Re: SearchKit quiestion.

2009-03-17 Thread David Casseres
Тимофей, I am wondering what you consider irrelevant, if it is not simply a low relevance score returned by SearchKit. If you have additional criteria such that you need to make your own comparisons between the query and the strings returned from SearchKit, then SearchKit may be a waste

Re: MVC in Cocoa?

2008-11-25 Thread David Casseres
It's worth mentioning that MVC can be recursive. For example, in the app I work on, the most global MVC design is that the model is an sqLite database, and the controller is the data manager, code that keeps the model up to date and presents an API for access to information that it

Re: Reading/Writing application dictionary files.

2008-07-06 Thread David Casseres
Store your state information in an NSDictionary, and write it out using the writeToFile:atomically: method. When you want to read it in, use the NSDictionary class method +dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:. Works great. On Jul 6, 2008, at 7:51 PM, Lemon Obrien wrote: I need to read and

Re: A question of style: Returning 'pairs'

2008-07-03 Thread David Casseres
I've run into this many times, and I think I've used all the techniques you mention and some others less hygienic. I've been most satisfied with your 2) and 3) solutions. There's not really that much overhead in making a struct or Obj-C class for two specific kinds of values, and once

Re: A documetation suggestion (was Re: Cocoa et al as HCI usability problem)

2008-05-21 Thread David Casseres
That's a really good idea, your wiki-that's-more-than-a-wiki. You're in charge! 8^{) On May 19, 2008, at 5:31 AM, Julius Guzy wrote: Well I never thought I would cause this much discussion. I have tried but do not have the time needed to reply to all. I might still but work must take

Re: Guidance for Cocoa's steep learning curve

2008-05-21 Thread David Casseres
That's the best roadmap I've ever seen. On May 14, 2008, at 6:19 PM, Erik Buck wrote: The obstacles, misconceptions, and prerequisite concepts that need to be mastered when learning Cocoa vary dramatically based on the past experience of the learner. I am a very experienced Cocoa

Re: Guidance for Cocoa's steep learning curve

2008-05-21 Thread David Casseres
Yes. For detailed guidance, buy Aaron Hillegass's book Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X, and go through it from beginning to end, doing every exercise and every challenge. I have done that with the first two editions and am about to do it with the third, and I promise you it's a good way