one important thing is to make the response pattern FOR the examinees/Ss as
straighforward as possible ... and while the items might be worded in some
cases + (i think statistics is useful) or - (i think statistics is a waste
of time) ... the response OPTIONS should stay constant so as not to c
On Thu, 25 May 2000, Grant wrote:
> Dear list,
> Does anybody have experience in switching scale questions around? Such has
> extremely satisfied, very satisfied, satisfied, dissatisfied, totally
> dissatisfied TO totally dissatisfied, dissatisfied, satisfied, very
> satisfied,
> extremely sat
Dear list,
Does anybody have experience in switching scale questions around? Such has
extremely satisfied, very satisfied, satisfied, dissatisfied, totally
disatisfied TO totally disatisfied, dissatisfied, satisfied, very satisfied,
extremely satisfied. What impact does this have on the results?
Dear list,
Does anybody have experience in switching scale questions around? Such has
extremely satisfied, very satisfied, satisfied, dissatisfied, totally
dissatisfied TO totally dissatisfied, dissatisfied, satisfied, very
extremely satisfied. What impact does this have on the result