Re: [Coworking] What kind of Coffee?

2015-02-23 Thread Glen Ferguson
We took our members on a field trip to the local roaster/coffee shop and we had a coffee tasting. We picked two types of coffee to use, so we could switch around and keep from getting jaded with just one type. We were going to have a custom blend made - one of the perks (sorry for the pun) of

[Coworking] Anybody have a trash compactor in their kitchen?

2015-02-23 Thread Alex Hillman
We've been looking for ways to improve the trash situation that's generated at Indy Hall - general waste is exacerbated by an active kitchen and lots of food events. Great for the community, but the new challenge is getting rid of the trash :) Does anybody have a trash compactor in their

[Coworking] CoworkingToronto Day - Feb 24

2015-02-23 Thread rachel young
Tomorrow the CoworkingToronto collective is celebrating CoworkingToronto Day, a day during the slower time of the year to celebrate what we've accomplished in our city with regards to coworking and our collective, and to focus on some events

[Coworking] Re: Coworking Elevator Pitch !

2015-02-23 Thread coworking studio
Dear Ramon, Gretchen, Tony and CoworkLisboa, Thanks for the very interesting ideas, reactions and comments shared on this topic. Inspiring stuff, really giving me some Food for Thought these last couple of days ! I am especially liking this speaking to the people approach and the concept of

Re: [Coworking] Anybody have a trash compactor in their kitchen?

2015-02-23 Thread Alex Hillman
Oh yeah we already have a composting service! They haul away a few buckets per week but we’re dealing with a LOT more non compostable trash than that :) -- The #1 mistake in community building is doing it by yourself. Join the list: Listen to the

Re: [Coworking] Anybody have a trash compactor in their kitchen?

2015-02-23 Thread Joel Bennett
No trash compactor, but we did implement some composting measures for food waste coffee grounds. Can be pretty simple and effective when coupled with solid recycling program, but we have the luxury of being in a small town with a compost pile (and vermicomposting capabilities) a few minutes away.