[cobirds] more Dickcissels - Boulder County

2012-06-21 Thread JohnT
Cobirds: An update on dickcissels (did I spell that right?) in Boulder County. There is another dickcissel male actively singing along 75th street about 400 yards south of the Sawhills Ponds turnoff on the East side of 75th street. Last weekend I counted 4 individual males singing

[cobirds] Dickcissels, Boulder County, etc.

2012-06-21 Thread Paula Hansley
Cobirders and John T, Dickcissels used to be just about as common as meadowlarks in the 1950's and 1960's. I would drive west along what is now I-70 across Kansas and into Colorado. After leaving the forested areas in eastern Kansas, we would continue west across open country and hear,

[cobirds] Sick Bluebirds

2012-06-21 Thread Dave Leatherman
Brenda asked me to post the following to COBIRDS: Has anyone had experience with bluebirds showing neurological damage? Just last weekend, for the 4th time in about 6 years, I came across a bluebird showing neurological damage (unable to stand, wings spread, falling forward on its face).

[cobirds] yet another Dickcissel - Boulder

2012-06-21 Thread Robert Zilly
CoBirds, I saw a Dickcissel yesterday on the western unit of Pella Crossing OS (Hygiene). It was on the NW corner of the property singing from a small snag. When a Cowbird arrived it retreated to the adjacent fallow horse pasture. This spot is very close to the intersection of Hygiene and Crane

[cobirds] More Dickcissels and Boblinks (Boulder County)

2012-06-21 Thread Bryan Guarente
While out biking with my wife yesterday (June 20) we passed a few places with Dickcissels and Bobolinks. First was along N 61st St south of McCall Lake and the Ute Hwy near the Winter/Pacific Wren Bridge.  There was one singing Dickcissel south and west of the bridge. Second was along Hygiene

[cobirds] Mesa County eBird entry error

2012-06-21 Thread Mel Goff
All, I have mistakenly made (and corrected) a data entry error for my eBird report from Colorado National Monument in Mesa county on Tuesday, June 19th. I have removed the Grace's Warbler that we reported seeing near the High Point sign. We try to be accurate, but sometimes we do make errors.

[cobirds] Woodpecker Bonanza, CO Hwy 78, Pueblo County

2012-06-21 Thread Mel Goff
What a day for woodpeckers. We saw five species travelling from San Isabel to Beulah on CO Highway 78 today. Just as we turned off CO Hwy 165 near San Isabel we saw two Northern Flickers. Three-and-a-half miles further up the road we got fabulous views of a male Williamson Sapsucker. A mile

[cobirds] RMBO trip to N Park, Grand and Jackson Co.

2012-06-21 Thread Kayleen A Niyo
A few of us went up to N Park Friday to help a bit with the RMBO ColonyWatch counting and enjoyed a visit with a group to a Legacy Land Trust ranch in Jackson Co. Then Mary Burger and I went into RMNP on the west side Sun and encountered 50 mph wind and 90s. So, we got in limited birding on Sun

[cobirds] Grace's Warbler at Pueblo Mountain Park

2012-06-21 Thread millerrichj
I went to Pueblo Mountain Park to see the Acorn Woodpeckers and immediately found one at the location described in the CO Rare Bird Alert. I also saw one at a similarly pock-marked dead ponderosa next to the creek just west of the horseshoe building. While hiking around the park I found

[cobirds] Boulder County BBS Route

2012-06-21 Thread William H Kaempfer
This morning I found the time to run my Boulder County BBS route which runs from the west of the old Mapleton Hospital in Boulder to Gold Hill, Ward and Beaver Lake Reservoir. As such, it runs through many life zones from lower foothills through a variety of forest types and ends by a large

[cobirds] Re: RMBO trip to N Park, Grand and Jackson Co.

2012-06-21 Thread Joe Roller
Cobird readers and grouse-o-philes, As an addendum to Kay's nice note and photo exhibit, I want to draw attention to the photos she took of the flock of Greater Sage-Grouse we stumbled across one morning along County Road 34. This is south of Walden and described well in the CFO county birding

[cobirds] reminder; don't use old rancid seed!

2012-06-21 Thread Kayleen A Niyo
I solved the mystery of the radically decreased Lesser Goldfinch numbers at my thistle feeders this summer compared to previous years! It finally dawned on me after seeing a similar post on NEBirds that maybe the reason is cuz I have been finishing up the very OLD bag of thistle seed. That has