Thank you very much for yours professional advices.
So really, if I want to call native .so libraryes, I have to use Lamw or
Lamw uses JNI interface perfectly. And t is only sad for Me, that it is
not easily possible to create stdcontrols.pas unit, which would be
compatible with this
On 17/04/2019 20:11, Mgr. Janusz Chmiel wrote:
I have decided to join my second question to this thread, because it is
also related to problem with
PPCJVM have problem to compile The following line of code from bass.pas
Delphi unit and also from newest bass.pas which is The part of
I have decided to join my second question to this thread, because it is
also related to problem with
PPCJVM have problem to compile The following line of code from bass.pas
Delphi unit and also from newest bass.pas which is The part of bass zip
archive for Windows.
Dear specialists,
Please does somebody of you know, why is it impossible to call in JVM Android mode if external command is being used for
this task?
Because I Am getting run-time error:
Failed resolution of
I have analysed bass.pas unit and I have found that The