[Jmol-users] Java 7 update 67 looks OK

2014-08-04 Thread Eric Martz
Java 7 update 67 appears to me to be OK. I have tested updating to Java 7 update 67 (Java 1.7.0_67), in Windows 7, both from Java 7 update 65, and from Java 7 update 60. Jmol signed applet works fine either way. This is in contrast to update 65, which (when updated from 60) produced Java that

Re: [Jmol-users] speedy testing requested (binary transfer alert)

2014-08-04 Thread Eric Martz
Angel and I have been testing the August 1 release of JSmol (no Java) here: http://biomodel.uah.es/en/model4/dna/dnapairs.htm In Safari and Chrome on OS X Mavericks, an alert pops up during loading of JSmol "JSmolCore.js synchronous binary file transfer is requested but not available". This do

Re: [Jmol-users] contact

2014-08-04 Thread Pshemak Maslak
I still have problems with "contact" when using butane file containing 20 models (rotamers around the central C-C bond). Separately, one frame (say gauche) shows contacts fine: contact 100% {_H} {_H}, (net volume 0.14 A^3), but when that frame is a part (frame 6) of the collection, something l