Re: AC Power Primer?

2001-05-04 Thread CDUPRES
Hi Brian. Just to add a little more fuel to the flames! We supplied an Instrument to a well known semiconductor Manufacturer in Oregon which was powered from two 220 volt phases. I marked the rating plate as 220 volt one phase as has been suggested. However the local inspector made us

Re: Decoupling Capacitors

2001-01-28 Thread CDUPRES
Hi Scott, Chris et al. Your stories of decoupling caps reminded me of a delightful cost reduction exercise I was involved in. A company was making grinding machinery for Engineering, and they had instituted a fierce cost reduction exercise on the Electronics, including the Vibration Analysis

Re: EN55024

2000-12-06 Thread CDUPRES
Hi Ghery. You wrote: The law is 89/336/EEC, the EMC Directive (or as I like to call it, the EMC Professional Employment Act of 1989). It lays down, as you note, the essential requirement that a product not cause undue interference and that it operate as intended in its itended


2000-12-02 Thread CDUPRES
Hi Chris. You asked: What types of noise sources within a typical power supply or product would produce emissions in this frequency range? Sorry if this is teaching you to suck eggs... Any bridge rectifier/capacitor filter will generate Conducted EMI is that frequency range, due to the

Re: Rechargeable Batteries

2000-11-23 Thread CDUPRES
Hi Mark. You asked: why do so many battery operated equipments state that they must not be operated using rechargeable batteries? There is no one all-purpose reason, but the two main ones, at least the ones I worry about with battery powered stuff, are: 1. As you already implied,

Re: Overcurrent Protection: One or Both Sides?

2000-10-07 Thread CDUPRES
In a message dated 06/10/00 14:34:45 GMT Daylight Time, writes: I feel that overcurrent protection should be on all current carrying conductors. With a 230V~ product you never know where in the world the product will be shipped, if the AC Main has a grounded neutral,

Re: Getting Started

2000-10-03 Thread CDUPRES
Hi Ken. On the subject of TCF and waiving tests, lets say you were to waive a test because its non-applicable. For instance, line conducted when the unit is battery powered. Does this mean that you are required to go the TCF route? No. The TCF route to compliance usually means that you

Re: Getting Started

2000-10-03 Thread CDUPRES
Hi Tin. I am interested in knowing the basis of your response to items 1 and 2, as it is contrary to my understanding of the EMC Directive. I carefully qualified my comments with the words, 'In the UK'. The UK view on the EMC Directive is put into UK law in the form of The Electromagnetic

Re: US Approval

2000-10-01 Thread CDUPRES
In a message dated 29/09/00 15:15:08 GMT Daylight Time, Daryl Alden writes: Can anybody advise me whether an MRA (mutual recognition agreement )exsists between the EU and the US? If so does this mean that electrical and mechanical products tested to CE standards do not need further approval

Re: Getting Started

2000-10-01 Thread CDUPRES
In a message dated 29/09/00 15:43:06 GMT Daylight Time, writes: I'm just getting started in the world of EMI and would like to ask a few questions. I'm not sure if I should be going the TCF route or the Standards Route. The company that I work for manufactures products

Re: SEMI F47

2000-07-28 Thread CDUPRES
In a message dated 27/07/00 17:58:48 GMT Daylight Time, writes: Has anyone on this list heard of standard SEMI F47? Is there a similar european standard to this? What exactly does the standard deal with? Hi Daniel. The SEMI standards relate to Semiconductor

Re: EMC and product safety split?

2000-03-11 Thread CDUPRES
Hi Rob. You wrote: Is there any possibility of getting the EMC and product safety postings partitioned ~ to assist in cutting surplus mail traffic? The name of the List is EMC-PSTC, (ElectroMagnetic Compatbility - Product Safety Technical Committee) i.e. it' covers all the material required

Re: Technical Documentation

2000-03-03 Thread CDUPRES
In a message dated 03/03/00 12:28:55 GMT Standard Time, writes: In my opinion both TCF and Technical Documentation is meant to be the same in EC language. Hi Gert. Here's another way of coming at it. In the UK EMC Regulations, which is UK Law, the term 'Technical