AW: Filedownload

2003-02-27 Thread Sternath Elmar
Title: Filedownload Hi, I think the ResourceReader should do what you want. Regards, Elmar -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-Von: Kavita Bansal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Gesendet: Freitag, 28. Februar 2003 07:12An: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Betreff: Filedownload Hi How can I download a

AW: strange behaviour of ResourceReader

2003-02-17 Thread Sternath Elmar
of the Cocoon framework, but only with IE, not with Netscape. Any suggestions/comments are continuously appreciated. Best regards, Elmar -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Sternath Elmar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Gesendet: Freitag, 14. Februar 2003 11:40 An: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Betreff

AW: strange behaviour of ResourceReader

2003-02-17 Thread Sternath Elmar
Hello, meanwhile I traced also the HTTP traffic between browser and cocoon and recognized that surprisingly - at least for me - even there the HTTP GET request was sent twice. So, it must be an IE problem. Regards, Elmar -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Sternath Elmar [mailto:[EMAIL

strange behaviour of ResourceReader

2003-02-14 Thread Sternath Elmar
Hello, I use cocoon 2.0.4 on tomcat 4.1.12 and recognize an extremely strange behaviour of ResourceReader: The problem occurs only in IE (5.5), not at all in Netscape (7). The problem occurs only with pdf files. The browser behaviours differ in that way that IE tries to open AcrobatReader

AW: Get session variables for a generator

2003-01-31 Thread Sternath Elmar
I used WildcardSessionAttributeMatcher to get session attributes: map:match type=sessionstate pattern=* map:parameter name=attribute-name value=YourParam/ map:generate type=YourGenerator src=YourSource map:parameter name=YourParam value={1} / Here is

AW: how to access parameter inside of action

2003-01-19 Thread Sternath Elmar
public Map act( Redirector redirector, SourceResolver resolver, MapobjectModel, String src,Parameters parameters ) throws Exception{ String aFileId = parameters.getParameter( "fileid" );... } Regards, Elmar -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-Von: Nils Leßmann [mailto:[EMAIL

How to encrypt password in DatabaseAuthenticatorAction??

2003-01-17 Thread Sternath Elmar
Hello, I use DatabaseAuthenticatorAction and Update/AddDatabaseAction for my login/user administration procedure. All user info including password is stored as clear text in the database. Is there any solution for password encryption in this context? Mit freundlichen Grüßen/ Best regards

AW: problem in writing Actions

2002-12-18 Thread Sternath Elmar
Hi Anna, the .java file has to be compiled into a class file. Cocoon then accesses the class file to execute the desired functionality. For compilation, you need an appropriate tool, for instance ant. I would recommend to get familiar with ant. Ant provides functionality to compile .java

AW: problem in writing Actions

2002-12-18 Thread Sternath Elmar
into the cocoon directory? I don't need to put the class into some subdirectory of cocoon? And can you tell me where can I get this Ant? Thanks for help. Anna - Original Message - From: Sternath Elmar To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Sent: Wednesday

AW: value-substitution in Cocoon

2002-12-17 Thread Sternath Elmar
Hi Anna, you could implement an action which takes your HTTP request parameter as input parameter, then execute some JAVA code inside the action getting the last character, incrementing it or whatever elseand let the action return the result. Inside the act tags in your sitemap, you can

AW: Writing output of pipeline to a file

2002-12-17 Thread Sternath Elmar
Hi Anna, if no cocoon standard solution exists for this problem, you could implement your own Transformer inheriting from Cocoon's AbstractTransformer.The transformer processes all elements of your XML streamin corresponding methods like startElement, etc. You could redefine these methods

AW: Perl in cocoon

2002-12-16 Thread Sternath Elmar
Instead of your perl script, you could use aggregation: map:aggregate element=site map:part src=cocoon:/xml-file1.xml/ map:part src=cocoon:/xml-file2.xml/ /map:aggregate and then transform the aggregated XML stream with your stylesheet. Regards, Elmar -Ursprüngliche

cocoon-2.0.4 problem with multipart file upload

2002-12-10 Thread Sternath Elmar
Hello, after cocoon-2.0.4 upgrade the following check inside my self-implemented UploadGenerator (transfers an uploaded multipart file to a backend server, receives an XML response from the backend server and transforms it into HTML) does not become true any more: if

AW: cocoon-2.0.4 problem with multipart file upload

2002-12-10 Thread Sternath Elmar
about their meaning. I didn't think the default setting was changed, although it probably should be. Does the file upload sample still work? Geoff Howard -Original Message- From: Sternath Elmar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 10:47 AM To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED

performance problems and exceptions in cocoon 2.0.4

2002-12-09 Thread Sternath Elmar
Hello, my cocoon application runs very slowly with the new version 2.0.4. Furthermore, my log files are full with the following exception: ERROR (2002-12-09) 10:05.41:273 [access] (Unknown-URI) Unknown-thread/CocoonServlet: Cocoon servlet threw an Exception while trying to close stream.

AW: Umlauts in cocoon 2.0.2

2002-11-10 Thread Sternath Elmar
Hi Braun, I wrote an action to encode the request params before accessing them in the sitemap: public class RequestEncodedParamAction extends ComposerAction implements ThreadSafe { public final static String MAP_URI = requestURI; public final static String MAP_QUERY =

AW: nested map:select type=parameter in sitemap are not working

2002-11-08 Thread Sternath Elmar
Ludovic is right, ParameterSelector only works if you use name=parameter-selector-test as parameter. Take a look at the source code! What you could do to solve the problem is writing the action return value by use of SessionPropagatorAction into session and then use SessionAttributeSelector to

AW: nested map:select type=parameter in sitemap are not working

2002-11-07 Thread Sternath Elmar
Hi Josema, where does the 'page' parameter come from? Don't forget that you're inside an action when accessing it. So if it is a request parameter, you have to access it using {../page}. -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Josema Alonso [mailto:alonso;] Gesendet: Donnerstag, 7.

AW: latest cocoon cvs version

2002-10-21 Thread Sternath Elmar
maybe the problem is that there are blanks in your tomcatinstallation path. -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-Von: Richard Reyes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Gesendet: Montag, 21. Oktober 2002 11:01An: C2 dev; C2 usersBetreff: latest cocoon cvs version Hi Guys, I am using tomcat

AW: [HELP] What's wrong?

2002-10-16 Thread Sternath Elmar
are you sure that org.apache.cocoon.transformation is the correct package path of your Transformer? If so, check if the Transformer is contained in webapps/cocoon/WEB-INF/lib/cocoon.jar. However I would recommend to use a specific package path for your own components, generate also your

AW: Action example

2002-10-13 Thread Sternath Elmar
Title: Action example In the cocoon docs there is a nice example how to create AND use actions: Inside an action, you put key/value pairs into a hashmap which you can then access inside the corresponding act/act tags in your

ampersand in sitemap element parameters

2002-10-11 Thread Sternath Elmar
Hello, I already read some posts concerning ampersand encoding here in the mailing list. But I have not yet found a solution for the following problem: I want to pass a request parameter (Title) containing an ampersand (or any other reserved XML char) to a self-implemented generator. Inside

AW: Use value from a form: Is Request-Generator what I need?

2002-08-09 Thread Sternath Elmar
I think what you need is RequestParamAction: map:act type="request-encoded" map:parameter name="parameters" value="true"/ !-- access request parameter by {request-param-name} -- /map:act -Ursprungliche Nachricht- Von: Hahn Kurt (CHA) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Gesendet:

AW: multiple checkboxes and request parameters passed to an xsl

2002-07-31 Thread Sternath Elmar
Hi Barbara, I already spent a couple of time about this problem and found the following, suboptimal solution: I created an XSP, called the xsp-request:get-parameter-values name=foo/ and filled all the parameter name/value pairs in a loop into an XML element. Then I used the aggregate tag in

global variable

2002-07-30 Thread Sternath Elmar
Hello, is it possible in Cocoon to define and set some kind of global variable which I can access from all currently running sessions in parallel? Regards, Elmar - Please check that your question has not already been

AW: caching strategy

2002-07-30 Thread Sternath Elmar
not work. Do you have any idea how to solve this problem?? Thanks, Elmar -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Vadim Gritsenko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Gesendet: Freitag, 26. Juli 2002 15:24 An: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Betreff: RE: caching strategy From: Sternath Elmar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED

AW: ComponentSelector could not access the Component for hint: sitemap

2002-07-29 Thread Sternath Elmar
Title: Blank This usually occurs if one of the components used in thepipelines is not defined in the sitemap or if no class is found for the component used. Regards, Elmar -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-Von: Markus Alin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Gesendet: Montag, 29. Juli 2002

AW: trouble passing a parameter to my action

2002-07-25 Thread Sternath Elmar
Are you sure that you put your mydate param into a HashMap and that you also return this HashMap inside your act method. If you don't return at least an empty HashMap, nothing will be done inside the action tags. Your pipeline entries seem to be correct, it should work with {1}. Regards,

AW: Action and sunRise context(s) [was : Re: trouble passing a parameter to my action ]

2002-07-25 Thread Sternath Elmar
wrong with that ? Have another question now : how can my action put something in a sunrise context (mycontext), or else will use parameter associated with redirect-to :-/ Thanks, gotta dig for it. Barbara - Original Message - From: Sternath Elmar [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED

caching strategy

2002-07-25 Thread Sternath Elmar
Hello, I wrote an application reading data from another application server and sending requests to this application server which manipulate these data and reread the manipulated data. All this is done inside one pipeline using URLMatchers. CIncludeTransformer is used to concatenate multiple

AW: passing a parameter from sitemap to action

2002-07-24 Thread Sternath Elmar
Hi Barbara, try this inside your act method: if (true.equalsIgnoreCase(param.getParameter(parameters, null))){ Enumeration e = request.getParameterNames(); while(e.hasMoreElements()){ String name = (String) e.nextElement(); String value =

AW: troubles with map:select type=request-parameter

2002-07-23 Thread Sternath Elmar
Hi Barbara, try to use the selector like this: map:select type=request-parameter map:parameter name=parameter-name value=platform/ map:when test=All Good luck, Elmar -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Barbara Post [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Gesendet: Dienstag, 23. Juli

life cycle of uploaded file

2002-07-02 Thread Sternath Elmar
Hello, Can anyone tell me when during pipeline processing it is possible to delete an uploaded file stored in {tomcat}/work/.../upload-dir. After upload, we access the file inside a self-implemented UploadGenerator which uploads the file to another J2EE server. We're using cocoon2.0.2 in

mime type in reader not expanded

2002-06-18 Thread Sternath Elmar
Hello, I have the impression that the sitemap variable given as mime-type parameter to reader is not correctly expanded. At least my browser tries to open an application with mime-type ../docformat (cocoon2.0.1). As soon as I put the same variable into the src parameter, it is expanded

aggregation with different generators

2002-06-14 Thread Sternath Elmar
Hi, I would like to know if it's possible to use self-implemented generators inside an aggregation, something like: map:aggregate element=SCWPage map:part type=UploadGenerator src=http://scw_de:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/BOLServlet/ProductService.uploadDocument; /map:aggregate Regards,

execution order inside aggregator

2002-06-12 Thread Sternath Elmar
Hi, I noticed that, when I set up another pipeline inside an aggregator, the order of execution of map:part entries is changed: map:aggregate element=AddNewFileOK map:part

AW: RequestParmAction does not work with blanks in form input fie ld

2002-06-11 Thread Sternath Elmar
entered in a form field or is that a separate error? -Original Message- From: Sternath Elmar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Monday, June 10, 2002 9:03 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: RequestParmAction does not work with blanks in form input field Hello, as soon as I

RequestParmAction does not work with blanks in form input field

2002-06-10 Thread Sternath Elmar
Hello, as soon as I put some blanks into an INPUT text/textarea field, I get the following output in my browser (cocoon2.0.1/tomcat4.0.1) My pipeline looks as follows (works fine without blanks): map:pipeline map:match pattern=SCW/addNewFileOK map:select

AW: SSL support of ResourceReader/FileGenerator

2002-06-03 Thread Sternath Elmar
URLConnection) perspective, https does not differ from http if it configured correctly. Please read link provided before criticizing. Vadim At 12:05 PM 6/1/2002 -0400, you wrote: From: Sternath Elmar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Hello, I try to get files using ResourceReader

AW: SSL support of ResourceReader/FileGenerator

2002-05-31 Thread Sternath Elmar
Hello, I try to get files using ResourceReader/FileGenerator (cocoon2.0.2/tomcat4.0.3/jdk1.4.0) : map:pipeline map:match pattern=elster/testhtmls map:read mime-type=text/html src= /map:match /map:pipeline Cocoon