[jira] [Commented] (HADOOP-7282) getRemoteIp could return null in cases where the call is ongoing but the ip went away.

2011-05-18 Thread Hudson (JIRA)
[ https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-7282?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel&focusedCommentId=13035292#comment-13035292 ] Hudson commented on HADOOP-7282: Integrated in Hadoop-Common-trunk #692 (See [https://bu

[jira] [Commented] (HADOOP-7282) getRemoteIp could return null in cases where the call is ongoing but the ip went away.

2011-05-17 Thread Hudson (JIRA)
[ https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-7282?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel&focusedCommentId=13034923#comment-13034923 ] Hudson commented on HADOOP-7282: Integrated in Hadoop-Common-trunk-Commit #606 (See [htt

[jira] [Commented] (HADOOP-7282) getRemoteIp could return null in cases where the call is ongoing but the ip went away.

2011-05-16 Thread Hadoop QA (JIRA)
[ https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-7282?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel&focusedCommentId=13034562#comment-13034562 ] Hadoop QA commented on HADOOP-7282: --- -1 overall. Here are the results of testing the l

[jira] [Commented] (HADOOP-7282) getRemoteIp could return null in cases where the call is ongoing but the ip went away.

2011-05-13 Thread John George (JIRA)
[ https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-7282?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel&focusedCommentId=13033352#comment-13033352 ] John George commented on HADOOP-7282: - Ran manual tests to verify that ip address get

[jira] [Commented] (HADOOP-7282) getRemoteIp could return null in cases where the call is ongoing but the ip went away.

2011-05-12 Thread John George (JIRA)
[ https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-7282?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel&focusedCommentId=13032446#comment-13032446 ] John George commented on HADOOP-7282: - Please ignore the "diffs.txt" file - that was