Auburn, NH? Technological Big Boys or Girls? I haven't heard of _any_ hi-tech
companies in Auburn. Has anyone else? Whoever pursues this, please let the rest of
us know the company.
Dave Hardy wrote:
> Got this in the mail today from the OpenVMS/Monster job search board; ma
> I'm going to install a dual boot drive in my IBM Thinkpad T21. I'll be
> starting from a fresh drive. I expect to be using Microsoft XP and
> probably Red Hat 7.2.
I use Grub to dual boot RedHat 7.1 and Win95.
> I assumed I'd install RH 7.2 and LILO first, that way I can keep below
On the slightly off-topic of Computer Recycling, here are some resources and
an opportunity:
I knew there was a state program so I searched the State web site and found
the following three pages:
The NH Governor's Recycling Program (NHGRP)
I have thei
"Kenneth E. Lussier" wrote:
> A little off topic, but related question: Who can take away my old
> monitors?
Some municipalities have added computer recycling to their Hazardous Waste
Days. Call your town or city hall to find out when the next one will be. Bow
and Dunbarton did a joint one thi
Ken Ambrose wrote:
> On Mon, 24 Sep 2001, Thomas M. Albright wrote:
> > I finally got around to reading the sunday comics today, and when I saw
> > Foxtrot I knew I had to spread the word.
> >
> >
I heard these two songs on Dr. Demento last night. I thought
some of you might enjoy reading the lyrics.
Reinstalling Windows
Author: Les Barker
(Tune of "When I'm Cleaning Windows")
I bought a new computer,
It cost two thousand pound;
Since there has been recent discussion about multimedia support
in Linux, I'm passing on this Linux Journal article:
Free Software and Multimedia: --
Phillips, the lucky devil, attended a workshop on free
software and
Telling Lies: ESR on Microsoft:
ESR sent out this response to Steve Ballmer's interview in last Friday's
Chicago Sun-Times. Yet more interesting spins on why open-source is
the source of all things evil.
Jeffry Smith wrote:
> How about front-ending the web servers with LVS (Linux Virtual Server),
> which is designed for load-balancing (
I apologize for not adding my friends specifics. He's not looking for load
balancing or redundancy. He just want's to host m
In going through the GNHLUG archives, I came across this query
from a year ago:
I have a friend who just got into a similiar situation. Does
anyone have other suggestions in addition to the two responses
already posted?
Brian, if you
> An introduction to English for programmers:
Here's another one:
This site has loads of misused words, as well as some usages people say are
wrong but which are actually standard Eng
In response to "Linux at Wal-Mart", Jeffry Smith wrote:
> I don't think we've been too elitist on this list, although it does
> happen. We might want a web pointer to sites such as
I just poked around to see what it had. While it does
have some goo
Just go to and click on "LISTEN TO OUR LIVE
BROADCAST" in the third column just a little ways down the page. They
just had a quick blurb and are now doing some news (1:07pm), but Linus
should be on shortly.
Paul Lussier wrote:
> In a message dated: 22 May 2001 08:33:5
Just saw this article on ZDNet by William M. Bulkeley of WSJ
Interactive Edition:,4586,2705804,00.html?chkpt=zdhpnews01
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"Kenneth E. Lussier" wrote:
> Derek Martin wrote:
> >
> > On Thu, 15 Feb 2001, Benjamin Scott wrote:
> >
> > > On Wed, 14 Feb 2001, Paul Lussier wrote:
> > > > Derek later realized that this was no longer a sufficient form of
> > > > amusement and graduated to other activities which require squ
Did anyone catch this on WBGH last night? It will be on NHPTV tonight at 11pm.
"Hackers" - Designed to facilitate the free exchange of ideas, the Internet has become
to confidential information from virtually every nation in the world. Financial
information, national infrastructure, even s
n't make
the decisions here at Sybase or get any commission, so please be gentle with the
flaming. I left my asbestos suit at home. :-)
Larry Cook
Senior QA Engineer
Sybase, Inc., 6 Loudon Road, Concord, NH 03301
To unsubscri
Yup! Rick is using Outlook on Windows! I think there is a setting to tell Outlook
to talk nicely to the Internet, but I don't remember the setting.
TNEF is Microsoft's Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format. Go to for a program that can deal with this format. There is b
Derek Martin wrote:
> Yesterday, Larry Cook gleaned this insight:
> > Let me know if it solves your problem. I've been a lot happier with
> > my printer since I started following these maintenance tips.
> >
> > Larry
> Larry, this made a big diffe
The following is HP's DeskJet 600 Maintenance Tips web page:
The first link on that page gives more thorough instructions than what I could
recall from memory.
Larry Cook wrote:
> Derek Martin wrote:
> &
Derek Martin wrote:
> I've had this thing since the 660C came out (technically it's a 660Cse,
> which I think means I got some extra paper included or something). After
> about the third time I changed the cartridges, it started to, well, suck.
> Cleaning and realigning the heads did absolutely
> Can penguins run for political office?
I don't see why not. Michael Moore has a Ficus tree running for the U.S.
Congress in multiple states! See for more info.
To unsubscribe from
I forwarded your question on to a friend at the Franklin Pierce Law
Center. She forwarded it to Tom Fields. Here are the messages I
>> I have heard, but am unable to verify, that software developed
>> using public tax money would be owned by the public.
>> I don't know if
> On Tue, 15 Aug 2000, Larry Cook wrote:
> > Sybase in Concord, New Hampshire has multiple job openings.
> And these are related to Linux how...?
Sybase products run on a handful of Unix platforms. Most of our products are
either being ported to Linux or have planned port
, sustaining, and QA engineers.
Please forward resumes to:
Larry Cook
Senior QA Engineer
Sybase, Inc.
6 Loudon Road, Ste. 501
Concord, NH 03301
Fax: 603-230-7199
Are you interested, but need more info before you send your
resume? I'd be hap
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