The coming Hurricane FITZIE

2005-10-24 Thread the pen
IMPEACH BUSH AND ENTER THE "GUESS HOW MANY INDICTMENTS" POOL As always we feature the action link first, this one to call for the impeachment of George Bush There is a storm of historic proportions headed for the United States, one that will make Hurricane

Do not permit Congress release CIA from the ban against TORTURE

2005-10-20 Thread the pen
KEEP THE CIA COVERED BY THE MCCAIN TORTURE BAN Having already threatened to veto the entire defense bill if restrained in any way from continuing its policy of international torture crimes, administration operatives will try to gut the McCain amendment in conference committee. Although passed

RNC and White House confess Harriet Miers intended as CRONY for the Supreme Court

2005-10-10 Thread the pen
TAKE ACTION NOW TO STOP MIERS AT Faced with growing opposition even from their own, the Republican National Committee and the White House held a joint mobilizing conference call to rally their most reactionary supporters behind Harriet Miers, their "get out of co

The President appoints Ham Sandwich and Reid bites [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2005-10-05 Thread the pen
DO WE PUT UP A FIGHT NOW? ... NOW DO WE PUT UP A FIGHT? We told you how critical it was for us to oppose John Roberts with every fiber of our being and many thousands of you did. We warned you that allowing the stealth candidate Roberts to pass without proper scrutiny would only EMBOLDEN Bush

We can reject John Roberts and this is THE WAY we can get it done [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2005-09-26 Thread the pen
The Million Email March to Stop John Roberts TAKE ACTION NOW at Thousands and thousands of your fellow citizens are speaking out right now to oppose the nomination of John Roberts as chief justice of the Supreme Court. They are telling our senators that they don't want a

Stop CAFTA and yet more American employment oursourcing

2005-07-14 Thread The Pen
TAKE ACTION NOW TO SAVE OUR JOBS There are so many reasons to reject the CAFTA (Central American Free Trade Agreement) treaty. With no enforcement provisions to prevent exploitation of foreign workers it would force those of us who still have jobs to compete against the lowest wage standard i

We demand the TRUTH about Iraq out of Congress [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2005-06-14 Thread the pen
WHEN WILL THEY TELL US THE REAL STORY? Haven't you read the Downing Street minutes? Why else are we not already demanding our Congress to probe why it was "the facts and intelligence are being fixed around the policy" (the exact quote) of invading Iraq. Even if the justification for the war was

John Bolton and the Downing Street memorandum outrage []

2005-06-06 Thread the pen
DON'T ALLOW BOLTON TO PUSH US INTO ANOTHER ATTACK Why is everyone talking about Downing Street memo? If you haven't heard of it, if the media where you're used to getting your information is hiding it, and you haven't read it for yourself You can see it right here This previously top secret doc

Honor our armed forces by speaking out for an INVESTIGATION []

2005-05-31 Thread the pen
DEMAND AN INQUIRY OF THE DOWNING STREET MEMO On this Memorial Day we remember those who gave their lives for our freedom. And just as we were a year ago on this date we are still trapped in an endless occupation of attrition in Iraq without even an exit plan. For those who gave their lives with

Vee have to examine your papers (NO on federal ID

2005-05-09 Thread The Pen
NO ON THE NATIONAL ID CARD NOW Generally we like to send out newsletters no more than about once a week, however when they try to ram MAJOR new laws through Congress with not as much as a debate we the people must jump into action. This time they want to set up a giant central database and feder

We should stop debt robbery

2005-04-01 Thread The Pen
HELP REJECT THE "BANKRUTPCY ABUSE" BILL IN THE HOUSE Do you have to pay 25, 35 percent or over on your ccards? How do you like outrageous late and overlimit charges? Have they raised your interest to the max the instant you were a day late? The Senate rejected all attempts to provide measures pr

Should the bankruptcy abuse prevention bill be rejected

2005-03-05 Thread The Pen
The Senate Republican leaders have now filed for cloture (a move to preclude a filibuter) on the bankruptcy abuse prevention act, which will be voted on this coming Tuesday. With the exception of a minor rewording of the definition of "special circumstances" every proposed amendment, including

Should Congress investigate the integrity of presidential press conferences

2005-02-28 Thread The Pen
How is it that a phony journalist was promoted to ask propaganda questions at White House press conferences? The issue is not whether Mr. Guckert (Jeff Gannon) might have moonlighted as a prostitute. The real question is whether the press itself, in the exercise of its professionalism should

Write Congress what to do about Social Security

2005-02-19 Thread The Pen
This week both sides of the Social Security controversy hit the airwaves. Some are trying to persuade you that there is a crisis that requires privitization of the system now. Others point out that analysts agree the system will remain solvent for 30 years and beyond just maintaining the curr

Tell Mr. Kerry if he should call for a recount in Ohio along with the Greens/Libertarians

2004-12-04 Thread The Pen
Some say it is not enough for him to play bystander while the third parties fight for our rights, that as the only one with 'standing" he must himself demand an immediate recount to keep the clock in Ohio from running out. Here is a one click page where you can send your personal message to th