I'm using org-mode, org-babel & swank for a "living" document I'm writing.
I'm generating a PDF which includes documentation, working clojure code
that generates incanter graphs. Also the generated incanter graphs are
included in the generated (latex) PDF.
On Monday, January 23, 2012 3:14:09 A
It's a way older older version of clojure but it's in there. I've played
around with it.
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Yes. you are correct and I agree that you would lose the original exception
or return type. I was just saying you could catch the exception of the IO
close if needed.
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(try (with-open [x y] ... )
(catch Exception)) ;; <- catches any exception from with-open macro
I don't think you are correct.
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Note t
Just wrap it if you are paranoid about exception on close
(try (with-open [x y]
(throw (Exception. "lololol")))
(catch Exception e (println (.getMessage e
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java -Djava.library.path=/usr/local/lib -cp clojure-1.2.0.jar:src
or in lein add
:native-path "/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib"
to your project def
then you should be able to make the JNI/JNA calls
On Dec 31, 12:39 pm, ax2groin wrote:
> I'm having trouble form
10 of us from Sonian are going to converge on Boston the week of Jan
9. It's always awesome to meet other Clojure hackers. I propose we
meet up somewhere central(ish) Jan 11 @ 7-9pm-ish. We have room at
our company headquarters in Dedham but that might be a hike for some
people. Any other places
Sorry I didn't provide enough detail on that last post. Please send
your interest to jobs on sonian.net with "clojure" in the subject.
On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 8:24 AM, Tim Dysinger wrote:
> Hello,
> It's that time again. I need to hire some more full-time
jure/lisp/fp experience under his/her belt (her! -
we need more diversity) and is a fun person to work with (no grumpy or
solo types).
Job comes with a macbook pro & 3g so you can work anywhere (in the
US). We aren't hiring out-of-country right now.
Tim Dysinger, VP Eng.
Sonian Networks [
onsists of (in no particular order): Dan Larkin, Phil
Hagelberg, Jim Duey, Steve Gilardi, George Jahad and Tim Dysinger
You must:
* Know clojure, git & emacs well enough to contribute to a complex
* Have some FP and/or Java experience beyond clojure
* Live in the US & be availabl
We don't know what the cost is going to be yet - I want to keep it _low_ but
we don't have any sponsors yet nor do we have a small (narrowed) list of
locations picked out. We plan on working on these items this month and will
release more info soon as we know more.
On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 9:42 AM
We will be organizing a conference in the next month for 2010
(probably in the fall). One question I would like to ask is, given
the conference is probably going to be a 2-day conference, would you
rather have it during the week or weekend ?
I would think a weekend (meet & greet friday night, sat
Amit and I are teaming up on it. We'll have a website up soon w/ a call for
On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 6:05 AM, Howard Lewis Ship wrote:
> I've heard, indirectly, that you are putting together a Clojure
> conference. I've been speaking about Clojure at NFJS (Seattle),
> TheServerSide, Dev
So in my experiments with using clojure / contrib w/ the "new" branch,
I've noticed a pattern of binary incompatibility. Jars pushed to
clojars, maven repos and other places that are are unnecessarily
AOTed, don't work with clojure "new". I noticed the same thing going
from clojure 1.0 to clojure
I highly recommend you use the snapshots on build.clojure.org. Lein
already has build.clojure.org snapshots in it's repo list. You don't
need to do anything more than put
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.1.0-master-SNAPSHOT"]
[org.clojure/clojure-contrib "1.1.0-master-SNAPSHOT"]]
in you
The 3 major IDEs all have plugins for clojure (InelliiJ IDEA 9 &
NetBeans 6.8, Eclipse 3.x) and are free. This might be a good
start. There is no "standard" entry point. In the end you will most
likely end up on Emacs/Slime if you turn into a lisp nerd. :) I
recommend NetBeans w/ Enclojure plu
I created addition pairs of maven snapshot CI builds for clojure &
Repository : http://build.clojure.org/snapshots
ts of myself (dysinger), phil (technomancy),
(danlarkin), george (gjahad) and Steve (scgilardi) and we all use and
love Emacs
(requirement so we can pair).
We would prefer a well rounded polyglot w/ some real exposure to jvm,
lisps and
functional programming. We practice remote TDD pair-progra
> >> is accessible.
> >>
> >> Roman
> >>
> >> 2009/11/4 Stuart Sierra :
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> > I don't think that URL works as a Maven/Ivy repository, because
> >> >http://build.clojure.org/org/clojuredoesn
I forgot to mention that there is still one small issue
that needs fixed.
Until it's fixed you can use ^
On Nov 3, 5:10 pm, dysinger
Today Phil Hagelberg, Rich Hickey and myself setup a CI server for
clojure & contrib -> http://build.clojure.org (hudson -> github)
If you use maven-ant-tasks (+1) or maven 2.x (or ivy too) you can do
something like this in your settings.xml or pom.xml
ou feel you have clojure under your belt and have experience with
lisps and/or Java, please drop a resume with an intro on why you are
awesome to j...@sonian.net . If you are involved in any open source
clojure code, please include links.
:) Cheers
Tim Dysinger
VP of Engineering, Sonian Ne
I probably should have titled this thread better so people would see
"Hiring full-time work-at-home clojure devs" :D
On Jul 2, 9:39 am, dysinger wrote:
> We need to hire some more devs full time to work on a clojure project
> (distributed backend hardcore clojure - not
We need to hire some more devs full time to work on a clojure project
(distributed backend hardcore clojure - not web dev).
I would prefer to have someone in Seattle to work with Philip
Hagelberg (technomancy on IRC). This would be work from home salary
employment w/ mac laptop provided (or if y
I personally have used the -lang qualifier in my own POM work so as to
have an (unspoken) consensus with Howard's POM work.
However, I would rather clojure proper just be named
"org.clojure:clojure" in maven/ivy-land myself and I have heard that
from quite a few others.
On May 10, 1:17 pm, d...@
Let me abstract that out a little for you :P
(defn on-windows [x]
(format "%s sucks on windows!" x))
On Apr 28, 1:36 pm, Rayne wrote:
> Git still sucks on windows :\
> On Apr 28, 11:04 am, Stuart Sierra
> wrote:
> > FYI, for those interested in using Git for Clojure sources, here's
> > G
Or you can just point github.com at the svn repo.
Stuart Sierra wrote:
> FYI, for those interested in using Git for Clojure sources, here's
> Google's advice on how to use Git with Google Code:
> http://google-opensource.blogspot.com/2008/05/develop-with-git-on-google-code-project.html
> -SS
Sorry that is clj-mvn-proj not clj-mvn-project
On Apr 18, 9:12 am, dysinger wrote:
> http://github.com/dysinger/clojure-pom/tree/master
> I found a way to unpack dependencies and added a function (see README)
> for emacs that sets up the classpath for a maven/clojure project.
I found a way to unpack dependencies and added a function (see README)
for emacs that sets up the classpath for a maven/clojure project.
This way you can add dependencies with maven and not have to
restart your slime session..
Since maven
I agree with matt.
Why is there so much NIH churn around this dependency management
We should leverage maven repos & just wrap maven or ivy with clojure -
they both have a java api. Maven repos, like them or not, already
solved dep management in Java. Why fight it?
PS - buildr sucks and
I am all for a standard packaging/build system but what ever it is it
needs to not ignore the 10s of thousands of libraries tucked away in
maven2 repos. Something like Ties w/ compile support would be cool.
Git submodules, SVN externals & Hg forrest won't work either because
everyone uses differ
ccept or not at your discretion). It
just encourages easy fork/branch/collaborate.
On Apr 16, 7:33 am, dysinger wrote:
> "There's no way to get fixes without also getting enhancements"
> unless you use a non-linear source control like Git. (please
> switch?) :)
"There's no way to get fixes without also getting enhancements"
unless you use a non-linear source control like Git. (please
switch?) :)
Ok no flames please - but since we have switched to Git nearly 2 years
ago we have been blessed with it's abilities to keep a stable branch
We just went through the same evaluation. At first we leaned towards
erlang, but finding erlang developers is hard (well so is finding
_good_ scala & clojure devs I imagine).
We ended up picking a mix of erlang and clojure. Both have their
places. Clojure is nice because it gives access to a g
+1 I said the same thing on IRC
On Apr 14, 11:27 am, Mark Reid wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm not sure if this is relevant to this discussion but, as a
> newcomer, I was puzzled by the organisation of the clojure-contrib
> source.
> Why, for example, are ClojureCLR and clojurescript at the top of the
On Apr 13, 10:58 am, bradford cross
> I have written up my journeys so
> far:http://bradfordcross.blogspot.com/2009/04/clojure-build-and-dependenc...
Nice article.
> I re-used Meikel's ant + ivy successfully. Next step is to get something
> working for the transative deps , i.e. pulli
I switch between projects with slime using this method ->
http://github.com/dysinger/clojure-pom/tree/master which sets up slime
with _ALL_ the right jars / paths for each project using the
generated ./bin/ repl script with SLIME.
On Apr 12, 5:25 pm, billh04 wrote:
I updated my maven setup to include clojure-maven-plugin & AOT
compiles now. -> Example hello world project in the README.
PS - Compojure is now maven ready ->
PSS - Compojure POM &am
We have several TB of indexes w/ literally billions of documents and
will be using clojure w/ hadoop soon. I appreciate the hadoop mapr
job examples in clojure. This is great stuff.
On Apr 7, 6:24 am, Stuart Sierra wrote:
> Hi Sean,
> It's deployed on an Ubuntu server on Amazon EC2. Just on
ava you could just Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName
()) or something so you are not prone to typos and it's refactor-
On Apr 5, 9:13 am, dysinger wrote:
> I am trying to avoid tying "x.y.z" twice it the above code.
> On Apr 5, 8:49 am, "S
what you're after more explicitly.
> --Steve
> On Apr 5, 2009, at 2:29 PM, dysinger wrote:
> > How can I introspect namespaces? I can once I have some definitions
> > going it seems but not before (I am noob). See below example:
> > (ns x
It's good to see other examples of dep management for other setups.
However, IMO working on 20 modules would be a PITA with ant+ivy. Can
you show an example with multi-module? (I tried checking out the
latest release of IVY and it wouldn't compile on my Mac w/ JDK 1.6 so
I didn't get far.)
How can I introspect namespaces? I can once I have some definitions
going it seems but not before (I am noob). See below example:
(ns x.y.z
(import '(java.util.logging Logger)))
(def log (Logger/getLogger "x.y.z")) ;; <-- how-to introspect this
ns ?
(.addHandler log (FileHandler. (format "/va
give Ant + Ivy another run tonight. I truly am after the
best KISS dependency/package management solution and not trying to
push maven.
On Apr 2, 3:10 pm, Korny Sietsma wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 4:39 AM, dysinger wrote:
> > The Java world for good or bad has rallied
> > around
it to multi-module clojure I would try that too. I think
"Ties" is probably closure to what I want though, if it were brought
up to date.
On Apr 2, 3:10 pm, Korny Sietsma wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 4:39 AM, dysinger wrote:
> > The Java world for good or bad has ralli
It's not hard to add a pom.xml to a project that is not maven
enabled. I did it for clojure and clojure-contrib in 2 minutes
total. If it's a git project you can just include them in as a
submodule (or ftree in hg or svn externals in svn) and setup up multi-
module builds.
Clojure "Ties" would
d to the ClojureForge idea from tech.coop
> > <http://tech.coop>? Did anything come about from that, Drew? Perhaps
> > just hosting CMR with some way to signup for an account to be able to
> > "mvn deploy"?
> A central place to at least look for Clojure
ed to the ClojureForge idea from tech.coop? Did anything come
> about from that, Drew? Perhaps just hosting CMR with some way to signup for
> an account to be able to "mvn deploy"?
> Paul
> On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 1:25 AM, dysinger wrote:
> > ...for easy depen
This approach won't get you very far IMHO working on lots of
projects. At some point you will have conflicts on which library
version you need.
On Apr 1, 8:29 pm, mikel wrote:
> On Apr 2, 12:27 am, dysinger wrote:
> > Dogh! Plz pardon my spelling. :D (embarrasse
Dogh! Plz pardon my spelling. :D (embarrassed)
On Apr 1, 7:25 pm, dysinger wrote:
> ...for easy dependency management and no-compile project
> setup.https://github.com/dysinger/clojure-pom/tree
> Using maven only for the dependency management and to create a custom
> repl s
...for easy dependency management and no-compile project setup.
Using maven only for the dependency management and to create a custom
repl script allows me to still use emacs/slime for dynamic development
of clojure code.
My motivation is 3 fold:
You mean by Sun Norvig conventions right ? ;)
On Mar 24, 1:46 am, Mark Volkmann wrote:
> +1 for running all the code under src/jvm through some code formatter
> that
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