The exam questlons will probably be tougher

2002-02-03 Thread Socspace
In his Statistics/Probability(2/2/2002) Joe Dirt wrote <

:Re: What Is This?: ÒµÎñÁªÏµ

2002-02-01 Thread Socspace
Esteemed edstatters; Hope this doesn't get me disbarred from the list, but I've just got to ventilate a little -- as politely as I can. In my Re: Informacion (1/27/2002), written in reply  Hector's Información (1/26/2002) I very carefully showed him how he could, on_his_own, find an

Another postscript to my Re: What Is This?:???? & stuff

2002-02-01 Thread Socspace
Pps:  I subscribe to 5 news lists.  This is the only one on which I've seen messages such as these.  How come dey's pickin' on us?

Re: What Is This?:???? & stuff

2002-02-01 Thread Socspace
Esteemed edstatters: In his What Is This?: (January 31, 2002) Ronny wrote: << I've started receiving messages like the following from the newsgroup. Is this a problem with the newsgroup or a problem with my mail program?>> In his Re: What Is This?: ÒµÎñÁªÏµ Jay replied:

Those pesky unintelligible posts. ´«Í³µÄ¼ÒÍ¥×!!!!!!

2002-01-31 Thread Socspace
In his Re: What Is This?: ÒµÎñÁªÏµ (1/31/2002) Carl Lee wrote: > I certainly agree that said messages are inappropriate for this news list and ought to be stopped.  

Re: Informacion

2002-01-27 Thread Socspace
Hector: En su Información (1/26/2002) Ud. escribia: > Es facilissimo. Use la frase sigiente "teaching and learning statistics".como "search term" para Google.  Esto le dare *muchissimos* sitios pertinentes. P

A rough and ready, but serviceable, translation.

2002-01-20 Thread Socspace
In his Comunicación con investigadores (1/20/2002) Hector Francisco Reynoso Tirado wrote: < Agradecería la información necesaria para entablar comunicación con investigadores que trabajen sobre la enseñanza y aprendizaje de la estadística. Por su apoyo, gracias. Héctor Francisco Reynoso Tirad

Re: Statistical illiteracy .... (Just bragging)

2001-12-13 Thread Socspace
I received a credit report telling me that my rating was higher than 100% of the persons who received them.   You can't imagine how proud and happy I was to learn that my rating was even higher than my own.

Re: Sorry for question, but how is the english word for @

2001-12-11 Thread Socspace
Nathaniel: The symbol @ belongs to the cateqory of special characters in English.   Although it is often rendered as "commercial at" in a technical context, in the vernacular (and on the net)  it is most often rendered as simply"at." I can't help but advise that, since English is clearly your se


2001-11-20 Thread Socspace
Esteemed all: For whatever 'tis worth, here is my translation of  STATISTIQUE-COMMENT DETERMINER QUELLE PARTIE DE LA POPULATION EST MARGINALE? (11/20/2001) From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (RENCKER) Since I am myself a M/SD [Math Stats Dummy] who lurks on the list hoping to pick up tidbits of useful

Is this being fair to Dr. Fairman?

2001-10-02 Thread Socspace
Esteemed all: Jus' thoughtchuz might could be intrested in dis here exchange 'twixt da mucho degreed Dr. Fairman and a not too admiring interlocutor at: Ain't da internet jus' grand??? Aitchoo aka H(arley) U(pchurch), M/SD [Math/Stats Dummy]

More than you really wanted to know --- I feel sure.

2001-07-08 Thread Socspace
Subj: Routine request (chuckle) Date: 7/8/2001 9:35:50 PM Central Daylight Time From:    [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Neville X. Elliven) Sender:    [EMAIL PROTECTED] To:    [EMAIL PROTECTED] Neville In your Routine request (chuckle),7/8/200, you write: <

Routine request (chuckle)

2001-07-06 Thread Socspace
Esteemed all: Can anyone tell me where to obtain a freeware routine which rearranges the rows and columns of a matrix? (Now do you pick up on my inadvertent pun in the subject heading?) Thanking you in advance, I am Harley Upchurch

Re: a fortiori

2000-08-07 Thread Socspace
In a message dated 8/6/2000 11:58:04 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: << > Also, as another chance to display my ignorance, I couldn't find "a > fortiori" in my dictionary. Try RHD, between "aforetime" and "afoul", not between "a" and "AA". It will surely be in OED as w


2000-08-01 Thread Socspace
Dear Sir: Am preparing a manuscript that won't be ready for publication in less than a year. Would like to refer its readers to the thread "On-line surveys" in the EDSTAT archives. Can you tell me the shelf life of such threads? Or better yet, I can no longer find the documentation for tha