othing to do with software.
> On Sun, Jan 21, 2018 at 12:56 PM, Yang Liu wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> In this application, I am trying to send a sine wave at a specific
>> frequency to usrp x310:
>> sine wave generator ---> usrpx310
happens. This is
>> aliasing, and probably has nothing to do with software.
>> On Sun, Jan 21, 2018 at 12:56 PM, Yang Liu
>> wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> In this application, I am trying to send a sine wave at a specific
>>> fre
Dear all,
In this application, I am trying to send a sine wave at a specific
frequency to usrp x310:
sine wave generator ---> usrpx310
For the sine wave generator, I use blocks.sig_source_c from gnuradio. The
parameters at the transmitter are in the following:
center frequency: 1e9 (usrp tuning
Hi Marcus,
What I do at the transmitter side is (QPSK signal):
pulse shaping(Root Cosine FIR Filter ) ---> resampling (where the
fractional resampler is inserted) --> low pass filter-->frequency shifter
(move the signal to the frequency it belongs to with respect to the usrp's
center frequency ) -
mation with a critically
> sampled signal. If I'm right (really, haven't taken the time to write this
> down), then that means e.g. for NSTEPS=128, that you get -52.8 dB phase
> noise, whereas a reduction to let's say NSTEPS=16 gives you 24 dB more
> noise – and -28.8 d
Dear all,
I used fractional resampler(gr::filter::fractional_resampler_cc) at
transmitter side to help up sample the signal to the device sample rate
before sending it out. In the experiment, I found that this resampler works
well for some resample ratio (in terms of speed), and the performance
Dear all,
I'm trying add two streams together before sending to usrp_source, suppose
they are signal A and signal B, signal A comes from burst transmission, so
there exits gaps between two packets, while signal B is the real streaming
data. I tried to use blocks.add_cc() function to add them toget
Dear all,
I tried to achieve burst transmission on usrp X310, the brief tx flowgraph
in gnuradio is in the below:
message_burst_source -> signal processing blocks --> usrp_sink
New message will be inserted into the message queue of message_burst_source.
Since message_burst_source will attach SO
Dear all,
we are using one usrp x310 with two UBX 160 in a full duplex mode (one ubx
for transmitting and the second one for receiving, with a 10G connection).
In the code, two separate TX and RX flowgraphs are established (under a
single process).
self.txpath = tx_hier(...)