Re: [slim] Napster, LMS 8.0, and what *should* be an easy question...

2020-12-22 Thread t-chok
Thanks again. So I got it to work, but tell me if this makes any sense to you for how I finally got it to work. On, both my Pandora and Napster apps were listed as enabled and were checked off for Yes - "Display on the Home Menu"... but still, only Pandora was showing up on my

Re: [slim] Napster, LMS 8.0, and what *should* be an easy question...

2020-12-22 Thread t-chok
Thanks. So I went and tried the reboot, but that didn't change anything. I did a factory reset of the Touch, and that didn't change anything. I removed LMS 8.0.0 and reverted to LMS 7.9.3, and that didn't do anything. There must be something very fundamental that I'm missing. Either Napster

[slim] Napster, LMS 8.0, and what *should* be an easy question...

2020-12-21 Thread t-chok
In trying to fix a long-standing problem I've had since early this year (no volume at all with Pandora), I decided to finally upgrade from LMS 7.9.3 to 8.0. I did a complete wipe and deleted config & log files in order to start fresh. Now that I've restarted, I can't get the Napster app to

Re: [slim] Pandora: It plays, but with no volume

2019-12-18 Thread t-chok
Hi Michael. Correct, there's no sound at all. I have checked this numerous times since my original post. Interestingly, a couple of times, there was sound for the first part of the first song I played, and then the sound stopped later in that song (while the time indicator in the bottom bar

[slim] Pandora: It plays, but with no volume

2019-11-20 Thread t-chok
Has anybody else had a problem with no volume coming from Pandora on a SB Touch? I have two SB Touches, and on both, when I play Pandora, the tracks and the artwork come up fine, the track/time display indicates that the tracks are playing... but there is no volume. On the other hand, when I

Re: [slim] Lost Napster playlist

2017-01-18 Thread t-chok
Just an update... I got my Napster playlist back on my squeezeboxes, but I'm not 100% sure why. I had tried rebooting my entire system... router, squeezeboxes, PC... that had no effect. A couple days later, I went onto the Napster site and deleted one of Napster playlists, and that cut my

[slim] Lost Napster playlist

2017-01-06 Thread t-chok
When I went onto my SB Touch this morning, one of my Napster playlists was missing from my list of playlists on the Touch. To be sure that the playlist still existed on my Napster account, I checked it both on my Napster app on my home PC and on my phone, and it's there. For the SB Touch, I

[slim] Used Squeeze devices on eBay -- Buying advice?

2015-12-08 Thread t-chok
Hi there, I currently have a Touch, an SB3 and a Radio, and I'm looking to pick up another Touch on eBay (basically, to replace the SB3 since Rhapsody no longer works on SB3's). I'm curious what experiences folks here have had in picking up used Squeeze devices on eBay. Anything to watch out

Re: [slim] 500 SSL negotiation failed: (Rhapsody Error)

2014-10-31 Thread t-chok
Hi there, I'm now seeing a similar, but slightly different, error message when I try to access My Library in Rhapsody. The message is this: 500 Can't connect to 443 Is this part of the same issue being investigated previously in this thread? Thanks a lot! Tim

Re: [slim] 500 SSL negotiation failed: (Rhapsody Error)

2014-10-31 Thread t-chok
Hi Michael, I'm in the U.S. I just tried it again after your reply, and it is working again... I'm able to access My Library. Thanks a ton for your quick fix -- Much appreciated!! Tim t-chok's Profile:

Re: [slim] 500 SSL negotiation failed: (Rhapsody Error)

2014-10-22 Thread t-chok
Michael, thanks for your help with trying to fix this. About 75% of the usage I get from the squeezeboxes is for syncing Rhapsody throughout the house. Really appreciate your help in trying to fix the issue! :D t-chok's

Re: [slim] Rhapsody crashing Squeezeplay devices?

2014-02-25 Thread t-chok
Huge thank-you's to all who were involved in creating the Rhapsody fix. It is great to once again have Rhapsody streaming around the various devices on my Squeeze network at home! Much appreciated! Tim t-chok's Profile:

Re: [slim] Rhapsody crashing Squeezeplay devices?

2014-02-04 Thread t-chok
Hi Just want to add a +1 to this, hoping that a solution can be found soon. I would say at least 90% of the music our family listens to is via Rhapsody over our Squeezebox network. Many thanks for your efforts in trying to fix this! Tim

Re: [slim] How to create a playlist with some local library songs, some Rhapsody songs?

2011-12-19 Thread t-chok
replay gain when converting to MP3?) Anyway, thanks again! -- Tim -- t-chok t-chok's Profile: View this thread:

[slim] How to create a playlist with some local library songs, some Rhapsody songs?

2011-12-12 Thread t-chok
usually use Rhapsody via my PC's SBS, not via Thanks a lot for any advice! Tim -- t-chok t-chok's Profile: View this thread:

Re: [slim] Couldn't find DHCP server problem hits one SB3 but not the other

2011-03-22 Thread t-chok
? The reason I ask is that my other SB3 is connected through a surge protector made by a different manufacturer, and that SB3 is completely fine after the power outage. Or maybe I just got lucky on that one -- t-chok t

Re: [slim] Couldn't find DHCP server problem hits one SB3 but not the other

2011-03-22 Thread t-chok
to the wi-fi functionality is broken. Thanks again for the help! -- t-chok t-chok's Profile: View this thread:

Re: [slim] Couldn't find DHCP server problem hits one SB3 but not the other

2011-03-21 Thread t-chok
, the one I've been having trouble with, came back with the same problem. couldn't find the DHCP server. At this point, I think there is a hardware problem and am going to return it for warranty, unless someone has another idea. Thanks for all your suggestions. Tim -- t-chok

Re: [slim] Couldn't find DHCP server problem hits one SB3 but not the other

2011-03-11 Thread t-chok
the same result. I wonder if this is the same type of problem that others are reporting in the SB release 7.5.3: Unreliable. Anyone else? thread in this forum. Any other ideas for how to troubleshoot fix this problem? Thanks a lot! Tim -- t-chok

Re: [slim] Couldn't find DHCP server problem hits one SB3 but not the other

2011-03-10 Thread t-chok
7.5.2 Windows SBS executable. But what about the firmware for 7.5.2 how does the firmware for 7.5.3 get removed and the firmware for 7.5.2 get installed in its place? Thanks! Tim -- t-chok t-chok's Profile: http

[slim] Couldn't find DHCP server problem hits one SB3 but not the other

2011-03-07 Thread t-chok
Windows XP Router: ActionTec MI424-WR Rev. E (Verizon Fios installed) Tim -- t-chok t-chok's Profile: View this thread:

Re: [slim] Couldn't find DHCP server problem hits one SB3 but not the other

2011-03-07 Thread t-chok
! Tim -- t-chok t-chok's Profile: View this thread: ___ discuss mailing