Yes, fair point.
IIRC, we decided there weren't enough motivating examples to make it worth
adding action-queueing behaviour to the PageStack. If people keep hitting this
problem, though, it could be worth revisiting.
That said, working around the problem is usually simple, and making the
On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 11:25 PM, Matthew Vogt wrote:
> Hi, 'Page.status' is the correct property to watch for avoiding this problem.
> Here is an example of what you could do:
> import QtQuick 2.0
> import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
> ApplicationWindow {
> initialPage: Component {
Hi, 'Page.status' is the correct property to watch for avoiding this problem.
Here is an example of what you could do:
import QtQuick 2.0
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
ApplicationWindow {
initialPage: Component {
Page {
anchors.fill: parent
Hi Juha,
I just had a look at the backtrace (apparently some of the libs aren't
(completely) stripped):
#0 0x000a1d46 in ?? ()
#1 0x7f5e4944abe6 in call_init () from /lib64/
#2 0x7f5e4944acca in _dl_init_internal () from
#3 0x000
sorry to hear that.
Did the previous version 1406 or some earlier version work for you in the same
Please send core dump to me and if you could also provide an strace log of
starting Qt Creator:
$ strace -o output.log -s 512 installdir/bin/qtcreator
Also please mention which Sabayo
Here's an example of a bogus cpu usage reported by top on the phone.
Regression still present with latest release.
2014-06-19 18:57 GMT-06:00 Ales Katona :
> There seems to be a kernel bug in the latest official release of Sailfish
> OS on the Jolla p
I'm having segfaults when starting the Qt Creator from the July SDK:
kernel: qtcreator[3217]: segfault at a1d46 ip 000a1d46 sp
7fff634493e8 error 14 in qtcreator[40+13000]
Issue is reproducible; OS is the latest Sabayon Linux 64bit.
I can send coredump on request.
Let me know
"Norton detected something weird" - what exactly? Can you paste error
message or screenshot it?
For now i see only "something weird" with your antivirus
(probably you using norton as firewall also and it just reporting
network activity)
16.07.2014 20:21, Juha Kallioinen пишет:
Norton detect
On 18.06.2014 12:47, Vesa Arttijeff wrote:
I installed Sallfish SDK
(SailfishOSSDK-Alpha-1406-Qt5-windows-offline) to my Windows 8. I have
Norton Antivirus on my machine.
Please check the attached document (as Word /ODT). Norton detected
something weird in qtcreator.exe file. Is it just
Ok, they are rearraning forum due excessive topics of the same issue...
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Andrey Kozhevnikov
Sent: 16. heinäkuuta 20
Sorry Marcin, misread the name :)
2014-07-16 18:55 GMT+06:00 Dmitriy Purgin :
> Hi Martin,
> I had the same issue while dealing with a similar problem where start
> page was showing BusyIndicator while the application is loading. What
> I did is connected to Component.onCompleted in ApplicationW
Hi Martin,
I had the same issue while dealing with a similar problem where start
page was showing BusyIndicator while the application is loading. What
I did is connected to Component.onCompleted in ApplicationWindow,
start the initialization procedure and replace the page after
initialization is d
In this case you'd better connect to pageStack.busyChanged :) and wait
while pageStack.busy
16.07.2014 18:42, Marcin M. ?:
This way the dialog opens after closing the dialog. Worked it around by
while (status != PageStatus.Active) {}
Take back what I said. The workaround doesn't work. :P
2014-07-16 14:42 GMT+02:00 Marcin M. :
> This way the dialog opens after closing the dialog. Worked it around by
> Component.onCompleted:
> {
> while (status != PageStatus.Active) {}
> openWelcomeDialog
This way the dialog opens after closing the dialog. Worked it around by
while (status != PageStatus.Active) {}
2014-07-16 11:01 GMT+02:00 Andrey Kozhevnikov :
> do not use onCompleted in this case. use statu
404 by your link
16.07.2014 18:29, Kimmo Lindholm пишет:
When installing SDK, I updated also the VirtualBox to latest version, which was
not so good decision...
Seems that VirtualBox 4.3.14 for Windows is broken. Use 4.3.12 with SDK (or
some other version)
Some more here: https://forums
When installing SDK, I updated also the VirtualBox to latest version, which was
not so good decision...
Seems that VirtualBox 4.3.14 for Windows is broken. Use 4.3.12 with SDK (or
some other version)
Some more here: - at
least I got
showing child items is not implemented, only child dirs function is
if you're interested i can share class from my project replacing MGConfItem
03.07.2014 23:29, Эльмира пишет:
How to get dconf list of sub-items with MGConfItem?
listDirs() method showing following warnings:
I don't know if I got you right. Does that mean that if I'd build the
current X11 release on SailfishOS I'd be able to run X11-apps on
SailfishOS as lipstick already supports Xwayland? Or is it only
possible to run X11 apps remotely (using e.g. ssh -X)?
Thanks a lot,
On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 a
Hi all,
I recently started developing for SailfishOS using the latest SDK on Mac OSX.
Unfortunately, I encountered an issue trying to use the TextField control in
Qt creator shows a
"Could not resolve the prototype ‘TextBaseItem’ of ‘TextBase’. (M301)"
error. I meanwhile drilled down
Hi all,
I recently run into an issue with Qt Creator developing for SailfishOS, looking
for some help here.
I try to use an TextField (same issue with TextArea).
Qt Creator tells me there is an issue when using the TextField/TextArea:
Could not resolve the prototype ‘TextBaseItem’ of ‘TextBase
How to get dconf list of sub-items with MGConfItem?
listDirs() method showing following warnings:
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do not use onCompleted in this case. use status == PageStatus.Active instead
16.07.2014 14:58, Marcin M. ?:
I'd like to open a welcome dialog at startup which can be disabled by
a user.
id: mainPage
function openWelcomeDialog()
var component = Qt.createComponen
I'd like to open a welcome dialog at startup which can be disabled by a
id: mainPage
function openWelcomeDialog()
var component = Qt.createComponent("WelcomeDialog.qml")
var popup = component.createObject(mainPage)
2014-07-07 23:37 GMT+03:00 Robin Burchell :
> On the bright side, I¹m fairly confident that future upgrades will be less
> painful, as part of the pain was also on our side in that we rushed a few
> things to get to market last year, and we paid the price in doing that
> work properly.
I'd also sa
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· Thomas B. Rücker, Mer/Nemo community background, has been chairing
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· Andrea Bernabei, Mer/Nemo community background, active Sailfish
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