I'll Quit Grumping

2007-02-28 Thread Ronni Taylor
This message is from: Ronni Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I'll Quit Grumping R.Taylor, Straw Hat Stables Sometime between today, Wed 2/28, and tomorrow, 3/1, I get to have my unbirthday. Well, I'll get older even if the day isn't on the calendar. I have to admit to 12 REAL birthdays, but 51 chronolog

Re: ugly stages

2007-02-28 Thread Linda Lottie User
This message is from: Linda Lottie User <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Kate.my daughter and I took our gelding and our mare and foal to an open show to "get experience" for the fjord show. Like you mentionedwe were with about 20 quarterhorses in a halter class.and nice ones at that! The judge w

FW: RE: selling 2 Fjords

2007-02-28 Thread Carol Pastore
This message is from: "Carol Pastore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> From: "Carol Pastore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Reply-To: fjordhorse@angus.mystery.com To: fjordhorse@angus.mystery.com Subject: RE: selling 2 Fjords Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2007 23:44:41 + This message is from: "Carol Pastore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED

RE: ugly stages

2007-02-28 Thread kate charboneau
This message is from: "kate charboneau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> You guys are really great.  :) 15 hands is what my "magic string test" tells me.  I take a piece of baling twine and stretch it from the point of his elbow to the point of his pastern, uh, fetlock, uh, that pointy point above his, you kn

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2007 #51

2007-02-28 Thread BKFJORDS
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Hello Everyone, And yes, Jerry, we can "agree to disagree"! Such great discussions on the hoof trimming-should get more folks to thinking about what they want for their horses hooves! Anyway, as to the 'pinched hooves', this comes from very knowledge

RE: selling 2 Fjords

2007-02-28 Thread Carol Pastore
This message is from: "Carol Pastore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Hello I received your email about your situation and your Fjords. How unfortunate for you and your husband. I have a therapetuic ridiing program in the San Luis Valley in sourthern Colorado. We have been fortunate to have the use of

Re: Oops....

2007-02-28 Thread Douglas Knutsen
This message is from: "Douglas Knutsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Hi Kelly, I thank you - Erlend thanks you. Peg www.horsehumor.net www.fairpoint.net/~kffjord/ - Original Message - From: "kelly MacDonald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 3:30 AM Subject: RE: Oop

Re: Oops....

2007-02-28 Thread Douglas Knutsen
This message is from: "Douglas Knutsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Way cool! Peg www.horsehumor.net www.fairpoint.net/~kffjord/ - Original Message - From: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 5:16 AM Subject: Re: Oops This message is from: "Reena G

Re: contact info?

2007-02-28 Thread jimaryjmh
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yes, Ann Just the way you did - we were hiking in the beautiful Superstition Mountains yesterday or we would have answered your email - So happy to see the progress Besslou has made - Will call soon Mary Harvey -Original Message- From: [EMAI

re: just a "little ugly stage" and farriers

2007-02-28 Thread Gwenn Berard Beaupre
This message is from: "Gwenn Berard Beaupre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Edgar also has been looking like I picked up his parts at different thrift stores & stuck them together. I'd put of registering as I can't get a decent picture of him, & finally gave up & sent Mike May a couple very bad photos. I'm

Re: ugly stages/now training for mounting

2007-02-28 Thread Cherie Mascis
This message is from: "Cherie Mascis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Kate, if you're worried he may get too tall for you, try >>some trick training and train him to lay or kneel down >>for you to mount! I have my 2 1/2 year old Fjord filly bowing pretty well. I had a welsh/Arabian that I used to run tr

Re: Oops....

2007-02-28 Thread Reena Giola
This message is from: "Reena Giola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ah yes, I played it at home and while we were shopping at Best Buy looking at the computer and the wide screens, one of the computers was connected to the internet, so guess what I called up?! you guessed it! Erlend's Video!! Reena T

RE: Oops....

2007-02-28 Thread kelly MacDonald
This message is from: "kelly MacDonald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I love that video. The commentary is great, and the editing is awesome. I showed it to my entire family last night :) Erlend is beautiful!! From: "Douglas Knutsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Reply-To: fjordhorse@angus.mystery.com To: S

Royal sleigh ride

2007-02-28 Thread Linda Lehnert
This message is from: "Linda Lehnert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> They had a brief story on Euromaxx, the lifestyle Europe program on Deutsche Welle TV, about King Harald going on a sleigh ride at his request as part of his birthday celebrations. The sleigh was a large wooden sleigh that appeared to be an