On 28.07.2011 00:47, Debbie Roes wrote:
The issue I'm having has to do with
"float drop" in IE7 and IE6 in the header area of the site.
IE6/7 don't interpret align="left" on logo in your favor.
The addition of...
#header .row-1 a img {float: left;}
#header .ro
I recently rejoined this list, as I missed learning from the CSS
experts who are a member of the group. I currently find myself facing
an issue that I haven't been able to solve (despite spending a few
hours and trying various potential solutions) and I'm hoping someone
here can help me.
I have b
Thanks a million! Your tip worked nicely! One thing
however, is that I didn't need the display: block
because I already had my li set to display: inline.
And it's working nicely across IE6 IE7 FF(both) &
I am having some other issues though:
http://e7flux.com/new/new.html with a tabbed s
regarding the topnav image. In my Windows Firefox it is showing up. The
hover effect is not working. That is because you've placed an image
inside the anchor. Now when - on hover - you attach a background to the
anchor, it is not visible because the image inside the anchor is painted
Thanks Guys!
Adding a complete URI helped fixed the broken layout.
I'm encountering a couple of other problems however:
The logo "NJ.com" in the upper left in the #topnav div
is not showing up in Windows FF. It is a link and I
also need it to swap out on hover wit
> On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 7:33 AM, Elli Vizcaino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have a #sidebar div floating left with 2 divs
> > (#topright_content and #bottomright_content) floating
> > right, all contained within a #container div. They
> > appear fine in Safari & FF but in I
> On Behalf Of Elli Vizcaino
> I have a #sidebar div floating left with 2 divs
> (#topright_content and #bottomright_content) floating
> right, all contained within a #container div. They
> appear fine in Safari & FF but in IE7 (haven't checked
> IE6 but assume it's the same) the divs that are
> > On Behalf Of Elli Vizcaino
> >
> > I have a #sidebar div floating left with 2 divs
> > (#topright_content and #bottomright_content) floating
> > right, all contained within a #container div. They
> > appear fine in Safari & FF but in IE7 (haven't checked
> > IE6 but assume it's the same) the di
On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 7:33 AM, Elli Vizcaino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a #sidebar div floating left with 2 divs
> (#topright_content and #bottomright_content) floating
> right, all contained within a #container div. They
> appear fine in Safari & FF but in IE7 (haven't ch
I have a #sidebar div floating left with 2 divs
(#topright_content and #bottomright_content) floating
right, all contained within a #container div. They
appear fine in Safari & FF but in IE7 (haven't checked
IE6 but assume it's the same) the divs that are
floated right are floating outside
Dave Goodchild wrote:
> http://s172075788.websitehome.co.uk/stage/index.php
> ...and the right hand display ads column dips down in IE, looks OK in
> Firefox - thought it was the double margin bug but added display:inline to
> no avail. Anyone have any ideas? I will continue to dig.
It's IE's '
Hi all, I have a site in development here:
...and the right hand display ads column dips down in IE, looks OK in
Firefox - thought it was the double margin bug but added display:inline to
no avail. Anyone have any ideas? I will continue to dig.
My apologies - I had left the CSS changed from one of my earlier attempts
to fix this. I've changed it back so that there is a reference to #main
table element. When that element is cleared:left, you can see the left nav
cleared in FF.
On 1/24/06, Bryce Fields <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 1/
On 1/24/06, Erik Domingo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm in need of some help. At
> http://postureworks.bluelangroup.net/Customers_CaseStudies2.php, you can see
> I've used a table in the top part of the center column to display content.
> This table (contained with the #main element)
Hi all,
I'm in need of some help. At
http://postureworks.bluelangroup.net/Customers_CaseStudies2.php, you can see
I've used a table in the top part of the center column to display content.
This table (contained with the #main element) is floated right. The problem
is that Firefox displays the tabl
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