Successfully test on: Ubuntu 16.04 Ubuntu 14.04 Debian 8.6
Sphinx update did the trick for Ubuntu, was also necessary for Debian. All
3 of my tests were on fresh VPS installs.
On Tue, Aug 1, 2017 at 5:09 PM, Joan Touzet wrote:
> Hi Pink,
> Sounds like you have an outdated version of the s
Hi Pink,
Sounds like you have an outdated version of the sphinx_rtd_theme
and possibly Sphinx.
Try running `sudo pip install -U Sphinx sphinx-rtd-theme` and
try running the docs build again.
- Original Message -
From: "Pink and Dangerous to Know Mad"
problem installing on Ubuntu 16.04
used the following steps:
sudo apt-get --no-install-recommends -y install \
build-essential pkg-config erlang erlang-reltool \
libicu-dev libmozjs185-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get i
Thanks for the follow-up email, "support-tiger." We're aware of these
warnings, most of which relate to our need to continue to support older
versions of Erlang (back to 16B03, which ships with Ubuntu 14.04). None
of these warnings impact proper operation of CouchDB 2.1.0-RC1.
Hi "support-tiger,"
Thanks for the info. We have folks actively testing on CentOS and RHEL
but not Fedora. Your feedback on Fedora is useful. And Jan's point is
definitely key here - a lot of "long-timers" know their way around
compiling and installing CouchDB, but we need to do a better job with
Jan, appreciate all your dedication to CouchDB and followup. We will
try to help with docs (working right now F26 specific instructions with
systemd setup)
Target: Fedora 26
We cleaned up all previous version cruft and compiled again (without sudo)
./configure => passed
make release => com
Thanks for the exhaustive list. We have cleaning up our documentation high on
the list for past 2.1. Sorry you ran into all this, we'll take note for the
> On 1. Aug 2017, at 10:28, support-tiger wrote:
> first, our other posts to this list have not been posted
CentOS 7
Used the EPEL repo and then yum install erlang. That installed Erlang R16B03
1. Verified using sha256: ok
2. Make check: ok
3. Make release: ok
4. Opened Fauxton and clicked "Verify" and all checks passed
5. Create a database and then created a replication from in Fauxton: pass
5. L
first, our other posts to this list have not been posted though we are
subscribed and get messages - is there a problem with the list ? it is
discouraging to take the time to try to contribute and post findings and
not have it posted or responded to
Target: Fedora 26 :
1) instructions for