"Navajo Film Themselves"
From: Nate Cummings
Reply-To: Experimental Film Discussion List
Date: Thursday, 5 March 2015 0
Guy Sherwin's DVD collection of 'Optical Sound Films' from Lux
Phase Loop (1971), Sound Shapes (1972), Cycles 1(1972/1977), Newsprint (1972),
At the Academy (1974), Soundtrack (1977), Musical Stairs (1977), Railings
(1977), Night Train (1979), Interval (1974), Interval #2 (1974/2007), Notes
Film Is - Steve Dwoskin
From: Michael Betancourt
Reply-To: Experimental Film Discussion List
Date: Thursday, 29 January 2015 18:16
To: Experimental Film Discussion List
Thanks for sharing this. Everything you need to know!
On 10/11/2014 23:46, "JANA DEBUS" wrote:
>Hi Vail,
>check out Esther Urlus great website,
>with extensive information,
>including DIY booklets for download.
>On 06.11.2014,
Hi Matt
While what Dave says is true, it is still possible to do something
workable with little money. By not having parallel walls you can eliminate
standing waves. The space between the walls and the 'false' non-parellel
walls (and ceiling if possible) can be filled with insulating material of
Shirley Clarke's The Connection
From: Suyash Barve mailto:suyashba...@gmail.com>>
Reply-To: Experimental Film Discussion List
Date: Thu, 9 Oct 2014 12:11:53 +0530
To: mailto:frameworks@jonasmekasfilms.com>>
Subject: [Frameworks] films on film-making/un
Monkey's Birthday, David Larcher; - colour separation, superimposition,
bi-packing etc.
Slides, Annabel Nicholson; pulling film through the gate etc
Film Sound, Andy Moss; short edits/loops (sound and picture), superimpositions
(all at LUX, London.)
From: Caryn Cline mailto:carynycl...@gm
The "Free Cinema" movement in the UK is important here. See
and Humphrey Jennings' "Spare Time"
On 11/05/2014 16:43, "Chris G" wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm looking for films that portray situations of labor and leisure
> together. It would be gr
ncisco Torres wrote:
>>> And there was Francis Alys' "re-enactments" twin screen video where he
>>> bought a gun and bullets and paraded down the street with it until
>>> arrested.
>>> He then re-enacted it with police collaboration.
And there was Francis Alys' "re-enactments" twin screen video where he
bought a gun and bullets and paraded down the street with it until arrested.
He then re-enacted it with police collaboration.
On 07/03/2014 15:26, "Francisco Torres" wrote:
Hi Aaron
It would be worth looking at English experimental filmmakers working with
landscape in the 70s-80s - William Raban, Jo Millett, Chris Welsby and
Malcolm LeGrice etc. all figure - as landscape painting (impressionism in
particular) was frequently cited. To claim direct influence is diffic
Arnulf Rainer by Peter Kubelka
(Nostalgia) by Hollis Frampton includes: James Rosenquist, Carl Andre,
Frank Stella, Larry Poons, Michael Snow etc.
On 05/02/2014 01:16, "kate lain" wrote:
> Hi, frameworkers. I'm looking for examples of portraits of artists and/or
> their processes or thei
Peace & Plenty: Ivor Montague
Hell Unlimited: Norman Mclaren & Helen Biggar
On 28/01/2014 20:49, "John McAndrew" wrote:
> Hello all,
> For a little under a year my main source of income has come through working
> as a gallery warden in a historical museum specializing in arms and armour
Tony Sinden: Time & Motion
Ken Jacobs: Capitalism: Slavery
On 07/01/2014 10:33, "Insa Langhorst" wrote:
> Dear Frameworkers,
> I would like to build a list of video art and films which look at
> aspects, concepts and realities of work. One piece I came across
> recently is Johan van der
Jeff Keen used to leave film shot but unprocessed for years and then shoot a
few more layers on top. On some of his diary films you can see his daughter
Stella at various ages in the same sequence.
On 04/01/2014 08:37, "nicky.ham...@talktalk.net"
> I have often left exposed film un
If Avant-garde is considered as any politically advanced or progressive
cultural practice then there is still a desperate need for it (though the
concept of 'progressive' may have ceased). The contexts of globalisation,
reification and commodification need resisting and not conforming to.
Hi Michael
The BFI has
"Ai-Ye" (1950, 22 min)
"Bells of Atlantis" (1952, 9 min)
"Jazz of Lights" (1954, 16 min)
Best Wishes
On 10/10/2013 14:00, "Michael Kemp" wrote:
> Dear FrameWorkers,
> does anybody know who owns/distributes the films of Ian Hugo, in the UK, and
> whether there are
Film, Samuel Beckett,
Marvo Movie, Jeff Keen (sound with Bob Cobbing & Andrea Lockwood)
Syntax - Martha Haslanger 1974 (USA)
Writing on Pink Paper. Liz Rhodes 1982 (GB)
Fatima's Letter. Alia Syed 1992 (GB)
Chant D' amour . Jean Genet 1950 (Fr)
Towers Open Fire. William Burroughs & Anthony Balch 1
Film & Photo are still working I think, a bit expensive though.
On 18/08/2013 18:48, "Sophie Lascelles" wrote:
> Hi all,
I need to develop and print colour 16mm film in London. Where's the
> best place to do it now that Soho Images has stopped?
Hi Albert
This relates to my area of interest and I'd be happy to answer more specific
questions. Can you say a bit more about your study?
I have a chapter 'THUNDER & LIGHTNING Noise: Aesthetics and Audio-visual
Avant-garde Practice' in (eds.) Goddard. M, Halligan, B. Hegarty, P.
Contested Bodies
Murdoch House Redruth Cornwall UK 19th June 6.30pm
Programmed by Jo Millett and Rob Gawthrop for Gaslighting, an exhibition and
programme of events at CMR Gallery in conjunction with the West Cornwall
Freedom from Torture supporters group.
Contested Bodies is a programme of s
I knew ³The Bridegroom, The Comedienne and the Pimp,² was by Staub/Huillett,
did Fassbinder make a version as well?
On 22/03/2013 23:36, "Gene Youngblood" wrote:
> Does anyone have (or know where I might find) a DVD of a German feature film
> called ³Rhinegold,² made in 1978 by Niklaus S
"An Interesting Story" 1905 George Albert Smith
On 19/12/2012 18:19, "Adam Hyman" wrote:
> Those are the films I was thinking of:
"Explosion of a Motor Car" also
> 1900
"How It Feels To Be Run Over" (1900)
On 12/19/12 10:10 AM, "Gawthrop,
And his "Explosion of a Motor Car" also 1900
On 15/12/2012 05:18, "Ryder White" wrote:
> How about "How It Feels To Be Run Over" (1900) by the Hepworth
> Manufacturing Co? Potentially the earliest film to feature an automobile
> (but I'm not putting that on the record).
> RW
> On Fri
Hi Liena
To add to your contextual intro: James Broughton's The Pleasure Garden
(1954) was made in the ruins of Crystal Palace (London) where, coincidently,
I was brought up (the district not the ruins that is).
On 28/09/2012 06:21, "Liena Vayzman" wrote:
> Hello all, a few months back
Jeff Keen
The Tanks at Tate Modern:
18 – 23 September 2012
10.00 – 18.00 (10.00 – 22.00 on 21 and 22 September)
Live performance Friday 21 September 2012 at 20.00
Jeff Keen (1923-2012) was a pioneer of experimental film whose rapid-fire
animations, multiple screen projections and raucous performa
Check UCA
its the former Maidstone course which has now moved to Canterbury.
I'd like to recommend the MA at Falmouth but we only have digital video &
Rob Gawthrop - Award Leader: MA Fine Art Contemporary Practice
University College Fa
its "the white leader" problem
On 26/07/2012 06:17, "jaime cleeland" wrote:
> Is Jack making the rules for the Avant-Garde ?
> In a message dated 7/25/2012 8:57:29 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
> j...@jacktext.net writes:
> An important lesson: there can be no fun or humour or pranks in
You may be able to access things through cloudbusting:
On 25/07/2012 14:38, "David Tetzlaff" wrote:
> Dearest Brett:
I can't sign anything right now, as my spirit is completely
> disengaged from corporeal body. I would be happy to sign something on my
> retu
This was theme was also discussed in 2010 -
The 1998 Oberhausen Short Film festival's special programme "Useful Images"
(curated by Fred Truniger) engaged with these issues in some depth. Full
details are i
The other Lettristes Maurice Lemaitre Guy Debord etc. Obviously Jeff Keen.
Margaret Tait did a few experiements in the 50s and 60s.
On 05/06/2012 17:39, "Madison Brookshire" wrote:
> Fellow Frameworkers,
Does anyone have suggestions for films 1945-1962 that
> create film
imagery in a dest
Klipperty Klopp – Andrew Kotting
Mad Love – Jeff Keen
Edge – David Hall & Tony Sinden
This Surface - David Hall & Tony Sinden
Dresden Dynamo - Liz Rhodes (how can an abstract film be funny ?)
Tribulation 99 – Craig Baldwin
Towers Open Fire - Antony Balch, William S. Burroughs
Entracte – Rene Clai
Bought a set from them recently, I’m sure it’s what you want and they despatch
On 18/05/2012 13:52, "Kevin Timmins" wrote:
I'm located in the UK, ideally it would be great to find some from around here.
I found this:
This also raises the issue of the objectification of temporality and process
(experimental a/g film/cinema) in the guise of gallery installation where
galleries have become high-end shops, purveyors of fetishised technology and
associated merchandising.
On 14/02/2012 07:23, "nicky.ham..
The point I was making in my question followed on from Fred’s posting that
It seems to be entirely acceptable and unquestioned on this list to post that
some or all forms of video projection look like crap ... As a format for
presenting film, it is, of course, imperfect, as I myself a
I wonder whether there are some issues that need teasing out regarding
'quality' or 'production values' and what these are really about? Is it
particularities, peculiarities and specificities that need consideration
rather than assumed notions around image resolution, depiction (mimesis)? Is
it th
Chris Garrett’s Romantic Italy is made from a travelogue.
On 12/11/2011 19:53, "Steve Polta" wrote:
Maybe I've got my Larcher confused but I think the footage you (Nicky) refer to
is actually a citation from one (both?) of the earlier films (MARE'S TALE;
--- On Sat,
What frame ratio do people think is best for a painting and should it be
cropped later to fit the ready-made picture-frame?
On 21/10/2011 09:50, "Freya" wrote:
It's because there were no cars back then so the people who were allergic to
horses had to walk really fast to make up for all t
but aren't 'media professionals' part of the problem? "those
kids who want to become media professionals" need to engage with
aesthetic/critical theory and ideology so they don't conform to the culture
of domination.
On 19/10/2011 18:40, "Sandra Maliga" wrote:
> I definitely think there i
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