[jQuery] getJSON Problem

2009-12-31 Thread Mad-Halfling
Hi folks, I've got an issue with the getJSON command. It's all working fine apart from if the map data contains followed by a letter. If there is a space in there, a for example, or a number 1 it is fine, but with a the getJSON command either doesn't execute or executes but does nothing, maybe

[jQuery] getjson request an unavailable page

2009-11-17 Thread Humpty Dumpty
Hi guys, I write a web page that retrieve the data from a JSON formatted file but when this fiel doesn't exist I can't see any error; how I can handle this situation thanks

[jQuery] getJSON: use retrieved data outside the function???

2009-10-20 Thread Dave
Hi In the code below the second alert is executed before the first one making it show the empty content, and not the result from the .json file. Why, and how can I make it work??? - getjson.html file

[jQuery] getJSON callback not firing?

2009-09-25 Thread Charlie Griefer
Hey all: I've read the docs and googled the heck out of this, but not seeing what the problem is. I'm trying to get some data from the server via the getJSON() method. I do see a response in firebug and I've validated the response data at JSONLint.com. However, the callback function simply

[jQuery] getJSON returning undefined instead of XMLHttpRequest

2009-09-19 Thread Blixa
I am using getJSON to get results from a different domain and i wanted to get _some_ object back when calling getJSON so that i can insert some variables into the callback scope. Basically, what i wanted to do was this: var new_json = $.getJSON(url, function(data) {

[jQuery] getJson Request Header Accept always */*

2009-09-18 Thread vind
I am trying to use getJson to get json response from a remote site, the remote site expects Accept : application/json. Some how all my requests when observed using firebug shows Accept : */ * I also tried the exmaple http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/jQuery.getJSON Although it returns json data , but

[jQuery] getJSON

2009-09-05 Thread NipunAmbastha
Hi Guys, I m trying my hand on getJSON I am able to see response through fiddler Please let me know what i am missing This is my function $(document).ready(function() { $.getJSON( format=jsoncallback=?, function(json) {

[jQuery] getJSON response limit

2009-08-09 Thread thephatp
I'm employing the getJSON call in a site I'm working on, but I'm having a problem with the response not coming through if it is too large. I've read a number of posts talking about the request string being too large (forcing a user to use POST), but what about the response string being too

[jQuery] getJSon loop through variable

2009-07-14 Thread Charlie
Following getJSON works fine but I need to replace "presentations with a variable "getSlides" tried a lot of different ways with a variety of errors no matter what I've treid var getSlides = $(this).attr("href"); $.getJSON("photoList.js", function(slides){ $.each(slides.presentations,

[jQuery] getJson failing silently

2009-07-10 Thread poluris82
I have a problem with the getJson callback in jquery. Here's the scneario. The user enters a query online and hits 'execute'. At this point make a call to a java servlet that returns the results of the query. The results include one row contiaing the column names which is followed by multiple

[jQuery] getJSON callback? does not work with querystring param

2009-07-06 Thread expresso
This works fine: $.getJSON(http://localhost:59396/xxxWeb/ CarouselHandler.ashx?action=getproductsids= + ids, function(data) { carousel.size(allProductIDs.length); if (numberOfImagesLeftToShow numberOfImagesToDisplay) {

[jQuery] getJSON not finding any data

2009-06-29 Thread expresso
I have the following setup on my page inside a function: $.getJSON(http://localhost:59396/xxx/xxxHandler.ashx? action=xxxjson, function(data) { alert('got here'); $.each(data.items, function(i, item) { carousel.add(i,

[jQuery] getJSON 2nd param to pass data

2009-06-29 Thread expresso
http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/jQuery.getJSON I don't get what it means in this example: Load the JSON data from test.js, passing along additional data, and access a name from the returned JSON data. $.getJSON(test.js, { name: John, time: 2pm }, function(json){ alert(JSON Data: +

[jQuery] getJSON parameter - long string

2009-06-26 Thread saa...@gmail.com
Hi I am trying to send with getJSON a very long string as parameter: $.getJSON(/ajax.php,{id:myid, thetext:mytext},myAjaxResult) where mytext - is value from my fckeditor. If mytext value is not so long, everything is going fine, but if it become a very long, getJSON doesn't work. How can I

[jQuery] getJSON flicker works but not mine -- URGENT HELP

2009-06-25 Thread dtrannn
Hi, I'm a newbie trying to understand getJSON callbacks. I have 2 getJSON calls below. One for flicker which works fine - the alert goes off - but when I tried my js file, nothing happens. Both files are returning the exact same JSON data. I know I'm doing something wrong. Can someone help

[jQuery] getJSON items

2009-06-19 Thread Nic Hubbard
It is possible to have getJSON() grab all of the data pairs and put them into a js array? Rather than having to know the names of the data?

[jQuery] getJSON long polling and throbber

2009-06-17 Thread BrianGruber
Hey All! I'm using getJSON to do some cross domain long polling. getJSON calls a PHP script (running lighttpd) and the PHP script waits until a new message is there, then sends the data out to the waiting getJSON request. All works well, but the browser throbber keeps spinning while waiting for

[jQuery] $.getJSON() Special Chars

2009-06-16 Thread Obi1
Hi, I'am having a bit of a problem with special chars in a getJSON response which is the result from php and smarty the file called by the getJSON is something like this: ?php $callback = $_REQUEST[callback]; {...} Getting data from a wsdl using nusoap. {...} $smarty = new

[jQuery] getJson + asp.net

2009-05-28 Thread will
Hello: I'm trying to use the getJson() with asp.net page (attempting to adapt jquery in action example to .net): script type=text/javascript $(function(){ $('#styleDropdown') .change(function(){ var styleValue = $(this).val();

[jQuery] getJSON problems

2009-05-23 Thread Al
Hi, I'm trying to get some data as JSON, and want to show a spinning animation while doing so. I have the following jQuery/HTML: http://dpaste.com/46873/ The URL I pass to getJSON returns some data e.g. {'data': '123456789'} and seems to be working properly and returning valid JSON. I pass a

[jQuery] getJSON

2009-03-26 Thread iceangel89
i am trying to load json. but it seems like its not working. nothing is alerted. supposed to be the case? script type=text/javascript $(function() { $.getJSON(data.js, function (json) { alert(json); }); }); /script data.js [ {Value: 1, Item: Physics}, {Value: 2,

[jQuery] getJSON() response into a table

2009-03-21 Thread Mauricio (Maujor) Samy Silva
I'm trying to display data from a json request into a table. Table heading disapear when the request finishes and I can't figure out how to fix it. Test case is hosted at: http://tinyurl.com/couflx TIA Maurício

[jQuery] getJSON() response into a table

2009-03-21 Thread Maujor
I'm trying to display data from a json request into a table. Table heading disapear when the request finishes and I can't figure out how to fix it. Test case is hosted at: http://tinyurl.com/couflx TIA Maurício -- View this message in context:

[jQuery] $.getJSON isn't working while getting the JSON data from hidden field

2009-03-17 Thread Arif
Hi, I amn't able to parse hidden form field data in $.getJSON method, seems like I am missing something. Hidde Field: input id=videoListJson type=hidden value={ 'array':[ { 'title' :'title of video',

[jQuery] .getJSon

2009-03-14 Thread finco
Sorry if this is a duplicate post - doesn't look like the last one went through. I've seen several examples of how to process json data with .each when the field names come over with json. My data, howver, looks like the following: {aaData: [ [1001-00-1535.000,Tenant Improvements],

[jQuery] getJSON being ignored

2009-03-06 Thread Hill
This is probably a simple problem, but I can't seem to find the fix. I have three getJSON events that work inside of a tab like form on a page. I load the page and navigate to the first tab, each tab has its own getJSON request. The first tabs getJSON does not fire and is ignored. Then I move to

[jQuery] getJSON url variable broken

2009-03-05 Thread josp
hello, I have a file data.inc.json with the variable { 'video_url':'http://www.youtube.com/v/ididididhl=defs=1' } which I open from my javascript by $.getJSON( data.inc.json, function(j){ var youtubeurl = j [video_url]; }); The value of the variable youtubeurl looks correct (http://

[jQuery] $.getJSON

2009-03-01 Thread Alain Roger
hi, i do not understand so well how the function getJSON works. i've read the documentation but i think i miss the point. i would like to pass some argument/parameter to a php file which in return gives me som JSON answer. therefore i wrote the following code: $.getJSON(lg.php, { start: 0,

[jQuery] getJSON IE7 problem- caching request/responses?

2009-02-17 Thread IanW
Hi, I've got an application developed in ASP.NET MVC using jQuery to handle JSON requests and responses. I use the following Javascript code to popup a dialog, send off the request and then move the client back to the page they were on previously: if (confirm(You currently have a project open,

[jQuery] getJSON how to manage objects.

2009-01-25 Thread Trend-King
hello, i have another question about JSON i received the JSON Objekts well, so my question is i receive an object like this data.items this has html in it. how can i talk to an html object $('#test') that is in the JSON Object. do i have to inject the html first by $('#putitthere').html

[jQuery] getJSON beforesend?

2009-01-23 Thread Trend-King
Thanks for your good tips for the json in my multiple ajax call update boxes question. now i have another question is there in getJSON some thing like the beforeSend function in $.ajax ??? or schoult i manage my calls through the $.ajax(options) call with the dataType json ?? what are your

[jQuery] getJSON - how to retrieve plain text?

2009-01-14 Thread Rene Veerman
I have a getJSON call that works fine in FF, but bugs in IE. I get no data. :( So i want to see what the plaintext is that's returned in the success callback.. Using the new 1.3 jQuery, btw.. code: var rc = $('select#regions_countries')[0]; var rr = $('select#regions_regions')[0];

[jQuery] getJSON problem - Urgent

2009-01-13 Thread g...@getsharepoint.com
Hi, I've got a deadline to get a project working and I'm stuck with a getJSON call problem. Here's what's happening. Visitors come to a landing page on domain A (domaina.com). All of the links and form submits on this page are coded with a javascript call to a function which calls getJSON on a

[jQuery] $.getJSON not returning specified count

2008-12-29 Thread JQueryProgrammer
Hi, I was trying to get 10 items from the json file. My url in $.getJSON looks like: $.getJSON(myjsonfile.json?count=10, {}, function(data) { $.each(data, function(i, item) { alert(item.title); alert(i); }); }); But the above code returns all 20 items from my file.

[jQuery] getJSON not triggering success callback

2008-12-12 Thread Javier Martinez
I'm making some calls with getJSON on another domain, and the callback is not firing. My code is the next: var url = '

[jQuery] getJSON invalid label

2008-12-11 Thread jrutter
What am I doing wrong? Im able to submit the request and get a response, but in Firebug it says invalid label and the alert doesnt show up. here is my code: $(form).submit(function() { $.getJSON(http://api.nytimes.com/svc/movies/v2/reviews/ search.json?api-

[jQuery] getJSON doesn't run the function inside

2008-11-30 Thread fabrice.regnier
Hi all ;) I'm very new to jquery. I'm playing with JSON and have some prob to retrieve the result. Here is the client side: script $(document).ready(function(){ $(#IdEmailField).blur(function(){ alert(FOO1); -- it works $.getJSON(test.php, function(json){

[jQuery] getJSON and twitter

2008-11-18 Thread Ralph Whitbeck
I wrote a blog post awhile ago on how to pull in Twitters API via JSON and consume it with jQuery. http://damnralph.com/2007/11/20/PullingTwitterUpdatesWithJSONAndJQuery.aspx As you can see in the comments some people are having problems with the code I posted. The problem seems to be when you

[jQuery] jQuery getJSON syntax error

2008-11-10 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
hi all, I have a valid json string returned from the server(checks valid, ok by jsonlint.org) But get a syntax error from the browser. The call looks like: $.getJSON(url, addData);' The returned string looks like: [{EMAIL:[EMAIL PROTECTED],FIRSTNAME:Neal,ID:

[jQuery] $.getJSON does not call call back function

2008-09-10 Thread standerby
Hi, I am trying to call a cross domain web service using the following code. The return data is in XML format. It appears that the call back function isn't get called. I can not add ?callback=? to the then of the url. Any thought? Thanks.

[jQuery] getJSON and (this)

2008-09-07 Thread Skeeter
Hi. Can anyone tell me while once I get inside the success function $j(this) is no longer defined? Thanks! :) $j(a.complete).click(function () { $j.getJSON(https://foobar?my=; + $j(this).attr(title), function(data){ if (data.status == Completed) {

[jQuery] getJSON timing problem (probably a simple newbie problem)

2008-08-22 Thread cbandes
Hi - I have a simple json file which contains a list of key/path pairs, the idea is that I will use this to update the links in a nav menu. In order to do this, I am using getJSON to load and parse the data, like so: var pathAssoc = new Array(); var pathVar = null; function getPathData(){

[jQuery] getJSON - how do you make it work?

2008-08-18 Thread Jon Sidnell
Hi I'm trying to get some JSON content using the $.getJSON function, but it just won't work!! I started out using ASP.NET to generate a load of JSON, but decided to create a simple text file with a JSON string in it instead. Here's my JavaScript: $.getJSON(/test.txt, function(data) {

[jQuery] getJSON from http to https

2008-08-18 Thread raro
I have a script that makes a getJSON call to a https located script while itself being http. Is there any chance to make this work without browsers giving me a URI denied error So http://somedomain.com/ includes a getJSON(https://somedomain/;, etc Thanx in advance

[jQuery] getJSON in IE6

2008-07-09 Thread CountZero
Hi all! I have a bug with getJSON method in IE6. If I try to get data from another domain with this method by onready method everything is fine and it's returns me a normal json response, but if I try to reexecute function with getJSON method by clicking link I have no response from the server.

[jQuery] getJSON callback bug

2008-07-01 Thread Robert O'Rourke
Hi all, I think there may be a bug with the getJSON callback function. See http://www.sanchothefat.com/dev/jquery/json/ An alert should show and the body should turn blue if it's successful. Using firebug you can see it gets the file. I don't know what's wrong. MIME type maybe? Cheers,

[jQuery] getJSON callback not executing

2008-06-25 Thread wellmoon
Hi, I have a PHP script that returns a JSON object with one property and one value. If I use the PHP file on my local web server the following code works: $.getJSON(myphpfile.php, callback); function callback(data) { alert(data.prop); } This produces the alert which contains the correct

[jQuery] .getJSON (how to pass a value of string instead of a physical file)

2008-05-20 Thread george.hcn
Hi all, I have a newbie question. I'm getting a c# string in JSON format and I would like to pass it to jQuery $.getJSON(jsondata.js, dataReady); However, the getJSON's first parameter takes a physical file, is there anyway I can send string to the function instead of file

[jQuery] getJSON callback bug in FF3

2008-05-15 Thread anio
Hello group. I changed my web browser from FF2 to FF3 Beta. I develop a Catalyst application with jQuery and im almost done until changed the browser. Now all my functions that using getJSON fails with no callback. The script hits the server and receive response, but callback cant be executed. I

[jQuery] getJSON Callback not firing

2008-05-09 Thread Tane Piper
Hey folks, I'm trying to work on some cross-site stuff, and I'm using JSON between the domains to transfer the data. In my below code, the code fires the .getJSON, and I can see the JSON in my firebug scripts tag, but the callback is not getting fired: LoadContent = $.klass({ initialize:

[jQuery] getJSON, $(this) and scope

2008-05-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi everybody - new to both this group and jQuery, so please be gentle ;) I have some code which roughly looks something like this: $(.container ul li a).click( // only do the JSON if the a isn't followed by a DL if(!($(this).next(dl).length)){

[jQuery] getJson not working - need help

2008-05-04 Thread JP
pictures of cats show but Ican't get response function to alert when pointing to an ASP page. ASP page does render the sample json response listed below !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd; html head script

[jQuery] getJSON data problem for getting youtube json data

2008-03-07 Thread Saidur
Hi , I want to get the json data from the youtube api (http:// code.google.com/apis/youtube/developers_guide_protocol.html). My code is like : url=http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos?format=1vq=catstart- index=10max-results=20orderby=viewCountalt=json; $.getJSON(url,callBackFucntion);

[jQuery] $.getJSON doesn't work on Vista PC while calling remote server

2008-03-07 Thread Plant More Tree
Hi guys, if tried the following where usercontacts.j is in my localhost pc windows vista (tomcat6) and alert showed like [object object] mean there's some object in json argument: $.getJSON(usercontacts.js, function(json){ alert(json); }); so when I changed to remote

[jQuery] .getJson() error

2008-02-17 Thread mike
I've been receiving error status 'parsererror' while processing json request. How can I resolve this? Snippet: $.ajax({ url: ../filter/filter.json, dataType: 'json', success: function(data) {

[jQuery] getJSON doesn't remove the script tags when using a callback.

2008-01-07 Thread Steph(an)
The getJSON function does not remove the scripts added to head when using a callback (for jsonp). This of course means that you get a build up of markup if you're using the getJSON function (with callback) to poll a resource. Someone called Tom had noticed this before, but the discussion was not

[jQuery] .GetJSON, retrieve a list of key/value from JSON object?

2007-12-19 Thread Mathieu Dumais-Savard
Hi, I have no problem using jSON so far except that I am looking for a way to browse the items sent from the server to the client in such fashion: foreach key (keys myJSONobject) { var value = (myJSONobject[keys]) ; } Any hint? Thanks!

[jQuery] $.getJSON() problem

2007-11-19 Thread Aljosa Mohorovic
i have a problem with $.getJSON(), nothing is logged in firebug console although i can see that correct data is returned in response (in firebug) for code: $.getJSON(url, function(data){ console.log(data); }); same code, but using $.get instead $.getJSON works as expected: $.get(url,

[jQuery] $.getJSON and timeouts

2007-09-19 Thread Matt
Hi guys, Is there any way to handle timeouts when using $.getJSON() ? I tried to setup ajax timeout options to 2500 (2.5 sec), but as getJSON does not use a XHR, it seems not to work. Any help would be grately appreciated, thanks in advance, Matt

[jQuery] getJSON doesnt remove script.../script

2007-09-19 Thread Tom
Ive noticed that $.getJSON never attempts to remove the script tags it inserts. Is this a bug or by design? -Tom

[jQuery] $.getJSON ?

2007-08-11 Thread neuromystical
Can anyone tell me what is wrong with the following. I am new to JQuery and I do not know if I am doing anything wrong here. I am not just looking for an answer, I am trying to understand what is going on here and I do not understand by looking at the existing jquery.js I have or searching the

[jQuery] getJSON w/ PHP

2007-06-18 Thread Brad Perkins
I'm trying to use getJSON to return some JSON from a PHP page. I can see that the request is returning the expected response with Firebug, but the getJSON callback isn't firing? My PHP is simply ? echo {ok:true,state:OUT-DECOMMISSIONED}; ? Do a need to set a special content type before

[jQuery] $.getJSON manipulation

2007-05-30 Thread philguillard
Hi all, I use $.getJSON with flickr REST API, unfortunately flickr is answering: jsonFlickrApi({photos:{page:1, pages:10, perpage:100, total:938, photo:[{id: I guess i should remove jsonFlickrApi( header to get the json interpreted. So i tried: $.get(url, function(response){

[jQuery] getJSON() or post() parameter question

2007-05-17 Thread Brian Ronk
This is actually probably more relevant to post() since I can concatenate the parameters with the link for getJSON(), but here we go anyway. I am pulling JSON information from the server for menu links, and then creating the menu off of that. Let's say that I have {page: 'update.php',