Re: geocoding and HMRFS data RE: gpc-dev 25 Oct agenda and meeting notes

2016-10-24 Thread Alex Bokov
-- Dan *From:* [] on behalf of Alex Bokov [] *Sent:* Monday, October 24, 2016 3:46 PM *To:* *Cc:* 'Hanrahan Larry P

Re: gpc-dev 25 Oct agenda and meeting notes

2016-10-24 Thread Alex Bokov
If it's not too late, I would like to add these questions that came from the Obesity paper-writing group (v2.0): 1. To do a verbal poll of each site during the call to see if who has payer data in their i2b2 (Medicare/Medicaid/BCBS/Self-Pay/Commercial/Government/Contract/Other), and

Re: [gpc-informatics] #379: Link EHR data to Health and Medical Research Family Survey (HMRFS) 2 results

2016-03-03 Thread Alex Bokov
On 03/03/2016 09:01 AM, GPC Informatics wrote: OK, so Jay / UNMC no longer has the ball... He only no longer has the ball for as long as it takes me to read the emails, and it's highly likely that he will then again have the ball. Alex, a common pattern with all-sites tickets like this

Re: GPC Feasibility Query: Effects of Medicaid Expansion on Cancer Care in the United States

2016-02-16 Thread Alex Bokov
ur amazing turnaround time. On 02/15/2016 10:39 AM, Tamara McMahon wrote: All, The GPC received a feasibility request that includes a questionnaire and multiple queries from Dr. Laura Tenner at UTHSC-SA. Queries are located on Babel at *Shared\Medicaid Expansion* Alex Bokov is a contact for

DataBuilder validation script

2016-02-01 Thread Alex Bokov
Just remembered, as of Hackathon3 I owe everyone the "validation script" I wrote for DataBuilder (script attached). If you pass it to sqlite3 on the command line, it will spit out a bunch of tables summarizing what's in your .db file. This is not dependent on what database you run your i2b2

Re: GPC obesity readiness table

2015-07-14 Thread Alex Bokov
Following up on Angela's comment in the rubric file... Note: the VARIABLE table in the .db file answers the same questions as the XML file, so if data builder is used, we do not need the XML files. ...but either way we _always_ need the VARIABLE table to exist and be populated in the .db

Lead PI of obesity study agrees with using date range to limit cohort size

2015-07-05 Thread Alex Bokov
At last week's gpc-dev call Hugh reported problems running DataBuilder due to the size of the result-set and I recommended that sites with more than 20k patients limit the eligibility dates to a more restrictive range than in the query I sent out such that their cohort shrinks to around 20k,

Obesity data elements query ready to go.

2015-06-08 Thread Alex Bokov
Hello. In case folks are filtering the automated ticket updates to gpc-dev, this one is actually timely and important, so I'm bumping it with a manual post. People supporting the obesity survey teams at their respective sites, please have a look at this comment...

Re: obesity study protocol: pointer?

2015-05-26 Thread Alex Bokov
The part of the protocol that survived numerous rounds of revision and reality checks against what happens when actually tried in REDCap is this: Information about which of 24 sub-cohorts that patient is in, and what site they're at, is encoded in the first five characters in the `proj_id`

Parental emails for obesity survey

2015-05-20 Thread Alex Bokov
At today's body-weight working group call, I found out that in addition to WISC, CMH and KUMC are also planning to rely on email addresses as the preferred channel for patient contact. Any others? At San Antonio, the only email field in Clarity we rely on is PATIENT.EMAIL_ADDRESS. However,

Re: scribe for May 26?

2015-05-20 Thread Alex Bokov
Yes, I will ask Sergio to scribe. On 05/19/2015 12:19 PM, Dan Connolly wrote: I neglected to recruit one. A die roll comes up 9 - UTHSCSA, do you accept the nomination? -- Dan ___ Gpc-dev mailing list

Re: Obesity query v0.2

2015-04-02 Thread Alex Bokov
Thanks. Who is the local lead for the obesity survey? How many fewer patients are there in 1a. and 1b. when these criteria are enforced vs. when they are not enforced? Thanks again. On 04/02/2015 04:09 PM, Debbie Yoshihara wrote: WISC did query 1a and 1b. Our site requires two additional

Re: Current survey management plan for Obesity

2015-03-03 Thread Alex Bokov
On 03/03/2015 04:05 PM, Dan Connolly wrote: Mind if I share with the rest of gpc-dev? Doing so now. :-) *From:* Teresa Bosler [] *Sent:* Tuesday, March 03, 2015 2:37 PM *To:* Dan Connolly; Supreet Kathpalia *Cc:* Bhargav Adagarla; Alex Bokov; Phillip Reeder

Re: Current survey management plan for Obesity

2015-03-03 Thread Alex Bokov
On 03/03/2015 04:22 PM, Bhargav Adagarla wrote: The few things I noticed which can be implementation risks: - The other survey plans (ALS and breast cancer) seem technically simpler. For example, with ALS Survey (which is closest to Obesity Survey in terms of the implementation) might not

Current survey management plan for Obesity

2015-02-17 Thread Alex Bokov
The obesity Redcap project will have a Survey and data form for study tracking: * Tracker (contains invitation mail-out dates, non-automated response status info, etc.) o data can/will be uploaded in batch (Excel spreadsheet), e.g. to assign a mail out date to wave X

Re: [gpc-informatics] #210: Query by BMI percentile among children.

2015-02-05 Thread Alex Bokov
Oh, and I had forgotten one more source of inflation (no pun intended): If you have any visits with raw BMIs 140 recorded, those are almost certainly artifactual, caused by using pounds instead of kilograms. I would omit those before mapping to percentiles. On 02/04/2015 04:01 PM, Alex

Re: [gpc-informatics] #210: Query by BMI percentile among children.

2015-02-04 Thread Alex Bokov
On 02/04/2015 12:43 PM, GPC Informatics wrote: #210: Query by BMI percentile among children. -+- Reporter: bokov| Owner: gkowalski Type: enhancement

Re: remote participation details for HackathonTwo - test at 2pm

2015-01-16 Thread Alex Bokov
UMN folks, if you have a few minutes, perhaps you'd like to join the below conference to confirm that everything will go smoothly end-to-end during the real Hackathon? Our away team got a little held up heading over to the future site of the Hackathon, but the test should begin in about 10

Re: HackathonTwo: detailed agenda

2015-01-09 Thread Alex Bokov
10:15 for 1:45: Morning Session 2 1. Breast Cancer Survey Finder File led by Kansas/UIOWA 2. informatics support for ALS, Obesity cohort surveys

Re: The roster for HackathonTwo

2014-12-18 Thread Alex Bokov
Please note... the information for reserving a hotel room near campus has changed slightly (thanks, Dan). The rate code is UTX, not UTXL. They call it the Cancer Therapy Res. rate, but this event is

Hackathon 2, January 22-23 in San Antonio

2014-11-07 Thread Alex Bokov
Hello. We're about to finalize our attendee survey for Hackathon 2 in San Antonio. 1) What Hackathon 2 needs most is agenda items. Let's discuss those in this conversation thread and update this page with the results: Please

Re: Empirical Data Dictionary: MCRF and UTHSCSA results

2014-10-28 Thread Alex Bokov
I'm getting KUMC's secure encrypted attachment notice when I sent the XLS file with the updated empirical data dictionary. There is nothing sensitive in the attachment, I don't know what triggered this. I'm tempted to zip the file and re-send it to the list. Is there any reason (Dan, Russ) I

Re: encryption at rest? (all data in motion)

2014-10-27 Thread Alex Bokov
Identified patient information specifically? Or de-identified also? If de-identified, this implies that all I2B2 instances (and any other services that use the data warehouses) use SSL. Which is not a bad idea, but we need to be sure everyone understands this. On 10/27/2014 05:36 PM, Dan

Re: encryption at rest?

2014-10-21 Thread Alex Bokov
On 10/21/2014 09:52 AM, Verhagen, Laurel A wrote: After writing the agenda, I received the following from Steve Fennel: 1)How will GPC data in motion be protected? /All data in motion will be encrypted. Specially, data files will be sent via SCP. Alternatively, if the application involves

Re: [gpc-informatics] #141: differentiate well-child visits, sick visits, and chronic visits (utilization)

2014-10-17 Thread Alex Bokov
On 10/17/2014 10:57 AM, GPC Informatics wrote: #141: differentiate well-child visits, sick visits, and chronic visits (utilization) + Reporter: dconnolly | Owner: bokov Type: design-issue| Status: assigned

Re: R, SQL, i2b2, and governance RE: Example (Re: Empirical Data Dictionary)

2014-10-07 Thread Alex Bokov
Yes, I'm fully in agreement there-- no direct, unlimited queries by investigators. Or under normal circumstances, us, for that matter. The only variable parts are the patient/visit sets. I see the goal of the initial cohort work is learning how to generalize these queries so they can be

Example (Re: Empirical Data Dictionary)

2014-10-06 Thread Alex Bokov
Kind thanks to KUMC and the sites that volunteered to test. With help from Wisconsin and MCW so far, I have a lot of revisions to add to the original script that make the output smaller, the syntax less Oracle-specific, and eliminate or scrub certain fields. If you're not one of the test sites,

Re: Example (Re: Empirical Data Dictionary)

2014-10-06 Thread Alex Bokov
*From:* [] on behalf of Alex Bokov [] *Sent:* Monday, October 06, 2014 12:57 PM *To:* *Subject:* Example (Re: Empirical Data Dictionary) Kind thanks to KUMC and the sites that volunteered

Re: Empirical Data Dictionary

2014-10-03 Thread Alex Bokov
Thank you very much. I'm happy to help at our end by making the query less Oracle-specific if you let me know which statements generate errors. Have a great weekend. On 10/03/2014 02:25 PM, Verhagen, Laurel A wrote: Hi Alex, Just wanted to let you know that Marshfield is working on this as

Re: [gpc-informatics] #155: Define Encounter

2014-09-29 Thread Alex Bokov
The linked definition doesn't preclude redundant entries resulting from multiple encounters taking place on the same day (and these are not rare, at least at the two GPC sites I've worked with so far). This is deeper than terminology. The pragmatic question is: what should be in each row of

Re: current diagnosis

2014-09-24 Thread Alex Bokov
This is a very important question-- I can't imagine doing a meaningful retrospective study without addressing it. I noticed that whenever an encounter has a diagnosis with MODIFIER_CD = 'DiagObs:PROBLEM_LIST' that encounter will also contain the same diagnosis but with MODIFIER_CD =

And what about the mods for medications? (was: Re: current diagnosis)

2014-09-24 Thread Alex Bokov
And, given how much of a difference mods make for diagnoses, should we be expecting analogous gotchas for modifiers on medications? Does anybody know what PRN means? Does anybody know under what circumstances Cumulative Daily Dose is used and under what circumstances Medication Administration

I2B2's CONCEPT_DIMENSION and exploding joins

2014-09-22 Thread Alex Bokov
As I was trying to count and pivot data from I2B2 today, I noticed that our CONCEPT_DIMENSION table (in the BLUEHERONDATA schema if you use the HERON ETL code, in the I2B2DEMODATA schema by default presumably) has duplicate CONCEPT_CD's. Here is the resulting question to the I2B2 Install Help

UTHSCSA's CDM Worksheet uploaded

2014-09-04 Thread Alex Bokov
Here is a link to San Antonio's current revision of the CDM Compliance Worksheet There will be a few more updates to the Vitals table next week, but here is what we have for now. ___