Kibana browser compatibility issues

2014-06-02 Thread InquiringMind
My first attempt at Kibana 3.1.0 was a little bumpy due to browser issues. After some reading, I performed the minimal download, unpack, and point the browser at index.html. If both Kibana and ES are on the same machine it will just work. Not quite! Contrary to all of the don't set this to

Re: Elasticsearch and Smile encoded JSON

2014-05-29 Thread InquiringMind
Drew, This may not help you, but it's based on my own experience. Using the Java API (I also don't use the REST API except for exploration and problem reporting), I just use the JSON string as the source for every document. For one of my applications (more generic), I have my own generic

Re: Interpolation of

2014-05-29 Thread InquiringMind
I believe that the host names must be comma-separated and no quotes or other punctuation should be present. The config within the environment variable or java -D (system properties) is YAML-like, not JSON. No blanks between the names, for example: export ES_HOSTS=host1,host2,host3 When

Are ELK stack components from the Downloads link compatible with each other?

2014-05-28 Thread InquiringMind
Are versions of the ELK stack components compatible with each other as seen by the Elasticsearch Downloads link? Or do I need to specifically regress back to the older 1.1.1 ES version? From the following Downloads site I downloaded the most

Where is SearchOperationThreading in ES 1.2

2014-05-27 Thread InquiringMind
For all my previous ES versions (up to and including 1.1.1), my Java code passed the value to the SearchRequestBuilder.setOperationThreading API. Now with ES 1.2, the Javac build fails as the SearchOperationThreading

Deprecated index status classes in ES 1.2

2014-05-27 Thread InquiringMind
Up through ES 1.1.1 the following Java snippet was able to take an array of one or more index specifications (e.g. test*, ix*, sgen) and create a list of index names that match (e.g. test1, test2, test3, ix1, ix2, sgen): /* Create array of 1 or more index specifications */ String[]

Re: Where is SearchOperationThreading in ES 1.2

2014-05-27 Thread InquiringMind
Thanks, Ivan! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups elasticsearch group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To view this discussion on the web visit

Re: Deprecated index status classes in ES 1.2

2014-05-27 Thread InquiringMind
Finally figured out the answer to my own question! Digging through the deprecated REST API documentation and stumbling across I found enough to be able to convert my code to use the new recovery-based API and no longer use the

Re: ElasticSearch giving FileNotFoundException: (Too many open files)

2014-04-29 Thread InquiringMind
Prateek , I've collected this from various sources and put it all together. Works fine for me, though I haven't yet dived into ELK: - You may verify the current soft limit by logging into the user that runs the Elastisearch JVM and issuing the following command: $ ulimit -Sn Finally,

Re: Kibana splits hostname on DOTS

2014-04-29 Thread InquiringMind
You aren't doing anything wrong. Elasticsearch is just telling you that you have attempted to change the mapping to one that is not compatible with the current mapping. I believe that the best advice would be to export / snapshot the data, then delete and re-add the index with the corrected

Re: Is it possible to use String as _id?

2014-04-28 Thread InquiringMind
The _id (metadata _id, that is) is a string value. The value of the _id string is whatever you set it to (or else a long string automatically generated by Elasticsearch when the document is created). You have complete freedom to set it to any string value you wish. The _id metadata is the

Re: Is there a ping function available?

2014-04-23 Thread InquiringMind
Stefan, If the TransportClient or NodeClient is set up as needed, then you can easily wait for the cluster to be ready to use and let Elasticsearch do the per-server discovery itself. At a high level (assuming this is part of some class that includes private Client client;). Error reporting is

Re: Is it possible to add a customized merging strategy to alleviate split-brain impact?

2014-04-16 Thread InquiringMind
Jing, I don't have much experience with ES in a production cluster environment; all my experience has been with the Java API for mapping, bulk load, and query logic, and with huge databases and things like that. But my 3-node test ES cluster has gathered some dust over the past few months as

Re: Scroll and Scan

2014-04-15 Thread InquiringMind
Robbie, Are you repeating the scan until there are no more hits returned? I've never bothered to check the repeatability of the individual chunks and only notice that the overall total count is as expected. Also note the following from the guide: The scroll request also returns a *new

Re: java client or plugin for custom indexer and searcher

2014-04-11 Thread InquiringMind
My 2 cents: I vastly prefer the Java API. Much better performance than REST, much better control over the many features, and while there is a lot of code to write (yes, this is a benefit to me, as I love to write code) there is also a lot more gained insight and learning. The Java API is very

Re: Checking results of bulk inserts, pre- and post-1.0

2014-04-11 Thread InquiringMind
Axel, Well, I use the Java API and not the REST API. And while there is a lot more code around this, here's the core of my bulk load process. I use the BulkRequestBuilder (a new one for each set of bulk updates!) and not the BulkProcessor because (a) this code was already written and works and

Re: Issue with posting json data to elastic search via Flume

2014-04-11 Thread InquiringMind
Deepak, The output you see is likely calling the XContentBuilder.*to*String method. The output you want (the JSON string) is obtained by calling the XContentBuilder.string method instead. Brian -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups elasticsearch

Re: Flume-NG ElasticSearch Sink Backing up @ Midnight...

2014-04-10 Thread InquiringMind
Matt, I don't know if this helps, but we are seeing similar issues with Flume using log4j2 (not log4j v1 as used by ES). For tomcat-hosted servlets, flume failover works fine. But for non-tomcat applications (such as looping batch-mode applications and Netty-based servers with static main

Re: Illegal unicode escape sequence error

2014-04-08 Thread InquiringMind
Preeti, I just updated my Java update command to allow the source JSON to be specified (it typically created the source from one or more name=value pairs). It reads the JSON from a file so that there is no Bash nor non-ES Java interpretation of the \u sequences. I updated the same record

Re: Searching Multiple types within an Index not providing results as expected

2014-04-08 Thread InquiringMind
When you query each type separately, ES is automatically choosing the correct analyzer for your query term. But when you query both types, ES can only choose one analyzer, and if the two types are mapped with analyzers that are different enough, that one analyzer will work in the type to which

Re: Illegal unicode escape sequence error

2014-04-07 Thread InquiringMind
Preeti, I believe that your problem is in calling the *setScript* method. My Java code uses the *IndexRequestBuilder.setSource* method. Try that instead. (I have no idea what *setScript* does, or is for. The Javadocs need a lot more care and feeding.) Vai the HTTP interface, I verified that

Re: Add core type - guid

2014-04-03 Thread InquiringMind
Perhaps, index the Id field but do not analyze it? Then it will be indexed and queried intact as-is. Brian -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups elasticsearch group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

Re: Illegal unicode escape sequence error

2014-04-03 Thread InquiringMind
Preeti, Well, I tried to look at the addScript method code but that trail was getting a bit too long. However, I do have a JSON parser (wrapped inside a Bash script) that uses the stream parser in the version of Jackson supplied with ES, and I can get it to parse your JSON (stored in the

Re: transport.tcp.port doesn't work for localhost?

2014-04-01 Thread InquiringMind
This usually means that there is no local server bound to that port. If you're performing an integration test, it could be that you aren't giving ES time to completely initialize and bind to the port and be ready to accept connections. Or that you aren't configuring your local node to be a

Re: python vs java bulk indexing

2014-03-28 Thread InquiringMind
When I use the Java TransportClient and the BulkRequest builder, my throughput is like a scalded cat racing a bolt of greased lightning, with the cat way ahead! the Java API does not say how you are using it. Since I cannot see your code, I cannot comment on where your mistake is located. But

Re: python vs java bulk indexing

2014-03-28 Thread InquiringMind
Yes, that is sufficient to clear out the documents. But... take the advice given by Jörg to heart. Elasticsearch is already optimized to take a bulk request and optimally process it as fast as it can be done. There should not be more than one of them at a time; no gain will be seen, and (as

Re: Getting error when TTL is executed.

2014-03-27 Thread InquiringMind
Arun, *Getting error when i applied TTL while creating Index. Able to search data. I set TTL for 4m , after 4m still i see data available. How to make TTL work and delete records after specified time. * TTL processing is not something that can be depended upon to delete a document

Re: Are certain fields excluded from being part of _all grouping ?

2014-03-25 Thread InquiringMind
What I did with the high-performance query engine I built in 2001-2010 was to OR the queries for individual fields, creating a query-time version of the _all field. It was blindingly fast. What I now do with Elasticsearch is to disable the _all field because of the issues you've found (and

Re: elasticsearch java interaction

2014-03-24 Thread InquiringMind
The HTTP interface is bound to port 9200. The TransportClient's server side is bound to port 9300. That is the reason. Brian Q)Actually why i am putting port 9200? Ans: my elasticsearch url index is with port 9200,so i am trying to put 9200 in the place of 9300,but you initiated me to

Re: Using Java API's prepareUpdate

2014-03-18 Thread InquiringMind
Here is my code for the INDEX action. Similar code (not shown) exists for the CREATE action. This is for ES 1.0.0 GA, though it hasn't changed since its 0.90.X versions: IndexResponse response = null; try { IndexRequestBuilder irb = client.prepareIndex(index, type, id);

Re: Java bulk API slows down if client is not closed and reopened

2014-03-04 Thread InquiringMind
Are you using the BulkRequestBuilder? If so, create a new one for each bulk operation (and let the de-referenced old one be garbage collected); otherwise you'll be filling it up and times will drop as seen. At least, that's what I do, and it runs like the blazes for the entire 97M document

Re: What kind of encoding does the ES support?

2014-03-04 Thread InquiringMind
Ivan, Yes, ES stores all strings in UTF-8 encoding. Referring to your 3 POST commands, the first two succeeded because in the first one, you presented the data in the UTF-8 encoding and it was accepted. In the second one, you presented the same name but in using the \u notation which is

Re: JDK 7 Issues Question

2014-03-04 Thread InquiringMind
Jörg, Just to clarify: The links below point to OpenJDK, not to the Oracle JDK? I only ask because the version and build numbers seem to track those in Oracle's JDK. For what it's worth, I am currently running ES 1.0.0 GA with the latest Oracle JDK 7u51 on Mac Mavericks and on Linux, and I

Re: Strange percolator behavior with extra field named type

2014-03-04 Thread InquiringMind
What version of ES are you using? I seem to recall reading about ambiguity surrounding the use of type as a field name in one of the version's release notes, but I cannot find it quickly now. However, ES seems to overuse the word type, referring to both the document type (roughly analogous to

Re: boolean field

2014-02-28 Thread InquiringMind
But be careful: the docs for the Java 7 Boolean.parseBoolean that: The boolean returned represents the value true if the string argument is not null and is equal, ignoring case, to the stringtrue.

Re: boolean field

2014-02-28 Thread InquiringMind
Binh, It's even more interesting. The behavior you describe matches the configuration and REST parsing rules. But the document _source is JSON and a boolean value must be either *true* or *false*. So my recommendation is to use the configuration and REST interface as a forgiving practice to

Re: Global highlighting settings not available in the Java API?

2014-02-27 Thread InquiringMind
The link to the corresponding documentation for version 0.90.XX is here: I was thinking that perhaps 0.90 did not include them, but they are also listed in that version

Re: Elasticsearch 1.0.0 is now GA

2014-02-25 Thread InquiringMind
I always start Elasticsearch from within my own wrapper script, Inside this wrapper script is the following incantation: NODE_OPT=-D**=$(uname -n | cut -d'.' -f1) This is verified to work on Linux, Mac OS X, and Solaris (at least). I then pass $NODE_OPT as a command-line

Re: the document payload of the Delete api

2014-02-25 Thread InquiringMind
And note that if you GET it and save the version number, and then pass the version number into the DELETE, you can be sure it will be deleted only if nobody else updated it in the meantime. This all works so much better in Java than in scripts + curl. Brian On Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Re: Default analyzer when the given analyzer not found?

2014-02-25 Thread InquiringMind
Based on posts to this newsgroup early on in my usage of ES (over a year now!), I used to put the following in my elasticsearch.yml file. Any field that was not explicitly assigned an analyzer and that was deemed by ES to be a string would pick up English snowball analyzer with no stop words

Re: Elasticsearch 1.0.0 is now GA

2014-02-24 Thread InquiringMind
I am not sure what the complaints are all about. Over the past 20 years, my best practices are to treat the installed configurations as a template that is subject to change upon reinstallation. Then, I always create my own configuration and point the server to it, and never point a server to

Re: General Syntax rules - Any document specifying?

2014-02-18 Thread InquiringMind
Tony, (1) Your first question seems to be about the curl command. If so, then it follows shell script rules. In most Unix shell scripts, double-quotes preserve spaces and such, but allow for variable substitution. Sngle-quotes also preserve spaces but do not allow variable substitution and

Re: General Syntax rules - Any document specifying?

2014-02-18 Thread InquiringMind
Tony, JSON and ES both support uppercase. It's just that FOO and foo are two completely different field names. Hence, case-sensitive. In some contexts, ES does not support uppercase. For example, names of indices. But field names can be in lowercase, uppercase, or mixed case. I believe that

Re: General Syntax rules - Any document specifying?

2014-02-18 Thread InquiringMind
H. I see that the src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/common/unit/ file defines the units by uppercase enum name (e.g. `MB`), while the comments inside the config/elasticsearch.yml file suggest lowercase (e.g. `mb`). Perhaps there's an issue? Or am I reading something

Re: Suggestion: DistanceUnit.NAUTICALMILES is a worthy addition

2014-02-11 Thread InquiringMind
, Ivan Brusic iv...@brusic.comjavascript: wrote: Aircraft use nautical miles? You learn something new every day! -- Ivan On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 3:21 PM, InquiringMind brian@gmail.comjavascript: wrote: Would it be reasonable to create an issue to request nautical miles (nm

Re: Suggestion: DistanceUnit.NAUTICALMILES is a worthy addition

2014-02-11 Thread InquiringMind
Working on a pull request... I've created a fork off of master and cloned it to my laptop. (First time using git and GitHub in this way...) Brian -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups elasticsearch group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving

Re: Issue with Elasticsearch java version and Transport Client

2014-02-10 Thread InquiringMind
Jörg, Thanks for the tip! I just updated my client code and it works great! Will be a help during future problem determination! Brian *On Monday, February 10, 2014 1:07:24 PM UTC-5, Jörg Prante wrote:* *To find out Java versions, do the following.* *On server, execute curl

Suggestion: DistanceUnit.NAUTICALMILES is a worthy addition

2014-02-10 Thread InquiringMind
Would it be reasonable to create an issue to request nautical miles (nm as the abbreviation) for the DistanceUnit enumeration? This would make it much more natural to adapt Elasticsearch for aircraft planning / charting applications. Everything in that world is in nautical miles and knots

Re: Restarting a cluster with existing data - Status Red?

2014-02-04 Thread InquiringMind
*2) Though *not* recommended - kill -9 should not result in data loss. If so it's a bug and should be reported.* It *should* not, but it *may*. A kill -9 ends a process without allowing it to flush any unwritten buffers to disk, close any open files, or even finish writing what it started.

Re: ES fails to update dynamic mapping; mapping and index creation times out afterwards

2014-01-30 Thread InquiringMind
Not sure if this is your problem, but OpenJDK 6 is very bad. OpenJDK 7 has been known to work well. Oracle Java 7 is best. And there's no correlation between version numbers across Oracle Java and OpenJDK; 7 is just a coincidence. This is based on what I've read on this newsgroup, on blogs,

Re: order of the elements does matter?

2014-01-27 Thread InquiringMind
Since it's JSON, the order of the names does not matter. But to make it nicer for humans to read, I have found that the LinkedHashMap and LinkedHashSet classes to be nice drop-in replacements for their non-Linked counterparts, have very little overhead, and have the nice property that

Re: Limit number of results sorted

2014-01-24 Thread InquiringMind
Nik, I added an external post-query sorting facility that works very well. Especially for a scan query that cannot be sorted by ES. For bounded but accurate sorts, I implement a class that uses a TreeSort. When each search hit is added, I build the sort keys and then add the (implements

Re: Using updates with external versioning

2014-01-22 Thread InquiringMind
David, Using the Java API: try { /* Create using the 3 strings: index, type, and id */ IndexRequestBuilder irb = client.prepareIndex(index, Name, id); */* Set the version number (a long integer value) */* * irb.setVersion(versionNumber);* */* Set external versioning */* *

Re: TransportClient not connecting

2014-01-22 Thread InquiringMind
ImmutableSettings.Builder settingsBuilder = ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder(); settingsBuilder.put(, clusterName); TransportClient client = new TransportClient(; for (String host : hostNames) { InetSocketTransportAddress server_address = new

Re: TransportClient not connecting

2014-01-22 Thread InquiringMind
IMHO, you don't need maven. You just need the Java trick to include all of the ES dependent jar files by setting the classpath to a colon-separated list of directory names, but append /* to the end of each directory name. If you do this, you don't need to list all of the jars in the directory:

Re: ElasticSearch mapping vs JSON Schema

2014-01-21 Thread InquiringMind
Honza, They are totally different. Very simple examples of ES mappings might appear similar to JSON schema. But ES mappings also allow you to define analyzers and tokenizers and character filters and stop words and stemming and time to live and such that are needed for search. Brian -- You

Re: Can I accomplish this facet with my data structure?

2014-01-21 Thread InquiringMind
Jason, Perhaps this might describe what you're looking for. It's based on ES version 0.90.X: I don't know what's in store for ES 1.X that might implement this. I hope this helps you! Brian -- You received this message breaking changes: multi_field documentation

2014-01-20 Thread InquiringMind
Looking at the following to prepare for RC1: I find the following. But shouldn't the semicolon after the first type string be a comma? Brian you can now write: title: { type: string; fields: {

Re: Disable increment of version counter on some update operations possible?

2014-01-17 Thread InquiringMind
Not a lot of code at all. Just some code that will be a lot of fun to write. I did it with a lot more code, before I got into Jackson data binding. But I wanted a generic Document class that adapted to a schema; you won't need all that. First, get Jackson and add the following jars to your

Re: Disable increment of version counter on some update operations possible?

2014-01-17 Thread InquiringMind
Also, see for how easy it is to issue an index request in Java. Hardly any code at all. (Keep in mind the method name mismatch between the actual code and the on-line docs, but those issues are clearly shown in this post).

Re: query string syntax for exact match against array field?

2014-01-15 Thread InquiringMind
One thought occurred to me. Perhaps: 1. Build the token count into your ingredients field. Here's how: 2a. Pre-analyze your query arguments and remove the duplicates. For example,

Re: Cluster state yellow

2014-01-15 Thread InquiringMind
Jörg I avoided multicast and preferred unicast based on many discussions in the newsgroups and other sites. In particular, the ElasticSearch Preflight Checklist Within this checklist, the sections entitled DISCOVERY

Re: [ANN] Elasticsearch 1.0.0 RC 1 released!

2014-01-15 Thread InquiringMind
Wow! And, many, many thanks to the detailed Breaking Changes list. That really helps with planning ahead! Brian On Wednesday, January 15, 2014 12:35:49 PM UTC-5, Alexander Reelsen wrote: Hey The release candidate 1 of the 1.0.0 series is now available, featuring many scale and scalability

Re: Cluster state yellow

2014-01-15 Thread InquiringMind
Thank you very much, Jörg. Your explanation is clear and concise and greatly improves my understanding! Brian -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups elasticsearch group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

Re: query string syntax for exact match against array field?

2014-01-15 Thread InquiringMind
3) [ apples and oranges] //length =3, even with filter query (why not 1)? ...not an issue in my particular use case since all ingredients are 1-word, but I would like to understand how to address case #3 above. From my experience with querying, ES slurps all values of an array into one

Re: How can I change my default data from /var/lib/elasticsearch/ to /opt/elasticsearch?

2014-01-15 Thread InquiringMind
The data directory pathname is stored within the elasticsearch.yml configuration file. The path name to the configuration file may be specified passing the following option to the startup script, where *path-to-config* is the name of the directory into which you store your customized

Re: Cluster discovery worked once, then never again.

2014-01-15 Thread InquiringMind
I guess the usual question need to be answered: Are the Java versions exactly the same on all systems? And just to be sure, are the Elasticsearch versions exactly the same on all systems? *Does anyone know the issue or any resources that walk through how to troubleshoot these issues?

Re: base64 strings and range

2014-01-14 Thread InquiringMind
Your client converts IP addresses to base64 strings before it indexes the documents, so it must also use the same conversion to a base64 string when querying the document. Ranges are a little more complicated. For example. if you simply encode 9 and 111 as strings, then you cannot perform

Re: base64 strings and range

2014-01-14 Thread InquiringMind
Quick typing correction: On Tuesday, January 14, 2014 4:00:58 PM UTC-5, InquiringMind wrote: Your client converts IP addresses to base64 strings before it indexes the documents, so it must also use the same conversion to a base64 string when querying the document. Ranges are a little more

Re: Cluster state yellow

2014-01-14 Thread InquiringMind
*Wouldn't the value increase as you add more nodes?* Indeed, it most certainly will. And with unicast discovery, each node will need to be told about the new node. Which is the perfect time to tell it about the newly calculated minimum number of masters. Brian -- You received this

Re: Cluster state yellow

2014-01-14 Thread InquiringMind
*But today elasticsearch doesn't do this automatically?* Short answer: No. Long answer: Nooo. *:-)* For unicast discovery, you need to tell each node the full list of nodes in the cluster. As far as I can tell, that list may include the local node so

Re: How to approach Indexing for a newbie?

2014-01-14 Thread InquiringMind
*Never mind, I just had to import more jars from /lib.* You can import all jars from /*some_base_path*/lib (for example) by adding a /* to the end of the path, and then add that to the -cp / -classpathoption's value, separating multiple paths with semicolons. That single * (and *not*

Re: Querying unique pageviews in log data

2014-01-10 Thread InquiringMind
Matthew, I don't know if this is simple (though it was easy enough for me in Java), or even if it's exactly what you had in mind. But it sounds as if you are asking for a hierarchical combination to include the top URLs by uid. Is that correct? If so, perhaps

Re: Is there a kind of query/rescore/similarity magic that lets me know if all the terms in a field are matched?

2014-01-09 Thread InquiringMind
Nik, No, there is not. There's a work-around in which the number of terms in a field can be stored in another field during indexing time. And then you can analyze your query string to count the number of terms, and then use that count to match against the documents that have the same count.

Re: Searching indexed fields without analysing

2014-01-09 Thread InquiringMind
Chris, I updated one of my tests to reproduce your issue. My text field is a multi-field where ** is the text field without any analysis at all. This Lucene query does not find anything at all: { bool : { must : { query_string : { query : ***

Re: Corrupt index creation when elasticsearch is killed just after index is created

2014-01-09 Thread InquiringMind
*Never, never, never* kill -9 and expect any application to properly and cleanly shut down. Never. The -9 signal cannot be caught by the process to which it is directed. The process is ended in the middle for whatever it is doing. Issue a normal kill, and then ES (via the JVM) will have a

Re: Searching indexed fields without analysing

2014-01-09 Thread InquiringMind
If it helps, here are my index settings and mappings. Note that I chose the name as the non-analyzed form, not text.raw. Perhaps I should follow convention? But for now, a rose by any other name is still not analyzed: { settings : { index : { number_of_shards : 1,

Re: java client: typeExists() returns false after successful bulk index - why?

2014-01-09 Thread InquiringMind
A quick guess: The first one works because the first document for that type is indexed and therefore the type is created when the operation returns. But the second one doesn't work because there is a refresh interval between the completion of a bulk load operation and the actual document being

Re: Is it possible to do a text query against a (pre)defined set of fields?

2014-01-08 Thread InquiringMind
Ville, Perhaps: Don't include the private fields in _all. Then a query against _all would be restricted to the (perhaps hundreds) of public fields. A query that includes the private fields would need to list _all and then the private fields. But since you have only 2 or 3 private fields, there

Re: Is it possible to do a text query against a (pre)defined set of fields?

2014-01-08 Thread InquiringMind
Ville, By default, the _all field includes all of the indexed field. Then, for your private fields, explicitly exclude them from the _all field by adding the following to their properties: include_in_all : false See the ES guide for more details, Specifically,

Re: incrementally scaling ES from the small data

2014-01-08 Thread InquiringMind
Adolfo, Still could not test how sockets relate to shards and why I automatically get 10 established sockets when opening a client: node = builder.client(clientOnly).data(!clientOnly).local(local).node(); client = node.client(); on default ES configuration, and many many more sockets

Re: Match exact substring in not analyzed field

2014-01-07 Thread InquiringMind
This is an interesting problem. Typically, my view of stop words is dim. I would prefer that the client side avoids searching on them if that is desired, rather than the engine ignores them. Then, phrase matching can work properly. And queries such as The Wall can look for just Wall(ignoring

How to disable indexing of unmapped fields

2014-01-06 Thread InquiringMind
I updated my elasticsearch.yml file to disable automatic index creation (works great) and to disable indexing of unknown fields (not so great): *action.auto_create_index: false* *index.mapper.dynamic: false* I fully shutdown ElasticSearch 0.90.8, then removed the default mappings that were in

Re: How to disable indexing of unmapped fields

2014-01-06 Thread InquiringMind
Perhaps I answered my own question. Doing a bit more research, I found that the following can be added to the mappings object in front of all of the individual mapped types when the index is created: _default_ : { dynamic : strict, properties : { } }, Of course, this doesn't

Re: TransportClient failures with 0.90.3 cluster, but NodeClient works without failures

2013-12-19 Thread InquiringMind
Jörg, Thanks again for your insights and patience! *OK, didn't know you use Java 6. The InetAddress change was in 6u45, so you are affected when you use 6u65 with 6u18.* That's very interesting. It threw me since I have always been able to query and update remote single-node clusters with

Re: 0.90.8 released

2013-12-19 Thread InquiringMind
One more breaking change (this compiled cleanly on 9.90.3): compile: [echo] debug support = true [javac] Compiling 79 source files to /Users/brian/proj/build/classes [javac] /Users/brian/proj/src/java/com/acme/database/ incompatible types [javac] found :

Re: 0.90.8 released

2013-12-19 Thread InquiringMind
Ivan, *Online Javadoc? Is there such a unicorn? :)* Hahaha! Yes, there are some older versions (19.X, and also 20.1 Beta) but nothing later. I don't use them for the actual descriptive writeup (which is usually quite barren), but find them very useful to check class and method names during

Re: 0.90.8 released

2013-12-19 Thread InquiringMind
Thanks so much, Jörg! Or, as my favorite customer from my previous company would say, Kiitos! (The only Finnish I know :-) Brian On Thursday, December 19, 2013 4:52:54 PM UTC-5, Jörg Prante wrote: FYI here is ES 1.0.0.Beta2 Javadoc as of 8 Nov 2013 -- You received this message because

Re: TransportClient failures with 0.90.3 cluster, but NodeClient works without failures

2013-12-18 Thread InquiringMind
Jörg, *Beside the cluster node JVMs you also have to take care of the client JVM. Are you accessing the cluster also with Solaris x86 and Java 6u18?* Oooh. Don't know why this didn't occur to me. Short answer: No. Java on the MacBook (where the client / driver runs): $ java -version java