Automating PDF and HTML generation

2010-05-31 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
a software build process. HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Mif2go mystifying failure

2010-11-16 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
especially where graphics are involved. You might see if it works if you set the project up in a path without spaces in it, as we strongly advocate in many places in the docs. Otherwise, kindly send us that test case. Thanks! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Mif2go mystifying failure

2010-11-16 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
don't use "Program Files" either, always install Frame in one like C:\Frame8, for example. Much safer. -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

[Bulk] Re: Mif2go mystifying failure

2010-11-16 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
t long... -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Dots in tag names

2010-11-29 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
paces), and underscore. However... these names will not be the same as the Frame format names anyway. So making the Frame format names conformant to XML rules is unnecessary, and probably unwise, since it could lead to confusion between element and format names later... HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

"Toc" cross-ref markers

2010-10-13 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
cial in Frame. Then retag per your Frame template. It takes a bit longer to do it that way, but it eliminates numerous issues you'll have forever from the Frame import. HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

batch processing to save as MIF

2010-09-03 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
provides that and many other handy utilities, like MIF washing and lossless extraction of embedded graphics. You can download it from: HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Character format override

2010-09-03 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
this for red: [Colors] 99 = ff Then use in the marker: [HTMLStyles]=Bold Color99 > - config file, [Macros] section: HTMConfig=<$$HTMLStyles]Bold "Lite > Blue"> That won't work at all, for lots of reasons. ;-) >Can anyone help? HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Save book as postcript

2007-07-20 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith You do need to install it; runfm uses the plugin to run the projects. See Chapter 32, "Converting via runfm", for the details. HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Cross-reference break after sorting Table - Frame 7.2

2007-06-04 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
for the rest of cud's tools there) are in CudSpanDocs.pdf there. And Leximation has MarkerTool: HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Link on Index References in PDF

2007-06-29 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
ms. The one time we asked for help with a problem, we got an instant fix of the plugin a day later. Highly recommended. -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Cross Refs, Structured FM, and WWP

2007-03-01 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
p, but thereafter it's essentially the same. And Mif2Go's included automation tool, runfm, can simplify it further; the corresponding WWP tool, AutoMap, costs $20K, IIRC... ;-) -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Frame Improvements

2007-03-08 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
much better chance that Rick's plugin will fix the OP's problem than that Wash Via MIF will... -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Framescript capabalities

2007-03-22 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
ht one for the anchored frame before you, select the image (not the frame!) in Frame, and use File | Import to replace it. That way you don't have to resize, and any Frame additions (like callouts) remain in place. HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Left-brain/right-brain: FrameMaker and XHTML

2007-03-23 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
omething as free-form as a Web site... ;-) HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Table anchors and extra spaces in sideheads ...

2007-03-30 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
e too, the same as the space below the upper para, to get the overlap. HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

ANN: Mif2Go supports DITA from UNstructured FrameMaker

2007-05-02 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
No other workflow gives you so much, so easily, at such a low cost in both time and money. Try it yourself; the free unlimited demo is at: <>. -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

What next for Mif2Go?

2007-05-06 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
more, but what really counts is what *you* want. Please do tell us! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

2007-05-17 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
;How in heck to you keep track of 80 tags, Carla? That's the problem, all right. Managing it all. I've been sorely tempted to write a free plugin to do that, where you could have boolean logic that included more than "OR". Perhaps this is a feature in the next FM. I don't know, mysel

Confused about hexadecimal codes

2007-05-19 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
les in Mif2Go. Note that for "dingbats" fonts, the mapping is *different* from that for "normal" fonts. ;-) -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

PDF Content reuse with Frame + DITA?

2007-05-20 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
nalize each marker accordingly. However this >is difficult to maintain ... -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

trouble adding extra line to master page header

2007-11-06 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
or the OP to handle this problem is to keep the header one paragraph, but add a second line to it using Shift-Enter. Then the blue line will remain below the second text line, and no changes to the format are required. HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Possible Frame6+SGML Issue only MIF to Native and OLE graphics

2007-11-06 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
what options you are using for the saves to MIF and to Frame binary. I don't know of a particular one that would have that effect, but it's not impossible... HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Bug: FrameMaker 8 changes dash \= in paragraph numbering of FM 7 MIF

2007-11-16 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
U+2013, was encoded in UTF-8 (correctly) as bytes E2 80 93, so you see the corresponding Frame characters... The trouble, of course, is that MIF pre-8.0 knows nothing of UTF-8. It's a bug. -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Frame's lame callouts

2007-11-21 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
WinHelp and Word, we use a third method, and make a WMF graphic ourselves, which retains both the original resolution *and* the Frame graphic elements. As SVG gets more usable, we intend to implement a similar method for *ML, but we don't do that yet. HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Conversion of a Framemaker file?

2007-11-26 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
se it was treated as ASCII instead of binary, or because something was added to the end (like a CR/LF pair). If it's just two bytes over, you can use a hex editor to trim it back; I wrote a little utility to do that. If it's more, you probably need to get another copy from the originator.

Italics dropping out of TOC

2007-10-10 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
er.ini for [Fonts] and/or [WindowsToFrameFontAliases], which may be more trouble than it's worth to you. I don't recall just how that setting needs to be, but maybe someone else here does. I have *not* tested this... ;-) -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

forced line breaks, URLs, and justified text

2007-10-19 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
d... Once you made such a tweak, it would not need to be changed later, so the maintenance issue goes away too. Just a thought... -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Fixed my Problem

2007-09-07 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
me and money by using Mif2Go for the whole job. It costs only about 1/5 of what ePP is these days... and does much more. -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

OT: Alternative to WWP

2008-04-07 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
merge them? I don't. I view each in a browser tab, and flip back and forth as I please. If I need them side by side, I open a new browser window. HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Mif2Go Question -- No .hhp file produced

2008-04-07 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
en a new .hhp would always be written, overwriting the previous one. It's possible he's set an HHPFileName that can't be written because it's on a nonexistent drive, or points to a directory where he lacks write permission, or is an invalid file name. HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

finding Mif2Go macros to replace WWP functionality

2008-04-10 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
o library file that would be part of the distro. We don't actually have WWP ourselves, so we'll need the help of those migrating to Mif2Go from WWP to do that. Thank you for raising this issue! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Batch Mif to FM Conversion Tool

2008-04-29 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
strictions. One simple way to accomplish something close to this is to rename the .mif files to .fm. Frame doesn't care; when you open one, it opens normally, and when you save it, it saves as .fm binary over the .mif. HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Source Control for Frame

2008-12-09 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
you could SaveAs plain text, and archive *that* in CVS or SVN. Then you'll get it working the way programmers do, which could actually be helpful. -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

ANN: Job seeking

2008-12-11 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
ut taking over for what's-his-name at GM?.:) LOL! No thanks! He dug his own grave, but we shouldn't put all the employees who had no part in that in there with him. IMHO. All the best! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Re-installing FM 8 onto a new drive ...

2008-12-11 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
it, test *very* thoroughly, and look in odd corners like variable definitions, xref formats, and those numbering strings. You may be fine, but it's best to find out early if you're not. HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

FM 8 Apostrophe Problem

2008-12-15 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
olved it for me. -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

FM 8 Apostrophe Problem

2008-12-15 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
e >actual straight character versions, you have to use >Ctrl-` and Ctrl-'. That's the same as in FM7. For the record, I'm still using 8.0p273, because of the reported issues with p277 when it came out (posted on Framers). That may make a difference. HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Graphics Fundamentals

2008-12-25 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
have their original names, because Frame discarded those on import. (Word does better; it keeps them. ;-) But they *will* be in the original format, most likely EPS in your case, and the process is very fast and automatic; you can do a full book at once. HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Sy

Text insets question

2008-12-31 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
where the inset is anchored, before you import the inset. IIRC, that's the trick. All the best! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

XHTML or CALS tables?

2008-02-01 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
s also the preferred choice in DocBook, the most mature of the common XML formats, although DocBook has added support for the HTML table model too. In Mif2Go's DocBook output from Frame, you can select either one; we have customers using both. HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

oldie (was: keep with next para)

2008-02-04 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
versities before Brad came along... ;-) Who else? -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

maker.ini OpenDirOnStart: How can I prevent it from being updated?

2008-02-14 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
setini "C:\path\to\maker.ini" Directories OpenDirOnStart "X:\path\you\want" in your bat file before opening Frame. Note that the quotes are only needed if the paths contain any spaces. The Mif2Go demo version is available at: HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

List of Effective Pages (LEP)

2008-02-16 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
ngle-user license, $300 for a site license, and is available for FrameMaker 6.x and 7.x on Windows and Macintosh. >From Silicon Prarie, <>. HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Cross References:using text that is not that linked to

2008-02-19 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
referencing paragraph at the text you want to use as the hotspot. Apply a character format to the hotspot text, including the gotolink marker. Then the hotspot text will act like a cross-reference in your PDF or HTML output. -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

FM8: Converting Asian FM7 files to Unicode

2008-02-01 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
encodings such as FrameRoman, JISX0208.ShiftJIS, BIG5, GB2312-80.EUC, and KSC5601-1992, which were supported in earlier versions of FrameMaker. But that only worked for GB2312, not for the other two. Anyone have any ideas? Has anyone actually managed to convert an existing FM7 Asian doc to FM8 Unicode? -

cudspan dobatch plugin problem (FrameMaker crashes)

2008-01-04 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
ll the demo version: We use it ourselves for producing the User's Guide PDFs and other formats. If you set up a .bat file with the runfm command, and put a shortcut to it on your desktop, you get one-click production of your PDFs, possibly several of them at once

Converting Framemaker to Word

2008-01-08 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
han with Word's broken default numbering method. And it's *very* fast. Try the free unlimited demo version (which replaces random words with phrases from Jabberwocky) and see for yourself: HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Converting Framemaker to Word

2008-01-10 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
usages. >Once it's set up, it works very fast and does a good job. Thanks again! ;-) -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Table Footnote question

2008-01-12 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
to Row First. Your footnotes will be renumbered accordingly. HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

including automatic numbering in cross references and TOC entries

2008-01-30 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
they appear without the "To". How can >I tell FM to include the autonumber "To"? Your xref format includes the token <$paratext>. Add the token <$paranum> just before it. For the index entry, I presume you mean the text automatically put into the marker

pulling an image from an FM file

2008-06-01 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
re retained, but the resolution is generally much worse than the original was. HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

best graphic type to use for WINhelp4

2008-06-07 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
at which they were taken, 96DPI; more or less will result in unreadable text. HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

saving marker and topic title during Mif2GO processing

2008-06-17 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
lemented in the beta, now available at our download sites. We credited you for the idea in hist52h.txt. Download the beta, unzip it, and copy the dwhtm.dll in it to your \windows\system32 dir over the existing copy. Thank you very much for this enhancement suggestion! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Pop-up on hypertext in a pdf document/hypertext?

2008-06-23 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
link. Naturally, you have to allow the popups in your browser for them to work. If you want a popup in non-Help HTML, you need to use JavaScript. Mif2Go also supports inclusion of arbitrary JS wherever you want. HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Possible MIF -> FM bug in FM 8.02 (p273)

2008-03-08 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
he line breaks are reset anyway upon loading the MIF. HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Possible MIF -> FM bug in FM 8.02 (p273)

2008-03-12 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
On Wed, 12 Mar 2008 11:45:45 -0500, "Alison Carrico" wrote: >This could end up being an issue for my company. Do you know if it >happens with v7 MIFs when opened with v8? Since the bug specifically affects UTF-8 sequences, and those are not used in Frame 7 MIF, it seems unlik

FM abruptly closes with no save

2008-03-18 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
uot; on Mif2Go is that it can have just such undesirable side effects. Just a thought about where to look, Adobe. -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Export a FM book to single Word file?

2008-03-20 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
Go produces top-quality HTML and XML (including DocBook and DITA), plus numerous Help formats, from unstructured as well as structured Frame, and can be fully automated. It's also fast and inexpensive. HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Extracting copied-in graphics from documents

2008-05-02 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
does* retain the names of the graphics it embeds, so you will get back WMFs containing Word's internal representation of each image named "originalname.wmf". HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

PDF Generation with runfm.exe of OmniSystems Inc.

2008-05-06 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
lso tell runfm to write even more diagnostics by adding: -diag to your command line, and you can save the messages to a file: -log logfile.txt New messages are appended to the file, so you can use the same file for many sessions. If you specify -log with no name, we use mif2go.log in the current directory. HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Mif2Go - FM graphic sizing issue when outputting to HTML

2008-05-06 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
See par., "Exporting embedded graphics before converting". HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

What version of Frame to Get Started ?

2008-05-15 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
", and you cannot register with Adobe because it wasn't, file a claim against them with eBay, PayPal, *and* your credit-card provider immediately on grounds of fraud. Lots of people have shrinkwrap machines. ;-) eBay gives new meaning to "caveat emptor"... -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

roundtrip documentation and help (Framemaker/Robohelp - chicken or egg?

2008-05-21 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
y for print and PDF outputs. HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Disappearing Paragraph Tags from status bar

2008-05-22 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
and you get the normal status bar back. Maybe you only removed one DLL, m2gframe.dll, so that the plugin was left in a broken state? -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Mif2Go Prev and Next navigation macros

2008-11-05 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
$_next> code, and it was hard to maintain. That's one of the main reasons we made this enhancement. If you continue to have any problem with this, please send us a trimmed-down test case, like a book with two or three one-page files, so we can help you further. Include the .book, .fm, .mif, both .inis, .prj, and *all* output files (including the log), all in one .zip. We'll look into it promptly. HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Mif2Go: removing CRLF from CodeStore content

2008-11-17 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
would be assigned to the var at the start of the macro var expression. We've already built this, but would like to test it with your case before posting a new beta. Could you kindly send us a one-page test case, including the .fm, .mif, .prj, both .inis, and all output files, all in one .zip

MIF2Go issues

2008-10-13 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
e. If you still have any problems, do write us directly. ;-) HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Odd keyboard behavior

2008-10-15 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
racter versions, you have to use Ctrl-` and Ctrl-'. That's the same as in FM7. Other characters in the 80-9F range are handled more gracefully. If you use the Ctrl-q sequences, you get the real Unicode character, mostly in the U+2000 area. Ctrl-q is your new best friend. ;-) HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Odd keyboard behavior

2008-10-16 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
ing what Frame puts in the MIF, it's hard to understand how it could work for anyone... If you want to send me a Frame file with an example of some you put in that way, I'll see if there's a difference viewing it here. -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Odd keyboard behavior

2008-10-16 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
On Thu, 16 Oct 2008 00:37:02 -0700, "Jeremy H. Griffith" wrote: >If you >want to send me a Frame file with an example of some you put in >that way, I'll see if there's a difference viewing it here. Dr. Winifred Reng sent me one, and provided the clue that nailed the

Odd keyboard behavior

2008-10-16 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
me. Totally reproducible. >BTW: I am using the U.S. version 8.0p277, in English only, on a Windows >XP SP3 system.) I'm still using 8.0p273, because of the reported issues with p277 when it came out (posted on Framers). Maybe they fixed it then... -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Underlining index entries

2008-10-22 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
e named IX, and find the line(s) containing <$pagenum>. Apply a character format to that whole line with the properties you want. Save, regenerate the IX from the book, and all your page numbers (but not the index entry text) will have the properties you set. HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

MadCap Flare

2008-10-23 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
g from Frame, like ePP, and unlike RH (even in TCS) or Flare. Not to mention being way less expensive than any of them... HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Two-column layout and large graphics

2008-10-23 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
olumn below the graphic, then continue to top of the right >column, then below the graphic in the right column. > >Is there a way to do that in FM? Not that I know of. But another possibility would be to set such graphics to go always to the top (or bottom) of the page. Then the questio

Two-column layout and large graphics

2008-10-27 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
-celled table to package the frame and the caption, if the more limited table placement options work for you. HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.


2008-10-29 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
your job. You can get the handle of the topmost window there, but Windows itself has no idea what Frame is displaying at that point, and Frame won't tell you in the FDK. Hmmm... ;-) Good luck! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Batch production of PDFs

2008-10-31 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
end an email with an attachment from the command line... ;-) -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Unable to Build FM Book from Ditamap using Framemaker 8 and XP SP3

2008-10-31 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
free trial, and provides excellent support. Highly recommended for anyone seriously using DITA in structured Frame. -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Server-based (hosted) documentation and user comments (DocBook?)

2008-10-31 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
n that point, see: HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.


2008-09-03 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
, and you may get more precise assistance. HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

InDesign as a replacement for Framemaker

2008-09-12 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
rom their colleague? Guess what; it doesn't happen. We have more license purchases for *additional* copies than for singles. If you treat people as honest, they *are*. If you treat them like criminals, well... you say more about yourself than about them. -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

ePublisher Pro vs. other generated online help

2008-09-12 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
ink produces better output. Try the free unlimited demo, and see for yourself: >Thanks for any "help" on the help anyone has time to give! HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

FM8 HTML output

2008-09-13 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
/download.htm And Mif2Go comes with the best free support in the industry; who else fixes bugs on the spot (not "in the next version"), and adds features you ask for overnight? See the history.txt file there for numerous examples of those enhancements, with the names of those who asked f

Reference graphic to Character format

2008-09-15 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
x25a0 p = You can download the free unlimited demo version of Mif2Go, and the User's Guide in numerous formats, from: HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Odd cross-ref substitution 7.2

2008-09-15 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
rs and anchors took up space, the rendering would be thrown off. HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

ePublisher Pro vs. other generated online help

2008-09-18 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
orld supports us very well indeed. >So that's the sad story. Because webworks is the only game in town, >they can get away with their Draconian licensing practices. Only as long as *you* choose to support those practices. ;-) All the best! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

conversion tables

2008-09-24 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
u can download the User's Guide in numerous formats (including DocBook itself ;-) from the same page. The same method, BTW, works nicely for moving from unstructured to structured Frame using DITA. We worked with members of both OASIS TC's developing it... HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

FW: Russian Frame->ePublisher problem

2008-09-24 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
ttp:// It's a lot less expensive than the ePP upgrade, and does more for you. IMHO. ;-) -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Mif2Go Content Models

2008-09-25 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
y Mif2Go doc, the 1000-page User's Guide, is much better, because it was written by a real TW. Imagine that! ;-) Please feel free to write us directly if you have any other problems! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

ePublisher Pro vs. other generated online help

2008-09-25 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
ut FrameScript because I know Rick will, and he's the expert on it. But I will post about FM8 Unicode issues that are unrelated to conversion because I know those very well. Thank you, Rick, for a clear and cogent analysis! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.


2005-12-01 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
om/dcl/offer.htm HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

ANN: Run FrameMaker, plugins from command line

2005-12-07 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
, you'll find runfm.exe in the current upgrade ( file; no need to download anything else. Enjoy this gift of the season! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Framemaker to Apple's Pages

2005-12-14 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
royalties on the result, or agree to make the Mac version free (our preference), but we cannot offer the $100K+ that would be needed to pay for this port. If anyone on the lists is interested, let us know! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Character Catalog Doesn't Display

2005-12-19 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
"130, 180" is good. So you might wind up with: [DialogLayout] ;- Dialog & Window layout - MakerWin=3, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 640, 400 PCatalog=500, 40, 130, 180 CCatalog=0, 0, 130, 180 ... HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Character Catalog Doesn't Display

2005-12-19 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
Actually it's also there for Win 2K Pro. The last element is 7.1 on my system. The second copy (which overrides the one in the Frame home directory) started appearing with Frame 7.0. I always forget about it... thanks, David! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Unresolved cross-references and missing graphics

2005-12-19 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
xref as unresolved. It's best to use Show All when checking (or rechecking) xrefs. -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

HTML Exports

2005-12-20 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
naltered for demo purposes (unlike the HTML text, which is altered). Of course, it's simplest to have Mif2Go do the whole job, but when that is not possible, this is a workable alternative. The current Mif2Go demo can be downloaded from: HTH! -- Jerem

Graphic on a Reference Page

2005-12-29 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
right-aligned version of it on the reference page and use that one for Frame Below. HTH! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Graphic on a Reference Page

2005-12-29 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
t-aligned on the >body page beneath the paragraph tag. I am stumped. Sorry, I wasn't clear enough. The graphic needs to be right-aligned inside a frame that starts at the left edge of the body text frame. But I see Lester just described it nicely! -- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems I

<    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   >