Dear Marketing Project,
I started participating in the Community in 2002 with an
Email to then MArketing Lead Sam Hiser suggesting that he consider
bittorrent as a p2p distrobution model. Since then, I have been involved in
different aspects of OOo including Marketing coordination,
I have a fairly new (6 month old) laptop that came with Microsoft
Works 7 installed on WindowsXP. I have never used, or even
opened, any of the programs in Works on this machine, but after
reading the note below I fired up the "Works Word Processor" to
see what I could learn. It looks like Word
Interesting. MS-Windows comes pre-installed with a trial version of MS
Word which apparently expires after some time ... unless is
The claim is that the trial version of MS Word will continue to function
beyond the trial period only if OOo is present:
If OOo is not