What is eCTA and what is it for?
Where is their website?
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>From recent postings and various emails it seems many people persist in
misunderstanding the purpose and accountabilities of the eCurrency
Trade Association. Inc.
The assumption appears to be that because various gold and digital
currencies are shown on the web site this automatically means t
The eCTA expects it's members, in any matters of negotiation, business
transactions or
disagreements to act in a manner consistent with the Mission Purpose,
Purposes and Charter
of the Association. Only in this way can we gain the respect of the
community within which
we operate a
The eCTA site, www.exchangeprovider.net , is having server problems
This is being address and we expect the site to be up again shortly.
Will advise when.
kind regards,
Michael Moore
Vice President
eCurrency Trade Association Inc.
'Setting the standard for the Gold B
Well we have a winner.
Goloka Candra dasa of http://PLANETS9.com is the WINNER!!
Yes he correctly found the easter egg AND answered the question required.
Goloka has 8 grams of gold coming his way.
Here is an extract from his email:
"Dear Michael,
Your puzzle was hard and good.
It is now the third day and the prize has reduced to 8 grams of gold.
Come on guys! There must be a Veritable Wizz Bang out there who can work it
There has been two clues.
Very sporting of me to be sure.
(Remember the first clue in the rules? . it was in this line..
5. Prize c
To: Vince Calloway of FreedomHound.com
The eCurrency Trade Association Inc has been attempting to contact you by
all means possible over a period of 7 days without success. This includes
emails faxes and messages left on given phone numbers.
Unfortunately we now have to resort to a Public Disc
A short while ago a gentleman from eCurrency Crawler found the first eCTA
Easter Egg and won a gram of gold.
It is Easter Egg time again!
This time the prize for the first person to find on the eCurrency Trade
Association site www.exchangeprovider.net the hidden Easter Egg will be 2
grams of
Due to Hosting problems with the eCurrency Trade Association site
www.exchangeprovider.net , we will be changing the hosting.
This may result in some down time as the transfer takes place.
We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause.
Michael Moore
Vice President (Pro Tem)
for the
> currency. E-gold's poor customer service policies make no difference to
> the efficacy of the eCTA.
Oh, please!
I'm inclined to agree with what someone wrote earlier about e-gold probably
just wanting to have nothing to do with anything associated with OSGold.
Nonetheless, I feel kind of bad
I am very please to see the voluminous queries and discussions regarding the
eCTA over the past few days.
The points raised, the comments, they are all valuable as they provide
feedback on how the eCTA is perceived. And I thank all those that provide
The eCTA is still in it's infancy in
11 matches
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