ymbol ip_ct_gre_keymap_del
insmod: unresolved symbol ip_conntrack_change_expect
insmod: unresolved symbol ip_ct_gre_keymap_add
fw: -root-
# insmod ip_conntrack_pptp.o
Using ip_conntrack_pptp.o
insmod: unresolved symbol ip_ct_gre_keymap_add
Victor McAllister wrote:
Brian Credeur wrote:
Can anyone send me (or send me a link to) the following modules for
Bering 1.0-rc2?
I didn't find them in 'Bering_1.0-rc2_modules_2.4.18.tar.gz' nor was I
successful in getting those from 'Bering_1.0-rc3_modules_2.4.18.tar.gz'
to load.
fw: -root-
Does anyone know of or use a package for running an NIS server on LEAF?
This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
Welcome to geek heaven.
I was wondering if there is a way to set getty to timeout console logins
after a given period of idleness. For example, I can set my NetScreen
to terminate my login if it has been idle for 15 minutes.
I'm thinking primarily of actual console usage (keyboard and monitor
directly connected
back to the way they should have been and haven't seen the
problem again. If I need to capture packets in the future, I'll get
another hub to keep the network properly segmented.
Tom Eastep wrote:
>On Fri, 17 May 2002, Brian Credeur wrote:
I have a LEAF Bering 1.0-rc1 system (Shorewall 1.2.8) and have 5 static
external IP addresses to use. One IP is the primary of the firewall, I
am using proxy arp for three of the IP's (DMZ network servers), and
static NAT for the last IP (internal network system). This is a similar
I have tried to boot the bering-1.0-rc1 and dachstein-1.0.2 images with
VMWare Workstation for Windows v. 3.0 and 3.1. I also tried this with
an older LRP disk that we have been using in production and I get the
same results.
Each time, root.lrp loads and the kernel loads and starts to run,