[cobirds] Rare Bird Alert for Colorado, May 1, 2009

2009-05-01 Thread JOYCE TAKAMINE
Compiler: Joyce Takamine Date:May 1, 2009 e-mail: r...@cfo-link.org phone: 303-659-8750 This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Friday, May 1, 2009 at 5 am sponsored by Denver Field Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory. Highlight species include (*Denotes that there is

[cobirds] Three Green Herons at Walden

2009-05-01 Thread JohnT
Cobirds: A total of three Green Herons were seen tonight (Thursday) at the Walden Pond complex in Boulder by Crandel, Zmolek, and Tumasonis. First seen by Dan Zmolek two nights ago, we went out to see if we could find it, and ended up finding a group of them. Assumedly a migratory or fa

[cobirds] Springtime in Huerfano County

2009-05-01 Thread Beverly
In addition to all the regulars I've posted before, today both Broad- tailed and Black-chinned hummers visit; both males and females. I imagine soon I'll see the Rufus and Calliopes again, too. Also, the Lazuli Bunting continues to drop by regularly, as well as several Evening and Black-headed G

[cobirds] Black-and white-Warbler - Broomfield

2009-05-01 Thread Mailybug
There was a Black-and-white Warbler at Nissen Reservoir #2 in Broomfield this morning. It was associating with a flock of Yellow-rumped Warblers in the NE corner of the reservoir. Nissen Reservoir #2 is on Aspen St. about a half mile south of 136th Ave. _ ( '< / ) ) // " " Eric Zorawo

[cobirds] Warbler Fallout - Last Chance Washington County

2009-05-01 Thread Steve
Cobirders, Joey Kellner reports the following from Last Chance this morning: Hooded Warbler – male Blackpoll Warbler – male Black-and-white Warbler – female Wilson’s Warbler Orange-crowned Warbler Yellow-rumped Warbler MacGillivray’s Warbler Common Yellowthroat Black-headed Grossbeak Rose-breast

[cobirds] Caspian Terns and other stuff, Larimer

2009-05-01 Thread Eric DeFonso
Hi all, I found a pair of Caspian Terns at the Wellington Gravel Pits off Kechter (sp?) Rd. in SE Fort Collins this morning. They were standing on one of the little gravel islands in the middle of the pond, hanging out with several Franklin's Gulls. On a nearby island I also found a pair of Semip

[cobirds] Twilight in Nunn/Weld

2009-05-01 Thread "Nunn Guy"
Each evening of late we've had returning Loggerhead Shrike pair vocalizing and Burrowing Owls hunting in our 35-acre field--last night we had four owls "hovering" and one on the ground calling. American Robin pair building a nest in one of our evergreens--new possible yard breeder for us. Pretty

[cobirds] Re: Twilight in Nunn/Weld

2009-05-01 Thread "Nunn Guy"
Forgot "Chuckles" the Chukar update ... "Chuckles"'s mate was lost probably due to a Northern Harrier encounter (lots of Chukar feathers on side of house and she hasn't been seen for about three weeks now). On the bright side for "Chuckles" he has two new friends--our Ring-necked Pheasant pair.

[cobirds] Kentucky Warbler - Chico Basin Ranch (Pueblo & El Paso)

2009-05-01 Thread Bill Maynard
COBirders, Bryan Patrick (ABA) and I found a male Kentucky Warbler, a first ranch record, at the small HQ Pond at Chico Basin Ranch this A.M. around 8:00. There are lots of other migrants at the ranch including a few Least Flycatchers. An American Bittern is calling from the east end of Rose P

[cobirds] Empids, Nissen Reservior #2, Broomfield Co.

2009-05-01 Thread Paula Hansley
After seeing Eric Z.'s post about the Black & White Warbler,I headed over to Nissen R. I was instantly rewarded by great views of the Black & White Warbler, meticulously going over every twig and limb for bugs in a large cottonwood. It was with a flock of Yellow-rumped Warblers and a couple of O

[cobirds] Weld County/Glossy Ibis, Dunlin

2009-05-01 Thread Rachel Hopper
COBirders, Larry Semo and I took some out of state birders to look for Mountain Plover this morning. We easily found 3 in the field at the intersection of Hwy. 14 and 51. Last week, I saw a female on a nest at this location so they are definitely breeding here. After the visitors left, we stoppe

[cobirds] Delta Count Burrowing Owls, May 1st

2009-05-01 Thread Jason Beason
While heading to Grand Junction on Highway 50 this morning I spotted a Burrowing Owl along the highway. I turned around and there was a pair in the area in a prairie dog town. The location is near mile marker 62 (about 62.1 on the north side of the highway to be more precise). The pair was still

[cobirds] Chico Basin Ranch banding Friday

2009-05-01 Thread Steven Brown
Hi COBirders, May has arrived! As you've heard by now, with the cool weather, things were hopping at CBR. This was the best banding day for the season, with 40 new birds banded, and 1/2 of those before 8:30. As Bill M mentioned, a Kentucky Warbler was reported by the HQ, and a second o

[cobirds] spring traffic

2009-05-01 Thread Patrick Shaffner
Today at the Glenpond apartment complex, the first (female, I think) hummingbird of the season (and my first since moving to Colorado in January) arrived at my back porch feeder. This was a very productive day for my birdlist, as I also spotted the following: Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Eastern

[cobirds] Pawnee N.G., Weld County

2009-05-01 Thread R Carol Cushman
I camped at Crow Valley April 29 & have a word of warning. Don't leave anything on the table while you drive the birding loop. On Wednesday we clipped our campsite receipt to the post, but we also left a water jug on the table to show the site was taken. When we returned a few hours later

[cobirds] dove

2009-05-01 Thread pygmyowl
Hi all, while in Longmont this afternoon I found a White-winged dove in the parking lot of The suski resturant on Nelson rd. Scott Rashid --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ Join us at the 2009 Convention in Alamosa: http://cfo-link.org/convention/index.php You received this m

[cobirds] Southeastern Colorado 5/1

2009-05-01 Thread Brandon Percival
David Chartier and I saw the following birds today in SE Colorado.   Prowers County: Lamar Community College grove: Blue-headed Vireo - 2 Northern Cardinal - 1 male 1 female   Fairmount Cemetery, south side of Lamar: Pine Warbler - 1 male Black-and-white Warbler - 1 male   Riverside Cemetery, east

[cobirds] Kellner/Walbek Group Report on the way to Lamar

2009-05-01 Thread Rachel Hopper
COBirders, Glenn Walbek called to report that the Kellner caravan (heading to Lamar) is seeing LOTS of good birds along the way (like at every stop), particularly warblers. Spread throughout the day some birds they have seen (but not limited to) are Prothonotary, Blackpoll, and Worm-eating Warbler

[cobirds] Cherry Creek State Park/Stilt Sandpiper!

2009-05-01 Thread Mike Freiberg
Landbirds were few and far between today at the park. Mainly Myrtle, Audubon's, and Orange-crowned Warblers at numerous spots. late in the evening the farm pond adjacent to the model airplane field hosted: 1 Stilt Sandpiper 1 Western Sandpiper 3 Semipalmated Sandpipers Many Least Sandpipers 4 L

[cobirds] Green Heron-Broomfield Co.

2009-05-01 Thread Tim G Smart
This afternoon after work, I birded around Broomfield Co. Plaster Res.: GREEN HERON-This was found from the platform looking out in the back in the cattail of the pond. a Few Snipe was heard called Nissen Pond- I failed in locating the Black-and White Warbler, but found a Ruby-crowned Kinglet, a

[cobirds] Green heron still at Walden

2009-05-01 Thread JohnT
Cobirds: At least one green heron is still at Walden / Sawhills. Seen again on the west side of the Ricky Weiser Wetlands area. A quiet approach is necessary as this bird is flighty (no pun intended). Also seen and heard: Long billed curlew - 1 - flyover Franklin's gull - 40 - flyover

[cobirds] Boulder County, May 1st, 2009

2009-05-01 Thread Ted Floyd
Hello, Birders. Hannah and Andrew and I birded around Boulder County today, Friday, May 1st. Highlights for us included 1 Glossy Ibis, 3 apparent Glossy x White-faced Ibis hybrids, 1 probable Short-billed Dowitcher, 1 tantalizing Chaetura swift, and 1 Black-and-white Warbler. Other sightings

[cobirds] Kendrick Lakes/Lakewood

2009-05-01 Thread Dave Cameron
An army of Audubon's warblers at Main Res, and one Swainson's Hawk 5 White Pelicans, and 5 Western Grebes on Smith Res. Dave Cameron Denver --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ Join us at the 2009 Convention in Alamosa: http://cfo-link.org/convention/index.php You received th

[cobirds] Tony's Grove - Late Report

2009-05-01 Thread Steve Stachowiak
Cobirders, Earlier today, Joey Kellner and his posse reported two male Hooded Warblers, a Worm-eating Warbler and a Wood Thrush at Tony's Grove. Good Birding, Steve Stachowiak Highlands Ranch, CO --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ Join us at the 2009 Convention in