Cryptographers Amici Briefs

2001-01-30 Thread John Young
For appeal of the MPAA v. 2600 decision: Brief Amici Curiae of Steven Bellovin, Matt Blaze, Dan Boneh, Dave Del Torto, Ian Goldberg, Bruce Schneier, Frank Andrew Stevenson, David Wagner: Brief Amicus Curiae of Arnold Reinhold:

MPAA v. 2600 - Appeal Brief of Amici Curiae

2001-01-24 Thread John Young
We offer James Tyre's Brief of Amici Curiae on behalf of 17 cryptographers, professors and scientists, for appeal of the MPAA v. 2600 judgment: The amici: Harold Abelson Andrew W. Appel Dan Boneh Edward W. Felten Robert Harper Andy Hertzfeld Brian


2001-01-14 Thread John Young
NSA's "NACSEM 5112 NONSTOP Evaluation Techniques," Reprinted July 1987, released under FOIA: (196K, 3 images) About half of the 100-page document has been redacted, so brace for the mangle.

Re: NONSTOP Crypto Query

2001-01-13 Thread John Young
Joel McNamara first told me about NONSTOP and its commonly associated classified codeword, HIJACK, both somehow related to Tempest. When you do a search on either of them you get hundreds (or 1000s) of hits for the generic terms "non-stop" and "hi-jack" but few entries for the codewords, and

Cryptographic Algorithm Metrics

2001-01-03 Thread John Young
Last summer, at a workshop on "Security Metrics," conducted by NIST's Computer System Security and Privacy Advisory Board, Landgrave Smith, Institute of Defense Analysis, reported on a pilot study of "the metrics used for determining the strength of cryptography."

What's Up with AES FIPS

2000-12-29 Thread John Young
NIST states on its Web site that a draft FIPS for AES would be issued for comment "shortly after announcement of the winner (probably in November 2000)." Anything scandalous behind the delay?

Re: UK intelligence agencies want 7 years of records of all phone calls, emails and internet connections

2000-12-04 Thread John Young
Clive Feather wrote: Calling this "NCIS carnivore" is misleading. It's concerned with transaction logs (who logged in when, web site logs, the sort of thing covered as "communications data" in RIP). Nothing to do with the contents of phone calls or email. I've been aware of these proposals for

Carnivore Report

2000-11-22 Thread John Young
We offer an HTML version of the Carnivore technical review report released yesterday by the Department of Justice (without appendices): (164KB text, 8 images) One notable conclusion about Carnivore's shortcomings and why its code should not be released

DMCA Final Rule

2000-10-27 Thread John Young
We offer the US Digital Millennium Copyright Act Final Rule on Access Control Circumvention: (149KB) An excerpt on why there will be no exemption for circumventing access to DVDs by tools such as DeCSS: (15KB) The

Unified Cryptologic Architecture

2000-10-18 Thread John Young
The bibliography of an NSA reorganization report released today lists several entries under "Unified Cryptologic Architecture" as well as a "U.S. Cryptologic Strategy - Preparing for the 21st Century." There is also a citation of "SINEWS - GCHQ Modernization and Change Program." We would

Re: PGP ADK Bug Fix

2000-08-27 Thread John Young
Anrold Reinhold wrote: How hard would it be to filter the public key servers for unsigned ADKs and either notify the keyowner or just remove the unsigned ADKs? It might be possible to filter the unsigned ADKs from key servers, however, it is not clear if the bug discovered is all there is to


2000-08-26 Thread John Young
Cryptome offers the ADK bug-fixed PGP Freeware 6.5.8: (7.8MB) (5.6MB) Analyses of the ADK fix and any others most welcome.

Monroe Cypher

2000-07-09 Thread John Young
In a 1992 Studies in Intelligence article, "America's First Encrypted Cable," Ralph Weber refers to a "Monroe cypher:" We would appreciate information on this cipher, and a sample of its use with plaintext and ciphertext, or, a long shot, a source for the

Re: Monroe Cypher

2000-07-09 Thread John Young
Yes, Kahn did footnote the Monroe cypher information, attirubitng it to Edmund C. Burnett, in his "Letters of Members of the Continental Congress." I've also received two other citations for more on Monroe's cypher from the mail list Intelligence Forum, a quite informative source on crypto

Re: Andrew Fernandes on NSA back doors

2000-05-28 Thread John Young
Arnold Rheinhold wrote: I'm afraid I don't find Mr. Fernandes' argument convincing. ... To me the mystery is why Microsoft is unwilling to fully explain its actions. Perhaps there are other details they do not wish to reveal. For example, since each CAPI module to be signed would require BXA

Andrew Fernandes on NSA back doors

2000-05-27 Thread John Young
Duncan Campbell sends along with permission of Andrew: Additional comment from Andrew D. Fernandes of Cryptonym Corporation (who discovered the NSA_KEY) on the MS/Campbell exchange on the NSA_KEY Microsoft's insistence that the second key is there for

Re: Critics blast Windows 2000's quiet use of DES instead of 3DES

2000-05-17 Thread John Young
John Gilmore wrote: There have been allegations that NSA influenced Microsoft's encryption support (one reason that NSA could afford to relax export controls could be that they've already subverted the highest volume US products). It's pretty well acknowledged that NSA did this to Crypto AG's


2000-05-15 Thread John Young
The National Security Agency had today published "Hardware Performance Simulations of Round 2 Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithms," a 55-page report: (165K) Its abstract: "The National Security Agency is providing

Re: taken down?

2000-05-12 Thread John Young
Cryptome/JYA are down due to a glitch in switching to a new faster, absoutely never-fail server. Both should be back in service today -- barring the Filipino factor.

MS on NSA_KEY in Windows

2000-04-27 Thread John Young
Duncan Campbell has provided a recent exchange of informative messages with Scott Culp at Microsoft on the origin, function and purpose of NSA_KEY in Windows:

Updated A5/1 Paper

2000-04-27 Thread John Young
Adi Shamir has provided "Real Time Cryptanalysis of A5/1 on a PC," an 18-page paper by Alex Biryukov, Adi Shamir and David Wagner presented at the Fast Encryption Software Workshop in New York City on April 10. It is an updated version of the December 1999 preliminary draft by Biryukov and

MPAA v. 2600

2000-03-23 Thread John Young
Martin Garbus, an internationally distinguished New York attorney, and his firm have been retained by the defense in the New York MPAA DeCSS case. Two of the three defendants have withdrawn under consent agreements, leaving only the magazine 2600, which succeeds its publisher, Emmanuel

Cryptome Daily List

2000-03-05 Thread John Young
Cryptome is offering a daily list by e-mail of new items with URLs added to the archive. Six to ten new items are added daily, some are archived at Cryptome, some are available at other URLs. Most of the items will show brief, salient excerpts as now done at the site. To subscribe send a blank


2000-03-01 Thread John Young
Harald Koch wrote: Do you have it registered with the PTO, or just in the DNS? If the latter, their next move is probably to have the Internic take your domain away from you under the current trademark infrigement policy. Beware... Good point. In fact, an inspired challenge. If the nouveau

First Echelon Source

2000-02-25 Thread John Young
Making history: the original source for the 1988 first Echelon report steps forward London, Friday 25 February, 2000 By Duncan Campbell In the circumstances of the extensive worldwide political and media attention that is currently focussed on the Echelon communications surveillance

Re: Interesting point about the declassified Capstone spec

2000-02-11 Thread John Young
What is current thinking of the AES finalists on NSA review of the proposals. Will there be (or has there been), say, overtures made to the developers to cooperate with national security and/or law enforcement requirements. Or is an alternate, parallel successor to DES underway for that dual-

Re: Interesting point about the declassified Capstone spec

2000-02-11 Thread John Young
Dan Geer wrote: I would place a bet that only traffic analysis will remain an area of sustainable lead, that traffic analysis is the only area where commercial interests will not naturally marshall the resources to threaten the lead of the national agencies. This may well be. However, a writer


2000-02-08 Thread John Young
Cryptome got a demand letter yesterday from the MPAA Anti-Piracy Unit to remove DeCSS as well as to immediately perform other unnatural acts: A number of responses to the letter have come in which might be of interest here:

Re: How old is TEMPEST?

2000-02-05 Thread John Young
We ran across a claim that compromising emanations were discovered in 1918: "TEMPEST was 'invented' in 1918 when Herbert Yardley and his staff of the Black Chamber were engaged by the U.S. Army to develop methods to detect, intercept, and exploit

Re: DeCSS MPAA New York Opinion

2000-02-04 Thread John Young
Phil, What happens to your court case when Commerce issues its letter? And for those of us who came late to crypto law, when did you initiate your suit? Which gives me a chance to say many thanks to you, and Dan and Peter, for educating the rest of us not only in how to effect crypto policy

Re: DeCSS MPAA New York Opinion

2000-02-04 Thread John Young
Brad kemp wrote: It was interesting to note that the judge stated that 'DeCSS, or some version of it, contain programmer's comments, "which are non-executable appendages to lines of executable code"... Such comments are protected by the First Amendment' Does this mean the it is legal to post

DeCSS MPAA New York Opinion

2000-02-03 Thread John Young
Judge Kaplan has issued his Memorandum Opinion in the DeCSS MPAA v. 3 suit in New York: We offer an HTML version: Judge Kaplan aims at settling the code as expression dispute, citing Bernstein,

Re: DVD CCA Emergency Hearing to seal DeCSS

2000-01-26 Thread John Young
Up to 4 PM EST we've had no notice that the file has been "sealed." There have been over 26,000 downloads and they are now going out at 600 per hour.

Re: DVD CCA Emergency Hearing to seal DeCSS

2000-01-26 Thread John Young
This is becoming picayune but: I'm told that the court has now sealed Exhibits A and B of Hoy's declaration. These are the DeCSS notes and the CSS scramble code. However, the sealing applies only to the paper versions and will prevent hardcopying. Denying access to online versions will require

Re: NSA Declassified

2000-01-24 Thread John Young
Your points are valid for the AIA document. However, in the Navy document, Number 9, image 3, there is the phrase, "Maintain and operate an ECHELON site." Still, you may be right that none of this proves there is a program by that name, and it may be only a way of indicating an activity of a

Bernstein Asks BXA to Clarify Crypto Regs

2000-01-23 Thread John Young
Cindy Cohn, lead Bernstein counsel, has provided a January 16 letter to BXA asking for clarification of the new crypto export regulations: The letter describes at length still unanswered questions about compliance; requests a formal BXA Opinion -- in

Re: New Encryption Regulations have other gotchas

2000-01-15 Thread John Young
Phil Karn wrote: I believe the anti-Tempest provisions have been in the export regs for some time. Yes, but when did they appear? We're attempting to trace Tempest's origin -- not easy because of classification of so much stuff. One classified standard dates to 1967. A French article on Tempest

US Cyber Security Plan

2000-01-10 Thread John Young
Thanks to Will Rodger we offer the National Plan for Information Systems Protection, Executive Summary, released by the White House on January 7: (109K) Zipped: (32K)

Revised Draft Crypto Regs

2000-01-06 Thread John Young
Stewart Baker offers a Revised Draft of Encryption Export Regulations, dated December 17, which supecedes that issued on November 19, and is being circulated among industry groups for comments:$file/regs.pdf We offer an HTML version:

A5/1 Cryptanalysis Paper

1999-12-09 Thread John Young
Adi Shamir has provided "Real-Time Cryptanalysis of GSM's A5/1 on a PC, (Preliminary Draft)" by Alex Biryukov and Adi Shamir, December 9, 1999: (Postscript, 292K)

A5/1 Correction

1999-12-09 Thread John Young
Title correction on the A5/1 paper: "Real-Time Cryptanalysis of the Alleged A5/1 on a PC, (Preliminary Draft)" Note "the alleged' in lieu of "GSM's" used in Adi's initial announcment. (Postscript, 292K)

A5/1 Paper in HTML

1999-12-09 Thread John Young
For those unable to read Postscript we offer the Biryukov- Shamir A5/1 cryptanalysis paper in HTML: (text, 44K; six images, 163K)

Wassenaar Changes Crypto

1999-12-06 Thread John Young
On December 3 the Wassenaar members approved changes to the cryptography provisions of the WA: And enhanced enforcement:

Re: Wassenaar Revises Crypto

1999-12-06 Thread John Young
Oops, you're right. Whatever changes were made on December 3 this year apparently did not affect cryptography. Sorry for antsy. Ulf Möller wrote: Did they really change anything now? This looks like the December 1998 (!) list.

Hersh on NSA

1999-11-29 Thread John Young
Here's Seymour Hersh's article in The New Yorker of December 6 on NSA's troubles with the digital age: (36K) Opening: "The National Security Agency, whose Cold War research into code breaking and electronic eavesdropping spurred the American computer

NYC Crypto Talk

1999-11-21 Thread John Young
For those in the NYC-area, Michael Anshel writes: I'm scheduled to speak to my colleagues in the Physics Dept at CCNY some of whom have co-taught with me Quantum Computing and Cryptography. The announcement is below. THE CITY COLLEGE OF THE CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK NEW YORK, NY 10031

HTML of flannery Paper

1999-11-13 Thread John Young
We've completed an HTML version of Sarah Flannery's paper, except for the Mathematica code; same URL: (48KB with image) William Whyte suggested that the successful attack on Flannery's algorithm carried out by Purser, Flannery and 'Whyte, appended to

Flannery on Cayley-Purser/RSA

1999-11-11 Thread John Young
Thanks to Jean-Jacques Quisquater and Jean-François Misarsky we offer Sarah Flannery's September 1999 paper on the Cayley-Purser Algorithm and her comparison of it to the security and speed of RSA: She concludes that Cayley-Purser is as secure as RSA and


1999-11-01 Thread John Young
Thanks to Anonymous we offer the CAPSTONE (MYK-80) Specifications, August, 1995, about 1/3 redacted of parts still classified TOP SECRET UMBRA: (40K text and 13 images) Or Zipped: (text and images: 298K) This doc was

Bernstein Delay Motion

1999-10-19 Thread John Young
Thanks to Cindy Cohn we offer the USG's motion yesterday to delay en banc reargument in Bernstein: A quote: "The revisions being implemented by the Department of Commerce entail extensive changes in the existing terms of the encryption export

Re: IP: IETF considers building wiretapping into the Internet

1999-10-13 Thread John Young
The FCC issued yesterday its detailed definitions of what types of services are and are not subject to CALEA requirements: This was issued in an attempt is to answer questions from respondents about what is a "telecommunications carrier." Excerpts: "5.

Sue MSNSA for Key?

1999-09-07 Thread John Young
Date: Mon, 06 Sep 1999 23:01:46 -0700 From: "Paul E. Merrell" [EMAIL PROTECTED] Organization: Lawyer To: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Does Microsoft's CryptoAPI key violate U.S. law? : : What follows is a copy of my post to a U.S.-based listserv for law office technical issues:

Euro-Parl Surveillance Reports

1999-08-21 Thread John Young
We offer the European Parliament-sponsored reports which have been prepared as follow-up to the 1998 "Appraisal of the Technologies of Political Control." The four-part series is titled "Development of Surveillance Technology and Risk of Abuse of Economic Information (an appraisal of

PECSENC Says Free Up Crypto?

1999-08-21 Thread John Young
John, Have you heard about this PECSENC recommendation cited by Dorothy Denning? I've written the PECSENC administrator about getting the recommendation. That's Jason Gomberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]. Could you try from your end? Thanks, John -- Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 13:49:07 -0400 From: [EMAIL

Crypto: Police v. Privacy

1999-07-12 Thread John Young
We offer Nick Ellsmore's exemplary paper, "Cryptology: Law Enforcement National Security vs. Privacy, Security The Future of E-Commerce": (196K) It is also available in Zipped .DOC format: (76K) For those who

Re: NPR story on crypto...

1999-06-26 Thread John Young
Vin McLelland wrote: Nice article in USAToday, Will! You might find it useful to note -- and I'm open for correction on this from anyone -- that the US Government's Bernstein brief is, I believe, the first time the Govt has openly acknowledged that the export control issue is all


1999-06-10 Thread John Young
Federal Register, 9 June 1999 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Bureau of Export Administration President's Export Council Subcommittee on Encryption; Open Meeting The President's Export Council Subcommittee on Encryption (PECSENC) will meet on June 25, 1999, at the U.S. Department of Commerce,

Re: Germany Frees Crypto

1999-06-03 Thread John Young
Peter Haefner has provided an English translation of the full German statement, "Cornerstones of German Encryption Policy":

Germany Frees Crypto

1999-06-02 Thread John Young
The German cabinet today released a policy statement on the unrestricted use of encryption (an English translation would be welcome): It says, pardon my German, that for worldwide protection against economic espionage and electronic interception

Junger Reply to Gov Brief

1999-05-27 Thread John Young
We offer Peter Junger's reply to the government's brief in his appeal to the 6th Circuit: Here's a swell petard hoisting excerpt: The government has introduced evidence that the use of encryption "by foreign intelligence targets 'can have a debilitating

Jospin's Crypto coup

1999-05-24 Thread John Young
A report on how 128-bit crypto was liberated in France. An outfoxed French spook warns, "Free crypto, it will be the end of the State."

Re: US spying on Europe

1999-05-18 Thread John Young
The author of the STOA report on Echelon, Duncan Campbell, offers the report: We offer a zipped version Duncan provided: (961K) There are two others in the series which are now completed of comparable interest,


1999-05-17 Thread John Young
We offer several documents from the PECSENC meeting of February 14, 1999: 1. Agenda 2. Members of PECSENC 3. Memorandum on PECSENC Action Plan 4. Executive Summary, PECSENC Meeting Open Session, March 12, 1999 5. Candid Meeting Comments (backdoor algorithms)


1999-05-17 Thread John Young
That's docs from the PECSENC meeting of May 14, 1999.


1999-05-12 Thread John Young
An updated agenda for the May 14 meeting in DC of the President's Export Council Subcommittee on Encryption (PECSENC) has been provided by Lisa Ann Carpenter, Committee Liaison Officer (202-482-2583): Opening remarks by the new chairman, William Crowell (ex-Deputy DIRNSA) Encryption

A5/1 Crack

1999-05-10 Thread John Young
"A Pedagogical Implementation of A5/1," by Marc Briceno, Ian Goldberg, and David Wagner. "With COMP128 broken and A5/1 published below, we will now turn our attention to A5/2. The latter has been acknowledged by the GSM community to have been specifically

1,000 Free Crypto Sites

1999-05-07 Thread John Young
Heeding Hugh Daniels' call today to set up 1,000 US crypto sites free of unconstituional export restrictions as provided by the Bernstein opinion, we invite contributions of unlimited-strengh encryption programs and/or links to such programs for a new US section for unrestricted cryptography

Shamir's TWINKLE

1999-05-05 Thread John Young
From: Adi Shamir [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Wed, 5 May 1999 09:57:33 +0300 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: TWINKLE Hi, The early version of the paper was quietly circulated to a small number of factoring experts and colleagues to get their comments. I'll probably write an expanded version

US Brief in Junger v. Daley

1999-04-26 Thread John Young
We offer the US Proof Brief arguing against Peter Junger's appeal of the Ohio district court decision: (109K)

French Crypto Decrees

1999-03-20 Thread John Young
The French Prime Minister signed detailed decrees allowing strong encyption on March 17 which were officially published yesterday: (34K) They are in French, though brief, and an English version would be appreciated.

Call for Contributions

1999-02-04 Thread John Young
We humbly ask for contributions for expenses of operating Cryptome Checks made to John Young: John Young JYA/Urban Deadline 251 West 89th Street, Suite 6E New York, NY 10024 Thanks very much.

Draft FIPS 46-3 Up

1999-01-20 Thread John Young
Jim Foti at NIST has put the Draft FIPS 46-3 at: (209K) We offer an HTML version: (49K + 35K images)

France Allows 128 Bit Crypto

1999-01-19 Thread John Young
The French Prime Minister today announced that due to the threat of espionage and invasion of privacy France will allow encryption strength up to 128 bits: [Excerpt; Babelfish English below.] (c) Le troisième chantier législatif concerne la

Re: Cayley-Purser

1999-01-13 Thread John Young
Clive Feather asked about news of an Irish teenager who has devised a fast crypto algo. William Whyte at Baltimore Technologies in Dublin -- where Sarah Flannery worked recently and got a boost from the cryptographers there -- gave a brief rundown on her invention on mail list UKCrypto.

Re: Proposed wiretap laws in South Africa

1998-12-14 Thread John Young
Thanks to Alan Barrett for pointing to the provocative SA wiretap paper. And his critique is apt. We offer it in HTML: (364K) The "Review of Security Legislation" looks at electronic surveillance law in several countries -- South Africa, US, UK, France,

Re: ANSI standards for block ciphers?

1998-12-13 Thread John Young
This probably refers to the ANSI X9 financial standards committee, whose X9F Subcommittee on Data and Information Security devises cryptographic standards in cooperation with the global financial services community and various standards groups. See general info at the X9 home page:

Wassenaar/Crypto News

1998-12-09 Thread John Young
A BXA spokesperson said today that the text of the recent Wassenaar agreement had been received yesterday and it is now being prepared for release on the BXA website ( maybe by the end of the week but maybe not until next week. She said she expected the US to be the first to

AU Wassenaar

1998-12-07 Thread John Young
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 16:58:49 +1000 Subject: Wassenaar changes [OK to repost to crypto lists and Cryptome - dant] I spoke this afternoon with one of the Australian delegates at the Wassenaar meeting, an

Wassenaar Statement

1998-12-04 Thread John Young
The Secretariat of The Wassenaar Arrangement has issued brief public docs on the recent meeting: Only one brief mention of encryption: "8. The WA agreed control list amendments to take into account recent technological developments. The amendments to

Rivest Patent

1998-11-13 Thread John Young
Ron Rivest received on November 10 "US Patent 5835600: Block encryption algorithm with data-dependent rotations:" (22K)

Info Age Crime Terror and War

1998-11-13 Thread John Young
Senator Kyl has issued a long report, "Crime, Terror War: National Security and Public Safety in the Information Age," which recounts his Subcommittee's hearings and recommendations on encryption, Y2K, terrorism, info war, domestic preparedness, wiretap, and more: