Base Processor?

2009-12-09 Thread Don W.
When you set up the directory entry for a z/OS guest with multiple virtua l CPU's (e.g. CPU 00, CPU 01) and you QUERY CPUS, CPU 00 shows as BASE. Wha t is the difference between a BASE CPU and a non-BASE CPU? Does it really m ake any difference in this environment. In terms of real processors, at

HCPKFL1719I No AP Crypto Queue is available

2009-04-08 Thread Don W.
I want to use the CRYPTO APVIRT option in my z/VM 5.3 guest. When I log o n to the guest, I get HCPKFL1719I No AP Crypto Queue is available for share d use. If I QUERY CRYPT AP, I get: AP 00 CEX2C Queue 00 is reserved for dedicated use for every line. I notice when I IPL the system I get the

Re: HCPKFL1719I No AP Crypto Queue is available

2009-04-08 Thread Don W.
Thanks to Bruce for his help offline.It turns out there was another useri d that was not even logged on but had the following statement: CRYPTO DOMAIN 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 CRYPTO CSU * KEYENTRY SPECIAL MODIFY APDED 0 1 2 3 I did not realize that this would have an adverse

FLASHCOPY Challenges/Questions Getting HCPCMM296E

2008-07-01 Thread Don W.
I am trying to flashcopy a single source volume to multiple target volume s in an EXEC. The first two FLASHCOPY commands appear to work. However the volumes following that get the following error message: CP FLASHCOPY 7000 0 3338 TO 704B 0 3338 HCPCMM296E Status is not as

Questions Concerning Set CPUID on Z9

2007-05-31 Thread Don W.
I am somewhat confused concerning the implications of the new CPUID forma t on a z9 and setting the CPUID for a guest operating system either in the directory or by command. Do the first 2 digits of the 6 character cpuid i n the SET CPUID command actually simulate a virtual LPAR number? If so, wha

Re: Multiple Guests using the Same Crypto Domain

2007-03-01 Thread Don W.
On Wed, 28 Feb 2007 20:06:52 -0500, Lloyd Fuller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Wed, 28 Feb 2007 15:06:48 -0600, Don W. wrote: I am trying to define two z/OS guests that are using CRYPTO. The mainfr ame supposedly has two CRYPTO Coprocessors. The guests need to have the sam e DOMAIN. I thought I

Re: FCP SCSI support on z/VM in basic mode

2007-02-23 Thread Don W.
I think I'm beginning to understand the use of a SCSI formatted SHARK. If I'm correct, the devices defined in the IOCP for the FCP chpids are actua lly just communications paths to the SHARK. Any address defined on the chpid can access any LUN on the SHARK. I think my steps would be: 1)

Can z/OS guest on z/VM use a real ETR?

2006-10-04 Thread Don W.
Is there a way for a z/OS system running as a guest on a z/VM 5.2 system utilize the real ETR (External Timer Reference)?

Inconsistent XEDIT Logical Not

2006-07-07 Thread Don W.
I'm having a problem figuring out why the xedit logical not symbol works on some systems and not on others. Any idea why this would occur and how I would set it up to work properly? From what I read in the XEDIT manuals, it should still work by default.

Re: Inconsistent XEDIT Logical Not

2006-07-07 Thread Don W.
I'm not sure how to use in XEDIT to find all lines without a specific character string. I want to use the logical not prefix for the LOCATE and ALL commands as specified in the z/VM 5.1 XEDIT COMMANDS AND MACRO REFERE NCE: ¬ NOT symbol (Locate something that is not the specified string.) It

TELNET Problem Between TWO VM systems

2006-06-20 Thread Don W.
We are having problems telnetting from one z/VM system to another z/VM system. The network between the systems is through a netscreen that creates a VPN tunnel. We can telnet from a pc on the vlan to each of the host systems but we cannot telnet from one system to the other in either direction.

Problems with 2107 (DS8100) and ICKDSF

2006-05-11 Thread Don W.
I'm trying to use a new 2107. When I use ICKDSF and enter: INIT UNIT(9C00) NOVFY VOLID(SC9C00) VTOC(0,1,12) NOINDEX It hangs until it hits the missing interrupt time or I do a HALT 9C00. I'm using ICKDSF 17.0. If I use a back level version of ICKDSF, it works. Also, CPFMTXA FORMAT works. I'm

Problems IPLing z/VM 5.1 from EMC DASD

2006-04-11 Thread Don W.
We have been experiencing long delays when IPLing z/VM 5.2 from an EMC DM X 3000 DASD unit. Has anyone else seen this problem or are we missing somet hing?