Is there a sortBy function in Sparkling ?

2016-07-10 Thread rogergl
I can do something like this val sortedCounts = counts.sortBy(kvPair => kvPair._2, false) in Scala. So far I only found the *sort-by-key *function in Sparkling, which doesn't exactly do what I need... Regards Roger -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google

ClojureCLR and nrepl ?

2015-05-06 Thread rogergl
Does ClojureCLR provide an nrepl implementation that would allow vim.fireplace to connect to his session ? Regards Roger -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Clojure group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts

is there a shorter way to do this in core.logic ?

2015-01-04 Thread rogergl
The following snippet works (fresh [?row ?col] (fd/+ row 1 ?row) (fd/+ col 1 ?col) (membero {:row ?row :col ?col} data)))] ; check existence of {:row (?row + 1) :col (?col + 1)} But I'm not sure if this isn't to verbose.

How to access nested structures with core.logic ?

2015-01-02 Thread rogergl
I have the following simple core.logic snippet: (def my-data [ {:name 'peter :some-data { :some-value: 42 } :sales 1200 :age 32} {:name 'paul :sales 200 :age 42} {:name 'mary

Re: How to handle fn args in a macro ?

2015-01-02 Thread rogergl
If it were me I'd avoid making 'topic a magic symbol and let the user choose a symbol to bind. It'd look something like Yes, that is true and I already changed my macro. I just wanted to take little steps towards the final goal. Thanks Roger -- You received this message because you are

How to find adjacent cells in a matrix with core.logic ?

2015-01-02 Thread rogergl
I would like to find the entries with 4 adjacent cells (horizontally or vertically) ? Is this the right way to do this ? I don't think so, since my solution seems to be very slow. Evaluating in LightTable takes about 10 seconds. (def matrix [ {:row 1 :col 1}

Re: How to access nested structures with core.logic ?

2015-01-02 Thread rogergl
I didn't know that featurec supported this. BTW: If anyone is interested. The following works: (def my-data [ {:name 'peter :sales 1200 :nested { :value 123} :age 32} {:name 'paul :sales 200

Re: How to find adjacent cells in a matrix with core.logic ?

2015-01-02 Thread rogergl
Also in this case I don't really see the value over writing the search directly - but your goals are not clear to me It's just an exercise to get a feel for what core.logic can be used for. Regards Roger -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups

Re: How to find adjacent cells in a matrix with core.logic ?

2015-01-02 Thread rogergl
Ok, the execution time is about 3sec in a standalone repl. Much faster but imho still way to slow. Regards Roger -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Clojure group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from

How to handle fn args in a macro ?

2014-12-31 Thread rogergl
I just started to play with macros in Clojure. The following is a simple example that expands to: (on-message topic-test (clojure.core/fn [topic13730] (println topic13730 test))) To make this work I had to replace the symbol 'topic in the body with the gensym symbol. Is this the right way

Re: How to get a list of changes in Datomic

2014-12-28 Thread rogergl
Thanks, that helped a lot. Regards Roger -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Clojure group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from new members are moderated - please be patient with your first post. To

How to write tests fro vertx and Clojure

2014-12-28 Thread rogergl
Hi, it seems as if there is a test package for vertx and Clojure (vertx.testools) Since I would like to test my vertices I tried this simple approach: (tt/as-embedded (fn [] (core/deploy-verticle project/vertices/time.clj) (tt/test-complete*))) But this gives me a timeout. BTW: The

Re: How to write tests fro vertx and Clojure

2014-12-28 Thread rogergl
I think I'm getting close. The eventbus_test.clj runs and I changed my test to: (deftest eb-send (core/deploy-verticle /project/vertices/time.clj) (let [addr const/topic-time id

Re: How to write tests fro vertx and Clojure

2014-12-28 Thread rogergl
Maybe it is a better solution to put the code I wan't to test outside the vertices and just leave the basic eventbus setup insides the vertices ? Regards Rpger -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Clojure group. To post to this group, send email to

How to get a list of changes in Datomic

2014-12-27 Thread rogergl
I would like to replay all changes since a specific timestamp. It seems as if I can get all transactions with (q '[:find ?t :where [_ :db/txInstant ?t] ] (db conn)) Using as-of would allow me to replay the state at a given point in time. But that would replay the complete state

Batch inserts with taoensso.carmine (a Redis client) ?

2014-11-20 Thread rogergl
Is it possible to do some batch updates with taoensso.carmine ? So far I'm doing (defmacro wcar* [ body] `(car/wcar server1-conn ~@body)) (defn test-data [s n] (map (fn [i] (reverse (conj '(taoensso.carmine/set) (str i |color) blue))) (range s n))) (def data (map (fn[i] (conj (test-data i

Batch processing with taoensso.carmine (a Redis client) ?

2014-11-20 Thread rogergl
Is it possible to do some sort of batch processing with the carmine library ? So far I'm doing the following. (defn test-data [s n] (map (fn [i] (reverse (conj '(taoensso.carmine/set) (str i |color) blue))) (range s n))) (def data (map (fn[i] (conj (test-data i (+ i 2000))

How is this code evaluated (question about transdurcers)

2014-08-24 Thread rogergl
I have problems to understand how the following code evaluates. I understand what the code does but not how this result is computed: BTW: This is an example from the async webinar: (chan 1 (comp (map #(.-keyCode %)) (filter #{37 39}) (map {37 :previous 39

How to define a compojure route for SSE ?

2014-06-29 Thread rogergl
Hi, I found the following example for SSE: (def ch (channel)) ; (defn handler [request] (println request) (when (= (:uri request) /event-source) {:status 200 :headers {Content-Type text/event-stream} :body ch})) (defn handler [request] (println request)

problem with threading and sql lib

2009-09-18 Thread rogergl
The first part of my code looks like this (defn handle-client [in out] (binding [ *in* (reader in) ] (with-connection db (let [outstream (writer out)] (loop []