[jQuery] jquery .live with a dialog box-can't get dialog to work

2009-06-06 Thread ktpmm5
I'm currently loading data from a mysql db - if a certain condition is met, a volunteer button is displayed. When the button is clicked I want to display a dialog box, and a php file is called to populate the box. First I initialize the dialog: [code] $(document).ready(function() {

[jQuery] pass variable from button to jquery

2009-02-01 Thread ktpmm5
I am displaying a bunch of data from a mysql database, shown below. After the data is displayed, I put a button for each line of data. When a user clicks the button, I call the load function. I am trying to figure out how to pass the id (received from the mysql db) for each particular record

[jQuery] ie problems with jquery - xhr.open(type,s.url,s.async)

2008-12-31 Thread ktpmm5
I've got a simple web page that works fine in FF, but chokes in IE, both 7 and 8. All pages are local, including popup.php. I am displaying tables with data from a mysql db - the tables display, but the error comes in when I include the function popup js code. The error is permission denied,

[jQuery] pass variable from button click to iframe

2008-12-29 Thread ktpmm5
I am currently grabbing data from a mysql db and presenting it to the user in a table. In certain cases, a volunteer button is displayed to the user. I want the user to click on the volunteer button, and have an iframe dialog pop up. When the user clicks on this volunteer button, the

[jQuery] flexigrid problem - no headers, data in wrong format

2008-09-08 Thread ktpmm5
I have a simple menu where I click a link to show some data in a div: [code] $('#view_data').click(function() { $.get(viewplayers.php, function(data){ $('#contentcolumn').html(data); });

[jQuery] send dynamic variable via ajax post in flexigrid

2008-07-11 Thread ktpmm5
I have a php file that gets a variable from another file: [code] $gameno = $_GET['gameno']; [/code] At this point, the $gameno is correct, because I write the value to my error log. The problem comes in where I need to use this variable to display data in a grid. I want to send the

[jQuery] passing variable from javascript to php via iframe using tableeditor

2008-07-08 Thread ktpmm5
The user starts out by clicking a link - [code] tr class=hometdLocation/tdtdinput type=button onclick=vtwo.two() value=Flexigrid/td/tr This leads to a js file where an iframe is called to pop up a dialog box - it is at this point that I want to pass a variable in the url: [code] var vtwo = {

[jQuery] imagebox display problem - z-index issue??

2008-07-08 Thread ktpmm5
Im using the imagebox interface plugin to display 6 pictures. However, they display not on top of my page, but partially on top and partially behind the rest of the page - ??? It's not complicated to use, so Im wondering if others have this problem. I'm using it with jquery 1.2.6- Here is

[jQuery] tablesorter - adding rows - need help formating

2008-07-04 Thread ktpmm5
I've got a table that pops up in an iframe, with data from mysql, with id of datatable.Underneath the table are two buttons: input type = button id = addNew value=Sign Me Up! / input type = button id = cancel value=Cancel / When I press Sign Me Up, I want an empty row to appear, for the

[jQuery] Re: add new row to table

2008-06-29 Thread ktpmm5
I tried that and now I get the js error: defaults.TABLE[0] has no properties It's almost like it's trying to add the row to a table in my main page, not my iframe (with my table?). -- View this message in context:

[jQuery] add new row to table

2008-06-28 Thread ktpmm5
I've read all the other info about adding a row to a table and I just can't get it to work. I've got my dialog popping up with two buttons. When the user clicks Volunteer, I want an empty row to appear at the bottom of my table and the Volunteer button to change to Save. The user would

[jQuery] tableEditor plugin - add new row - using in an iframe gives error

2008-06-26 Thread ktpmm5
I'm trying to use the tableEditor plugin to add a new row to my table (don't need to edit current data, just add new rows and save to mysql db). I've got my table loading in an iframe, but I'm getting the error that default.Table[0] has no data. The user clicks on a link which loads the data

[jQuery] need to popup window, grab values from mysql db, have user edit, and save data

2008-05-02 Thread ktpmm5
I'm looking for the best popup window plugin available. I want clients to be able to view a schedule, and click a date. This will display a popup window with values from a mysql database. The user will then be able to add data (not delete or edit) more data, press save, then close the popup

[jQuery] tablesorter and pager question - getting data from mysql

2008-04-18 Thread ktpmm5
I'm missing something basic I think in using the tablesorter function. I have an index.php that does the following: - sets up my divs, including one called content where I want all my data to go - included jquery, superfish.js (menus), data.js, tablesorter, and tablesorter pager My

[jQuery] using jquery to load content of html file in a div

2008-04-07 Thread ktpmm5
My index html file is a nav menu with the following options: div class=arrowlistmenu h3 class=menuheader expandableParents/h3 ul class=categoryitems li # Game Schedule /li li # Field Directions /li Further on in my php file I have the following: div id=contentcolumn ?php

[jQuery] click on a link and have a table appear - can't get it to work

2008-04-05 Thread ktpmm5
I'm a newbie to jquery, so no flames please...I have a basic 3 column web page - nav, center and left. That works great. My left column is navigation. When I click on a link on the left nav pane, I want a basic table to appear in the center and right panes - not even getting anything from a