[ha-Safran]: Lech leha ; b'shalom and l'shalom; to life in Yiddish

2011-09-16 Thread avram aryeh
Hello! Here's to a fine day for you MY ? which I would like your help with what is the meaning of the of the expression--"lech leha"--i have always thought it meant "go forth"---"go forth and prosper"---or "go for you"is this wrong--an israeli told a friend of mine who he had said lech l

[ha-Safran]: Placing stones upon a Jewish burial

2009-06-15 Thread avram aryeh
site--origin--meaning of X-Original-To: Hasafran@lists.acs.ohio-state.edu X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version X-Spam-Score: 1.30 (*) [Tag at 5.00] MISSING_SUBJECT X-CanItPRO-Stream: lists X-Canit-Stats-ID: Bayes signature not available X-Scanned-By: CanIt (www . roaringpenguin . com)

[ha-Safran]: Searching for organizations to help/assist

2009-03-30 Thread avram aryeh
Jewish day schools X-Original-To: Hasafran@lists.acs.ohio-state.edu X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version X-Spam-Score: 3.10 (***) [Tag at 5.00] INVALID_MSGID,MISSING_SUBJECT X-CanItPRO-Stream: lists X-Canit-Stats-ID: Bayes signature not available X-Scanned-By: CanIt (www . roaringpengu

[ha-Safran]: Calendar Dates of Easter and Passover

2004-03-31 Thread avram aryeh
Please send reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]; thank you Please excuse my not-knowing--I am interested in learning---Thought this community of librarians and educators might be able to help me with this question.This year, Passover is celebrated after good friday and befor

[ha-Safran]: Looking for a book on four Jewish women ...

2003-11-25 Thread avram aryeh
Hello! I'm looking for the title of a book.maybe you can be of help...i don't have that much information---just what this patron had mentioned to me--she was wasn't real sure..may be a recent publicationthe story is of four jewish women whose husbands had left them--may be

[no subject]

2003-10-20 Thread avram aryeh
Hello! Shalom Aleichem. I submit 2 questions which I'm sure you'll be able to help me with. When we are in a year where there is adar 2---how are the torah readings selected and divided--so that they fit into the extension of the year What is the difference or is there a differ