Re: Tool for testing and debugging Javabeans?

2000-05-28 Thread D. J. Hagberg
Graham Cruickshanks wrote: Problem, It's a pain debuging runtime errors in these javabeans, by running them in jsp pages and getting output, Is there a easy way to debug and run javabeans before i use them in the jsp pages? You might consider using one of the Java-based scripting languages

Re: High points about Jason Hunters Servlet book?

2000-05-26 Thread D. J. Hagberg
Robert Nicholson wrote: Can somebody tell me what is consider the high point of Jasons book? I think: 1) general introduction to the topic of servlets and how web protocols work 2) demonstrations of dynamic image creation using AWT stuff and the ACME GIF encoder 3) demonstration of file upload

Re: write method within response object

2000-05-23 Thread D. J. Hagberg
Claire Ryan wrote: what's the method to use for to write to HTTP output, i 've tried using response.write(String), but this doesn't work, any ideas? thanks in advance claire Grab the JSP cheat-sheet at which will tell you about all the implicit objects you

Re: Source Management

2000-05-23 Thread D. J. Hagberg
cvs or Concurrent Version System is a very powerful source code control system, typically used mostly in Unix environments, but with ports to various versions of Windows and MacOS. A good starting point is: And a document that discusses how to

Re: JPEG/GIF Width

2000-05-22 Thread D. J. Hagberg
anderson wrote: Anyone knows how can I get the GIF or JPEG width ? I have the beginnings of an open-sourced GIF decoder at: Look at the implementation of readGIFIdentifier and readGlobalImageDescriptor for a way to determine the image type and the header

Re: Memory for development machine running application server?

2000-05-18 Thread D. J. Hagberg
Robert Nicholson wrote: If I'm running an application server together with a database engine and will make use of a java compiler. What is the suggested amount of RAM needed for development? Ummm... As much as you can afford? While some would argue that this post is rather off-topic, I will


2000-05-16 Thread D. J. Hagberg
The call to request.getParameterValues("chkbox") should be returning null, not throwing an exception. Anyway, if you want to make sure you have a non-null array with 0 or more elements, you could write a scriptlet like: % String[] chkboxes; if( request.getParameter("chkbox") == null ) {

Re: Render HTML with images to PDF using JSP?

2000-05-15 Thread D. J. Hagberg
Steve Bang wrote: I'm searching for a way to take an HTML page with embedded GIFs and render it to a PDF file. Is this possible using JSP? Has anyone tackled this issue? I'm new to JSP, but have been told it should be possible (I have my doubts). Without writing your own page layout

Re: curious. Getting database info

2000-05-09 Thread D. J. Hagberg
You will see a couple issues here: [1] Database access can be agonizingly slow -- milliseconds and up [2] In-Memory access can be very, very fast -- on the order of microseconds. [3] Memory space is finite, though most servers nowadays can hold up to 2Gb. But you need to think about what you

Re: Model 3 Architecture

2000-05-08 Thread D. J. Hagberg
This is certainly an interesting solution, and I can certainly see the benefits when generating content for different display devices/browsers. The primary question I have for Daniel and the other folks out there using XSLT is -- what specific tools and techniques are you using for this


2000-05-05 Thread D. J. Hagberg
Support questions about specific products should be directed to their specific support forums. In this case, you should visit Mohan Radhakrishnan wrote: Is it possible to configure JRun for JSP 1.0 without installing it again ?

Re: How to write doGet/doPost method in JSP1.0?

2000-05-04 Thread D. J. Hagberg
VIKRANT JAIN wrote: can anybody reply to the above query please? unlike in the previous version of JSP1.0 there does not appear to be any page directive named "method" (or any other way) through which the scriptlet code may form a part of some method other than the default "service" You can

Re: images stored in database

2000-05-03 Thread D. J. Hagberg
One thing to remember is that JSP pages were designed for *text* output, like text/plain, text/html, or text/xml. Binary data should be output by *Servlets*, not JSP's. -=- D. J. Antonio Jimenez wrote: i trying to view images stored in database the mime-type

Re: User Authentication

2000-04-13 Thread D. J. Hagberg
John Tangney wrote: On 4/12/00 7:13 PM, Vyacheslav Pedak at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: See Java Servlet API specification 2.2, you can download it from Thanks, but I *also* scoured the spec. What parts of the spec answer my question? I don't know

Re: JSP and IIS?

2000-04-13 Thread D. J. Hagberg
You may want to start with the links at the bottom of this email. In addition, there is a reasonably complete list of vendors at: Look for those that say they are an Add-on Engine. JRun and Resin are both reasonable alternatives, with

Re: crypt() for Java...

2000-04-12 Thread D. J. Hagberg
Please, people! crypt() has VERY LITTLE to do with JSP. I would suggest the newsgroup and maybe, perhaps, using a search engine -- google comes up with several relevant entries with "crypt() for java" In addition, a search turns up:

Re: Model 2, where to store and access the Database ConnectionPool

2000-04-11 Thread D. J. Hagberg
I believe most real-world ConnectionPool implementations get away with their singleton-ness and supposedly garbage-collectable-ness by having a background thread that keeps track of the static reference. This background thread is responsible for items like monitoring stats, reducing the pool

Re: localization

2000-04-11 Thread D. J. Hagberg
Arun Thomas wrote: Maybe my posting confused two issues One of my issues had to do with ResourceBundles. I hadn't been able to find any documentation in the JavaDocs which specified the encoding used for property resource bundles - it appears, from the info that Vyacheslav Pedak

Re: Automagically convert your JSP 0.92 files to JSP 1.1

2000-04-04 Thread D. J. Hagberg
See the URL for a Tcl script that I wrote to help us with a lot of our migration of JSP 0.92 to JSP 1.0. It handles multi-line tags pretty well, but does nothing with LOOP tags except flag them. It also attempts to correct scriptlets that did not have terminating semicolons (something you could

Re: More on Model 2 discussion - Interesting option to ActionClass approach.

2000-04-03 Thread D. J. Hagberg
See below for some comments Personally, I think the issues you discuss below could be eliminated by getting direct support for EJB's into the JSP spec, to be used as regular JavaBeans are today. I think some of the vendors are implementing this sort of thing in their JSP 1.1 engines as

Re: Using EJB in a JSP

2000-03-29 Thread D. J. Hagberg
This is one part of the "J2EE" strategy that the current specifications leave unclear, so your questions are rather justified. What I believe most people are doing is generating JavaBean (non-Enterprise) classes that wrap up access to the EJB. The primary need for this is to provide the

Re: A Peculiar Problem with the HTTP Get method :- JSP

2000-03-29 Thread D. J. Hagberg
See below for comments... Biju Nambisan wrote: [ . . . ] A typical URL with parameter in this case is something like this http://localhost:/xyz.jsp? myselect_sk0=whmyselect_macro0=weather myselect_sk1=spmyselect_macro1=sports change=CHANGE [ . . . ] parameter..When I am trying to print

Re: how to uplaoad a file??

2000-03-28 Thread D. J. Hagberg
You should take a look at jspFileUpload -- recently listed on the Java Servlets Taverne page: Alternatively, as suggested elsewhere, Jason Hunter's File Upload Servlet will do this. Murtaza Ali wrote: i would like know how to upload the file to the my

Re: HTML from a bean?

2000-02-19 Thread D. J. Hagberg
A couple possibilities: - returning an array of Strings (or Objects with appropriate toString methods) works well if you know your result sets will be small and that the creation of a bunch of temporary objects is not a huge deal. - for larger or unknown-length result sets, you might consider

Re: Capturing PrintStackTrace in Error.Jsp

2000-02-19 Thread D. J. Hagberg
"Loganathan, Kamalesh" wrote: I would like to capture the 'PrintStackTrace' from the ServletException and print it to the browser. This is easy to implement in the Servlet. Anybody know how to implement this in a JSP page. %@ page isErrorPage="true" % HTML BODY PRE %

JSP 1.0 Specification jsp:setProperty.../ Documentation Unclear

2000-02-14 Thread D. J. Hagberg
In section of the JSP 1.0 specification where the syntax of jsp:setProperty name="x" property="y" param="z"/ is documented, the following appears: -- snip - property The name of the Bean property whose value you want to set. If you set

Re: setting check boxes /URGENT HELP

2000-02-11 Thread D. J. Hagberg
Mistroni Marco wrote: can anyone tell me how can i, using getProperty, set the value of a check box to 'checked`? how is it possible to do that?? please help me.. thanx to all in advance Using the ?: ternary operator inside an expression is what I do: INPUT NAME="chk1"

Re: JavaBeans vs Java bean

2000-02-10 Thread D. J. Hagberg
Please direct non-JSP questions to a more relevant discussion group if you can... The volume of non-JSP messages in this newsgroup is very difficult to deal with. That said, here is a reasonable place to start learning about JavaBeans: The parts that matter

Re: Global Properties

2000-02-01 Thread D. J. Hagberg
You don't need to rely on the servlet engine for this, and you certainly don't need to hard-code these values in any of your classes. You should implement a singleton design pattern "properties" class that loads itself with information from a .properties file -- a fairly simple wrapper around

Re: New session in servlet included as image source

2000-01-30 Thread D. J. Hagberg
David Galimberti wrote: [ . . . ] I am using the servlet as a source to an image as follows: img src="\servlet\myServlet" If I forward/redirect to my servlet from the JSP I have access to the session variables but if I use the servlet as a source to the image I do not (it actually wants

Re: JSP included BeanLets and the processRequest method.

2000-01-21 Thread D. J. Hagberg
I think what you're missing are two fairly big fundamentals of JSP's: beans != servlets jsp's become servlets when compiled Beans provide getXXX() and setXXX(...) methods to servlets and JSP's to be able to maintain state. Beans also provide non-set/get methods to do useful actions

Re: Any JSP sites I can use as a reference?

2000-01-16 Thread D. J. Hagberg
Duffey Kevin wrote: I was wondering if anyone has JSP pages I can show my boss as a reference as to why we should be switching to the technology. He doesn't believe its All our dynamic pages and displays are driven by JSP's and beans. We have had very few

Re: How does JSP handle non-persistant web connections andtransactions?

1999-12-14 Thread D. J. Hagberg
Keith Kwiatek wrote: If you are using JSP to do web applications, how are you using JSP to hand the fact that the web server connection to the database is non-persistant? Well, before we talk about update issues, you should really consider Connection pooling, whereby you keep a VM-wide

Re: stored procedure

1999-12-09 Thread D. J. Hagberg
This is not a JSP question but rather a question on JDBC. Books are available from publishers Addison Wesley, O'Reilly, Prentice Hall, etc... Guilherme - PerConsult wrote: I`m trying to call a stored procedure using JSP... well, I have in my form a text box called "descricao", and my sp will

Re: [Fwd: using ResultSet with JSP?]

1999-12-07 Thread D. J. Hagberg
Note this isn't a JSP question -- this is a rather fundamental question about JDBC. Please consult one of the books about JDBC, such as "JDBC Database Access with Java" by Hamilton et. al. Well, first you need to get the ResultSet object from the query. If you know the columns that will be

Re: JSP .92 vs 1

1999-12-06 Thread D. J. Hagberg
Cory L Hubert wrote: Right now I am using the .92 with JRUN. Should I, can I upgrade to 1.0? Yes. Migrate now while (presumably) your code base is small. At the very least, avoid the LOOP, INCLUDEIF, and EXCLUDEIF tags in your jsp 0.92 pages as they are very difficult to mechanically

Re: Connection Pool

1999-12-03 Thread D. J. Hagberg
Cory L Hubert wrote: Ok. I am on a roll now. I am trying to setup a Connection Pool. I have a few samples. But I don't know where to put it in my project. Should I put it in the Beans? Or should I just make one connectionpool jsp file and include it in all the pages?