Re: [Elecraft] K2: Low 8V, and adjusting AGC and S-meter

2008-05-11 Thread Dave Andrus
Kristinn: In answer to a): Yes, that is correct. Several of us that have built K2's in recent times have found that the 8V regulator output is low by as much as 0.5 volts. Replacing it should give you a good chance of seeing higher voltage, and being able to adjust the AGC threshold to

Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft K2 Internal Bluetooth Interface Integration Addon

2008-05-06 Thread Dave Andrus
J-F: Hey, not clumsy at all! That's very classy, and I'd like to duplicate what you did. I've worked with Bluetooth interfaces before. Could you tell me more about what you did? Specifically, what model Socket card did you use, where you pulled off the serial (I assume TTL-level)

Re: [Elecraft] Portable CW paddles for K2?

2008-04-27 Thread Dave Andrus
Kristinn: I bought one of these recently, and have really been enjoying it: You can get it with or without the base. I bought the base, and was glad I did, but you can mount the paddles on just about anything with the two mounting holes. I

Re: [Elecraft] kx1 on airlines

2008-04-22 Thread Dave Andrus
It wasn't a KX1, but I recently carried my K2 (including the internal SLA battery option) in my carry-on bag, and had no problems going round trip San Francisco/Orlando. Best protocol is to take it out of your bag and put it in one of the plastic bins, just like you'd do for a laptop

Re: [Elecraft] OT - Jawbone, Noise Cancellation, Bluetooth Ham Radio

2008-04-07 Thread Dave Andrus
Randy, K7AGE, has a good YouTube video about how to do this. I've got the BlueParrot headset and the audio interface also, but haven't had time to try them out. I ordered both pieces that Randy's video recommends, and both have fairly easy credit-card ordering from their websites. The

Re: [Elecraft] K2 Audio mod comment

2008-03-29 Thread Dave Andrus
Roelof: Thanks for posting that--I'm going to try it. I haven't been unhappy with my K2's rx audio, but I would like a bit more low-end response when listening to some SSB speech. And yes, I do tend to prefer lower frequency CW pitch, so that would help as well. 73, Dave K7DAA

Re: [Elecraft] Reseting a K2

2008-03-26 Thread Dave Andrus
You've got it-- 1. Turn the K2 off. 2. Hold down the 4, 5, and 6 keys 3. Turn the K2 back on. The EEPROM will be re-written with the factory defaults for all settings, which will require that you re-run all of the calibration functions again. BTW, it's on Page 106 of the manual. 73,

Re: [Elecraft] Excellent External Speaker for K2

2008-03-21 Thread Dave Andrus
I fully agree. One other thing to check is to make sure that any clipped component leads didn't somehow get attracted to the speaker's magnet, lodging on the top or bottom of the speaker cone near the center (the voicecoil area). You'd be surprised at what a common problem this can be for

Re: [Elecraft] April QST: review and The Secret is Out

2008-03-20 Thread Dave Andrus
Finally, relief from my homeowners' association's restriction on antennas! Forget verticals and dipoles, I'm going to go bury a 4-el tribander in my back yard as soon as I find the time! ;-) 73, Dave K7DAA On Mar 19, 2008, at 11:10 PM, Alan Bloom wrote: My favorite

[Elecraft] Another K2 speaker jack failure

2008-03-17 Thread Dave Andrus
I know several others have reported this in recent times, but now it's my turn! My newly-built K2's external speaker jack just decided to fail, and while I'm traveling with it to boot! I have a small external speaker that I plugged into it, so I'm still operational, but the rig thinks

Re: [Elecraft] K3 Mojo

2008-03-14 Thread Dave Andrus
From my left coast location, I can agree that TX5C is not nearly as consistently strong as VP6DX was. I think they've ben dealing with other problems besides the weather. Just last night on 75m SSB, they were in the middle of (finally) working North America after taking EU, then VK and

Re: [Elecraft] Basement QRN

2008-03-09 Thread Dave Andrus
I don't know if anyone will find this interesting or not, but I found a noisy switcher powering the electric blanket in the master bedroom-- several rooms away from the shack, and on the opposite side of the house from my HF antennas. It's a 4-year-old JC Penney model that advertises the

[Elecraft] K2 #6390--What a great experience!

2008-03-08 Thread Dave Andrus
I wasn't going to chime in with my $.04 (now equivalent to 2 pence), but I want to keep the mojo meter tipping in the positive direction after seeing a few negative comments about the K2 kit-building experience lately. I finished building a bare-bones K2 #6390 a couple of weeks ago, and

Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft SSB Net Announcement

2008-03-06 Thread Dave Andrus
It ended up on 7185 kHz, due to QRM, I think. I checked in with Roger about 0235 UTC. I heard quite a few other signals, but all from Texas and west. I just checked the freq again, and there's now a fairly strong broadcast carrier centered exactly on 7185. 73, Dave K7DAA

Re: [Elecraft] Portable Antennae

2008-02-29 Thread Dave Andrus
I have been extremely happy with the Pacific Antennas PAC-12 mini vertical. It's a kit that's easy to build, very light, breaks down to a very small bundle 12 inches long, and it's been very efficient. I worked VP6DX on 3 bands with it! Price is right as well. Easy enough to buy one

Re: [Elecraft] ARRL Reports Ducie Operator's K3 Comments

2008-02-29 Thread Dave Andrus
Time to go big time with an offshore production line!? Maybe Yaesu/ Motorola will subcontract it for them! I'm kidding...just kidding...;-) 73, Dave K7DAA On Feb 29, 2008, at 11:54 AM, Ron D'Eau Claire wrote: The quickly-becoming-famous quote by the Ducie Dxpedition

[Elecraft] OT: FO5A/mm Clipperton ship strong on 40m SSB tonight

2008-02-29 Thread Dave Andrus
I don't mean to turn this into the Elecraft DX cluster, but for those that are anticipating the next interesting DXpedition--Clipperton Atoll, that team is in the contest on 40 meter SSB on 7.228 with 100 watts from their ship, enroute to Clipperton. They are using the call FO5A. When

Re: [Elecraft] OT: FO5A/mm...hey, where did they go??

2008-02-29 Thread Dave Andrus
not hurt to listen for a while. Instead of crying wolf, does that make me the boy that cried, DX!? Sorry, Dave K7DAA On Feb 29, 2008, at 9:23 PM, Dave Andrus wrote: I don't mean to turn this into the Elecraft DX cluster, but for those that are anticipating the next interesting

Re: [Elecraft] VP6DX on CW

2008-02-28 Thread Dave Andrus
Al: You have my sympathies! Only a few have it worse--somebody should also look up K5NN and ask him how he feels about it! Nope, don't know him. ;-) 73, Dave K7DAA On Feb 27, 2008, at 8:05 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: In a message dated 2/27/2008 2:32:05 P.M.

Re: [Elecraft] K3-Latest K3 Review on EHAM

2008-02-27 Thread Dave Andrus
What also doesn't get much weight, at least for me, are the bad eHam reviews that are themselves bad. They often show the reviewer has poor command of such things as, say, the english language, his keyboard (love those all caps reviews!), his emotions, etc. Far too many of these: It

Re: [Elecraft] The Complete DXer - OT

2008-02-23 Thread Dave Andrus
Ed: Back in the waning days of the Vietnam conflict, I was flying C-130 aircraft (not as a pilot--but I wish I could've!). When doing the long, boring rides over the Pacific from the Philippines or Hawaii, I'd go up and sit with the pilots and crew chief occasionally. Sometimes I'd

Re: [Elecraft] OT: Attn CPU gurus - help me

2008-02-23 Thread Dave Andrus
I'd pretty much agree. Keep in mind, though, that a dual-core or quad- core CPU, whether it's Intel or AMD, is not often going to help you with much of the software out there that is not specifically written to take advantage of both cores. That's not to say that I wouldn't buy one--in

Re: [Elecraft] OT: Attn CPU gurus - one more thing

2008-02-23 Thread Dave Andrus
drives are very common. One of the new products we just designed at Apple includes a 1 TB drive, just for backups! 73, Dave K7DAA On Feb 23, 2008, at 4:02 PM, Dave Andrus wrote: I'd pretty much agree. Keep in mind, though, that a dual-core or quad-core CPU, whether

Re: [Elecraft] Split DX

2008-02-22 Thread Dave Andrus
There is another very good reason for split operation, and I've seen the VP6DX ops doing this successfully as well. With, for example, the 20-, 40- and 75/80-meter allocations being different for hams in the various parts of the world, it's not unusual at all to see the DX station calling

Re: [Elecraft] slight OT: Elecrafter wins ARRL homebrew award

2008-02-22 Thread Dave Andrus
Steve's kit, called the MMR-40 transceiver, is already available as a kit at through Doug Hendricks. I'm putting mine together right now! BTW, you can peruse the site, download the builder's manual, schematic, etc. Nice design. The kit is more than the $50 limit,

Re: [Elecraft] K2 Assembly Question

2008-02-20 Thread Dave Andrus
DW: The exact thing happened to me. Elecraft tech support suggested measuring the output of the 8-volt regulator. Mine was 7.56 volts. Replaced it, even though that isn't considered bad by the mfr's specs, and then I could easily set mine to 3.80 volts. Interestingly, the replacement

[Elecraft] K1, KX1, K2 antenna tuner high-impedance feed capabilites

2008-02-20 Thread Dave Andrus
I'm interested in using portable end-fed halfwave antennas when I'm out camping. I have a Norcal BLT tuner that is a absorptive Z-match type, suitable for this type of high-impedance tuning and loading. I'm finishing my build of a K2 right now, just about to add an internal tuner to it,

Re: [Elecraft] K1 toroid winding

2008-02-18 Thread Dave Andrus
Bud: I've seen the advice, and it's all excellent, but for someone new to the art, it might still sound just a bit intimidating (remember to do this, don't forget to do that), so I'll offer my 2 cents just to try and make it a bit worse! Remember that it's only mysterious until you've

Re: [Elecraft] K2 Assembly Question on LED diffuser

2008-02-16 Thread Dave Andrus
DW: First of all, I note from your serial number that Elecraft sold about 22 K2's in roughly the week that separates our two purchases. Interesting bit of data. I wish them well, and hope that they make lots of money selling us great radio designs for years to come! Secondly, I feel