[julia-users] Re: When will juno-atom bundle become available?

2016-03-22 Thread Keith Campbell
Julia is largely a volunteer effort. Perhaps you'll be lucky and another member of the community will step forward to volunteer. But more likely, if you really want this to happen, you will need to be the one to make it so.

[julia-users] Re: Favorite intro tutorials?

2015-12-15 Thread Keith Campbell
The manual + https://en.m.wikibooks.org/wiki/Introducing_Julia On Monday, December 14, 2015 at 7:32:07 PM UTC-5, Spencer Russell wrote: > > What introductory tutorials or resources are people liking these days? > I'm particularly interested in people who have just learned Julia > recently, but

[julia-users] Re: Simple bench : what I am measuring ??

2015-11-06 Thread Keith Campbell
"If you are posting a message on performance issues, please make sure that you do not have variables in global scope in your program. Wrap all your code in a function before timing it. Also, do see the section on Performance Tips

[julia-users] Re: How to efficiently count the number of lines in a file

2015-08-19 Thread Keith Campbell
You could try countlines(). Also, you likely want eachline() rather than readlines(). eachline() will iterate through the file for you. cheers, Keith

[julia-users] Re: Teaching Julia to an 8 year old (and a 12 year old)

2015-05-31 Thread Keith Campbell
Hey Scott, Just bumped across an old IJulia Notebook my 9-year old and I did last year. He was getting '24' problems (use +,-,*,/ with 4 numbers to make 24) and got one he swore couldn't be solved. We put together a little brute-force solver to test that out -- he was right.

[julia-users] Re: String performance in Julia

2015-05-12 Thread Keith Campbell
Yes, I care about faster conversions between string types. On Monday, May 11, 2015 at 10:52:28 PM UTC-4, Scott Jones wrote: I would like to get the performance of string handling in Julia improved (and also correct a number of flaws in handling Unicode). Currently, many of the operations are

Re: [julia-users] Re: webpy equivalent

2015-03-12 Thread Keith Campbell
You can clone the repo from the '...' icon on the left, or download it using cloud icon on the left. On Thursday, March 12, 2015 at 4:13:34 AM UTC-4, paul analyst wrote: Thx for info look nice but I am using win7 , usualy using Pkg.add. How to install skeleton-webapp on my Julia under win?

[julia-users] Re: Declaring a function taking a type not yet declared as argument.

2015-03-07 Thread Keith Campbell
Given Julia's use of multiple dispatch, it is worth considering whether you need to declare the types of arg1 and arg2 in f() at all.

[julia-users] Re: How to read structure of HDF5 file ?

2015-01-31 Thread Keith Campbell
You can use the freely available HDFView, from the HDF Group. The HDF Group also provides a set of command line tools for inspecting files. Keith On Saturday, January 31, 2015 at 6:04:11 AM UTC-5, paul analyst wrote: How to read structure of HDF5 file? Look what is inside ? julia

Re: [julia-users] How do Julia view the complete array ? ( not just the first and last lines...)

2014-10-08 Thread Keith Campbell
As Jacob suggested, if you load your data into a DataFrame and showall() on that, you should get a nicer display.

[julia-users] Re: problem with HttpServer

2014-09-25 Thread Keith Campbell
https://github.com/JuliaWeb/HttpServer.jl/blob/master/test/runtests.jl contains an example that may be helpful. See lines 27-37.

Re: [julia-users] Matlab bench in Julia

2014-09-20 Thread Keith Campbell
Milan -- Thank you for your diligence!

[julia-users] Re: Nonuniform arrays

2014-09-03 Thread Keith Campbell
+1 for such a package.and for Ragged Array.

Re: [julia-users] Julia IDE

2014-09-02 Thread Keith Campbell
https://github.com/JuliaLang/Interact.jl On Tuesday, September 2, 2014 12:51:00 PM UTC-4, Miloslav Raus wrote: Hi everybody, IMNSHO, the best way to incorporate plots into the IDE is not [just] having to have them appear in a separate window, but the ability of the repl to display

[julia-users] Re: Classification with Julia

2014-08-13 Thread Keith Campbell
svaksha's curated listing is a good resource for this type of question-- https://github.com/svaksha/Julia.jl/blob/master/AI.md On Wednesday, August 13, 2014 8:20:51 AM UTC-4, Anuj Prakash wrote: Hey I wanted to know about some good Julia packages for binary classification. Feel free to

[julia-users] Re: character encoding

2014-08-12 Thread Keith Campbell
This might be easier to do on the server side. Many DBMS, including MySQL and PostGreSQL, support encoding conversions. eg convert('my_string', 'UTF8', 'ISO_8859_2') SELECT CAST(_latin1'test' AS CHAR CHARACTER SET utf8)

[julia-users] when running julia --code-coverage, where is the *.cov file?

2014-08-11 Thread Keith Campbell
Hello, When running --code-coverage, where does one find the .cov file? I tried: julia --code-coverage=all test.jl The program ran, but I couldn't find any coverage output. thanks, Keith Version 0.3.0-rc2+22 (2014-08-07 07:55 UTC) Commit 0816e99 (4 days old master) x86_64-redhat-linux

[julia-users] Re: FYI: pkg.julialang.org now hopefully has much better test logs

2014-08-06 Thread Keith Campbell
Re- I've change the somewhat-hidden statistics (under more options) to show statistics for both stable and release. Not sure if anyone else but me ever looks at it I do, and have used it as a selling point for Julia. People considering Julia have natural concerns about the small size of

[julia-users] ccall :u8_charnum

2014-07-22 Thread Keith Campbell
I can ccall :u8_charnum function from Windows but get an error on Linux: Any thoughts appreciated. Win: julia x=asdf asdf julia ccall(:u8_charnum, Csize_t, (Ptr{Uint8}, Csize_t), pointer(x), 4) 0x0004 On Linux, I get ERROR: ccall: could not find function u8_charnum in anonymous at

[julia-users] Re: Tips on reducing intermediate garbage?

2014-07-20 Thread Keith Campbell
Dahua Lin's post at http://julialang.org/blog/2013/09/fast-numeric/ might be helpful. On Sunday, July 20, 2014 11:41:19 AM UTC-4, Andrei Zh wrote: Recently I found that my application spends ~65% of time in garbage collector. I'm looking for ways to reduce amount of memory produced by

Re: [julia-users] Adding a row to a DataFrame

2014-07-19 Thread Keith Campbell
(copied from email reply) Sorry! I thought you would be notified, but I guess the discussion was all on the list rather than in an Issue. It was pull request #621, merged June 10. You can see the code changes at:

Re: [julia-users] Adding a row to a DataFrame

2014-07-19 Thread Keith Campbell
Are you using Julia 0.3, and did you do 'using DataFrames'? I get 22 methods, including DataFrames methods, after 'using DataFrames': julia methods(push!) # 22 methods for generic function push!: push!(a::Array{Any,1},item) at array.jl:464 push!{T}(a::Array{T,1},item) at array.jl:453

[julia-users] Re: Julia non-negative least squares nnls is 100x slower than R nnls

2014-07-11 Thread Keith Campbell
Implementation details can make a very big difference in the performance of Julia code. You can see some considerations at http://docs.julialang.org/en/latest/manual/performance-tips/. Also, if you post your test code, perhaps as a Gist, that will make it easier for folks to provide useful

Re: [julia-users] parallel for loop suggestions?

2014-07-07 Thread Keith Campbell
Re I seem to remember seeing a chunked version of @parallel somewhere -- Maybe https://github.com/tanmaykm/Blocks.jl?

[julia-users] Re: Sorting surprises

2014-07-03 Thread Keith Campbell
Functors might be a workaround. See e.g. http://numericextensionsjl.readthedocs.org/en/latest/functors.html#motivating-example

[julia-users] Re: GSOC 3D Visualizations plotting API - Make a wish!

2014-06-25 Thread Keith Campbell
Cool! I'm digging the video. On Wednesday, June 25, 2014 10:44:03 AM UTC-4, Simon Danisch wrote: Hi, I made quite a lot of progress lately =) You can read up on it on my blog: https://randomphantasies.wordpress.com/ As I'm starting to sketch out my API and closing in on a first feature

[julia-users] Re: uncurried functions are ok... if you know what you are doing

2014-06-19 Thread Keith Campbell
You could also use a list comprehension without enumerate: d=[6,5,4,3,2,1,0] n=4 sum(d[ Bool[i=n d[i]!=i d[d[i]]==i for i in 1:length(d)] ] ) 18 Coming from numpy, I find this syntax intuitive, aside from the requirement to explicitly set the comprehension type to Bool. On Thursday, June

[julia-users] Re: modules, include and export

2014-06-12 Thread Keith Campbell
While I like the consenting adults philosophy, and agree that export choices provide a useful signal when 'using' a module, that signal disappears when using 'import'. As folks begin developing larger projects, 'import' will become more important for managing namespaces. In those cases it

Re: [julia-users] Adding a row to a DataFrame

2014-06-10 Thread Keith Campbell
it, and it works for me too. This is your code, so I think you should get all the credit. Gustavo -- Gustavo Lacerda http://www.optimizelife.com On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 7:35 AM, Keith Campbell keith...@gmail.com javascript: wrote: Hey Gustavo, Below is a crack at a version

[julia-users] display of unicode characters in Windows REPL

2014-05-30 Thread Keith Campbell
I've been enjoying the new latex style unicode character completions in the REPL and IJulia -- thank you, @stevengj and company. One minor source of frustration was the spotty display of those characters in the Windows REPL. Of the 2 fonts available by default, Lucida Console appears to be the

[julia-users] Re: Call for Date/DateTime strings to parse

2014-05-28 Thread Keith Campbell
The python dateutil .parse() function has a fairly extensive set of tests at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~dateutil/dateutil/trunk/view/head:/test.py The license is at: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~dateutil/dateutil/trunk/view/head:/LICENSE Keith On Wednesday, May 28, 2014 10:38:11 AM UTC-4,

[julia-users] Re: Hashing speed question

2014-05-07 Thread Keith Campbell
Just revisited this with a recent version of Julia plus minor code tweaks. The resulting Julia times are competitive with Python. Python wall times: 0.416s, 0.389s, 0.389s, 0.389s Julia elapsed times: 0.409s, 0.396s, 0.358s, 0.399s Python import re from collections import Counter fn =

[julia-users] Re: [large file] eachline memory consumption

2014-04-02 Thread Keith Campbell
Hi Krishna, I've run into similar problems, and had some luck with mmaps + pre-allocated storage. You can see an example at: http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/catawbasam/catawbasam_sandbox/blob/master/lineread_mmap_short.ipynb That example reads in a list of 100 million floats from a 1.8 gb

[julia-users] Re: [ANN] Julia + Light Table!

2014-03-30 Thread Keith Campbell
This sounds great! Look forward to trying it out. On Sunday, March 30, 2014 8:46:28 AM UTC-4, Mike Innes wrote: Hey all, TL;DR: New Light Table integration available herehttps://github.com/one-more-minute/Jewel . I just wanted to share the milestone I recently passed with my Light Table

[julia-users] Re: speeding-up factor()

2014-03-30 Thread Keith Campbell
How about a gist? On Sunday, March 30, 2014 10:28:01 AM UTC-4, Laszlo Hars wrote: The comment next to the function header tells the output format, and you can see in the (quite short) function code if it uses PRIMES or not. That is all what varies. I don't know much about the Google

[julia-users] Re: Constructing arrays with dim 2

2014-03-24 Thread Keith Campbell
This runs fine for me, running Version 0.3.0-prerelease (2014-02-28 04:44 UTC): f(i,j) = [i,j] n=3; m=2 a = [f(i, j) for i in 1:n, j in 1:m] Out[91]: 3x2 Array{Any,2}: [1,1] [1,2] [2,1] [2,2] [3,1] [3,2] On Monday, March 24, 2014 10:07:49 AM UTC-4, Linus Mellberg wrote: Hi! I'm

Re: [julia-users] Re: Not fun

2014-03-21 Thread Keith Campbell
There is also MutableStrings.jl at https://github.com/tanmaykm/MutableStrings.jl.

[julia-users] reducing memory allocations during line-oriented text processing

2014-03-10 Thread Keith Campbell
Hi all, I'm trying to minimize memory allocation while doing line-oriented processing on a fairly large set of text files. SubString and pre-allocated outputs have helped, but I'm still getting memory allocations proportional to the size of the input set and looking for new ideas. The

[julia-users] Re: inserting javascript driven graphs in ijulia

2014-03-09 Thread Keith Campbell
@jverzani's GoogleCharts.jl at https://github.com/jverzani/GoogleCharts.jl might have some ideas for you. On Sunday, March 9, 2014 7:42:24 AM UTC-4, Jon Norberg wrote: What is the best way to display graphics driven by javascript in IJulia? For example these two:

[julia-users] memory allocation during readline()?

2014-03-08 Thread Keith Campbell
Hi all, While doing line-oriented file reads, I'm seeing what looks like alot of memory being allocated. In the case below, the file is a little over 250mb, but @time seems to indicate over 3gb is being allocated, even though I'm working with one line at a time. Should I be worried about

[julia-users] Re: Hashing speed question

2014-03-05 Thread Keith Campbell
Ah, thanks for that question. I was testing from IJulia. Those tests were not showing a boost from Steven Johnson's hash function, perhaps because of the sequence in which I executed the code. Rerunning as a script from command line using the Base.hash trick + SubArrays yields run times

[julia-users] Re: Hashing speed question

2014-03-04 Thread Keith Campbell
As a general matter, Python has probably been more heavily optimized for text IO and dictionary performance. However in this case, the Counter in library DataStructures.jl is your friend. On my system it runs almost 2x as fast as the code in your gist, presumably making it roughly

Re: [julia-users] Hygienic macros could be both better and simpler

2014-02-26 Thread Keith Campbell
... and make Julia to what regex is to /\ /\/\/.*|\/\*[\w]*\*\/ Ack On Wednesday, February 26, 2014 12:27:55 PM UTC-5, Ivar Nesje wrote: We could make people use triple double quotes when their command contains single `` cmdrm -rf . / , but that would probably often lead to #5800