chest to instill their message that they are Protecting US from terrorism Give me a breakAre we, the people of

[cia_tradecraft] Re: Reject Harriet Miers and appoint a moderate to the Supreme Court.

2005-11-29 Thread stu8340
This is exactly what I mean.This says it all..And people wonder why I've gone independent. I really like the warm fuzzy feeling I get when I read the last sentence... Man, the sunshine is so bright, I had better put on my sunglasses, ya' think? In a message dated

[cia_tradecraft] Re: Be alert! by Carol Wolman

2005-11-27 Thread stu8340
In a message dated 11/27/2005 1:55:17 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Be alert! by Carol Wolman The United States is ripe for a major change. The Bush regime is collapsing from its own arrogance, greed and stupidity.What will replace it? And will we the

[cia_tradecraft] Re: Re: Message not approved: you obviously didn't read m...

2005-11-27 Thread stu8340
You are absolutely right Palmbeach...The "Softcore" Democrats refuse to come to terms with the "TRUTH"..Ignore it long enough, it will go awayWe're not going to take back "Our" country playing their game, by their made up rulesI hope I'm dead wrong, but I sure won't

[cia_tradecraft] Re: Fwd: [NativeAmericanVoiceForHealth] thanksgiving message

2005-11-25 Thread stu8340
messages come in all forms, as do lessons... Thanksgiving Message-* TONIGHT--NBC Nightly News to Feature BFC Bison Hunt Video FootageNBC Nightly News will feature a report on the Montana bison hunttonight. The segment will include coverage of


2005-11-25 Thread stu8340
jayhawk writes: [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: GENERAL MOTORS ANNOUNCES PLANS TO CLOSE NINE NORTH AMERICAN FACTORIES, LAY OFF30,000 WORKERSNOTE: With the recent news concerning the closure of yet another GM facility inOklahoma City, this CCW item from May 2005 should be of renewed

[cia_tradecraft] John F. Kennedy

2005-11-24 Thread stu8340
President John Fitzgerald Kennedy said: On September 14, 1960: "If by a 'Liberal' they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people -- their health, their housing, their schools,

[cia_tradecraft] Re: Fw: Communist Links to the Federal Reserve

2005-11-22 Thread stu8340
Subject: Communist Links to the Federal Reserve COMMUNIST Links to the Federal Reserve Beaver Cole - Kilgore, Texas The paper money in your wallet contains these words: "Federal Reserve Note. This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private."

[cia_tradecraft] Re: Fwd: [UnitedNativeAmerica] THE REAL STORY OF THANKSGIVING

2005-11-21 Thread stu8340
From: "Strong Heart Woman" bearwolfhawk.com Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2005 15:40:20 -0500 (Eastern Standard Time) Subject: [UnitedNativeAmerica] THE REAL STORY OF THANKSGIVING THE REAL STORY OF THANKSGIVING by Susan Bates Most of us associate

[cia_tradecraft] Re: BIG HEADS UP, SALLIE!!!

2005-11-21 Thread stu8340
In a message dated 11/21/2005 12:31:53 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, sallie writes: - Original Message - From: Sallie Sent: Monday, November 21, 2005 12:06 PM Subject: Re: BIG HEADS UP, SALLIE!!! Thanks Biker! Michael Scanlon, a