[jQuery] Re: Using JQuery with PHP Frameworks

2008-01-07 Thread Mike Schinkel
rics wrote: > I wish to start usign some PHP framework soon and was > wondering wich one works better with JQuery. I will use Zend > Framework or CakePHP. > Not decided yet. Are you looking for a framework for creating RESTful web services for use with jQuery, or something else? -Mike

[jQuery] Re: Help making my code more efficient...

2008-01-02 Thread Mike Schinkel
his.id.substr(8,1) to make it more obvious what I'm doing. Also, I tend to use underscores to cleanly separate naming from numbering in ids, but it's just a style I like: $(document).ready(function() { $('.question').click(function() { var answerNum = this.id.replace('question_',''); $('#contentblock .answer').addClass('hidden'); $('#contentblock #answer_' + answerNum).removeClass('hidden'); }); }); HTH and LMK if it gives you what you need. -- -Mike Schinkel http://www.mikeschinkel.com/blogs/ http://www.welldesignedurls.org http://atlanta-web.org

[jQuery] Resizing Input fields on Window Resize?

2007-12-31 Thread Mike Schinkel
$('input.text-field').css("width",width); } }); I know my approach is probably all wrong anyway, so go lightly on me and recommend a more jQueryish way to do this; this is all new to me and I'm just trying figure things out. -- -Mike Schinkel http://www.mikeschinkel.com/blogs/ http://www.welldesignedurls.org http://atlanta-web.org

[jQuery] Collecting id attributes for checked input?

2007-12-30 Thread Mike Schinkel
better 'jQuery' way. Thanks in advance. -- -Mike Schinkel http://www.mikeschinkel.com/blogs/ http://www.welldesignedurls.org http://atlanta-web.org

[jQuery] Re: Chaining methods and Debugging?

2007-12-28 Thread Mike Schinkel
at best case gave a nasty hangover with the only possible benefit being to gratify a insecure ego! :-) -- -Mike Schinkel http://www.mikeschinkel.com/blogs/ http://www.welldesignedurls.org http://atlanta-web.org

[jQuery] Re: Chaining methods and Debugging?

2007-12-28 Thread Mike Schinkel
#x27;).log().slideDown() etc. > > I haven't tested this (I'm sitting in front of IE 7) but it > ought to work. Nice. Anyone know if there is a way in code to trigger a Firebug breakpoint and also add a value to the watch list if it isn't already there? -- -Mike Schinkel h

[jQuery] Re: Chaining methods and Debugging?

2007-12-28 Thread Mike Schinkel
sidered that because I have just immediately assumed that stepping into compressed code wasn't useful but I'll try it. Thanks. -- -Mike Schinkel http://www.mikeschinkel.com/blogs/ http://www.welldesignedurls.org http://atlanta-web.org

[jQuery] Re: Chaining methods and Debugging?

2007-12-28 Thread Mike Schinkel
weight', 'bold'); Interesting; that never would have occured to me. Thanks for suggesting it? Will Firebug stop on every line (yes I could test, but I'm about to be off to bed so I figured I'd just ask...)? How can I see the intermedia results? >> This, to me, makes

[jQuery] Re: check if an id exists

2007-12-28 Thread Mike Schinkel
more profound "Aha." BTW, I'm an old server-side web programmer but new to real-life client-side/AJAX/browser-based programming so maybe it's just I never had to feel the pain of the bad ole days of client-side programming that makes me feel that explanation t

[jQuery] Collecting Form info about Article Tags for PUTing to a RESTful web service?

2007-12-28 Thread Mike Schinkel
contain the inputs and have the article key embedded in the @id attribute, right? I'll probably still use a for semantic value but I ask to ensure I actually understand the technical aspects of the problem at hand. 4.) In addition, if you think I should approach this very differently please suggest alternatives. Thanks in advance for your help. -- -Mike Schinkel http://www.mikeschinkel.com/blogs/ http://www.welldesignedurls.org http://atlanta-web.org

[jQuery] Chaining methods and Debugging?

2007-12-27 Thread Mike Schinkel
a great idea at the time but in use not very practical." Does anyone else feel this way about chained methods and/or is there a way to step through the chain and see the intermediate states and results on the page while debugging? Thanks in advance. -- -Mike Schinkel http://www.mikeschi

[jQuery] Re: check if an id exists

2007-12-27 Thread Mike Schinkel
en you use an ID selector? At this point I can cargo-cult jQuery(), but I don't quite grok it yet. Any elaboration would be appreciated. -- -Mike Schinkel http://www.mikeschinkel.com/blogs/ http://www.welldesignedurls.org http://atlanta-web.org