[JBoss-user] MBean Incomplete Deployments - Yet Deployed

2002-10-11 Thread R . Price
Running JBoss 3.0.3/Tomcat 4.1.12. I've added the following to the bottom of jboss-service.xml (as per David Jencks suggestion): !-- Classpath Extension to pickup compiled classes -- mbean code = org.jboss.deployment.ClasspathExtension name = user:service=iPac_ClasspathExtension1

Re: [JBoss-user] MBean Incomplete Deployments - Yet Deployed

2002-10-11 Thread R . Price
The only traces are of the creating/created messages and there are no exceptions. rp This is odd, I don't see a cause. Any stack traces or exceptions earlier? The typography in the IncompleteDeployment printout is confusing, the comma separates the problematic mbeans, so it is saying the

[JBoss-user] How-to: jboss.conf classpath extension in JBoss 3.x??

2002-10-08 Thread R . Price
Ok, with JBoss 2.4.x releases, we've added a classpath extension (solely for use in a development environment - not delivered that way) to the file jboss.conf using an MLET tag, etc., etc. Now that we are moving to JBoss 3.x (3.0.3 to be exact, I think), how do I accomplish the same thing??

Re: [JBoss-user] How-to: jboss.conf classpath extension in JBoss 3.x??

2002-10-08 Thread R . Price
David, So, are you saying that I could write my own user-service.xml type file to access/configure the ClassPathExtension mbean?? Also, I've found source for it under org.jboss.deployment.ClasspathExtension. Is that the right beastie?? Doesn't look like it does much. Robert David

Re: [JBoss-user] JBoss 3.0.3 tomcat 4.1.12 broken right out of the box.

2002-10-08 Thread R . Price
Worked just fine for me out of the box. Using Sun's JDK1.3.1_04. Not sure why it's a problem for you, though! (I knowreal helpful) rp Thomas T. Veldhouse [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/08/2002 01:50 PM Please respond to jboss-user To:[EMAIL

Re: [JBoss-user] How-to: jboss.conf classpath extension in JBoss 3.x??

2002-10-08 Thread R . Price
In my jboss-service.xml file, I've got this little snippet: mbean code = org.jboss.deployment.ClasspathExtension name = jboss:type=Service,name=ClasspathExtension attribute name = MetadataURLfile:///d:/projects/webmt/attribute /mbean First off, is that pretty much what is required? Second,

Re: [JBoss-user] Loading service in jboss-service.xml or as sar

2002-09-12 Thread R . Price
Robert Price epixtech, inc. (801) 223-5954 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [JBoss-user] JBoss 2.4.7 + Catalina 4.0.4 - problems deploying expandeddirectory

2002-07-10 Thread R . Price
Andrea, Appreciate the reply, but that is not my problem. Deploying the expanded .war structure in Jetty is working FINE. Deploying the same expanded .war structure in Tomcat (Catalina 4.0.4) is NOT. Both are using the respective JBoss 2.4.7 combos. What's strange, is if I just hit the context

Re: [JBoss-user] Quick question about jndi.properties files

2002-07-09 Thread R . Price
The comment prolly doesn't make sense when found in the jndi.properties file for a client, but overall the jndi.properties file is used by the InitialContext class to create a context (if it can find it). Look at the API docs and it will explain it. rp Oisin Kim [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent

[JBoss-user] JBoss 2.4.7 + Catalina 4.0.4 - problems deploying expanded directory

2002-07-09 Thread R . Price
Using JBoss 2.4.4 + Jetty, I can deploy an unpacked, expanded directory by pointing the autodeployer in the jboss.jcml to that particular directory. I try the same thing with JBoss 2.4.7 + Tomcat (Catalina) 4.0.4 and it doesn't work at all !! It appears to be deployed - the log file indicates

Re: [JBoss-user] Sun's SmarTicket 1.1.1 on JBoss 3.0 Final + Tomcat (let'snot bash JBoss)

2002-06-27 Thread R . Price
I may have to recommend another server if I can't get SmarTicket to work soon. That's a pretty shallow comment. More a reflection of your lack of understanding or inexperience with JBoss. But if you feel that, just because you can't get it working, you need to spend thousands of dollars on

Re: [JBoss-user] unpacked deployment under3.0

2002-06-11 Thread R . Price
As far as I understand it, and currently have working with my 3.0 version, the directory(s) you are pointing to need to have the archive extension (.ear, .jar, or .war) appended. So, say I had the directory /myapp that was an exploded war structure, which worked just fine for the 2.4 releases -

Re: [JBoss-user] How To Set Classpath? EJB's without wars.

2002-06-05 Thread R . Price
It's a classpath extension; therefore, you must either: 1) explicitly add your .jar file(s) - means you'll need an MLET for each one 2) point it to a directory where your classes are, at the root of the package - so if you have /build/my/foo/bar/test.class (package is my.foo.bar), point the

[JBoss-user] JBoss 3.0 can't find javax/ejb/SessionBean?

2002-06-04 Thread R . Price
Trying to port my stuff into the JBoss 3.0 release build and get an exception that it can't find javax/ejb/SessionBean. I've got JBoss configured using the URLDirectoryScanner to see my exploded jar directory, ie: urls dir name=./deploy / url

[JBoss-user] Deployer notification?

2002-05-29 Thread R . Price
Currently using JBoss 2.4.6. What I wanted to know is if there is any way to get notification from the deployer upon starting and ending deployment - say I drop an .ear into the deploy directory, etc.?? In looking through the source, it appears that this notification exists (?) and can be

[JBoss-user] Unable to deregister with TransactionManager

2002-01-18 Thread R . Price
First time I've encountered anything like this and don't have a clue where to begin. The stack trace is as follows: [Default] java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to deregister with TransactionManager: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: xaRes not enlisted [Default]at

[JBoss-user] Submitting code changes

2001-08-06 Thread R . Price
We've been using the feature of JBoss to watch an expanded .jar directory structure and deploying the EJBs specified by the ejb-jar.xml descriptor. Recently it was asked of me if it could do the same for a .war directory structure in the same manner (basically watching the web.xml descriptor). I

Re: [JBoss-user] Submitting code changes

2001-08-06 Thread R . Price
You specify the directory to watch in the same manner as any other. I think I screwed up the patch submission on sourceforge - I don't think the actual code listing made it. Did you see it? Robert Price Julian Gosnell [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/06/2001 10:40 AM Please

Re: [JBoss-user] is JBOSS JNDI brain-dead or ...

2001-07-26 Thread R . Price
I think the point that Chris was trying to make was that the code: InitialContext ic = new InitialContext(); String className = (String)ic.lookup(java:comp/env/subscriber/SubscriberDAOClass); which works for other app servers, has to be translated into: InitialContext ic = new

RE: [JBoss-user] Log4j JBoss - HowTo?

2001-06-21 Thread R . Price
Thanks Paul, Fred Scott for your replies. If turning on the log4j service in JBoss is going to give me is logging my stuff with JBoss' stuff, then I'll stick to what we've got. Think we want to keep them separate anyways. Robert Price

[JBoss-user] Log4j JBoss - HowTo?

2001-06-20 Thread R . Price
I'm running JBoss 2.2.1 Jetty 3.1 RC4. Right now we use our own object (called ServerLog), which implements log4j, to do all of our logging. I know that I can turn on the log4j service in the jboss.conf file, but 1) I'm not sure what this gives me, other than the JMX interface into it, and 2)

[JBoss-user] Proxy server issues - any ideas?

2001-06-19 Thread R . Price
This is a question to those who are bit more experienced in dealing with proxy servers and issues with them. Namely, how to handle session management through a proxy where everyone ends up sharing the same session (because the app server sees the same ip for every request)?? There's the

Re: [JBoss-user] Proxy server issues - any ideas?

2001-06-19 Thread R . Price
Well, that obviously wasn't happening at a recent trade show - on location, our application was behaving strangely (taking 15-20 times longer to execute, sharing session data...). So, SOMETHING was going on - since we aren't doing URL rewriting ourselves, the client-side cookies were getting set

Re: [JBoss-user] httprequest fired twice

2001-06-14 Thread R . Price
We have seen it as well...since we get it on any app server we run on, we've concluded that it is IE. Thanks Bill !! Robert Price epixtech, inc. (801) 223-5954 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Christofer Sandberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/14/2001 09:03 AM Please respond to

Re: [JBoss-user] newbie question - what is an mBean

2001-06-07 Thread R . Price
MBean = Managed Bean See the JMX (Java Management Extensions) API on Sun's website for detailed info. Robert Price epixtech, inc. (801) 223-5954 [EMAIL PROTECTED] kevin1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/07/2001 09:38 AM Please respond to jboss-user To:[EMAIL

[JBoss-user] JDBC-ODBC to Access DB not working

2001-06-06 Thread R . Price
Would someone enlighten me as to what I'm doing wrong. I'm currently accessing a MS Access db in Weblogic through Sun's jdbc-odbc driver. Works great for Weblogic, just want to do it now through JBoss. I've tried to configure JBoss to do the same, but when it starts up, it hangs at the point

Re: [JBoss-user] Jetty vs. Tomcat

2001-04-24 Thread R . Price
I just downloaded the latest integrated versions and have had no problems utilizing the same .ear file I used with the Tomcat integration. (That was the JBoss 2.2.1 w/ Jetty configuration). Robert Jim Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/23/2001 03:04 PM Please respond to

RE: [JBoss-user] Not so much JBoss, but XSL/XSLT

2001-04-18 Thread R . Price
We have run it under Optimize It and the objects appear to be cleaning up properly - in fact, the profiling tool showed us that there was a HUGE number of objects being used just to do a single transformation (as per the XSLT implementation)!! We've thought about the idea of clustering more,

[JBoss-user] Not so much JBoss, but XSL/XSLT

2001-04-17 Thread R . Price
Sorry to post this here, but I know more eyes will see it. We've looked at a number of different XSL/XSLT Processors and found one that is documented fairly well, runs fast, but apparently doesn't scale very well. For example, at up to loads of about 300 users it performs very well. But, go

[JBoss-user] JBoss-Jetty-2.1 Error more info

2001-04-04 Thread R . Price
Julian others - I tried putting in the necessary .jar files that Jetty was barking at not having classes for, but I'm still seeing the error about no org.apache.xalan.processor.TransformerFactoryImpl.class I can see it in the xalan.jar file I've stuffed into the jboss_root/lib/ext directory,

Re: [JBoss-user] Execution threads in Jboss

2001-03-21 Thread R . Price
Greetings all! Can anyone tell me about how the execution threads work between JBoss and Tomcat, and how many there are, can we change them, etc.? We've put a slew of timing debug statements in our code to try to narrow down a perceived bottle-neck in JBoss. We dump 100 virtual users