[EVDL] OT con-EV: fcv ad on L3 EVSE, Big Oil, Auto gang-up to pit h2 vs EVs

2017-01-19 Thread brucedp via EV
[ref ( ...1967 article ) https://www.mail-archive.com/ev@lists.evdl.org/msg19365.html >Why did GM stop (Electrovair) development? In 1967 (and again in 2000) there was a sudden shift to hydrogen fuel cells as the new "fuel of the future"< ] % The following is OT (please keep evdl discussions

[EVDL] EVLN: Converted Mazda5 EV goes 457 Slovenian miles on 1charge (videos)

2014-11-13 Thread brucedp via EV
http://green.autoblog.com/2014/10/31/converted-mazda5-ev-457-miles-on-one-charge-slovenia/ Converted Mazda5 EV goes 457 miles on one charge in Slovenia By Sebastian Blanco Oct 31st 2014 Institut Metron ht2 Matt P. [image http://eauto.si/en/700km-without-charging/ Mazda 5 EV videos

[EVDL] EVLN: Say Watt? TMC sez no one wants a Toyota EV ...

2014-11-13 Thread brucedp via EV
' ... but won't say who (besides themselves) wants their fcv ' % From an EV-hating, twice RAV4-EV killing automaker, why would they? =Another PR ploy to promote TMC's immense fcv push % http://green.autoblog.com/2014/10/28/toyota-says-no-one-wants-a-toyota-electric-car/ Toyota says no one

[EVDL] EVLN: How an EV does 2.5kmi between charges it cheats w/ pack swaps

2014-11-13 Thread brucedp via EV
http://www.topgear.com/uk/car-news/electric-golf-m-beam-2014-10-22 EV does 2,500 miles between charges Sam Shrimpton 22 October 2014 [image http://www.topgear.com/uk/imageresize/image.jpg?OriginalImageUrl=%2fuk%2fassets%2fcms%2fc1e6cca8-a04c-445a-8aaa-a278c998a7a0%2fLarge+Image.JPG (VW

[EVDL] EVLN: Featherlight-weight Visio.M EV r:100mi p:13.5kWh le$$-than-ice

2014-11-13 Thread brucedp via EV
http://www.slashgear.com/this-bmw-i3-coupe-lookalike-could-school-ev-makers-22351992/ This BMW i3 Coupe lookalike could school EV makers Oct 22, 2014 Chris Davies [images http://cdn.slashgear.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/visiom-2.jpg

[EVDL] EVLN: The state of EV charging is a bit of a mess

2014-11-13 Thread brucedp via EV
http://www.techrepublic.com/article/the-challenges-of-ev-charging-10-things-to-know/ The challenges of EV charging: 10 things to know By Lyndsey Gilpin October 22, 2014 [image

[EVDL] EVLN: How to get people into the plugin driver's seat

2014-11-13 Thread brucedp via EV
http://www.greenbiz.com/article/how-get-people-driving-electric-vehicles How to get people into the EV driver's seat Amon Rappaport October 27, 2014 [images / All images via Amon Rappaport

[EVDL] EVLN: More fun, less work 50 maint's e-motorcycles don't require

2014-11-13 Thread brucedp via EV
'Geez, doesn’t that sort of take the fun out of it?' Nope. http://www.businessspectator.com.au/article/2014/10/30/solar-energy/fifty-things-youll-never-do-electric-motorcycle Fifty things you’ll never do with an electric motorcycle by Nigel Morris [20141030] Most of you are painfully aware

[EVDL] EVLN: CEO Mary Barra Tells GM Employees To Embrace Reform Or GTFO

2014-11-13 Thread brucedp via EV
'We'll either change the people or we'll change people' ... % Perhaps later after the smoke clears, GM getting a 'Rosie' CEO might 'get-the-job-done' when it comes to a purpose-built EV, meanwhile they still are banking on the Volt pih ( = less effort, still need replacement ice-parts, etc. %

[EVDL] EVLN: FOMM semi-amphibious 'flood-risk optimized' EV (video)

2014-11-13 Thread brucedp via EV
'Designed for Thailand's high flood risk areas' http://www.gizmag.com/fomm-concept-one-electric-amphibious-car/32572/ Concept One: Floating the idea of a semi-amphibious vehicle By Stephen Clemenger October 30, 2014 [images http://images.gizmag.com/hero/fommconceptonepictures.jpg Hideo

[EVDL] EVLN: i3 EV designed-for tested in Euro ice snow conditions

2014-11-13 Thread brucedp via EV
http://www.bmwblog.com/2014/11/02/bmw-i3-handle-winter/ How does the BMW i3 handle in winter? BMW i | November 2nd, 2014 by Horatiu Boeriu [images http://www.bmwblog.com/wp-content/uploads/BMWi3winter.jpg (i3 in winter) http://www.bmwblog.com/wp-content/uploads/bmw-i3-prototype-snow-1.jpg (i3

[EVDL] EVLN: CA testing 55+mpge mi-based/VMT road-tax-fees aimed@ plugins

2014-11-13 Thread brucedp via EV
Blaming EVs 4clogging hov/carpool lanes toll$ will ri$e http://www.mercurynews.com/mr-roadshow/ci_26822022/roadshow-california-test-fees-number-miles-driven Roadshow: California to test mileage-based fees By Gary Richards 11/02/2014 [image

[EVDL] EVLN: Use an Electric car without a driver's license

2014-11-13 Thread brucedp via EV
http://phys.org/news/2014-11-electric-cars-drivers.html Electric cars without drivers November 4, 2014 by Fraunhofer [image http://cdn.phys.org/newman/gfx/news/hires/2014/1-electriccars.jpg Autonomous vehicle in the car-sharing operation: After the renter has called for the car, it navigates

[EVDL] EVLN: $24k i-MiEV old-design+tweeks shortest-range r:60mi

2014-11-13 Thread brucedp via EV
http://www.wtop.com/1397/3734975/Car-Report-Mitsubishi-i-MiEV-is-the-cheapest-way-to-drive-an-all-electric-car-and-stand-out-in-a-crowd Car Report: Mitsubishi i-MiEV is the cheapest way to drive an all-electric car and stand out in a crowd By Mike Parris - 11/3/2014 [images

[EVDL] EVLN: CNY35k Dayang Chok mini-mini/micro nEV r:150km ts:45kph

2014-11-13 Thread brucedp via EV
% A $16k Peel e-P50 competitor ... @ US$5.7k Chok one up for China % http://www.carnewschina.com/2014/11/06/spotted-in-china-the-dayang-chok-electric-mini-mini-car/ Spotted in China: the Dayang Chok electric mini-mini car November 6, 2014 by Tycho de Feijter [images

[EVDL] EVLN: Torque is Driving an EV Revolution (video)

2014-11-13 Thread brucedp via EV
http://gas2.org/2014/11/03/instant-torque-driving-ev-revolution/ Instant Torque is Driving an EV Revolution November 3rd, 2014 | by Zachary Shahan [video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2tYC8PlbVc The EV Revolution yaleclimateforum Oct 15, 2014 People used to buy electric cars to help save the

[EVDL] EVLN: Selling Leaf EVs by giving away free-petrol? (video)

2014-11-13 Thread brucedp via EV
http://ecomento.com/2014/11/04/nissan-gives-away-gasoline-but-only-to-sell-leafs/ Nissan gives away gasoline (but only to sell LEAFs) November 4, 2014 – Richard Lane [video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmCOAHJdOCw Nissan LEAF Kick Gas Nov 3, 2014 Watch as Nissan gives drivers of gas-powered

[EVDL] EVLN: ZOE EV is ideal for the semi-regular long-distance driver

2014-11-13 Thread brucedp via EV
% Type3/Level3 quick charging EVSE changes everything % http://evfleetworld.co.uk/news/2014/Nov/Long-Termers-Renault-ZOE-Dynamique-Zen/0438017022 Long Termers: Renault ZOE Dynamique Zen by Alex Grant 04 Nov 2014 [image

[EVDL] EVLN: Electric Morgan 3Wheeler instant-torque an even lower CoG

2014-11-13 Thread brucedp via EV
http://gas2.org/2014/11/05/electric-morgan-three-wheeler-consideration/ Electric Morgan Three-Wheeler Under Consideration [2014/11/05] When the Morgan Three-Wheeler returned to the market after nearly a 60 year hiatus, the owners expected to sell 400 or 500 of the niche vehicles. But they’ve

[EVDL] EVLN: quadrofoil.com 2seat hydrofoil e-watercraft e:100km ts:40kph

2014-11-13 Thread brucedp via EV
'fully charged in under 2 hours' http://www.pddnet.com/news/2014/11/photos-day-electric-watercraft-flies-above-water Photos of the Day: Electric Watercraft Flies Above the Water 11/05/2014 - PDD Staff [images / Quadrofoil http://www.pddnet.com/sites/pddnet.com/files/hydrocraft%203.jpg

[EVDL] EVLN: Boosted Boards’ New Faster And Cheaper e-Skateboards

2014-11-13 Thread brucedp via EV
http://techcrunch.com/2014/11/06/electric-skateboards/ Feet-On With Boosted Boards’ New Faster And Cheaper Electric Skateboards 2014/11/06 by Josh Constine [images https://tctechcrunch2011.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/boosted-electric-board-vehicle-bridge.jpg

[EVDL] EVLN: Mercedes Sez There's No Money In Selling EVs

2014-11-13 Thread brucedp via EV
% Anyone seeing an automaker pattern here? Dejavu % http://gas2.org/2014/11/07/money-evs-says-mercedes-chief/ No Money In EV’s Says Mercedes Chief [2014/11/07] [image http://gas2.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/mercedes-b-class-ED-2.jpg mercedes-b-class-ED-2 ] Mercedes chief Dieter Zetsche

[EVDL] Apologies to the evdl members

2014-11-13 Thread brucedp via EV
I apologize for filling your intrays with all the EVLN posts I have made for this month. Our beloved evdl.org system administrator has been helping me to secure an EV Historical archive on nabble. You got flooded with posts because, I used a login that sends them to your intray. In the future, I

[EVDL] The next EVLN posts are OK to reply to ...

2014-11-13 Thread brucedp via EV
The next two EVLN brucedp posts are for today, plus a separate brucedp5 post. These are OK to post a response to (as well as any others in the future, its just the previous flood of repeat EVLN posts I ask you ignore and not respond to). {brucedp.150m.com} -- View this message in context:

[EVDL] EVLN: Finnish ERA e-racer's 8min Nordschleife-track lap (video)

2014-11-13 Thread brucedp via EV
http://www.electricautosport.com/2014/11/video-finnish-electric-sports-car-laps-nordschleife-8-minutes/ Video: Finnish electric sports car laps Nordschleife in 8 minutes Tim Biesbrouck November 8, 2014 [images

[EVDL] EVLN: Lexus Funny or Die Parody Ad Pokes/Makes Fun @BMW i3 EV

2014-11-13 Thread brucedp via EV
% Lexus pulled the video after the PR-damage had already been done ... Lexus is a Division of TMC = hates EVs % http://www.autoevolution.com/news/lexus-makes-fun-of-bmw-i3-in-funny-or-die-parody-video-88735.html Lexus Makes Fun of BMW i3 in Funny or Die Parody [Video] [image

[EVDL] EVLN: Awesome Carpenter.cn Sporting His Woodie nEV r:20km ts:30kph

2014-11-13 Thread brucedp via EV
http://jalopnik.com/awesome-chinese-carpenter-made-his-own-electric-car-out-1652754729 Awesome Chinese Carpenter Made His Own Electric Car Out Of Wood Raphael Orlove [20141030] [images / China News/Getty http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--2syNhA69--/gne9njjfzn6jpphuvkl9.jpg

[EVDL] EVLN: Boosted Boards’ New Faster And Cheaper e-Skateboards

2014-11-12 Thread brucedp via EV
http://techcrunch.com/2014/11/06/electric-skateboards/ Feet-On With Boosted Boards’ New Faster And Cheaper Electric Skateboards 2014/11/06 by Josh Constine [images https://tctechcrunch2011.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/boosted-electric-board-vehicle-bridge.jpg

[EVDL] EVLN: Mercedes Sez There's No Money In Selling EVs

2014-11-12 Thread brucedp via EV
% Anyone seeing an automaker pattern here? Dejavu % http://gas2.org/2014/11/07/money-evs-says-mercedes-chief/ No Money In EV’s Says Mercedes Chief [2014/11/07] [image http://gas2.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/mercedes-b-class-ED-2.jpg mercedes-b-class-ED-2 ] Mercedes chief Dieter Zetsche

[EVDL] EVLN: Awesome Carpenter.cn Sporting His Woodie nEV r:20km ts:30kph

2014-11-12 Thread brucedp via EV
http://jalopnik.com/awesome-chinese-carpenter-made-his-own-electric-car-out-1652754729 Awesome Chinese Carpenter Made His Own Electric Car Out Of Wood Raphael Orlove [20141030] [images / China News/Getty http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--2syNhA69--/gne9njjfzn6jpphuvkl9.jpg

[EVDL] EVLN: PatrasU Students' 1seat 110hp 235kg EV +production business plan

2014-11-12 Thread brucedp via EV
http://greece.greekreporter.com/2014/10/25/greek-students-from-patras-build-electric-car/ Greek Students from Patras Build Electric Car by Ioanna Zikakou - Oct 25, 2014 [image http://greece.greekreporter.com/files/uni-patras-car.jpg ] An electric car designed and built by Greek students was

[EVDL] EVLN and other posts ...

2014-11-11 Thread brucedp via EV
I have EVLN posts queued for posting, but I am going to hold off until I hear back from our evdl.org system admin on his decision (relating to same) ... (so it isn't like before, when it may have seemed like I dropped off the face of the planet, because I was in a VA hospital without Internet

[EVDL] EVLN: quadrofoil.com 2seat hydrofoil e-watercraft e:100km ts:40kph

2014-11-11 Thread brucedp via EV
'fully charged in under 2 hours' http://www.pddnet.com/news/2014/11/photos-day-electric-watercraft-flies-above-water Photos of the Day: Electric Watercraft Flies Above the Water 11/05/2014 - PDD Staff [images / Quadrofoil http://www.pddnet.com/sites/pddnet.com/files/hydrocraft%203.jpg

[EVDL] EVLN: Electric Morgan 3Wheeler instant-torque an even lower CoG

2014-11-11 Thread brucedp via EV
http://gas2.org/2014/11/05/electric-morgan-three-wheeler-consideration/ Electric Morgan Three-Wheeler Under Consideration [2014/11/05] When the Morgan Three-Wheeler returned to the market after nearly a 60 year hiatus, the owners expected to sell 400 or 500 of the niche vehicles. But they’ve

[EVDL] EVLN: Why electric cars are cheaper to service (video)

2014-09-29 Thread brucedp via EV
Stay friendly with your local mechanic for suspension components, brakes, body panels and interiors http://ecomento.com/2014/09/24/why-electric-cars-are-cheaper-to-service/ Why electric cars are cheaper to service September 24, 2014 – Scott Huntington [image

[EVDL] EVLN: Nissan’s e-NV200 EV Launched In Europe r:120mi

2014-06-16 Thread brucedp via EV
'e-NV200 is built exclusively in Barcelona, Spain for global sale' Nissan e-NV200 Tested for Possible Launch in US http://www.hybridcars.com/nissans-e-nv200-launched-in-europe/ Nissan’s e-NV200 Launched In Europe by Philippe Crowe June 12, 2014 [images