applied mahematics (algorithm)

2004-05-13 Thread ASCologne
Hallo, this time I have a more mathematical question. It's a bit complicated, that's why I ask it in german: Ich muss zwei Messreihen voneinander abziehen (Einmal Pobe mit Halter, einmal nur Halter, Ergebnis Probe =3D Probe mit halter minus halter). Das Problem ist, dass die die Messreihen

Re: problems running version 5.1 vi's on version 6i, the computer freezes after loading all vi's.

2004-05-13 Thread Jeremy Braden
Try upgrading LabVIEW 6i to 6.0.2. You can also see if LabVIEW 7.0 evaluation has the problem. Finally, you may need to isolate the VI that is causing the problem. It may be corrupted and require copying its block diagram to a new VI to fix the problem with upgrading.

Re: Can not set Remove Panel to No for dynamic VI

2004-05-13 Thread Jeremy Braden
I am in agreement with Dennis. I am using LabVIEW 7.1 and I had to trouble setting VI Settings on dynamic VIs.

Re: pb de licence labview sui

2004-05-13 Thread Sanaa
Bonjour, Contente pour vous d'avoir trouver une solution. National Instruments ne dispose pas d'outils pour changer les Hostid d'une machine. Mais si votre solution marhce bien... Sanaa TAZI Application Engineer National Instrument

Re: LabView stoppt mit Allgemeiner Schutzverletzung

2004-05-13 Thread hardybruno
Danke f=FCr den Hinweis. Ich benutze die Version LV6.1 Hei=DFt das jetzt, dass man diese Funktion nicht benutzen kann? Das w=E4re sehr schade. Ich muss das nochmal mit einem anderen OS probieren, leider haben wir nur einen Rechner in der Firma direkt am Netz, und der hat eben W98. Vielen Dank

Re: matlab-labview

2004-05-13 Thread Development
Hi, I have gone through the tutorial attached. It was very useful. Presently I am working on Labview 7.0 and Matalb R13 version. I am facing some problems in creating wrapper dlls. Could u please provide me any tutorial/info on wrapper dlls (How to create wrapper dlls for Matlab). Thanks in

Re: Need a Labview driver for Agilent's Signal Generator 8648D!!! Help Please

2004-05-13 Thread Luca P.
Hello, I've found only the 8648A driver. You'll find it a href=;here/a. You've to check if it works with the D version too! Have you check on Agilents website? Main Page for instrument

RE: Corrupted llibrary due to crash! Any Idea?

2004-05-13 Thread Rolf Kalbermatter
Lewandowski, James R. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: for the second time an XP machine crashed while saving a subvi of a library and corrupted the whole library. At one point I believed that a llb file was only a list to point to other subvi's but it really seems that is not the case. I was working on

Registry Zugriff verweigert

2004-05-13 Thread papsth
Hallo, der Zugriff unter Labview6.0 auf die Windows Registry ist nur erlaubt, wenn der Benutzer Administratorrechte hat. Ansonsten kommt Fehlermeldung. Wie kann man das umgehen. Ich ben=F6tige Zugriff auch f=FCr Benutzer, die nur eingeschr=E4nkte Rechte haben. Betriebssystem WinXP. Vielen Dank im

Re: run time menu in remote panel

2004-05-13 Thread Stuart R
Yeah, that's the same for me. I just get the option to run the vi from the Operate menu and thats it. Looks like this isn't supported unfortunately.

Re: Registry Zugriff verweigert

2004-05-13 Thread JB
Die Leute in unserer Produktion haben nur eingeschr=E4nkte Rechte. Deshalb haben wir das gleiche Problem jedes Mal wenn ein Testger=E4t in die Produktion geliefert wird. Nat=FCrlich w=E4re es zu riskant diesen Benutzern Administratorrechte zu geben. Windows erlaubt es aber Benutzergruppen nur auf

Re: LabView stoppt mit Allgemeiner Schutzverletzung

2004-05-13 Thread hardybruno
Hallo, Dann hat es wohl nichts mit dem OS zu tun. Das Vi dient mir unter anderem dazu, dass ich ein elektronisches Ger=E4t im Dauertest laufen lasse. Da wir einen Rechner meiner Abteilung direkt am Internet angeschlossen haben wollte ich =FCber die Funktion den Test von zu Hause =FCberwachen. Es

Application Builder for Labview 7.1

2004-05-13 Thread fgallichand
I am currently using Labview 7.0 and am using application builder version 7.0. I just received Labview version 7.1 and I am wondering if I need a new version of the application builder.

Application Builder for Labview 7.1

2004-05-13 Thread fgallichand
I am currently using Labview 7.0 and am using application builder version 7.0. I just received Labview version 7.1 and I am wondering if I need a new version of the application builder.

Can German based Labview 7.0 display English

2004-05-13 Thread mshendri
text in menus

Re: Erreur DMA avec varte 6024E et sortie compteur

2004-05-13 Thread JB
Les cartes PCI-602XE (X pour 3, 4 ou 5) ne disposent que d'un seul canal DMA. Comme les deux t=E2ches (lire et g=E9n=E9rer) utilisent un canal DMA, leur ex=E9cution simultan=E9e produira un conflit puisque toutes deux chercheront =E0 acc=E9der =E0 ce canal unique. Il ne s'agit donc nullement d'un

Re: How to do an event only once inside a while loop?

2004-05-13 Thread Greg McKaskle
I am trying to figure out a way to do this, but have not been successful so far. To do this without events, you need another piece of state information. Add a shift register to your while loop and initialize it to False. This will indicate whether the initialization has run in this

Re: lining up a reference trace too muliple input signals

2004-05-13 Thread Greg McKaskle
I have three inputs which are sychronized by a reference signal. These three inputs don't happen in the same time domain. Is there a way to graphical align all three inputs to the reference signal so that the reference signal alligned regardless of the time? If you simply want this done

Re: Why is the difference between Error Out.ctl and Error Out

2004-05-13 Thread Greg McKaskle
Does it differ functionally from the old 'Error Out.ctl' found in 'Controls Classic Controls Classic Array Cluster'? Or are the differences simply cosmetic? Cosmetic. I suppose the description of the control may have been modified slightly, but the 3D version is there to better match

Corporate PC purchases for factory test, your experiences please

2004-05-13 Thread Boyd, David
All, This may really be a Windows-only question, but I can believe there are establishments that have standardized on Macs for factory use. Recently I was required by our IT department to 'upgrade' a couple of networked factory test PCs (still running LV5.1 apps under Windows 95!) to Windows

Re: Redrawing XY and transparent Graphs (long)

2004-05-13 Thread Lewis Drake
wayne galbraith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote (in part): I'm guessing that, that is what most people are after and as such would require a buffer of some description to be kept. It is a bit of a pity NI couldn't have written this as I'm sure their s.ware engineers could write it much more efficiently

Re: impression

2004-05-13 Thread Cyn
Bonjour, vous trouverez ci-dessous un lien vers notre site Internet qui vous donne diverses solutions pour changer l'orientation de votre impression. ?OpenDocument J'esp=E8re que cela vous aidera. Bonne continuation

Re: Application Builder for Labview 7.1

2004-05-13 Thread Joe Guo
On my machine, LV7 does not load LV7.1 build file correctly. An errors pops up everytime it finds a chance. -Joe p.s. It is frustrating to keep multiple versions of LVs on a single computer. NI should at least consider to make the file format consistent among the minor versions of the same


2004-05-13 Thread Sys_Eng
Rolf, Ok, I will try the examples with TCP/IP. I have read the TCP/IP notes but I guess I had some tunnel vision and leading me to nothing. Thanks for your help,

Re: Application Builder for Labview 7.1

2004-05-13 Thread Dennis Knutson
Yes you do. The upgrade is free. Go A href=;here/A, click the Upgrade Advisor, and answer the questions.

Re: Vector CANcardX and LabView

2004-05-13 Thread ToddK
Chris, I've recently used the Vector CAN-AC2-PCI cards for an automotive application and have modified the Vector supplied LabView drivers, VLabLib.llb to simplify the usage from within LabView 7. Vector's technical support was very responsive in helping to overcome some of my problems dealing

Re: C:\VXIPNP\WinNT\Bin\NiViPxi.dll could not be loaded also it is enabled. Why?

2004-05-13 Thread Dan Mondrik
What version of NI-VISA do you have? If it's older than 3.0, I'll suggest upgrading - the latest is 3.1. This problem is usually caused by other NI libraries upon which that Passport depends. Older versions of those libraries had problems loading in certain cases, and many of those cases have

DOS window

2004-05-13 Thread Nuno Lambua
Hi, I need to control a dosprompt application from labview; something like a batch file and I need to see/read the result code. The purpose is to send a batch command (procmd.exe) to program with a Microchip PROMATE and record the result message. Any ideas with LABVIEW7.0 ? Regards Nuno

Re: Install directory

2004-05-13 Thread Jeremy Braden
This is not possible with the LabVIEW built installer.

Re: LabVIEW crashes when I paste to the diagram

2004-05-13 Thread Jeremy Braden
Does this happen for a particular VI or for any VI? If it is for any VI, you should consider reinstalling LabVIEW, update your OS to the latest service pack, and updating your video drivers. If this is for a particular VI, then it is probably corrupted. Take a screen shot of your diagram (just

Re: How to show only 10 channels at a time in a Chart

2004-05-13 Thread Jeremy Braden
I think what you are going to have to do is use three overlayed plots each with its own data. When you move the slider you make the chart you want to see visible and the other invisible. It takes a little bit of coding and a lot of alligning of controls but you can pull the illusion off.

Re: multiple plotting but not with static inputs but using a control

2004-05-13 Thread professional
hi Greg, the VI works fine that is it plots a new set of data everytime OK is pressed, but only problem is the colour setting to display 2 or more plots is not working or to be precise i think i m making some mistake somewhere. Best Regards Tanisha

LV 6.1 exe error Kernel.cpp line 144 on exit of application

2004-05-13 Thread Michael C. Ashe
GDay everyone, We have a distributed TCP/IP based control system in LV 6.1 running on W2K. Occasionally we have TCP read errors and when this occurs we end up having to reboot the application(s). We got the kernel.cpp 144 error when we exited out of one EXE. I cannot find any information on this

Error kernel.cpp line 144 on exiting an EXE

2004-05-13 Thread Imaginatics
We have a distributed TCP/IP based control system in LV 6.1 running on W2K. Occasionally we have TCP read errors and when this occurs we end up having to reboot the application(s). We got the kernel.cpp 144 error when we exited out of one EXE. I cannot find any information on this error. Does

Re: Excel will not open from a built application.

2004-05-13 Thread JohnnyKuch
Got it! Was adding files incorrectly!

Re: I have a problem when using LabView6i and Office 2000.

2004-05-13 Thread Jeremy Braden
Which object you can select depends on the kind of control you are creating. If you intend to launch and run Excel, drop an automation reference. If you want excel in a container, consider using an activeX document. You can also instert IE in the container and point it to an excel file. Take a

Re: problem with system and windows XP pro (again!)

2004-05-13 Thread guillaume trager
Hello, As i am using Labview 6i, i can't open files from labview 7. so that i can't open the VI u've send. If possible, would you send me a VI from labview 6i. thanks a lot, guillaume

Re: LabVIEW crashes when I paste to the diagram

2004-05-13 Thread David P L
In any particular order? What about NI-DAC? Reinstalling LabView is a pain, as I have the NI-CAN pack I would have to re-install. There is another machine that has LabView 7 on it. When saving a VI, I have seen a message Bad Patch, and then it will not run the code. I find if I edit the diagram,

Re: How can I account for virtual channels (from Channel Wizard) in the attached VI?

2004-05-13 Thread uscmagz
Thank you thank you thank you thank you!! For taking the time to help me. Phew. That looks more like what I need, yes. Lauren

Re: run time menu in remote panel

2004-05-13 Thread Dennis Knutson
When you publish a VI, most of the menu operations are not supported and until you can control and run the VI (if it's not already running), the only menu item you will see is operate. Once the VI is running under your control, a custom menu item will appear but application items like File, Edit,

Number to binary

2004-05-13 Thread nickdiamond
i want to send 8 bit nos. 0-255 to serial in binary form. When i tried to type 250 to the write buffer of VISA write, the vi seems to treat the no. 250 as three no. 2,5 and 0. All i want is when i send 250 to VISA write, the vi will convert it as 1010 to serial port (1 byte) Please help. Thank

Re: Output a 1MHz squarewave through serial port

2004-05-13 Thread ScottieB
Hello, While this may be possible, it isn't recommended. The serial port on your computer has a UART with a clock that will clock out whatever byte LabVIEW writes to it one bit at a time along with start bits, stop bits, and parity bits at the baud rate that you specify. LabVIEW can certainly

Re: Testing the Testers

2004-05-13 Thread Craig Graham
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'm looking for ideas on improving my methods and documentation for verifying testers. Currently I have a simple document with a table of test cases and a section that list information about the tester and what was used to run the verification. How do you test your

Re: Number to binary

2004-05-13 Thread Dennis Knutson
There are two ways. Set the string control to Hex Display and enter your number in hex and write that value, or use a numeric control of U8 data type, type cast that to a string, and write that out the port.

Re: How to show only 10 channels at a time in a Chart

2004-05-13 Thread Steve1
Having three charts seems complicated. Maybe there's another way. Is it posible to make my own legend by creating a string array with the names of the channels in the color of the waveform? Thanks; Steve

Re: DAQ-Card 6533 to SCB-68

2004-05-13 Thread Tiptop
Hello, It looks like you are fairly new to programming the 6533. However, we should be able to get you started. If you go HelpFind Examples (which launches the NI Example Finder), then in the Example Finder, we want to =93browse according to task=94. Then double click to expand out to

Re: No 64-bit long ints in LabVIEW 7? [Also: beta version of 64-bit LabVIEW?]

2004-05-13 Thread Dennis Knutson
There is no native support for 64 bit ints. I don't expect to see that until Windows has support for 64 bits. For work arounds, see this A

What is the difference between the different filters that...

2004-05-13 Thread Ronak
What is the difference between the different filters that are predefined in Labview(equi-ripple, FIR, Butterworth,etc). How do I get their freq responses? Which filter should I use if I am trying to design a Bandpass filter for a passband freq range between 50-100Hz? I don't understand the

Re: after installing labview 7.1, remote panel images do not work

2004-05-13 Thread Jim Laudie
Jeffrey et. al., In response to the issue regarding LabVIEW 7.1 remote front panel images and IMAQ images... We've been able to replicate the situation on this end and are looking into this further. More information to follow as to workarounds, etc. Sincerely, Jim Laudie Applications Engineer,

adding non-vi files to llb--Can this be done?

2004-05-13 Thread outlaw
I am trying to add a chm (winhelp) file to an llb.

Any support VIs for FireWire interface

2004-05-13 Thread GunnerStat
I've been using serial ports and USB hubs for data transfer. Now they want to start using IEEE 1394 (FireWire) for message traffic. Where do I start?

send serial command in decimal format

2004-05-13 Thread Sci-Mech
I am trying to send a command through serial. I have to be able to send a decimal 27 105 to the serial port, but the port only supports strings. How can I do this.

Re: erreur de cadrage lors du transfert

2004-05-13 Thread AlexTR
Les erreurs de cadrage indiquent que le format des donn=E9es - start bit, data, stop bits, etc. - n'est pas reconnu par le port s=E9rie. Je pense qu'il faut v=E9rifier que la vitesse du port est la m=EAme sur les deux appareils et que les donn=E9es re=E7ues sont belles et bien valides.