Re: How to adjust a GWT frame height to get no scrollbars (100% of body content)?

2014-01-23 Thread marian lux
My main panel my is a LayoutPanel. If I remove the scrollpanel from and set the LayoutPanel height to e.g. 1000px, the scrollbars should appear (because this is more than the client-height) like working_mobile_scroll.html. Additional info: in my

Re: How to adjust a GWT frame height to get no scrollbars (100% of body content)?

2014-01-22 Thread marian lux
Thank you Wayne for the FrameScrollerScreen.ui.xml. The bad news is, the iframe underneath will not receive any events. In some extremely limited cases this might be okay. In my use case it is very important that the user can interact (clicking on links) inside the iframe. On the other side,

Re: How to adjust a GWT frame height to get no scrollbars (100% of body content)?

2014-01-22 Thread Wayne Rasmuss
Yeah, I'm sorry if I gave you false hope. I saw the content of the thread and thought maybe I could help. I've done quite a bit with mgwt scrolling and iframes separately, but putting them together is just problematic. I don't know any hacks to get it to work. I think your only practical

Re: How to adjust a GWT frame height to get no scrollbars (100% of body content)?

2014-01-22 Thread Jens
.) working_mobile_scroll.html displays a normal html with an iframe and I am able to scroll everywhere on mobile browser (e.g. on Android Google Chrome) If that works the way you want it, then its not a GWT Frame issue as the GWT Frame is just a thin wrapper around the iframe element. The

Re: How to adjust a GWT frame height to get no scrollbars (100% of body content)?

2014-01-21 Thread Wayne Rasmuss
Well, it's a mixed bag. After investigating more, I would probably recommend just letting the frames scroll themselves like you demonstrated earlier with your sample html file. That said, I managed to come up with a hack for you that might work, but probably won't for your case. I'm hoping it

Re: How to adjust a GWT frame height to get no scrollbars (100% of body content)?

2014-01-16 Thread marian lux
Jens, thank you very much! You helped me a lot! It works fine. For others, who have the same problem, here is the working code (JSNI method): public native boolean optimizeFrameSize (String id) /*-{ var newheight; var newwidth; var frame =

Re: How to adjust a GWT frame height to get no scrollbars (100% of body content)?

2014-01-16 Thread Wayne Rasmuss
Admittedly, I didn't look too closely at your use case, but I believe I've accomplished similar things using css with mgwt. You can check out my app at One thing that hung my up was in mgwt the scroll panel has to be a direct child of touch panel, or something like that

Re: How to adjust a GWT frame height to get no scrollbars (100% of body content)?

2014-01-16 Thread marian lux
Hi Wayne, thank you! It would be very nice if you could help me with some CSS tweaks. Your application has a good looking design and it is a good, innovative idea :-) But I did not see any frames there, so I hope you can help me with my problem: I want the same scrolling experience on my

Re: How to adjust a GWT frame height to get no scrollbars (100% of body content)?

2014-01-16 Thread Wayne Rasmuss
You're right, there's no frames there, but you should be able to make them behave like other content I think. I saw you are using mgwt. Are you using the mgwt scroll panel? It can probably work either way, but it would help to know. Can you point me to a live url, or maybe capture the DOM

How to adjust a GWT frame height to get no scrollbars (100% of body content)?

2014-01-15 Thread marian lux
I want to set the frame-height to the height of the content in my frame. So I can display it in mgwt with normal scrolling behavior. The following code is not working: in my constructor: frame = new Frame(some-url/xyz.html); frame.getElement().setId(framename);

Re: How to adjust a GWT frame height to get no scrollbars (100% of body content)?

2014-01-15 Thread marian lux
And here is the exception-text I get: uncaught: Exception caught: Exception caught: Exception caught: Exception caught: (TypeError) @xyz.client.views.experimental.FrameViewGwtImpl::setFrameSize(Ljava/lang/String;)([string: 'framename']): Cannot read property 'contentWindow' of null Am

Re: How to adjust a GWT frame height to get no scrollbars (100% of body content)?

2014-01-15 Thread Jens
You must first add the Frame to the document otherwise doc.getElementById() can not find it. You also have to wait until the frame content is fully loaded before reading any size related values. Finally your setFrameSize() seems not optimal. You call 4x getElementById() instead of just 1x

Re: How to adjust a GWT frame height to get no scrollbars (100% of body content)?

2014-01-15 Thread marian lux
Thank you! If I understand all correct: 1) in my ViewImpl-Class in the Consructor I have to create the frame and load the content. The content (html-url) is from my war-directory: frame = new Frame(GWT.getHostPageBaseURL() + ClientData/myhtml.html); frame.getElement().setId(framename); = $doc is

Re: How to adjust a GWT frame height to get no scrollbars (100% of body content)?

2014-01-15 Thread Jens
1) in my ViewImpl-Class in the Consructor I have to create the frame and load the content. The content (html-url) is from my war-directory: frame = new Frame(GWT.getHostPageBaseURL() + ClientData/myhtml.html); frame.getElement().setId(framename); = $doc is right here because it is in my