This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I realize we've been asked to curb this debate, but being the person
that I am I can't let questions go unanswered (and everyone seems to be
behaving themselves so what can it hurt?).
Rather than respond to the entire post I'm going t
This message is from: Janet McNally <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
thankyou Jamie for taking this on as a level headed debate
:-) Steve, I do hope you will allow this one last post
through, especially since there are a few (incorrect)
accusations being thrown at me that you did permit to go
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
In a message dated 1/11/2003 4:59:32 AM Pacific Standard Time,
> I think what is happening is that people on the outside may easily interpret
> our 'strong emotional commitment to the breed being pure' as 'irrational
> and
> fea
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
In a message dated 1/11/2003 6:18:32 AM Pacific Standard Time,
> Jamie (is my Taurus nature showing yet? - LoL)
> In the Mountains SW of Denver, CO
No! Your common sense is loud and clear. :)
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
In a message dated 1/11/2003 4:59:32 AM Pacific Standard Time,
> I say:
> In support of Janet, It doesn't sound condescending to me. I would think
> that not reading or attempting to understand the rest of her post could
> onl
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
<< I think what Janet is trying to say is that someone who wants to find out
what the taste of a mixture of chocolate and strawberry ice-cream tastes
like; shouldn't be banned from owning chocolate ice-cream, shouldn't be
banned from joining a chocolate ice-
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Before I get into my response, let me just say that by nature I love a
good debate, so don't take this the wrong way and get really upset. I just
think this is a topic that needs further discussion in order to help those
that do not seem to unders
This message is from: Dolph Courchaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Jamie wrote:
"In my opinion people that do not understand why some of us feel so strongly
about our breed (and not messing with it genetically or otherwise) are
exactly the kind of people that should not get a Fjord."
Janet replied:
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
In a message dated 1/10/2003 9:20:50 AM Pacific Standard Time,
> However, on this matter of crossbreeding, (specifically
> -outcrossing-), what I can see very clearly, is that at
> least the vocal majority on this list, have very
This message is from: Janet McNally <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Jamie wrote:
"In my opinion people that do not understand why some of us
feel so
strongly about our breed (and not messing with it
genetically or otherwise)
are exactly the kind of people that should not get a Fjord."
I'm not sure i
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