My first quick take is that you would be served well by creating your own
data structure that wraps a priority queue for efficient access by minimum
value, and a sorted map for efficient access by key, including subseq's of
That combination won't give you subseq's on values, but you could to
The file should also contain a pre-built JAR file named
clojure-1.8.0.jar, if you want to just use that and run with it.
I do not know if it is intentional or a mistake that some of the files
necessary to build are not included in that zip file. It may be
intentional, with the i
Sayth, check out these examples and see if they clarify anything for you.
user=> nil
user=> (if nil "nil is truthy" "nil is falsey")
"nil is falsey"
user=> (nil? nil)
user=> (if (nil? nil) "(nil? nil)=true is truthy" "(nil? nil)=true is
"(nil? nil)=true is truthy"
user=> (num
At least a few tools built on top of Clojure (not part of the base language
implementation) might not work with multiple namespaces defined in the same
The library tools.namespace, for one, looks for only the first ns form in
each source file, and assumes there are no more after that. I do
If it helps anyone sleep better at night, were the behavior of distinct
ever to change in a way that breaks one's application, the original one is
right there in the git history, available for everyone's copying and use,
with whatever promises in the doc string you choose to add.
On Thu, Dec
I can't answer for the author, but the answer you gave would be a good
sufficient reason to call seq in those places, yes?
If you create a function zipmap2 that is identical to zipmap, except it
does not have any calls to seq, you get these results:
user=> (zipmap [] [1])
user=> (zipmap2 []
More likely, records being just as slow with Clojure 1.9.0-alpha14 probably
mean that recalculating of record hashes was not a significant amount of
the time your program was taking. Thanks for trying it out.
On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 5:03 PM, Didier wrote:
> I tried it with the safe equals
Not sure which version of Clojure you are using, but in all versions up to
the latest 'official' release, Clojure 1.8.0, records have their hash value
calculated every time they are needed, with no caching of the calculated
value. The hash value is needed every time an operation is done in a
Regarding Alex Miller's "Voting" message of today, you could consider
voting on this related ticket if you are so inclined:
I just realized that having a warning in a lint tool like Eastwood for
using characters other than those explicitly endor
Anyone with a free account can create issues in Clojure's JIRA tracker.
Just go to the link below, and if you see a "Log In" link near the top
right of the page, click it and create an account on the next page that
On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at
On Mon, Sep 5, 2016 at 9:25 AM, hiskennyness wrote:
> In other languages you might see:
> (defn himom [] ..)
> (defn himom [x] ...)
> (defn himom [x y z] ...)
> Come to think of it, maybe Clojure does that, too, (nooby myself) but the
> Clojure syntax for overloading I know puts each defi
A suggestion for making all errors better would be to give not only the
precise file and line _of the beginning of the top level form containing
the problem_, but a more precise line and column of _the part of the form
that spec is complaining about_. Multi-line forms are the biggest and
hardest t
In the data representing fragments of the user's code returned with these
macro errors, does it include metadata with :line and :column keys in it?
Perhaps that would be one way to give errors localized to particular places
in the user's code.
It isn't always available, e.g. keyword cannot have m
Anyone who has created a free JIRA account can vote on Clojure tickets.
High-voted tickets get Alex Miller's attention so he can try to make
progress on them, with some level of priority over tickets without votes.
Note that in some cases, 'making progress' can simply mean 'declined
sooner, rather
d now. Thanks for explaining!
> Łukasz Kożuchowski
>> On Aug 13, 2016 4:56 PM, "Andy Fingerhut" wrote:
>> That ticket is in a state called "Triaged", which means that a screener
>> (most likely Alex Miller) thinks the issue is good enough
That ticket is in a state called "Triaged", which means that a screener
(most likely Alex Miller) thinks the issue is good enough for Rich Hickey
to take a look at it some time. Rich probably hasn't looked at it yet,
because if he had, it would have likely been changed to Declined or Vetted.
As f
The user-provided examples and comments at are not official
Clojure documentation, but in many cases contain useful additional info.
I have just added examples to clojure.core/pr similar to those that
motivated this thread, and Timothy Baldridge's suggestion to use transit in
cases lists 63 projects with core.incubator as a dependency. Not
sure how widely used those projects are themselves:
On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 12:01 PM, Alex Miller wrote:
> I'm not opposed to it but can't s
On Wed, May 4, 2016 at 5:46 AM, Fluid Dynamics wrote:
> Also, nothing you wrote addresses the other complaint I have, which is
> that stuff shouldn't just magically stop working one day while it's sitting
> in a drawer unused, and that there's not even an *excuse* for it to do so
> if it's *sof
I am pretty sure that the intent is that strings like 077 are read as
octal, and in Clojure 1.8.0 this is what happens, e.g. (read-string "077")
evaluates to the integer 63 (decimal), not 77. Thus it is intentional that
(read-string "08") and (read-string "09") throw exceptions.
This is a special case behavior of clojure.core/get, as you can see in the source file at these lines:
I have no idea if a JIRA would be accepted for any change on this or not,
but if one was, I suspect i
Transients are a performance optimization that can give quite significant
performance increases when you know you will be doing many updates to a
Clojure vector or map. A long sequence of updates on a transient tends to
allocate much less memory than the corresponding sequence of updates on a
I don't know if assoc-in etc. work on the data
structures, but your questions at least reminded me of the implementation
of that data structure, which uses two maps internally to maintain the
priority map, and keeps their contents consistent with each other [1]. It
also i
Eastwood doesn't try to find syntax sugar. It is meant to be a linter,
i.e. to find suspicious things in your code that might be bugs, or
left-over cruft.
Kibit, mentioned earlier in this thread, might be the project you are
thinking of, also by Jonas Enlund:
The reference documentation is available here, starting with the Reader at
this link, but continuing on with all of the other topics you see on the
left hand side of this page, such as Evaluation, Special Forms, Macros, etc.
Any questions not answered there
I had never seen JUNG before. I've not looked at its implementation at
all, but the demos are pretty impressive. As you say, graphviz is nice for
what it does, but I did not realize there was an open source 'graphical
graph manipulator' like this.
On Sun, Feb 14, 2016 at 12:38 PM, Paul L.
It may be as finished as it will ever be.
On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 8:35 AM, James Elliott wrote:
> Ah, I see that part of the reason it’s not yet documented is that it’s not
> really finished; you can’t, for example, use a keyword as a function with
> it. Trying to use #=(:tap-tempo control
I don't know if it works well with Clojure 1.8 or not, but dynalint is
intended to give clearer error messages for some things like this, at the
cost of some performance.
I am not sure how beginner-friendly the install instructions are, but you
can try th
I haven't used boot yet, so haven't discovered any issues that might exist
with using Eastwood [1] on a project where boot is used. There might not
be any, which would be great, but if there are I'd like to hear about
them. Even better, if you have some short instructions on how to use
Eastwood o
The only person who can say for sure whether there will be Clojure features
added that require newer versions of the JVM is Rich Hickey. Alex Miller
may happen to know his thoughts on this matter, if they have discussed it.
I recall seeing a few discussions a few years back in the Clojure Dev
That repository you did the Pulse graph on contains basically what you
would think of in the core implementation of Python/Ruby/etc. with only the
most minimal of libraries included. No extra modules/gems/etc. The
libraries of Clojure are all spread across many other repositories, and
Clojure was
I'm jumping the gun a little bit by announcing this, as the links for the
new Clojure 1.8.0 vars like clojure.string/index-of and last-index-of, etc.
do not link to any place useful on or Grimoire yet, but I
am guessing they will in not too long from no
Results of some testing done on 1.8.0-RC5:
Ran 'mvn clean test' on a few OS/JDK combos that are not tested as often.
Reason: there have been (or still are) build or test failures with some of
them. All JDKs listed below were 64-bit.
Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 + Oracle JDK 1.7.0_80: ok 3/3 trials
Eastwood, the Clojure lint tool, version 0.2.3 has been released. See
install instructions and complete documentation at [1].
Below are some of the changes since version 0.2.2. A complete list is at
Go squash some bugs!
Jonas Enlund, Nicola Mometto, and Andy Fingerhut
[1] https
You can increase the maximum stack size in your JVM with command line
options when you start it.
You can reduce the amount of stack memory required per recursive
iteration. I don't know if let-bound symbols like modulo, trunc, mult-m,
and add-m require separate stack space per recursive call in y
I have done my usual 'mvn clean test' on multiple OS/JDK combos not tested
on, and found nothing amiss with 1.8.0-RC3.
Is considered problematic
enough to fix before 1.8.0 goes out?
On Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 1:36 PM, Alex Miller wr
(swap! a long-operation-on-score some-param
>>>>> In this case long-operation-on-score will need to be re-run every time
>>>>> a thread modifies the atom. However if our function only needs the state
David, you say "Based on jvisualvm monitoring, doesn't seem to be
What is jvisualvm showing you related to GC and/or memory allocation when
you tried the 18-core version with 18 threads in the same process?
Even memory allocation could become a point of contention, depending upon
There is no STM involved if you only have atoms, and no refs, so it can't
be STM-related.
I have a conjecture, but don't yet have a suggestion for an experiment that
would prove or disprove it.
The JVM memory model requires that changes to values that should be visible
to all threads, like swap!
nearly the same -- about 2% longer with 1.8.0-RC1, but I only ran each set
of tests once, and that could be within the range of variability across
On Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 12:02 PM, Andy Fingerhut
> Results of some testing done on 1.8.0-RC1:
> Ran 'mvn clean test
Sorry, that link to the docs on the new wrong pre/post-condition linter
should have been:
On Sun, Nov 15, 2015 at 1:25 PM, Andy Fingerhut
> Eastwood, the Clojure lint tool, version 0.2.2 has been released. See
> i
Eastwood, the Clojure lint tool, version 0.2.2 has been released. See
install instructions and complete documentation at [1].
Below are some of the changes since version 0.2.1. A complete list is at
Go squash some bugs!
Jonas Enlund, Nicola Mometto, and Andy Fingerhut
[1] https
Results of some testing done on 1.8.0-RC1:
Ran 'mvn clean test' on a few OS/JDK combos that are not tested as often.
Reason: there have been (or still are) build or test failures with some of
them. All JDKs listed below were 64-bit.
Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 + Oracle JDK 1.7.0_80-b15: ok 3/3 tria
Describing the odd behavior in only one of those entries, and then
cross-referencing it explicitly in the examples of the others to the
'detailed one', can save redundancy in writing.
On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 11:17 PM, Andy Fingerhut
> I cr
I created this ticket:
I don't know what will become of it, e.g. perhaps a change in behavior to
the unchecked functions, perhaps a clarification to the documentation,
perhaps nothing. I wouldn't be surprised if the Clojure core team judged
the existing
I can't answer whether Clojure should do that.
It is doing it because unchecked-multiply falls back to normal multiply,
i.e. *, unless both of its arguments are primitive long values. Even boxed
Long values cause it to fall back to the behavior of *. The same goes for
unchecked-add and unchecked
This sounds to me likely to be known and expected behavior of xargs. Any
OS has maximum limitations on either number and/or total size of command
line arguments, and xargs is probably invoking multiple JVMs.
Here is a portion of the man page for xargs on my Mac:
Any arguments specified o
Try out the Eastwood Clojure lint tool [1] and see if it gives deprecation
warnings where you hope to see them.
On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 9:31 AM, William la Forge
> OK, but
> 1. Still no warning from cursive or lein test and
> 2. I think the
Others can confirm, but I think that is the entire API, callable from Java,
that is documented and supported by Clojure. Everything is reachable from
there if you know which Clojure Vars you want to use.
On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 7:31 AM, crocket wrote:
It is definitely the case that this behavior of cl-format you demonstrate
does not match the behavior of Common Lisp's format when given the same
arguments. It doesn't capitalize the keyword name, either, but I think
leaving it lower case is more in keeping with Clojure's case-sensitive
symbol nat
Should be fixed in Clojure 1.8.0-alpha2 and later, due to this ticket and
its attached patch:
Change was to force run! to return nil always.
On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 2:36 PM, Mike Rodriguez wrote:
> The doc string for clojure.core/run! is:
> "R
On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 3:26 PM, waffletower
> Would someone care to rationalize the implementation of (rationalize)?
Sorry, I don't have an answer of the form "Rich Hickey's rationale for this
behavior is X", because I don't know what X is for this behavior. I can
point out a few thin
Nicola Mometto has done a lot of work implementing Clojure in Clojure, but
there is no time frame proposed anywhere that I am aware of for this
implementation to become the one that is most widely used, if that ever
happens. The reader and analyzer are pretty much complete, as far as I a
I had not heard of AA trees before, but according to Wikipedia they sound
like a variant of red-black trees. Clojure's built-in sorted-map and
sorted-set implementations are called by the class name PersistentTreeMap
in its Java implementation [1], and it implements a persistent version of a
array-map preserving order is a property of its implementation, but not a
promise to those who use them.
Adding a key/value pair to an array-map that takes it over a certain
threshold size changes its implementation to a hash-map, which in general
changes the seq order completely. This is by desi
that you do not rely on any behavior you have not tested extensively
yourself there.
On Sun, Aug 9, 2015 at 9:22 AM, Andy Fingerhut
> Java uses UTF-16 encoding in memory for String objects. Characters in the
> Basic Multilingual Plane are represented as a single 16-
Java uses UTF-16 encoding in memory for String objects. Characters in the
Basic Multilingual Plane are represented as a single 16-bit character in
memory, but anything outside the BMP is represented as a sequence of 2
16-bit characters. Clojure's \u syntax can only be used to
directly represent a
Mike, Sean:
I don't know if there are deficiencies with this approach, but if you make
project.clj the 'original source of truth', and generate pom.xml via 'lein
install', does the auto-generated pom.xml contain everything you would need?
On Sat, Aug 8, 2015 at 1:02 AM, Mikera wrote:
> He
I have added assoc-in to the Vectors/'Change' section of the cheat sheet
that is available here:
That is where the latest version is published. The version at gets updated less frequently -- typically a couple
of times a year, when there are mor
This is not an 'official' answer, but there have been multiple job postings
here in the past.
I believe they are reasonably welcome if they are from the development team
itself that is doing the hiring.
I have personally rejected many attempts to post recruiting messages here
and on the Clojure D
Very likely that was the change for this ticket:
On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 7:19 PM, Adam Krieg wrote:
> Wow, I've upgraded a couple of projects and builds are roughly 50% faster
> over 1.7.0. Is that to be expected?
> On Saturday, July 18, 2015
Pull requests have come up many times before, but since it has been quite
some time since the last time, perhaps most people have not seen Rich's
answer the last time he responded to it. Below is a direct link, if you
want to read it. The short answer is that he prefers the work flow of
I don't think the tweets you link are the 'normal approach'. I would call
them pretty unusual in several aspects. For one, I think that for the vast
majority of Clojure tickets created, no on asks and gets Rich's comments on
them before they are created. Second, most end up being committed as the
u can find the tooltip-enabled versions, with Clojure 1.7.0 doc
strings, and links to either or Grimoire ( Both
of those sites have been updated for Clojure 1.7.0.
On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 5:36 PM, Andy Fingerhut
Eastwood warns about deprecated Clojure functions and Java methods (among
other things).
On Sun, Jul 12, 2015 at 2:17 PM, Brian Marick wrote:
> Is there a library out there for deprecating functions? I'm looking for
> something that prin
Disclaimer: I do not make decisions on what gets into clojure.core.
Here is a page that gives some reasons why most things don't get into
More specifically on if-all-let and things like it, many people seem to
Great examples of why lein-collisions is useful.
I think it would be helpful to include that text in your README on Github
On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 9:00 AM, Herwig Hochleitner
> 2015-07-08 18:41 GMT+02:00 Kevin Corcoran :
>> The projects on which I work alrea
Unsorted hash maps changed their seq order from Clojure 1.5.1 to Clojure
1.6.0, and some unsorted maps changed their seq order from Clojure 1.6.0 to
Clojure 1.7.0. If you are relying on the seq order of unsorted maps, your
program is at risk of breaking across Clojure versions.
On Wed, Jul
Is anyone interested in filing a bug against IBM JDK 1.8.0 where it appears
that its JIT compiler fails about half of the time when doing 'mvn clean
test' in a Clojure 1.7.0 source tree?
You can find some attachments in an earlier message of this thread that can
get you started, but producing your
, June 27, 2015 at 10:44:44 AM UTC-4, Jacob Goodson wrote:
>> Thanks.
>> What about the perf of something like this...
>> ({{:x 1 :y 2} :point} {:x 1 :y 2})
>> vs
>> ({1 2} 1)
>> and what if the map was
(let [foo {:x 1}]
(= foo foo))
is fast, because they are identical, and = is fast for things that are
In general, two maps that are = are often not identical.
If two maps have different numbers of elements, = should quickly return
false because of the way equiv() is implemented for
Sorry, I do not know whether Clojure can or cannot determine the correct
overload in this situation.
All I have is a weak suggestion that work well enough: have you considered
creating wrapper functions, e.g. in Scala or Java, that have different
enough function signatures that Clojure can easily
I'm jumping the gun a little bit by announcing this, as the links for the
new Clojure 1.7.0 vars like update, run!, dedupe, etc. do not link to any
place useful on or Grimoire yet, but I am guessing they
will in not too long from now, when those sit
If your definition of a mathematical decimal number is 'one that when
written in decimal has a decimal point in it', do you want the answer
'true' or 'false' for the floating point number 1.0? I don't see how that
definition of decimal number makes a lot of sense, or why you would want a
, Mars0i wrote:
> On Thursday, June 11, 2015 at 2:19:56 PM UTC-5, Andy Fingerhut wrote:
>> You can override hashCode and/or hasheq methods in deftype.
> I've been unable to do it. Is there something special needed to allow
> this to work?
Some related facts, but not sure if they offer a perfect justification for
_why_ rational? and decimal? return what they do.
(source rational?) reveals that it returns true for integers, ratios, and
decimal?, where (source decimal?) reveals it is true if it is of type
BigDecimal. Arithmetic opera
On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 12:19 PM, Andy Fingerhut
> You can override hashCode and/or hasheq methods in deftype.
> If the reason that defrecord hashing is slow in your application is
> because hashed recalculates the hash values from scrat
You can override hashCode and/or hasheq methods in deftype.
If the reason that defrecord hashing is slow in your application is because
hashed recalculates the hash values from scratch each time, without
hashing, consider voting for this ticket so that is improved in the future:
Add this line at the top of your file where you try areduce and loop, and
look for any reflection warnings that occur when loading the file:
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
If there are none, probably best to post a link to your code, or paste it
in a message here if it is short enough, so other
thread. Other threads might see those instructions as executing
> out-of-order. What I'm wondering is whether atoms are subject to this as
> well.
> > On Jun 9, 2015, at 10:16 AM, Andy Fingerhut
> wrote:
> >
> > I am not sure why Atamert says "No".
I am not sure why Atamert says "No".
If the (swap! a inc) and (swap! a dec) are executed in different threads,
and they can occur in either order because there is no synchronization
between those threads that prevents one of the two possible orders from
occurring, then another thread *could* see a
There are several 'utility' libraries for Clojure that may have something
like this already, or their authors might be willing to add such a thing:
On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 5:00 AM, crocket wrote:
> It evaluates true-c
I have just updated the Clojure cheat sheet to add most of the characters
described in the "Weird and Wonderful Characters of Clojure" article. Many
of them were already in the "Reader Macros" section, but I have renamed
that section to "Special Characters" and added most of them.
I don't have any comment on the license, except to say that the escrow
approach suggested by Franklin Siler seems like it should address this
concern, and I believe has been frequently used by large companies wanting
a small don't-know-how-long-they'll-exist company to escrow their source
code in c
A single file can define multiple namespaces, and a single namespace's
definition can be spread across multiple files. However, I have not seen
either of those things done very often in Clojure projects. By far the
most common approach is to have one file per namespace, and each namespace
I'd appreciate a ticket in jira if only to consider
>> this again before release.
>> Thank goodness Stu H screened that one so I can blame him. ;)
>> On Wednesday, June 3, 2015 at 4:00:35 PM UTC-6, Andy Fingerhut wrote:
Just to provide slightly more info, that change was made because of this
On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 6:34 AM, Mike Rodriguez wrote:
> Sorry for the delay in getting back with a response to this. I think it
> is fairly clear in the Clojure Com
Unofficial answer from the sidelines. I am in no way associated with the
folks who make decisions like this, other than that some of them know my
Throwing an exception in that case sounds like reasonable behavior to me,
but of course any code written now that uses a
I am not sure if this is the root cause of the performance difference you
are seeing, but Clojure records do not cache their hash values:
I don't know what the default .hashCode method is for deftypes that do not
specify one -- perhaps it is very fast be
It may require conversion to/from Java arrays to use them, but there are
Apache Commons Math implementations of the computations you mention, and
many others:
Tassilo, the issue with flatland.ordered.set/ordered-set was that library
had never been updated to match the change in hash function that occurred
when Clojure 1.6.0 was released.
Alan Malloy released a new version of the ordered library today that fixes
That has no effect on the other CLJ
I am not sure I understand your question. I will answer some questions
with some of the same key words in them, and then you can decide if one of
them was close to yours :)
Clojure includes clojure.core/read [1] and clojure.core/read-string, which
can read any Clojure code, but they can be danger
Alex, doing a quick sweep of new public Vars in 1.7.0-RC1 that were not in
Clojure 1.6.0 (complete list of all 21 below), I noticed that the following
two do not have any doc strings. Intentional, or oversight?
s0i wrote:
> Ah, OK, thanks. I probably depend too mcuh on the cheatsheets. But I'll
> go ahead and file an issue for definterface; I think it should be there as
> an alternative to gen-interface.
> On Wednesday, May 20, 2015 at 10:24:16 PM UTC-5, Andy Fingerhut wr
That may not be the right ticket. Nicola Mometto may have the number
memorized, if there is one :-)
Here is a workaround that avoids the reflection warning:
(let [^java.util.Collection x []]
(java.util.ArrayList. x))
On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 11:37 AM, Andy Fingerhut
> I beli
I believe this issue has been reported in this ticket:
Currently it is not planned to be fixed in Clojure 1.7.0. Maybe a later
release will fix it.
On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 11:24 AM, Sergey Didenko
> As I mentioned in another thread, how
The cheat sheet doesn't include everything. Most things in Clojure, yes,
but not all. Looking at the log of the last time I generated the latest
version of the cheat sheet, it does not include the 172 Vars listed below.
You can file an issue if there are any you think especially ought to be
Java interop _with method names known at compile time_ is pretty simple,
and is the most common case I have seen.
Why do you think it is supposed to be simple to select Java methods based
upon the values of variables at run time?
On Wed, May 20, 2015 at 7:31 PM, Pierre Thibault wrote:
> T
In general, running any kind of JVM via Leiningen, using the 'ps' command
with lots of '' on the end of the command line options should give full
command line options used to start the JVM, so you can see what is
Understanding exactly which options are good or bad for performance, I
There are other sources for this information, too (perhaps better ones),
but the cheat sheet has a section with many of these special symbols:
On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 1:49 PM, Raoul Duke wrote:
> knowing how to break down Clojure's syntax a bit helps, too. which
> m
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