Re: [Evergreen-general] How do you keep your OCLC holdings up to date?

2023-02-09 Thread Kate Coleman via Evergreen-general
Our consortium also relies on each individual library to keep their own holdings current if they so wish. Since OCLC numbers are unfortunately used inconsistently in our catalog, we have a more manual way of doing things. Using a data sync collection set up through OCLC, we submit one file for

Re: [Evergreen-general] How do you keep your OCLC holdings up to date?

2023-02-09 Thread Katie Greenleaf Martin via Evergreen-general
At SPARK, it’s largely up to the libraries to do their own maintenance, and since we just added Real Time Availability for several WorldShare clients we’ve been trying to streamline things a little more. We have report templates that give libraries a list of 035s for volumes added or removed

Re: [Evergreen-general] How do you keep your OCLC holdings up to date?

2023-02-09 Thread Elaine Hardy via Evergreen-general
We send files once a month to OCLC to update holdings. Chris Sharp will have more info on how that happens. We haven't had any issues with the file not being processed within a few days. We have had issues where passwords have expired or something else prevents the files from going through. We